Chess Part Two Box Set

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Chess Part Two Box Set Page 1

by Sean Michael

  Table of Contents

  Books by Sean Michael

  Title Page

  Legal Page


  Book Description

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  End Game

  Book Description

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  The Piercer's Game

  Book Description


  Trademark Acknowledgements

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight


  Read more from Sean Michael

  More exciting books!

  About the Author

  Pride Publishing books by Sean Michael

  Single Books


  The Biker’s Pup

  The Biker’s Dom

  Bringing Nicky Home

  True as an Arrow

  The Butcher and the Beast

  Three of a Kind

  Love in G Minor


  Opening Moves

  Middle Game

  En Prise


  End Game

  The Piercer’s Game


  Beer and Clay







  Rainbow Island

  Three Wishes

  Three More Wishes

  Three New Wishes

  Immortal Ink



  Stand to Attention: Almost

  His Rules: Time Out


  What’s his Passion?: Size Matters

  What’s his Passion?: Love Matters



  End Game

  The Piercer’s Game


  Chess: Part Two

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-792-0

  ©Copyright Sean Michael 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright October 2015

  Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2019 by Pride Publishing, United Kingdom.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors’ rights. Purchase only authorised copies.

  Pride Publishing is an imprint of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

  If you purchased this book without a cover you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as “unsold and destroyed” to the publisher and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this “stripped book”.


  Book four in the Chess series

  Knight is home from the hospital, so everything should be back to normal, right? Things are never that easy, though, and the men of Chess must fight to get their lives back.

  Knight has returned home from the hospital, but is far from recovered. Things seem to be going well, but depression slowly winds its way around Knight, and he spends all his time in bed sleeping, slipping further and further away from his lovers and life.

  Rook just wants everything to go back to normal now that their lover is home and Bishop is out of his depth when it comes to Knight’s depression. Can Jason figure out what’s wrong and take the steps needed to help Knight find himself again?

  The struggle has just begun in Knight’s recovery—are the men of Chess up to the task? Find out in this fourth installment of the Chess series.

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Tylenol: Johnson & Johnson

  Popsicle: Unilever PLC

  Chapter One

  One hundred and nine. One hundred and ten.

  Jason stopped halfway up on his inverted sit-up, abs screaming. His legs were hooked over the bar, his thighs trembling as he fought to hold himself up.

  Come on.

  Come on.

  Come on.

  He grunted and let go, head swinging toward the gym floor.

  “Careful, baby boy.” Bishop came in, catching his shoulders. “You don’t want to bang up this pretty head.”

  “Bish.” He was breathing hard, sweat pouring off him. “Ab. Ab work. Should have…” He should have waited for a spotter.

  “You know better than that.” Bish put an arm under his shoulders and the other under his knees next to the bar, picking him up, then laying him flat on the ground.

  “Sorry.” He’d just become engrossed in it and had forgotten his own rules about working out on one’s own.

  Bish crouched next to him, big hand warm on his belly. “You got something you need to talk about?”

  “Just got into the rhythm, you know?” Things had been so harsh, for months, after Knight had been hit by a snowplow. All that time with Knight out, then in the hospital. Jason didn’t think anything was going to be normal again. At least they were home now, right? All of them.

  “Yeah?” Bishop didn’t look like he entirely believed him.

  “Yeah. How’re you?” Jason had it easy compared to Bish and Rook, really.

  Bishop shrugged and rubbed his face. “Glad I’m not at the hospital today.” They’d brought Knight home yesterday, which in and of itself felt like some kind of miracle.

  “Me too.” Impulsively, he sat up, pushed into Bishop’s arms and took a hard hug. As tough and stoic as Bish was, he was the best friend Jason had.

  Bishop hugged him right back, not hesitating for a moment, and they stayed right there, holding on for a long time. They just breathed together, clinging and supporting each other.

  “Did he have a decent night?” Jason asked. Knight was in Bishop’s room, while Jason had moved his stuff in with Rook. It just made the most sense under the circumst

  “Yeah.” Bishop let him go slowly and leaned back against the apparatus. “Knight did. I woke up every twenty minutes to check that he was still breathing.”

  Jason nodded, chuckled. “I bet. Rook was up at least four times, just to go check on you two.”

  “I know.” Bishop sighed and stretched, turned his head from side to side and rolled his head on his neck, clearly trying to work out kinks. “It’ll get easier, right?”

