Twist of Fate

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Twist of Fate Page 19

by Louise, Tia

  I can’t stop thinking about him at the store the last few days. Ever since I told him about Melody, he’s been with us all the time—and I’m not complaining. I’m so grateful he wasn’t angry, so amazed so little has changed in the time we’ve been apart.

  She declared herself the quarterback princess, and he said he was her brave knight. My heart melted, and I’m not sure, because she’s only three, but I think Melody’s did, too.

  Then he appeared at the store before she left for preschool the next day. Without hesitation, she climbed onto his shoulders, rode him like a horse, then made him play football for thirty minutes in the little grassy field across the street.

  When she pranced off with Coco to school, he lingered in the doorway watching them go like she was the most amazing thing on the planet. Yesterday he waited until she got home to walk with her and get ice cream. She chatters with him nonstop, bosses him around, and the way he dotes on her has me falling for him more every day.

  As for us, he’s been completely focused on anticipating my needs. I opened that ridiculous dog—Spencer informed me it’s a neoclassical ceramic greyhound of unknown origin. Anyway, Scout carried it all over the store until we found the right place to display it. Then when Ms. Roxie bought it, he carried it to her car. He’s practically a movie star, and he’s in the store every day like my own personal servant.

  Standing with my back against the wooden doors, I look up at the dark sky and wonder what it takes to know if someone is right. Do I need any more proof than this?

  We rotated in each other’s orbit during high school. After college, we spent that week together. Now we’ve spent another week, and it never changes. He’s the same, all-American hot guy who’s sweet and charming and wants to be with me…

  At least, it seems that way. It’s possible he likes hanging out with his daughter, and I happen to be a part of that equation. It doesn’t solve the problem of his work being three thousand miles away from mine.

  Stepping into the living room, I switch off the big window unit, pondering my next moves. He will go back to L.A. one day. What then? What about our daughter?

  Melody is passed out in my bed as usual after running nonstop all day, and I wonder what she would think if I were with her brave knight. We haven’t discussed telling her he’s her dad yet. Will she understand?

  With the air-conditioner off, the outside noises are more distinct. I listen for several seconds to the usual frogs singing, cicadas screeching, farther in the distance an owl screeches.

  Then I hear the strange sound of a vehicle engine slowly pulling into the alley. My heart thumps faster, and energy spikes in my veins.

  Ms. Betty’s warning about the French doors lingers at the edges of my mind, but Travis Walker wouldn’t come here. I told him I’m not interested, and he has no reason to prowl around my door. He got his life back on track, and everyone deserves a chance to show they’ve changed.

  The engine below goes quiet, and I tiptoe to the balcony again. I’m only wearing my white sleep tank and panties, so I’m quiet as a mouse as I step closer to the edge to try and peer down.

  My breath softly gasps when I recognize Ms. Alice’s red step-side pickup. Dropping to my knees, I press my face against the banister rungs to see better, and my heart jumps when the light reflects off his hair. What is Scout doing here?

  Jumping up, I decide I’m going to find out.

  Scampering through my apartment, I pause at the bedroom door and peek at our baby. She’s lying on her back with both arms over her head. Her little lips are parted, and it sounds like she’s on the verge of baby-girl snores. When I come back, I’ll move her around. As it is, I don’t want to risk waking her.

  Taking the keys, I run down the stairs through my store, to the back door, and I’m outside just as fast, locking the door behind me. When I get to the truck, I hesitate. The windows are down, but the cab seems empty.

  I’m so confused. He was just here. Looking to the right and left, the sidewalks are deserted. It’s dark, and no one is out here. He couldn’t have gone anywhere that fast. My shoulders drop, and I’m about to return to my apartment when I hear a rustling noise and a groan.

  It comes from inside the truck, and I tiptoe to the passenger’s side and peek in the open window. He’s lying there on his back with a pillow against the driver’s door. He’s wearing a thin, white T-shirt and cotton shorts, and the lone streetlight deepens every line of muscle in his legs, his arms… My eyes slowly rise up his neck, to his square jaw, to his eyes, which blink open and land on mine.

