Chess Part Two Box Set

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Chess Part Two Box Set Page 4

by Sean Michael

  “No? You think it’ll still be good?” Tease.

  Bishop answered seriously enough, though. “No, I don’t think it’ll be good. I think it’ll be amazing.”

  Knight smiled at him, but the look didn’t get all the way up to his lover’s eyes.

  He stroked the hair back off Knight’s face. “You hurting, Knight?”


  He got a couple of heavy duty pain pills, handed them over with the bottle of water. “You don’t have to hurt.”

  “I don’t like the pills.” Said the man who had once upon a time spent months taking anything he could get his hands on for his art.

  “Is it tolerable?” He started massaging Knight gently.

  Knight moaned softly, eyes getting wet. Oh. Oh, damn. His stubborn love.

  “You’re taking at least some Tylenol.” He found the bottle and handed over the pills, the water. “Please. For me.”

  “That’s cheating.” Knight took the pills, looking at them in his hand.

  “Yeah, it is.” He didn’t care—he wasn’t letting Knight hurt more than he had to.

  Jason had told him how important it was to healing, to make sure Knight could rest. He made sure Knight actually swallowed down the pills then started the massage again, working gently.

  He hated the changes—the broken bones, the scars, but at the same time, Bishop was unbelievably grateful that Knight was here, home.

  “I love you,” he said softly, nibbling at Knight’s lower lip.

  “I was scared.” Knight sighed, slowly chasing his lips.

  “About what?” Bishop figured he knew, he also figured Knight needed to talk about it.

  “That I’d lost you.”

  That wasn’t what he’d expected. “You’ll never lose me, baby.” He wasn’t going anywhere, Knight had to know that.

  “I would have, if I’d died.”

  Bishop shuddered. “That would be more that we would have lost you.”

  Knight just nodded and pushed even closer, like that was possible.

  “Nobody lost anyone. We’re all here, you’re getting better.” And he was holding onto that, onto Knight.

  “I know.”

  “And you are getting better.” He repeated the words and kissed Knight softly.

  “I’m trying.” Knight looked so very tired.

  “Of course you are. And now you should try to sleep.” He eased down, bringing Knight with him.

  “All I do is sleep.” Knight snuggled in.

  “Not true. Today you drew.”

  “I did. Do you think they were okay?”

  “Nothing you do is okay. You’re amazing, Knight, and you still have it.” Bishop wasn’t letting Knight forget his talent.

  Knight squeezed his fingers. “My favorite critic.”

  “I thought I was your favorite subject?” he teased.

  “You’re just my favorite everything.”

  “Oh, baby, sometimes you say the nicest things.” He kissed Knight, hard.

  He wanted Knight to be whole again, normal again. Well, normal for Knight. His beautiful artist was crazy in the best way. Knight settled, face hidden in his throat.

  “Sleep, baby. I’ve got you.” And he was never, ever letting go.

  Chapter Three

  Jason made eggs and bacon, put four plates on the table. “It’s time for breakfast!” If he was lucky, at least Rook would come eat at the table.

  “Coming, honey!” Rook called out to him.

  It seemed to be taking a long time, but then Rook came in, helping Knight, Bish on the other side of him.

  Oh, it was breakfast for everyone. Jason couldn’t help his smile. “Coffee, juice or milk, guys?”

  “Juice,” said Bishop as Knight opened his mouth. “For everyone.”

  Jason nodded his approval. “Sounds good.”

  He heard Knight’s words, “And coffee!” as he moved to fill orders.

  “No coffee until later,” countered Bishop.

  Jason knew better than to get in the middle of that mess. He just needed to pour orange juice. If there was coffee to be had, he could pour it after.

  “Good boy,” murmured Bishop, coming to help him move the glasses over to the table, then the plates.

  The praise warmed him, and he dared to take a soft kiss. “How’s he doing?”

  “He’s up and cranky. Could be worse.”

  “Absolutely.” Healing sucked, but the alternative sucked.

  “This looks as good as it smells, honey. Come on, everyone. Let’s eat.” Rook patted the chair next to him, looking eager.

