Bunker MILF

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Bunker MILF Page 2

by Holly Ardent

  He shook his head.

  “So that's why you were such a mess?”

  She nodded.

  “Wrong turns, multiple wrong turns. So much for my memory. I thought I could remember how to get from building to building, but I was wrong.”

  Now that he could see her well, he revised his estimated age up by a few years. He'd guess she was in her late thirties or early forties.

  “I'll buy that,” he said. “Since you seem to have already forgotten that I asked you your name.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry,” she said quickly. “I'm Alice.”

  “Nice to meet you Alice. There's no rush here, honestly. We've got lots of time. See that flashing green light?” he gestured towards the control panel. “As long as that keeps flashing green, we don't want to be going outside. I saw it go amber once too, and I think that's even worse.”

  She walked over to the panel and examined it. Her eyes locked onto something towards the top and she reached up into the small gap between the wood paneling and the control panel, pulling out a sheaf of paper that looked like a user's manual.

  “Well, let's check that, shall we?” she said.

  She brandished the front cover of the sheaf of paper at him. The title said that it was a user's manual.

  With the manual on the table, she flipped it open and started reading. Tyler came up behind her and glanced over her shoulder.

  “Says here flashing green means high radiation. You can survive a few minutes in it unprotected. Amber means lethal radiation, but several months to die, flashing amber is worse. Red means dead in a day or two and flashing red even less time. If it goes solid green we can go out there for hours at a time

  “Good, about what I thought then,” Tyler said.

  Alice continued to read the manual and Tyler went back to fidgeting with the radio dial.

  * * *

  While Tyler was messing with the radio he could keep himself from staring at Alice, but he knew that as soon as he wasn't it was going to be hard to keep his eyes off of her. Despite being much older than him, she was still hot. Her hair had ended up being black after all the crud was removed from it and it had dried. He'd been right about her bust and ass too. She had ample breasts and her ass was tight as could be.

  She looked to be in good shape, as though she did cardio but not a lot of muscle work and he could understand that. If she'd done much muscle work, she would no longer have looked very feminine other than for her hips and tits. Her chest was already as big as his and that was before you added in her tits. Otherwise, he'd have hated to do it but he'd have offered her one of his shirts.

  Once she finished the manual she just sat there for a bit in silence. It wasn't very long after that when she cleared her throat.

  “Yes?” he said, still staring at the dials.

  “Are you going to keep messing with that all day?” she asked.

  “I keep thinking I can hear a voice in there, some sort of broadcast.”

  “You probably can, but until the radiation goes down, you won't be able to make it out.”

  He sighed heavily and turned to face her.

  “I know you're right, but still,” he said.

  “So, how did you find this place? It wasn't on the blueprints of the college I got to look at.”

  “I was here for winter session a couple of years back. My parents were out of the country, so the school let me stay in my dorm room. I was bored so I started exploring. That's how I found it. It looked deserted until I checked expiration dates on some of the things in here, that's when I knew someone had stocked it recently. The MREs had five years left on them then and all the freeze dried stuff had about twenty years.”

  “Huh, I seem to recall about four years back the college fired a custodian. Said he'd been doing things on campus that he shouldn't have been, like putting cameras in some of the women's dorm rooms, bringing a gun onto campus, things like that,” she said. “But if there's a lot of food, we should probably try to get some to those other students I was with before.”

  “That might fit since this was in a lock box down here,” he said, pulling out the Glock and showing it to her. “But there's no way we're going to take food to those guys. How much do you want to bet that the ones that started those fights ended up with all the food and drink? I'd also bet the ones that didn't get the food are either dead, or close to it, by now. After all, the ones with the food would need to sleep sooner or later so they probably chased them out of the basement, which would kill them, or did something else to the others so they didn't feel in danger.”

  “What are you doing with a gun on campus?” she asked, ignoring the rest of his statement. But he could see in her eyes that she'd heard him, was sad that she actually agreed, and was willing to let the matter drop.

  “I told you, I found it down here. Just got the box open yesterday. Besides, if that radiation counter is accurate, I'm pretty sure you can't count this as a campus now, more like a graveyard.”

  Her face fell as he spoke.

  “You're right,” she said. “I just wish he had something a little more useful to the situation down here, like books, or something to do.”

  “If this was the same guy, he had a fondness for wine too,” Tyler said.

  Her ears perked up at that.

  “Wine? There's wine down here? Why didn't you say something sooner?”

  “I'm not exactly fond of wine. Tastes like vinegar to me,” he said. “I'm more of a beer guy.”

  “Cretin,” she said. “Show me this wine.”

  “Hey, none of that. This way.”

  He led her over to the, rather deep, closet that had been outfitted like a wine cellar. There were twelve bottles right in front and the closet went fairly deep, there was rack after rack leading back into it. You wouldn't be able to get to the deeper ones before removing the ones towards the front though.

  Alice pulled a bottle out.

  “Good, it's a red,” she said, “never did much like white.”

  She read the label.

  “Huh, pretty cheap, but it should still do the job.”

  She turned to Tyler.

