Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC Page 2

by Grayson, Alivia

“We can’t do that, Wynter. I looked for you for weeks before I finally told myself it was pointless. Then for me to find you in the place, were we first said ‘I love you’? I couldn’t even get my head around that.” He takes my hand in his. “I’m not gonna let you walk out on me again.”

  “It’s not your choice, Havoc.”

  “You think?” He raises his eyebrow. “You’re my wife, Wynter!”

  Ah, that.

  Chapter Two


  Wynter looks at me while biting her lower lip. “Whatever is going on right now, I want to help you, Wynter. I love you, and I want you safe.”

  Tears first cloud her eyes then fall from them. “No, you don’t.” She shakes her head, but I nod mine.

  I cup her face. “You know, deep down that, I do. I asked you to marry me because I loved you. You said yes because you loved me, and I never doubted that, Wynter. You told me your most painful memories, and you took my moment’s silence as pushing you away. You thought that I was judging you for your father’s sins and that I’d instantly fallen out of love with you, didn’t you?”

  She nods her head in honesty. It crushes me to know that’s how she felt.

  When Wynter walked away from me that day, I thought she’d go for a walk and clear her head, and then she’d come back to me. We’d only been married a couple of weeks, and yes, we did it in secret. However, I was about to show my whole family how proud I was of my beautiful wife.

  But Wynter never came back, and I thought something terrible had happened to her. The first couple of days after she left, I was angry with her. I thought Wynter was trying to punish me. Then the anger turned to fear, and I searched everywhere for her, but my search was fruitless.

  A few days after Wynter left me, I came clean to my parents and told them about Wynter and I. Strangely; they understood why we got married the way we did. Mom even found the whole thing romantic. However, she didn’t find my struggle to cope without Wynter anything but heartbreaking.

  I had no choice but to move on with my life without Wynter, but here we are five months later, and I still can’t seem to make my eyes believe what I’m seeing. Having her in front of me right now is so surreal. My gut always told me that she was alive out there, but it never stopped me wondering if she could be dead.

  After feeling so much for all these months, wishing she’d come back to me, and I finally have her. If she thinks for one second that I’m going to let her walk away from me again without a fight, then Wynter is sadly mistaken.

  I tuck her white-blonde hair behind her ear. “I know why you find it hard to trust, but you can trust me, Wynter. Of every person in the world, you know, trust me, beautiful.”

  “I want to,” She sucks back her emotions. “I want to trust you so badly, Havoc, but I’m scared.”

  I pull Wynter into my arms. She doesn’t protest, and I hold her against me, kissing her head and telling her that everything will be okay. I don’t have a damn clue at this point if it really will be, but I’ll do my damndest to make sure it is.

  I am many things; I didn’t get the name Havoc from nowhere. However, I was raised to know that a man should never hurt a woman. My dad taught me to protect those who need protecting, but to never underestimate a woman, she’s stronger than a man realizes. I don’t underestimate Wynter, far from it. However, she is my wife, and I’ll do anything I can to protect her from harm.

  Wynter is partially deaf in one ear, and entirely deaf in the other. She wears a hearing aid in her left ear, but you wouldn’t know she had any problems looking at her. There’s certainly nothing wrong with her lungs, the girl sure can yell with the best of them. I realized Wynter was deaf right away; she didn’t respond to anything that I said to her. Of course, at first, I thought she was just being ignorant. However, as soon as I caught her attention, I knew.

  It didn’t put me off asking her out, and it didn’t stop me falling in love with her. Why the hell would it?

  Wynter told me how she was born with limited hearing, and she knew no different. Though she worked hard to learn to speak like everyone else around her, it was no picnic. She expressed to me how difficult it had been growing up, unable to hear the way others had. Her father was particularly cruel, and he often called Wynter defective. Son of a bitch!

  Wynter told me how her mother spent all of her free time teaching Wynter how to speak. She wanted to prove to Wynter’s father that their daughter was just like everyone else and that she wasn’t a mistake as he’d believed. Even though Wynter worked very hard to prove herself to the one man she should never have to, it was never good enough.