  Jason sat, sucking down his glass of juice. He’d worked out hard this morning. Rook rested a hand on his thigh, soft and warm.

  “Hey.” Jason had put the well-done eggs on a plate for Rook, gave his lover the best pieces of bacon.

  Bishop gave him a knowing grin, but dug into his own food without complaining.

  Knight didn’t eat much. One bite of bacon, his juice. Jason needed to talk to Bishop, make sure that Knight was letting himself have the building blocks to heal. He knew Knight had sketched the other day and that looked like a positive sign, but it was still a real struggle getting any food into the man.

  Jase took a bit of egg on his fork and offered it to Knight. “I used fleur de sel on this, you gotta try it.”

  Knight looked at the fork. “You’re getting all fancy in the kitchen.”

  Jason shrugged. “I’ve been reading a lot.”

  “Thank God one of us cooks.” Rook grinned at him, plate already clean.

  “You mean thank God one of us is good at it.” Bishop was all grins.

  Leaning against Jason, Rook laughed. “We’re never letting you go, honey.”

  “Good. This is my home.” He believed in that now.

  Knight snorted. “Be good or I’ll fire you.”

  He shook his head. “You can’t. I’m family.” It hadn’t been about the money, not for months.

  “You are,” Bishop agreed. “And you aren’t going anywhere.”

  “Of course you’re not.” Rook snuggled close, the hand on his thigh moving upward.

  “Rookie, be good.” He stroked Rook’s wrist, winked at Knight. He wasn’t even hurt at the tease—Knight had to play.

  “I am being good.” Rook brushed his balls through his sweats. “I’m going to thank you for the great food.”

  “Pervs.” Knight was laughing at them now.

  “You know it.” Rook leaned over and kissed Knight.

  Knight kissed Rook back, then leaned into Bishop.

  Rook turned to him. “Push back a little, Jase.”

  “What?” He didn’t need to… This was breakfast. The table.

  Rook dropped to his knees. “I want to say thank you for the awesome breakfast.”

  “Rook…” He shook his head. They were… They couldn’t.

  “Don’t you want me to suck you, honey?” Rook’s fingers were already at the ties on his sweats, undoing them.

  His eyes rolled and Knight cracked up. “Don’t be stupid, kid. Rook’s mouth is Heaven.”

  “It is.” Rook grinned up at him. “You’re out of practice, honey.”

  “We’ve been busy.”

  “Well it’s about time to get you back in practice.” Rook pulled his sweats down and tugged his cock out.

  He wasn’t hard. Not yet. It would happen, though, of that he had no doubts. He imagined that neither did his lover. Rook licked the tip of his cock, eyes looking up at him.

  “You’re insane, love.” He brushed Rook’s dark hair out of his face.

  “No, I’m in love.” With that Rook took him in.

  His head fell back, throat working. The heat, the sensation was amazing, but the love, that was better. Rook worked his tip with his tongue and slid his hands along Jason’s thighs. Rook made him feel like he was the hottest man ever, like there was nothing Rook would rather do than lap at his prick.

  Rook found his balls, cupped and rolled them.
Jason parted his thighs, muscles tensing up. Humming, Rook started to bob his head.

  “Look at him. You’re a slut for it.” Knight’s words were soft, just the barest sting, and they made things all the more erotic.

  “They both are.” Bishop kissed Knight. “Of course you are too, baby.”

  Knight snorted, kissed the corner of Bish’s mouth.

  Rook’s suction got stronger, demanding his attention.

  “Rook.” He curled down, hands sliding along Rook’s spine.

  A low hum was Rook’s reply, the sound vibrating around his cock.

  “So good. So good.” His balls tightened, and so did his belly.

  Bishop reached over and tweaked his left nipple through his T-shirt. He jerked, that little sting good, but not big enough. Rook rolled his balls again and Knight reached out, pinched his other nipple, much harder than Bishop had.

  “Ow.” He looked at Knight, lips parting.

  “You love it,” Knight told him.

  He could feel Rook’s smile around his prick, then his lover began pulling harder. His ass slid on the chair as he fucked Rook’s mouth.

  “Pinch him again, K,” ordered Bishop.