  “Corkscrew?” she asked.

  He opened the drawer beside the closet and pulled one out.

  “Would you do the honors?” she asked, handing him the bottle of wine.

  He sighed and shook his head, but tore off the foil to expose the cork. He sunk the corkscrew into the cork, twisting until it was all the way in, then heaved. The cork slowly pulled up until suddenly it gave with a 'pop' and slid the rest of the way out.

  “Here you go,” he said, handing her the bottle.

  “Cups?” she asked.

  “Only the metal ones stacked in the bathroom, unless there's more that I haven't found yet,” he replied.

  “Screw it,” Alice cursed.

  She titled the bottle back, the mouth of it at her lips. After a few moments she lowered the bottle and sighed happily. A moment later she tilted the bottle back again and he watched as she swallowed over and over.

  “Well, that'll make this place a little more bearable,” she said when she lowered the bottle again.

  Tyler wasn't sure whether he should be offended or not. He decided to go with not when he saw her eyes on him right before she took another big drink.

  “Hold onto that cork. I don't want to drink the whole thing at once, but I don't want to waste it either,” she said.

  She took one more, long, drink, then handed the bottle back to him. He took a small sip, then reversed the cork and resealed the bottle with the smaller end of the cork. Instead of putting it back on the rack, he set the bottle on a nearby handy counter.

  Alice went back over and sat down, her face flushed. Tyler wasn't sure, but he'd swear that she kept stealing quick looks at him. The look on her face reminded him of how he was feeling. Hungry for something to do, or in this case, someone to do, which he thought was even better.

  Her nipples were jutting out from the cups of her teddy. He
would've sworn the cups were reinforced, but it was obvious to him what he was seeing. He couldn't help himself, he just stared for a minute. Then he shook himself.

  “I don't know if this will fit, but you look cold,” he said, rummaging through his pack.

  He'd grabbed mostly t-shirts when he tossed clothes in his bag, so he found the largest of them and tossed it at her. Alice tried to catch it, but missed. The shirt struck her torso and slid down into her lap. She looked at it, then at him, then back at the shirt and shrugged.

  When she tried to pull it on, she did manage it, but the shirt clung so tightly to her breasts that Tyler was afraid she was going to tear it. After a couple of minutes she shook her head, then slipped the shirt back off.

  “Too tight in the chest, I could feel it cutting off circulation. Sorry, that's not going to help at all. Besides, I'm not that cold.”

  Staring at her nipples again, he was sure she was lying.

  “Plus I just had wine, and the alcohol will make me feel warmer. It'll help improve my circulation, but oddly enough it also lowers my core body temperature. So cutting off my circulation would be counterproductive,” she said.

  She adjusted her teddy a bit and Tyler would swear there was more cleavage showing when she was done.

  “I suppose I should warn you too,” she said. “I'm a pretty cheap date. One or two glasses of wine and I get a bit... umm... frisky I suppose would be a good word.”

  He glanced over at the bottle of wine, which was half gone.

  A glass of wine is what, five ounces, maybe six? Let's say five. A bottle holds seven hundred and fifty milliliters which is about twenty-five ounces, which means five glasses per bottle. That bottle is a little more than half empty now. So she's had about two and a half glasses I'd guess. Um, I wonder what she meant by frisky.

  When he looked up from his mental calculations Alice was standing directly in front of him, staring at his face. The tip of her tongue slid out of her mouth and quickly licked a small circle around her lips. She leaned forward, still staring into his eyes.

  “Why were you trying to put more clothes on me?” she asked. “Am I really that old and ugly?”

  He shook his head, not having expected her to say something like that.

  “Um... no,” he said. “Almost the exact opposite. You're very attractive and what you're wearing is incredibly revealing. I just though you might not like me staring and I couldn't help but stare. I couldn't stop myself.”

  “Oh, is that all?” she asked. “Well, in that case, let me give you something better to stare at. After all, I'm pretty sure you're saving my life here, so you're my hero. Shouldn't all heroes get a reward? I don't have anything with me, so you'll have to settle for me as your reward. Will that work for you?”

  As she spoke she peeled down the top of her teddy, exposing her large breasts. Now he understood why he'd seen her nipples poking through her teddy despite the reinforced construction of the cups. They were large, huge even, and hard as rocks. Her nipples jutted out more than an inch from her breasts. Their dark pink, nearly purple, color was matched by that of her areolae which were easily the size of silver dollars, probably larger.

  He was staring at her tits, and barely noticed as she shimmied. The shimmy set her tits to jiggling, which kept him rapt, but when he saw her arm move suddenly and a piece of black cloth fly across the room, his eyes snapped down.

  She'd removed her teddy entirely and her lower body was now exposed. Her pussy looked as though she normally kept it shaved, but hadn't done so in a few days. The stubble was tiny, but visible.

  Good thing there's a whole case of disposable razors back in the bathroom, he thought. I'm hoping she'll keep that habit up, especially if she's offering what I think she is.

  He gulped and decided to press his advantage. Whether she was drunk or not, he wanted what she was offering.