  I can’t believe any father would be so damn cruel to his own child.

  I remember leaning in and cupping Wynter’s cheek. I told her how perfect she was, and even if she could neither hear nor speak, I’d still want her the way I did. The smile she gave me will be etched into my brain all my life.

  I may have lost Wynter there for a while, but I’m never letting her go again. I don’t care what I have to do; I’ll do it. I need to find those assholes chasing her. I want to know what the hell they want with my wife, and soon.

  I put in a call to Jett, and I told him everything that happened today. He said that he’d send VJ and a couple of the others over to my place to talk to Wynter. Christ knows why he thinks that would be a good idea. VJ isn’t the most compassionate of people at the best of times.

  I don’t know what good Jett thinks this is going to do. I didn’t call him so that he could send anyone over to talk to my wife; I called him for advice. However, beggars can’t be choosers, as they say.

  Wynter walks into the den with her lower lip between her teeth. She’s nervous, and I can’t blame her for that. She doesn’t fully trust me yet, but she will. If it’s the last thing I do, I’ll have my wife trusting every damn thing I say.

  Wynter asked me if she could take a shower. She shouldn’t feel the need to ask her husband if it’s okay to use the shower; this house is her home too. She’s changed into a clean pair of black leggings and a long-sleeved, forest green shirt. She’s washed her hair and braided it down her back. I can smell Wynter’s perfume from here, and I have to force my eyes to stay open. That smell is one I’ll never forget because it’s the scent that first ensnared me.

  I have missed you so much, baby girl. Now that you’re home with me, I won’t stop until you stay this time.

  “I don’t know if you’re hungry, sweetheart, but I made you a sandwich.” I motion to the coffee table and the sandwich I made for Wynter.

  “That was really nice of you, Havoc, but I’m not hungry. I’m sorry, I know you hate wasting food.” Wynter is right; I do hate wasting food. There are so many hungry people out there, and too many who waste what others need. However, I’m not going to lose my shit over an uneaten sandwich. “Maybe we could put it in the fridge for later?”

  I smile and nod. She’s always so thoughtful.

  “I know this is a stupid question, but are you all right?” Wynter stares at me for a moment, and I can see that she’s trying to be brave. That’s Wynter all over, a strong woman who can’t bear for anyone to think she’s weak.

  I don’t think she’s weak; I think she’s scared. Wynter has every right to be afraid right now; she has two huge ass men after her. I just wish she’d tell me what they want with her. Yes, Wynter fed me a story, but I don’t think that was half of it. I need her to tell me everything, only then will I be able to figure out what the hell is going on, and what they want with my wife.

  “You don’t have to pretend with me, Wynter. I know you better than that.”

  “I just feel lost and confused, Havoc. I ran away from you because I thought you were disgusted with what I told you. Those men keep coming after me, and you turn up out of the blue and bring me here. My head is swimming, and I don’t know what to do.” She drops her ass onto the couch and clasps her face with her hands.

  I sigh and make my way over to her. “Everything will be okay, Wynter.�
�� She looks up at me. I can see the frustration and sadness written all over her face. “I know things don’t make sense to you right now, but we can fix this. Some of my buddies are coming over to speak with you,”

  “What?” She all but whispers in shock.

  “Wynter, there’s nothing to worry about, they’re only coming to see if they can help.” I hold my hand up when she opens her mouth to speak. “Something more is going on than what you’ve told me, isn’t it?”

  Wynter looks down at her hands and whispers, “I don’t know.”

  I can’t resist the urge to touch her any longer. I reach out and cup her cheek, and Wynter’s eyes instantly close for a moment. “Whatever is going on, let me help you, Wynter. I won’t lose you again.” I turn in my seat, taking her hand in mine. “I’m sorry that I hurt you, but it was unintentional. I wouldn’t hurt you for the world.”

  “I hurt you, too.” A tear falls from her eye, and it makes my heart ache. “I’m so sorry, Havoc. I’m sorry that I didn’t trust you enough to know that you’d never look at me the way others do. I loved you so much.”