  His pecs tensed, rippled, and Knight reached for him. Rook brought him in deep, swallowing around his tip. When Knight pinched again, he cried out, shot. Rook took it all, swallowing him down.

  He slumped in the chair, groaning deep in his chest.

  Bishop chuckled. “You melted him, Rookie.”

  “I did.” Rook cleaned his cock, lapping at him. Those blue eyes gazed up at him. “Love you, honey.”

  “Love.” He reached out with a shaky hand. “Happy breakfast.”

  Rookie beamed and nodded. “Yes!”

  Knight snorted. “You two are ooey-gooey.”

  Rook stuck his tongue out at Knight.

  “Gross and schoompy,” Knight added.

  “Schoompy?” Jason chuckled.

  “Knight’s just jealous because I’m not sucking him.”

  “Knight’s not interested, Rookie,” Knight said, hiding his face in Bishop’s neck.

  Jason thought that Knight was less not interested, and more worried that things wouldn’t work anymore.

  Rook pouted, moving slowly along toward Knight. “I want to make you feel good.”

  “I’m not interested, Rookie.”

  “Maybe you just don’t realize you’re interested.”

  “I’m not.” Knight’s words were flat.

  “I just want to make you feel good.” Rook was blinking hard.

  “Not now, Rookie, huh? I’m tired.” Knight reached for Rook, fingers barely touching.

  Rook nuzzled into the touch. “You just tell me when you’re ready, okay? I want to love on you.”

  “I will.” Knight sounded so sad.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to try?”

  “Rookie,” warned Bishop.

  “Rook, can you help me with the dishes, love?” Jason stood, reached for Rook’s hand.

  Rook sighed and took his hand, letting him pull Rookie up. They gathered dishes, headed for the sink.

  “You know he might not be able to yet, right?” Jason spoke quietly.

  “What?” Rook looked shocked.

  “I don’t think he can get it up yet. His body’s hurting.”

  “Oh, God. I thought he was practically all better. I mean they let him out of the hospital…”

  “Rook.” Jason went to his lover, arms open. “He’s tired, he’s healing. It takes time.”

  Rook nodded, but pushed against him almost clinging.

  “He’s going to be ashamed of it, you know? We just have to be patient.” And let Bishop take the lead.

  “He’s got nothing to be ashamed of if he’s still hurting!” Sweet man. Rook just wanted things to be easy. He just wanted to love his men. His lover wrapped around him, holding on tight. “He’s going to get better, right?”

  “Of course he is. His whole body was broken. Think about all the energy he’s using to just be.”

  “Then he needs to eat, right? I can help by feeding him?”

  “Feeding him. Touching him. Walking with him.” Jason stroked Rook’s hair, comforting both of them.

  “I can do that. We can do that.” Rook grinned up at him. “We’ll kill him with kindness.”

  “See? That’s perfect.” Jason stole a quick kiss.

  Rook laughed and pressed against him.

  “I just wanted you to know it wasn’t you, Rook. He’s not rejecting you.” He couldn’t stand for Rook to hurt for anything.

  “God, you’re good to me.” Rook melted against him, begging for another kiss.

  “I love you.” Jason held his lover close, slowly dancing Rook over the floor.

  “Mmm. I love you too, honey.” Rook pressed their lips together, the kiss sweet and hot.

  “We should get out of the house, enjoy the springtime together.”

  “Oh that would be fun. As long as Knight doesn’t need us.”

  Jason thought that Knight had Bishop and that should be good enough, but whatever.

  Rook disappeared for thirty seconds, before coming back and grabbing his hand. “We’re good to go!”

  “Now? Just like that?” God, they hadn’t done this since the winter, just gone out—played.

  “You said we should go—have you changed your mind?”

  He shook his head quickly. “God, no. I’m excited. Let me go put on nice clothes.”

  “Oh, I need to come and watch that.” Rook waggled his eyebrows.

  “I’ll wear the gray sweater. You like it.”

  “Mmmhmm.” Rook stayed close. “I like it because it makes you look like a stud.”

  “You like it because it’s a size too small.” And Jason knew Rook had bought it that way on purpose.