  “So, you're saying that you're mine?” he asked.

  She nodded, the motion doing wonderful things to her breasts when it set them jiggling again.

  “Really?” he asked, his hands reaching out nearly of their own accord to grasp her breasts.

  She didn't say anything, just leaned forward pressing her breasts into his hands. They spilled over, far too large for him to fit in his hands. Since he couldn't hold all of them at once, he settled for stroking their flesh, trying to touch every little bit of it, before honing in on her areolae and nipples.

  He stroked her areolae, watching them harden, the silver dollar sized circles growing thick and rigid, cover in ridges of flesh. His fingertips stroked the ridges, something he'd never encountered with any of his partners before. Her areolae were easily raised a half inch above her breasts now and he realized that when she was excited, she had puffies, something else he'd never encountered. He spent several minutes exploring them, stroking her areolae to feel the texture and running his fingers along the raised edge of them, feeling the difference between the soft flesh of her tits and the firmer flesh of her areolae where they puffed out from her mounds.

  His fingers finally made it to her nipples. They were as hard as he'd thought, although they gave a bit when he pinched. They also grew longer and thicker when he pinched them. He'd thought they'd already been as excited as they could get, but was ecstatic to discover that he'd been wrong. He stroked the length of her nipple, measuring it against his hand. It was easily as long as the last two joints of his pinkie finger, and nearly as thick around as the cork he'd pulled from the wine bottle.

  She was practically purring from his attention to her breasts, her face wearing a blissful smile, one that seemed like it looked partially relieved also. The single glance told him that she had no problem with what he was doing, so he looked away again, down at her breasts. They drew him in, his head lowering so his lips could capture one of the nipples he'd been playing with.

  The hand that had been on her nipple drifted lower, moving down her toned stomach until it reached the stubble he'd seen before. He lifted his hand for a moment, lowering it a few inches until he reached her pussy. He could still feel a bit of the stubble there, but his fingers honed in on her pussy, running the length of her slit several times before pushing into the hole it concealed.

  Alice was wet, very wet. His first finger slipped right in with no resistance, so he added a second, then a third. With three fingers pushing into her pussy, he could feel a bit of resistance, mainly due to the size of her. Her fluids were providing enough lubrication that he was sure he could've added a fourth, but then he wouldn't be able to finger fuck her as easily as he could now.

  The sound of his fingers sliding in and out of her filled the near silence, accompanied only by their breathing and the occasional moan from her. His mouth was latched onto her breast, his tongue danced with her nipple, grazing it slightly as he explored the texture of her areolae that had fascinated him when he'd noticed it. Now he moved his tongue to her nipple directly, drawing the point of his tongue up the length of it, then using it to tease the tip of her nipple.

  Another moan from Alice, and this one was louder, as he teased her nipple. By this point her hips were moving as though she were trying to drive his fingers deeper into her. She leaned forward, nearly smothering him with her breast as she pressed it against his face.

  He moved his tongue down, licking and sucking his way around the raised edge of her puffy areola, she shivered from his efforts, at least he hoped it was his efforts and not the cool air of the bunker. All the while his fingers kept sliding in and out of her.

  About the third time he scraped his thumb on her stubble, Tyler decided that he needed to do something about that.

  He drew his mouth from her nipple and she sighed heavily.

  “So, you're my reward?” he asked.

  “That's what I said.”

  “How do you mean that though? Do I just get to have sex with you or what?”

  “Have you ever heard the stories about cultures where saving someone's life made their life yours to do what
you like with?”

  He nodded.

  “Like that I think. I decided on it before I drank any wine. I just needed the wine to have the courage to tell you and to actually act on it. It's... umm... well... close to some fantasies I've always had and with the world ending, I decided that it was time to act on it if I was ever going to do so.”

  “But the world isn't ending,” Tyler said. “As soon as that thing goes solid green we can get out of here and go somewhere without radiation.”

  She stared at him, eyes wide and locked on his own.

  “That may well be true, but do you honestly think that the world is going to go back to the way it was before, ever? Well, maybe at some point, but I doubt it will happen in either of our lifetimes. Make no mistake, the world as we knew it is gone and we've yet to see what the new one will be like. So I want to spend the rest of my time in the remnants of the old world experiencing a fantasy that I wouldn't feel safe trying in any of the new worlds I can see arising from the ashes.”

  Tyler blinked, unwilling to hold her stare, realizing that she'd thought this through much better than he had. He'd assumed that as a survivor things would go right back the way they were before, but her words had forced him to realize that he'd been utterly mistaken.

  Even so, we aren't to that new world yet. This is still the old one, the remnants of it according to her, so...

  “Okay then, life debt?”

  “Not quite, but close enough for something to refer to it as. I'll do whatever you want for as long as I'm in debt to you for saving my life.”

  He took a deep breath and released it.

  “Good, then I want you to go into the bathroom. In the cupboard under the sink there's an entire case of disposable razors. There's shaving cream and soap there as well. Please shave that stubble. I'm afraid you're going to stab me with it and I plan on having some sensitive parts of my body down there really soon.”


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