Midnight at the Oasis

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Midnight at the Oasis Page 9

by Thomas Henry

  The thought of Karen getting “knocked up” by one of Sally’s clients twisted my guts into a knot. Up until Karen told me about her intention of having another baby with Ted, I’d always assumed she’d had her tubes tied. In my experience, women often did that once they had decided not to have any more children. Now I knew that Karen hadn’t done that. I didn’t know precisely what kind of birth control she used, but Max was right. None of them was one hundred percent effective. Which begged the question…

  “What if I knock you up, too?” I asked, trying to deflect my pain with humor.

  “Oh, Sugar, you ain’t gotta worry about that. I had my tubes tied back when I was…well, a long time ago. Kind of a shame, though, don’t you think? I bet you and I would make a cute little brother or sister for Amy’s baby.

  “Speaking of Amy,” she continued, “I probably should get back home and see how she doing.” She rolled on top of me and kissed me. “But I wouldn’t mind doing this again sometime. Girl gotta keep her options open.” She got up and started to dress.

  “Feel free to shower if you want,” I said.

  Max rubbed the crotch of her panties. “Uh-uh. Gonna take Amy a little surprise.” She winked. “Let her know she got some competition for my affections.”

  We finished dressing and went downstairs. Max pointed at the big car with the car cover concealing it. “What you got hiding under there?”


  She looked at me with wide eyes. “No shit? A Bentley?”


  “Oh, Sugar…you gotta take me home in that!”

  “Anything for you.” I trotted back up the stairs to get the keys. I hadn’t used the Bentley since Bill and I had shared Karen and Marilyn at Turtle Bay. I wondered if Karen had ever told Max about that.

  For the first half of the trip to Max’s house, she ran her fingertips over every surface in the car. “Sugar, this is something. With a car like this, you ought to be a pimp.”

  “Don’t have the wardrobe,” I said. “But my main bitch is servicing some John right now.”

  I was trying to be funny, but the words ate at me. I could never think of Karen as a bitch…even though she really was off having sex with some other guy for money.

  I dropped Max at her house and headed back to Halawa. I didn’t want to go back there all alone, but I really had no better option. I felt especially lonely when I raised the door and saw that Karen’s car wasn’t there. I hadn’t expected that it would be, but down deep, I guess I had been hoping.

  I thought about watching the video of Max and me, but I just wasn’t in the mood. I tried to watch The History Channel for a while, but I kept nodding off. So I decided to get some sleep. And then I couldn’t. I just lay there half-conscious, thinking about Karen. The sun was coming up before I finally drifted off.

  It seemed like I had been asleep for only a few minutes when Karen crawled into bed with me and kissed my cheek. “Long night,” she said.

  “Um…yeah…me too. I…uh…wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I really wanted to sleep with you, so I came back.”

  In this case, I was pretty sure “sleep” was not a euphemism for sex.

  She turned her back to me. “Spoon me. I just love it when we sleep like that.”

  I pulled her against my chest and pressed my groin against her bare butt. I kissed her neck, and she intertwined her legs with mine. I pressed my palm against her lower abdomen and wondered if she still had a belly full of another man’s sperm. Max’s words stabbed me in the heart…sooner or later, somebody probably gonna knock her up. Ought to be you…

  * * * *

  With Crystal out of the picture, it was time for me to figure out how to fix Ted up with some of Sally’s sorority girls. After mulling it over for a while, I got an inspiration. I remembered that one of them had been Vietnamese. What if I told Ted she was Mai’s niece, visiting from the Mainland for the summer? And maybe she had brought a couple of girlfriends with her…

  I made arrangements with Karen and Sally, and the next time Karen was “on duty” at the Oasis, I gave Ted a call and invited him up to my house for a beer. I told him Crystal wouldn’t be there, but that I had something else that might interest him.

  When he arrived, I handed him a cold beer.

  “So you said you had something that might interest me?” he said.

  I nodded toward the living room windows. “Thought you might enjoy the view.”

  Ted shrugged and wandered across the living room. “Great view of Waikiki and Diamond Head, but…” He did a double-take as he noticed the two bikini-clad young women sunbathing down below by the pool. “What the fuck? Who are the babes?”

  “Oh…you noticed.” I joined him at the windows. “Well, Phuong is Mai’s niece. The little blonde…Jillian…is one of her girlfriends.” I made a show of looking around. “I don’t see the other two. I guess they went out. Anyway, they’re all college girls visiting from the Mainland for a while.”

  Ted gave me a skeptical look. “Mai’s niece came to visit you while Mai is in Vietnam?”

  “Yeah…wasn’t planned that way. I mean, Mai was expecting to be in Hawaii until fall, so she invited Phuong to come over. But then when Mai had to rush back to Vietnam because of her mother, we both totally forgot Phuong was coming.”

  “So she just showed up with some girlfriends?”