  “You don’t love me any longer?” Wynter doesn’t get the chance to answer my question because the door knocks. “It’s okay.” I kiss her hand. “It’ll just be VJ and some of the others. I’ll go let them in. Try not to worry, Wynter, they’re not here to hurt you.” She nods her head and turns away from me.

  I leave the room to let VJ, Bones, Wrench, and Cormack in. “She said anything?” I shake my head at VJ. He grunts, but I can’t tell him what I don’t know. “Since when do you drag strays off the street?”

  “She’s not a stray!” I snap at him.

  “She’s a waitress; he took a shine to.”

  I grind my teeth to stop myself from smashing Cormack in the face. “She’s my wife, you sons of bitches!”

  All four of them stare at me open-mouthed, but it’s Wrench who speaks first. “When the hell did that happen?”

  I rub the stubble on my chin and sigh. “Months ago. Look, I’m not getting into why she left me, or why I never told you all about us getting married. I lost her, and after months of searching, I found my wife. Now I need to keep her safe because someone is after her. There’s something she’s not telling me, and Jett thought she might tell you.” I point to VJ.

  “Fine,” He shrugs. “Lead the way.”

  I lead them all into the den. Wynter is facing away from us, sitting back straight, humming to herself while fiddling with her hearing aid. I have no idea why she’s taken it out, but it means she won’t be able to hear anything that’s said to her right now.

  “What did you say her name was, again?”

  “Wynter,” I tell VJ.

  “Wynter?” She doesn’t answer VJ. “Is she deaf?” He asks me.

  I nod. “Completely in one ear, partially in the other,”

  “She never had a cochlear implant?”

  I shake my head. “She was born this way. Wynter once told me that her father wouldn’t allow her to be tested to see if she as a candidate. She’s never been tested as an adult, and that was her choice.” I shrug my shoulders. Wynter did explain the reasons she didn’t want the cochlear implant, but I don’t have time to go through all of that right now. “She wears a hearing aid, but she’s taken it out.” I point to Wynter and the fact she’s now reattaching it to her ear.

  “Try not to lose your temper with her, VJ.”

  “Drop dead, Bones.”

  A small yelp and the sound of Wynter knocking into the coffee table, has us all turning our heads. She’s noticed us, and she looks scared to death. “Havoc,” She whispers my name while holding her hand out to me.

  I move towards her, but VJ holds his hand up, stopping me. I clench my fists. I don’t want to fight this man, but I will if it comes to it. Wynter is the most important thing to me right now, and I won’t have VJ taking over.

  Bones grabs my arm. “Let him talk to the girl, Havoc. That’s what Jett sent him here for.”

  I snatch my arm out his grasp. “Don’t expect me to stand here and do nothing when she needs me.” Though I do just that.

  VJ makes his way over to Wynter. He raises his hand to his chin, but Wynter shrinks. Is she scared he’s going to hit her? It’s true that VJ is a huge motherfucker, an insane, psychopathic son of a bitch, anyone would be scared of him. However, VJ would never raise his hand to a woman.

  If I find out anyone hurt Wynter in the time we’ve been apart, I’ll kill them! Though I have to admit that her behavior is a learned trait. Her father was hardly the kind of father to hug his children. Wynter confided in me how violent the man was to his wife and children.

  “You don’t need to be afraid, no one here is going to hurt you,” VJ tells her.

  “As if my husband would let you.” Wynter snaps back, and I have to stifle a laugh behind my hand. She may not have trusted me when it came to her past, but she trusts me enough to know I’d kill anyone who harmed her.

  “My name is VJ.”

  “Your name is what?” Wynter asks curiously. “I’m sorry, it’s hard to hear what you said. I can read lips, but you’re a little far away.” She means that he’s not directly in front of her.

  “Yes,” VJ both speaks and signs, making Wynter smile shyly at the fact he knows how. Jett’s smarter than I gave him credit for. I realize now why he sent VJ; it’s because of his ability to use sign language. When I told Jett about Wynter’s hearing, he knew VJ was the man for the job. “My name is VJ. Can you tell me your name?”