  “Holy fuck!” He sits up so fast, I squeal and fall back.

  “Oh my God! I’m sorry!” My heart is flying in my chest.

  “Daisy?” His face appears in the open window. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  “You scared the shit out of me.” I’m breathless and trembling. “What are you doing here?”

  “I couldn’t stop thinking about Betty Pepper saying Travis was lurking around…” He hesitates, almost apologetically. “I figured I’d sleep out here in case you needed me.”

  He’s protecting us.

  My nipples tighten to little points against the thin fabric of my tank. My body flares with need, and I realize I’m standing beside his truck in the small alley behind my store in only a thin tank and underwear. His eyes slide down my body, and the muscle in his jaw moves.

  “You’d better climb in here before somebody sees you.”

  The prickly heat is under my skin again. My voice drops to a whisper. “Maybe I should go inside and go to bed?”

  His voice is quiet as well, and his eyes are fixed on my breasts. “That might be the safest thing to do.”

  My insides pull, and I’m convinced I will die if I do the safe thing. Reaching out with trembling fingers, I lift the lever to open the door. He sits straighter, lowering his feet to the floorboard as I climb inside and shut the door.

  “You drove here to be sure we were safe?” I’m on my knees, crawling across the bench seat. He nods, watching me get closer. “You were going to sleep out here all night?”

  “Most of the night.” His voice is rough.

  Reaching out, I trace the back of my fingers along his square jaw. “Because you’re the brave knight?”

  “I’m here to protect you.”

  Without hesitation, I straddle his lap, feeling the hardness of his cock through his thin shorts. His blue eyes darken, and large hands cup my ass, threading fingers under the sides of my panties. “I have to be sure my girls are safe.”

  Reaching down, I catch the edge of his shirt, carefully lifting it over his head. Ridges of muscle appear deeper in the shadows, and heat floods my veins like burning gasoline.

  My arms go around his neck, and I press my breasts against his firm chest, only a thin piece of fabric between us. “How can I ever show my gratitude?”

  “I’m sure we can think of something.” His hands move from my ass under my tank, rising higher as I lean into his lips.

  Our mouths collide, and he strokes my tongue with his. I rise on my knees to deepen the kiss, pushing his lips open and curling my tongue. He groans as his hands find my breasts, lifting and squeezing them, tweaking my nipples with his fingers.

  A blaze of desire shoots straight to my core, and my hips begin to move on their own. I’m brazenly dry humping him in the cab of his truck with the windows down in the alley, and I don’t even care.

  “Daisy…” Our mouths break apart, and one large hand returns to my ass, cupping me right between the legs. “Are you sure?”

  “If you don’t fuck me, I might die.”

  “Can’t have that.” One hand grasps the back of my neck, pulling my mouth to his, and two fingers slide inside me, causing me to rise onto my knees with a loud moan.

  “Shit, Daisy.” He gasps, holding me by the waist and reaching across to the glove box.

  My lips are at his ear, and I kiss, bite, lick as his fingers curl, massaging my core. I slide back as he sits str
aighter, lowering his shorts so his massive cock springs free. My eyes widen, and I lick my lips as he rolls on the condom.

  “You’re killing me right now.” His voice is tight, and when our eyes meet, it’s pure lust and need and something more, something intangible.

  I rise up to position myself over him, cupping his face in both my hands. “This changes everything.”

  He stretches higher, grabbing the back of my head and pulling my mouth to his again as I drop onto his cock, allowing him to fill me completely.

  “Oh, God.” I break away, lifting my chin as I slide back and forth on his lap.

  He grips my ass, and he’s moving me faster, lifting me up and driving me back, the ridges of his cock massaging my insides. My toes curl and the sparks of orgasm soar from the arches of my feet, threading around my legs, along my inner thighs, and centering where our bodies are joined.