  “Yes. We just have to find normal again. At least normal for now.” Jason sighed. In the time he’d been with the guys—how long had it been? Seven months? Eight?—they’d changed ‘normal’ a lot.

  “Yeah.” Bishop snorted. “Like we were ever normal. You thought we were a bunch of pervs when you first met us.”

  “You are a bunch of pervs.” He fought his grin.

  Bishop chortled. “I’m not taking offense at that only because it’s true.”

  “You want to work out?” he asked, knowing it was something he could give Bishop.

  “Yeah, I could use a good hard workout.”

  “Yeah, me not so much right now, huh?” At least not his abs.

  “You can spot me, baby boy.”

  “Anytime.” He stood on shaky legs, grabbed a towel and his water. Hydration, hydration.

  Bishop shook his head. “Don’t force me to make a rule that says you can’t work out alone anymore.”

  “A rule?” He blinked over, surprised. They were still doing that, even after…everything?

  “I don’t want to, but you could have seriously hurt yourself today, Jason. We can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t.” He was young, healthy. Strong.

  “Then no more working out on your own, okay? If I’m not available, get Rookie to spot you.”

  “I will.” At least the hard workouts.

  “Good.” Bishop kissed him, hard. That wasn’t helping the weakness in his knees. “Maybe there’s better things to do than work out.” Oh, it was delicious, having Bishop’s attention turned on him.

  Bishop wrapped an arm around him, hand on his ass, to pull Jason up against his hard body, and Bishop’s second kiss took no prisoners. It made him breathless, made him arch back over Bishop’s arm and moan. God, he was in good shape, but Bishop could make him feel, not dainty, but not big either.

  Bishop slid his free hand along Jason’s chest and belly, leaving behind a trail of warmth. Jason’s prick jerked, pushing against his sweats. Bishop kept moving his hand downward, only stopping at Jason’s waistband to tease his fingers in beneath it.

  Jason tried to suck in, to give those questing fingers more room, but his abs really were shot. Totally shot.

  Bishop’s kiss got harder and the wandering hand slipped into his sweats to wrap around his prick.

  Jason’s toes curled. “Oh, damn. Bish.”

  “You’re needing, baby boy.”

  “Stress, huh? A little bit.” He’d been working hard to get things ready for Knight, to get ready for Knight’s recovery.

  Bishop nodded. “You’ve been a godsend, Jason.” Bishop tightened that big, hot hand around his cock and started tugging.

  “Just want to do my…” A warm heat began to build in the pit of his belly.

  Bishop slid his mouth to Jason’s neck, to his shoulders, his collarbone, leaving a trail of wet kisses. Like anyone could think, with Bishop wanting them like that. The man pushed him onto his back and he sprawled out, the big, solid body coming down on top of him, pinning him to the floor for more kisses, more drags of his prick along Bishop’s palm. He cried out, tongue sliding against Bish’s.

  “Need you,” growled Bish.

  Not want you—need you.

  Oh. Oh, God. He nodded, his heart hiccupping in his chest.

  “Lube.” Bishop narrowed his eyes. “I know there’s some in here.”

  “Uh-huh. Cabinet with the towels.” Things could get heated, with all of them lifting weights, getting sweaty. He’d discovered very quickly that things ran smoother if he made sure they kept a supply of lube in here.

  “Slut.” Bish winked, keeping the word from being an insult.

  Still, Jason’s cheeks heated, his cock bouncing off his belly. Bishop gave him another hard kiss and popped up, going to the cabinet. Jason admired the cut, muscled man, the way Bish moved, the strength, the sensuality. Bishop dropped his clothes by the cupboard and when he turned to come back, his thick, hard prick was pointing right at him.

  Jason groaned, immediately licking his lips.

  “All for you, baby boy.” Bishop dropped a hand to his cock, stroking it as he came back with the lube.

  “Oh, God. Look at you.” That was blistering, breathtaking. It made him even needier.

  Bishop grinned, offered over the lube when he got near. “You want some of this?” Like there was any other answer he was going to give but yes.

  Jason chuckled, chin ducking as he nodded.

  “Slick me up, baby boy, because I want some of you.”

  Jason had to ask himself how had he gotten so lucky?

  He slicked his fingers, then reached for Bishop’s amazing cock. Bishop groaned for him, hips moving, pushing the thick prick into his hand. Jason used both hands, his thumbs working the tip. Bishop jerked, hands coming to rest on his head.

  He looked up, fingers still working. “Good?”