  “Nice to meet you, VJ.” Bones sniggers behind me, making me chuckle. No one says it’s nice to meet VJ because everyone knows he’s basically a bastard. “My name is Wynter, with a Y.”

  “Well, Wynter with a Y, why don’t you tell me what’s going on? Tell me about the men chasing you.”

  “I don’t know much about them.” Wynter scrubs her hands over her face. “They’ve been following me for about a month. I don’t know what they want with me because I’ve never waited around long enough to find out. I haven’t kept in contact enough with my best friend because of this. I didn’t want those men to find out about her. If they had hurt her because of me...” Wynter shakes her head. “I was supposed to move here with her, but Havoc and I...” Wynter stops talking and lowers her head.

  “What’s your best friend’s name?” VJ asks as soon as Wynter lifts her head.

  “Cassie. We grew up together. Her mother was a waste of space, and my mom died when I was fourteen. My dad,” She swallows hard and looks at me.

  I nod my head to let her know that it’s okay. It’s better if Wynter tells VJ now about her father; he’ll only find out some other way if she doesn’t.

  “My father was a serial rapist, and he killed my mother and sister. I wasn’t home at the time; I was out with Cassie. I lost everyone I ever loved that day. Cassie and I swore, after that day, to always protect each other, and we always have. We’ve always been together because we’re like sisters. Cassie managed to track her father down after her mom finally gave up his name, Trent Kirkwood, a member of Snakes Henchmen MC. He was a gunner in the military, and he goes by the name Gunner.”

  VJ nods his head in understanding. He knows who Wynter is talking about; we all do.

  “Cassie was so excited to meet him, but she went alone because I needed to see my father.”

  “Where is your father?”

  Wynter breathes deeply, still looking at VJ. “In prison. He’ll be there until he dies. I only went to see him because I needed to know if I had any other family in the world, or is it really just me. He laughed at me and said that I should be grateful to be alive, not out there looking for...”

  “For what, Wynter?”

  “In his words, ‘Nigger loving bastards’ I couldn’t believe what he was saying, he was so vile and racist. I asked him whom he meant, and he told me that his little brother married a half-breed and had a bunch of ape kids. I didn’t wait to hear any more; I just ran out of there.”

nbsp; “That can’t have been easy to hear.”

  “It wasn’t.” Wynter wipes a tear from her cheek. “I called Cassie and told her what happened. She was spitting mad, as she always is. Then she told me about her dad and how he welcomed her into his family with open arms. She has a step-mom and seven siblings. She also told me how she’d met someone, and she felt like she was falling for him.”

  “That would be me.” Cormack smiles. He looks right at Wynter, enabling her to read his lips. “Cassie is about to become my wife.”

  “Oh, my God,” Wynter smiles. “So that was her news?” I’m not sure that was a question directed at anyone. Wynter seemed to be talking to herself. “I’m so happy for her, for you both. Cassie deserves to be happy. I envy her so much, you know?” She looks at me, and I get the feeling she’s not just talking about Cassie’s up and coming wedding.

  Wynter longs for a family of her own. I know she’d hoped to have that with me – a home, a child. Wynter wants nothing more than to be loved and to give love to those around her. I can still give her all of that, and I won’t stop until she’s happy and content.

  “I met Cassie’s family, but I hadn’t met any of you. Thanks to Cassie, I met and fell in love with Havoc. It wasn’t long before we got married, and I thought we’d be happy.”

  “But, you weren’t?” Where the fuck is this shit getting us? Why the hell is VJ asking these dumb, pointless questions?

  “We were. It was my own insecurities that ruined things. Anyway, I did some digging into my father’s past. I knew my grandparents, but they never mentioned another son. I found out that they indeed did have another son. However, he’d been estranged from the family for many years. I found out that my uncle had married the love of his life and joined a motorcycle club. Your club.”

  I narrow my eyes. Wynter never mentioned this to me, and I have to wonder why that is. All these months she’s kept the secret that she has family within my club. Why on this earth wouldn’t she want to get to know them?

  Something hits me upside the head. It’s like a lightbulb went off inside my brain.


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