  I shrugged. “Well, not exactly. Phuong called to ask if it was okay for her to bring a couple of friends. I told her Mai had rushed back to Vietnam because her mother was ill, and we had forgotten she was coming. When Phuong said something about already having purchased her ticket and everything, I told her she and her friends were welcome to come anyway if they wanted. And so here they are.”

  “And they’re not afraid to be staying with an old lecher like you?”

  “Hey! I object to being characterized as an old lecher. I’m not that old.”

  “Sorry…so they’re not afraid to be staying with a not-so-old lecher like you?”

  I shrugged. “Safety in numbers, maybe.”

  “So, you hook up with any of them yet?”

  “They just got here a couple of hours ago. Besides, Phuong is Mai’s niece.”

  “So? It’s not like you’re blood relatives. Or are you worried she might tell Mai?”

  “Oh, Mai already thinks I’m an incorrigible womanizer.”

  “So…why exactly did you invite me over here? Just to torture me?”

  I shrugged. “Well, they haven’t met any guys in Hawaii yet. And you’re available since you have a free pass from Karen, so I thought maybe they’d be interested in meeting you.”

  Ted nodded. “I like how you think.” He winked. “Feel free to fuck my wife sometime. So, how do we do this?”

  “Let’s go down to the pool deck. I’ll introduce you, and then we can sit in the shade and drink our beer while they work on their tans. If they’re interested, I’m sure they’ll find a way to show it.”

  I led Ted down the stairs and out to a table that sat in the shade under the overhang of the main house. As we sat down, I called over to the girls, “Phuong and Jillian…this is Ted.”

  They both lifted their heads and wiggled their fingers. “Hi Ted!” Jillian said something to Phuong, and they both giggled.

  “Okay,” I said under my breath, “now we watch for a sign.” Of course, I had coached the women ahead of time, so I knew what to expect.

  Ted gazed at them. “Which one do you want?” he asked.

  “They’re both gorgeous. But like I said, Phuong is Mai’s niece, so…”

  “So you want the blonde?”

  “No…what I meant was that I officially have no interest in them.”

  “And unofficially?”

  “Well, hypothetically speaking…if I were you, for example…I’d have a hard time choosing. I guess a lot would depend on how each of them reacts to me. You know, maybe one would seem more interested than the other.”

  We sat in
silence for a few more minutes. Then Jillian said something to Phuong. Phuong untied Jillian’s bikini top, and Jillian returned the favor. They both pulled their bikini tops out from under them and tossed them aside. They remained face-down, but now their backs were bare, and they were showing a fair amount of side boob.

  “Oh, fuck…” Ted groaned as he gave his crotch a squeeze.

  “Well,” I said. “I’d take that as a good sign. I mean, they’re obviously teasing us.”

  “So now what?”

  “Act like you didn’t notice. Let’s see if they take it to the next level.” Of course, I knew they would.

  “So you said there are two more of them?”

  “Yeah. But it looks like they went out. Maybe they’ll be back in a while.” In fact, the other two were fictitious. I had made them up to allow for the possibility of introducing Ted to more of Sally’s girls at a later date.

  “You let them use your Mercedes?”

  “Oh, hell no. The four of them rented a car.” In fact, I had gone down to the Oasis to pick up Phuong and Jillian.

  As I had been expecting, the two young women soon turned onto their backs. Neither made any attempt to cover her bare breasts. Phuong’s silicone-enhanced breasts sat on top of her chest like nipple-crested mountains. Like Mai, she had pacifier-like nipples, but unlike Mai’s, Phuong’s were the color of dark chocolate. And so far as I was concerned, the blacker the better.

  Jillian had perky natural breasts that flattened against her chest when she was on her back. Her nipples were smaller than Phuong’s, but she had big pink areolas that made my mouth water. I got that feeling in my balls, and I began to regret my decision to recuse myself.

  “There’s your sign,” I said. “I think that’s a pretty clear invitation.”

  “Yeah. So now what?”

  “Time for you to give a sign of your own.”

  “Like what?”

  “Oh…why don’t you take a dive into the pool and ‘accidently’ splash a little water on them?”

  “Just one problem. I didn’t bring my trunks.”

  I knew that wasn’t going to be a problem for the women, but I wondered if I could persuade Ted of that without jeopardizing his belief that these women were comparatively innocent college girls.

  “Well,” I said. “Maybe it’s time for a bold play. Why don’t you saunter over to the diving board, casually strip, and walk out to the end of the board. Stand there for a few seconds to give them a good look at your boys, and then take a dive. And we’ll see how they react.”

  “You sure about this?”

  I shrugged and nodded. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Either you’ll be a big hit, or you’ll crash and burn. I don’t think there will be any middle ground.” Of course, I was certain he wouldn’t crash, but I couldn’t tell him why.

  Ted drained his beer. “Wish me luck.” He strolled over to the diving board and kicked off his shoes. He peeled off his t-shirt and unfastened his shorts.

  I glanced at the women. They were still flat on their backs, but both had turned their heads to watch Ted.