  I’m wild with desire. My eyes are closed, and sweat rolls down my back. My hair sticks to my face, and my fingers are in his damp hair. Our mouths move fast, devouring, hungry, and salty sweat is on my tongue.

  He kisses my jaw, and a ragged Oh! flies from my mouth when he reaches up and rips my tank top open. I can’t stop riding him, driven by the orgasm flooding my veins.

  My breasts bounce, and he catches one with his mouth, sucking it firmly, repeatedly as I rise off my knees. I let out another ragged cry and he groans, pushing his ass off the seat, driving higher into me.

  “Jesus, Daisy,” he gasps, his head falling back. “I need you to come. Come… Now.”

  His strained voice twists the muscles in my stomach tighter. I’m burning from the inside out, and it all centers in my pelvis, tighter and tighter until he lets go with a groan so loud, it vibrates my entire body.

  My orgasm explodes, and I jerk forward, grinding my pussy as he holds me down on his cock, bucking with me. It’s years of pent-up need and desire. We’re dreams and delayed gratification and lust and chemistry smashing together in otherworldly sensation.

  We ride it out, milking every last drop of heavenly bliss. I’m limp as my arms drape over his shoulders. We’re breathing fast, and I’m so deeply satisfied, I could fall asleep right here on his lap, in tattered clothes, with his cock buried deep between my thighs.

  “Mm…” His large hand slides up and down my back. “Remember when that little prick said you were bad at sex?”

  A smile curls my lips, and I exhale a laugh. “He couldn’t make me come.”

  “What a massive idiot.”

  Lifting my head off his shoulder, I look down at the scraps of my torn shirt. “I’m glad I’m not too far from home.”

  His sexy mouth twists, and he pretends to be sorry. “I guess I was a little impatient.”

  “Impatient?” I squint one eye, trying to fight my smile. “You didn’t even try to take it off.”

  “Here.” He drops his thin tee over my head, and it’s like a dress.

  Using the scraps of fabric, I touch the sweat off my neck. “It’s so hot. You should come inside and take a shower.”

  One eyebrow arches, and he nods. “Good idea.”



  My fingers slip into her open mouth as I fuck her from behind. We’re in the shower with the water blasting, and Daisy’s moaning so loud, I’m afraid she’ll wake the princess.

  “Shh.” I graze the side of her neck with my teeth, and her fingers curl in my hair.

  Our bodies move together like a wave, rocking and thrusting, and I lift and squeeze her breasts. “Have I ever said you have really great tits?”

  “Yes,” she gasps, arching her back higher. “I’m right there.”

  My hand moves quickly from her breast to below her waist, and I slide my fingers along her clit, thrusting deeper, closing my eyes as she breaks into leg-shaking spasms, clenching around my cock.

  Her fingers curl on the shower wall, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her body against mine as the orgasm pulses through us both.

  My cheek is against the top of her head, and I close my eyes. We still have it, and it is so good. She turns and I catch the condom, quickly disposing of it before pulling her chest to mine under the warm spray.

  She has a washcloth, and she slides it down my back, over my ass as a naughty smile curls her lips. I lean down to kiss her lips briefly before taking the cloth and finishing the job.

  Minutes later, we’re wrapped in thick towels, and she quietly moves around her bedroom, pulling on sweat shorts and a long-sleeved tee.

  I sit on the side of the bed, watching my little princess sleeping. Her arms are over her head and she exhales a little snore. It’s too cute, but Daisy motions for me to leave the room.

  “I need to turn her over, and she might wake up. She won’t understand why you’re here.”

  As much as I hate to go, I lean down and feather the lightest possible kiss over my littlest girl’s head before going into the living room. I’m back in my pre-sex shorts and tee, but the shower helped.

  “It’s cute, but snoring actually means she’s not sleeping well.” Daisy pads into the room looking so pretty and freshly fucked. “And she’s a cranky little rascal when she’s tired.”

  “I should go and let you get a few hours of sleep.” She comes to me, and I slide my thumb along her cheek.