  “You know it, baby boy.” Bishop nodded at him. “Get yourself ready for me, too.”

  Oh, God. It made him crazy, when they really looked at him, when they pushed him.

  Bishop licked his lips, cock jerking in his hand. “I’m going to watch.” Bishop knew. He always knew.

  “Bish…” Jason’s fingers trembled on Bishop’s cock.

  “Right here. Waiting.”

  “Waiting.” He moaned, making one hand slide behind himself, his fingers brushing his own hole.

  “Spread your legs so I can see.” Bishop slowly jacked his cock as he watched intently. Jason could feel the gaze like it was a touch.


  “Don’t stop,” ordered Bishop.

  Nodding, Jason pressed the tip of his finger into his hole.

  “That’s not enough. Two fingers, Jason. And fuck yourself with them.”

  His face was burning, but he did it, heart thrumming in his chest as he groaned, using his fingers to spread his body open for Bishop’s gaze. For Bishop’s cock.

  A growl rumbled around in Bishop’s chest. “No shame, baby boy. You’re gorgeous like this.”

  Rook’s voice sounded suddenly, soft and husky. “Perfect. God, I’m so glad I got here in time to see.”

  “Rookie.” Bishop held out an arm and Rook came over, tucked into Bishop’s side, looking at him. “You can have his mouth,” Bishop told Rook. “That ass is mine.”

  “Mmm. He’s got a beautiful mouth.” Rook was already naked, hard, ready for Jason. No one needed like his lover.

  Then Rook bent and slid a finger into him, snugged tight against his own two, and started moving with him.

  “Rook.” Jason’s eyes rolled to the back of his head at the sensation, and he raised his head and puckered his lips, begging a kiss.

  Rook gave it to him, tongue fucking his lips. He cried out, arching, Rook’s finger pushing deep. Rook moaned into his mouth and kept pushing, kept nudging his gland. He slid his fingers free and grabbed Rook’s arms.

  “Cheating,” accused Bishop, laughing.

  “He is.” Jason knew Rook was because that had felt so much more sexy than his own fingers inside him. Rook found his gland, spurring more words from him. “Oh. Oh, fuck.” Please.

  “I love it when you beg.” Rook grinned at him.

  Jason couldn’t even argue with the words—he just needed more, so badly, and he’d willingly beg some more if it got him fucked.

  “Come on, Rookie, let’s get give him what he wants.” Bishop’s words were a promise.

  Jason nodded and licked his lips. “Please. I ache.”

How do you want it?” Rookie asked. “On your hands and knees? Or on your back with me straddling your face?”

  He jerked, almost shooting at the wicked words coming from his lover.

  “On your back,” directed Rookie, making the decision without him. “I want to fuck your mouth this morning.”

  “Rook…” Was that his sweet lover?

  Rook grinned at him. “I can be fierce, just like Bish.”

  Jason could hear Bishop stifling laughter and he couldn’t stop his warm, happy smile. “You’re perfect.”

  Rook’s smile softened and Jason found himself being kissed again. Tongue fucking his lips, Rook eased him onto his back. Bishop spread his legs, and he could feel the heat of the man as Bishop settled between them. Most of his attention was on Rookie, though, his lover straddling him as soon as the kiss was over, cock right there at his lips.

  He opened immediately, eagerly, as big of a slut as any of them. Moaning, Rook fed the hard prick into his mouth. Salty and wet, long and hard, Rook spread his lips, took him.

  Rookie’s moans filled his ears along with soft, needy sounding groans and Bishop’s fingers pushed inside him, slick and thick, stretching him even more. Then it was Bishop’s cock, wide and hard and filling him just as surely as Rook’s prick filled his mouth and pressed into his throat.

  Jason groaned, swallowing hard, his body thrumming with need as Bishop slammed into him.

  “Oh, fuck! Jase!” Rook cried out and moved faster, hot cock sliding perfectly along his tongue.

  “Fuck him, Rookie. Fuck, his ass is so tight.” Bish growled the words out.

  They spurred Rookie on, too, his lover moving faster and faster. One of Rook’s hands cradled his head and Jason sobbed, Rook fucking his lips.

  “Oh, God, honey, I’m going to come.” There was a desperate note to Rook’s words, like Rook had been waiting on the edge for a long time instead of just seconds.

  “Wait for me, Rook.” Bishop growled the words out, making Rook whimper.

  “He’s perfect,” murmured Rook. “Fuck, love his mouth.”


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