  Rook laughed softly and leaned against him, fingers on his belly. “Which makes you look like a stud.”

  His abs jumped. “I’m glad. Let’s go play together, love.”

  Grabbing his hand, Rook led them along the hall to their bedroom. “Where are we going?”

  “I don’t know.” Once in their room, he pulled out a pair of jeans, the sweater. “We could go down to the park, wander.”

  “Can we get ice cream?” Rook was practically bouncing.

  “Mmm. Yes. Can I have your cherry?”

  Rook giggled madly. “Of course you can—if you can find one!”

  “You took all of mine already.” It felt amazing, to tease back, to laugh together.

  “I bet we can find one or two still.” Rook moved in again, hands on him.

  “I bet we can.” He reached out, cupped Rook’s face. “Love you.”

  Rook melted against him. “I love you, too.” Then those lovely lips begged for a kiss.

  He took it, tongue tracing Rook’s lips.

  “Mmm. You make me feel good, honey.”

  “I try.” He needed to get dressed, stop touching.

  Rook didn’t seem particularly worried, pressing against him and encouraging more kisses. They rocked together, hip to hip, dancing there in the bedroom. Rook’s sweet prick was hard against him, the kisses turning needy.

  “We’re supposed to get dressed.” His nips were hard, aching from rubbing against his Rook.

  “Getting undressed is so much more fun.”

  “You taught me that,” he whispered, moaning into Rookie’s lips.

  “I did. And you’re the best student ever.” Rook wrapped his leg around Jason’s hip.

  He loved to hear that. Needed to, a little bit.

  “Love you, honey. So much.” Rook kissed him like he was the last man on earth.

  They could go out later. He moved Rook to the bed, covering his lover, pushing his tongue in to taste. Rook made him bold. Rook arched up against him, hands on his ass, pulling them together even harder. This man made him crazy, made him need so much. Rook’s prick was hard, rubbing against his own, against his belly.

do you want, Rook? How do you want me?”

  “Any way I can get you, honey.”

  He’d already proved that he was willing to do anything for them, hadn’t he?

  Rook bit on his lower lip. “Sixty-nine?”

  “Mmm. Your cock, your mouth? Together?”

  “Uh-huh.” Grinning, Rook made an uncommon show of strength, pushing him over and wriggling around.

  They were naked in moments, both reaching for each other’s cock with their mouths. Rook went all in, lips wrapping around his prick and taking him in deep. Jason tried to match, but he couldn’t take it all. He took what he could, though. He knew it was okay because Rook moaned happily around his prick.

  They moved together, and Jason loved that they had a rhythm, that loving on Rook was like breathing. What Rook was doing felt so good, but what felt even better was knowing he was making Rook feel just as good.

  Rook’s hands were in his hair, holding him. His lover pulled hard on his prick, sending him higher. The bedsprings were creaking, singing for them. The tempo got faster, the need building hard.

  He wanted them to go over together, wanted this connection to burn bright. He touched Rook’s balls, feeling them tighten up against his lover’s body. Rook was close. He pulled with more strength, rocking his hips into Rook’s lips.

  Rook pulled even harder, hips slamming his long cock into Jason’s mouth, cum pouring into him. He shot as though Rook’s spunk filling him was pushing his out. Rook drank him down, sucking hard to get every drop.

  His balls throbbed, aching. Humming, Rook sucked a moment longer before pulling off him.

  “Damn.” What else could he say?

  “You said it, honey.” Rook snuggled into him, nuzzling his thigh, his prick, his belly.

  “Love you, huh?”

  He could feel Rook’s smile against his skin. “Again what you said.” Rook laughed and licked his balls. “God, I love everything about you.”

  The touch tickled and he chuckled. Rook laughed and did it again.

  “Turkey!” Jason couldn’t help his laughter.

  This time, instead of licking, Rook took his right ball in, sucking it right into that hot mouth.

  “Rook.” His eyes went wide. Humming vibrated his ball. “Oh, fuck.” That felt…huge.

  There was a noise at the bedroom door, a soft knock, Bishop leaning against the door jamb. “Didn’t mean to interrupt.”


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