  “Will you be able to sleep?” She blinks up at me, and I lean down to kiss her nose.

  “I don’t know. I want you to call me if you hear any strange noises.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Travis Walker is not going to bother us.”

  “Not if he knows what’s good for him.”

  Her eyes are warm, and her lips quirk as if she wants to say something and changes her mind. She blinks and smiles warmly instead. “I’ll call you if I hear any strange noises.”

  “Good girl. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

  She walks me out, and we say goodnight.

  I drive back and fall into my bed, but I spend the remainder of the night turning over the whole what next part of the story. The fever of reunion is sated in my blood, but where does that put us?

  Thanks to my mom and Gran, I’ve got a nice financial cushion to change directions, but which direction? I’ve spent four years starting a life in L.A. Daisy has spent as much time establishing her store here, and now that I know Melody, I can’t possibly be away from her all the time. I don’t want to miss another minute of her childhood.

  I finally give up on sleep as the sun is breaking over the horizon and stagger into the kitchen. Taking a mug from the cabinet, I fix myself some coffee before going in search of my grandmother.

  She’s sitting on the couch, looking out at the dew sparkling like diamonds on the grass out front.

  “It’s a beautiful view.”

  She turns to me and smiles. “I haven’t seen much of you lately.”

  “I’ve been helping Daisy with her shop over in the village, and I went by the school a few times to help J.R. with the boys.”

  “You haven’t been sleeping in your bed.” Her hazel eyes narrow, and she seems to know the reason.

  I sit on the couch beside her. “Just making sure people are safe.”

  “Which people?” She studies me over the rim of her mug.

  It’s a fact: my grandmother knows everything.

  “Before I left here, my biggest fear was making a mistake. Traveling all that way, investing so much time, and then figuring out later it wasn’t what I wanted.”

  “It’s a risk you take no matter what you do.” She places a wrinkled hand over mine and gives it a squeeze. “You could’ve stayed here and figured out it wasn’t what you wanted. Every choice you make is going to have consequences, good and bad. You have to keep moving forward, keep making choices, and the road will rise up to meet you.”

  “But how do you know—”

  “You don’t.” She stands slowly and kisses the top of my head. “Stop stressing about it. No matter what choice you make, it will be the righ
t one.”

  She talks like my old roommate Tuck. He was a Buddhist. Gran is a Presbyterian. It all circles around to the same basic idea. We’re not in control of anything, but if we do our best and act with pure motives, somehow it all turns out right.

  At least that’s what they say.

  She’s halfway to the kitchen when she calls over her shoulder. “I want to meet her before she’s too big for me to pick up.”

  My eyes slide to her small body, scuffling away in her slippers. “Meet who?”

  She scuffs across the tiny, lime-green Formica kitchen, hollering back to me. “You know who. Now stop putting off the inevitable and do what you want to do.”

  “Too hot to hoot.” Daisy is behind the counter making notes on the inventory sheet, and I glance up from where I’m trying to assemble an iron and brass toddler bed.

  “What was that?”

  “No X in Nixon.” She doesn’t look up. She says the words quietly, evenly, like she’s solving math problems I can’t see.

  Laughter tingles in my stomach, but I hold it back. “You found it.”

  Her lips tighten, but a laugh breaks through in a small explosion of air.

  I leave my tools behind to cross over and wrap my arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground. “You found my secret.”

  She squeals, slapping my arm. “Put me down, you strip palindrome hustler!”

  “That’s not a thing.” I hold her off the ground, giving her a bounce.

  Her eyes meet mine, shining with amusement. “Neither is strip palindrome! You made it up so you could get me naked.”

  “It worked, too.” I lower her to her feet, looking down at her and remembering the day she was left in her bra and only one sock. It was insanely hot. “Weird Al for the win.”

  “I thought you were so clever, and you were quoting song lyrics.”

  “Those are not easy lyrics to remember.” I kiss her nose and start back to where I left the bed in pieces.


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