  He dropped his shorts and stepped up onto the board in his boxers. He paused for a moment as if he was trying to decide something. Then he walked to the end of the board, still wearing his boxers. He bounced a couple of times and dove into the pool. When he surfaced, the women clapped their hands. Ted gave them a smile and tossed his wadded-up boxers onto the pool deck.

  Phuong got up and strode to the diving board. Her tiny bikini bottom rode low on her hips as she walked to the end. She took one little bounce and knifed into the water. When she surfaced, she giggled and tossed her bikini bottom next to Ted’s boxers.

  Jillian got up and walked over to the shallow end of the pool. She obviously wasn’t going to dive in. I thought maybe she didn’t want to get her blonde curls wet, or maybe she was concerned about her makeup. She crossed her arms under her breasts as she eased down the steps into the cool water. I could see that her nipples had puckered up.

  She waded out into deeper water. Ted and Phuong paddled over to her. Phuong disappeared under the water for a few seconds. When she emerged, she was holding Jillian’s wadded up bikini bottom in the palm of her hand. She handed it to Ted. He held his hand high and dangled the scrap of fabric from his fingertips. Then he swung it around like a lasso and flung it onto the deck.

  The women wasted no time in getting Ted sexed up. Jillian rubbed her breasts against his chest while Phuong rubbed hers against his back. And who knew what all was going on under the water? I wondered if Ted was trying to figure out why both of these nymphs were all over him. But I guessed that he probably didn’t have enough blood left in his head to think about that.

  My own cock was swollen, and my balls were feeling that urge. Part of me wanted to grab one of those sweet young things and have my way with her. But at the same time, I knew it would feel empty by comparison to making love with Karen. For me, sex with Karen was just the prelude to the main event, which was the contentment I felt holding her in my arms afterward.

  I wondered if it always would be that way between us. Or was it something that would wear off over time? That thought disheartened me. If what I felt for Karen…and for Rachel before her…was just some temporary infatuation, then what was the point of it all? Was it all really nothing more than a hormone-fueled drive to procreate?

  I thought about some of the couples I knew. I could think of only one that appeared to have remained deeply bonded for many years. All the others seemed to have lost whatever it was that made them a couple in the first place.

  I’d had countless women over the years. But I’d fallen in love only once…until I met Karen. I sometimes had allowed myself to wonder if my obsession with Rachel would have faded if we had stayed together long enough, and now I wondered what would have happened with Karen if she had decided to stay with me instead of going away with Ted. Would holding her in my arms still have the same magic in ten years as it did right now? I was afraid it wouldn’t, and in my heart, I knew that was the real reason I wasn’t willing to fight to keep her. I’d end up disillusioned, having caused a lot of pain for nothing. I guessed I felt safer hanging onto the illusion than taking the risk.

  I drained my beer and looked back at the pool. Ted and the two women were climbing out. As expected, Ted’s cock was pointing skyward. I visualized it spewing sperm deep inside Karen’s belly, impregnating her with his son. Notwithstanding my uncertainty about the permanency of my infatuation with her, I wished with all my heart that it would be my son she would be carrying.

  Ted had an arm around each young woman as they meandered toward the house. They both were gorgeous. Phuong’s straight black hair hung to the small of her back, and her pussy was bare. Jillian’s wavy blonde hair hung to her shoulders. Although her pubic hair had been shaped and trimmed, I could see that the collar matched the cuffs. She was a true blonde.

  When they came abreast of me, Phuong spun away from the others and strode over to me. She tugged at my hand and said to come with her. She called me “Uncle Three” in Vietnamese. I wondered if she knew I understood…and I wondered how many other “uncles” she had.

  Until that moment, I hadn’t planned to participate with them. But I’m a man, and men are genetically incapable of passing up an invitation to mate with a new woman…especially one as attractive as Phuong. As I stood to go with her, she whispered in my ear, “Rachel said to take good care of you.” I wasn’t sure what I thought about that, probably because my blood supply was rapidly abandoning my thinking apparatus.

  When we got to the top of the stairs at the bedroom level, I guided Phuong toward the master bedroom while Ted turned Jillian the other way. Phuong looked back at them and beckoned, “Come on, you guys. This way! Let’s share!”

  And so it went. By the time we finished a couple of hours later, Ted and I were lying spent on opposite sides of the bed, while the women sprawled between us, leaking semen onto the bedcover. I had a vision of
Karen leaking some stranger’s semen. I looked at Ted and wondered if Karen was on his mind, too.

  Phuong and Jillian crawled out of bed and went into the bathroom. I nodded my head in their direction. “Ever worry about getting one of them pregnant?” I asked Ted.

  He shook his head. “Not possible. I had a vasectomy. What about you?”

  I was stunned. Ted had had a vasectomy? How did that square with Karen’s claim that they were going to try to have another child? Was she unaware of Ted’s vasectomy? I tried not to let my surprise show in my response. “It sometimes crosses my mind.”

  “Ever think about getting snipped?”

  “I have…but it seems to be in the same league as being cremated. Might be the logical thing to do, but it just doesn’t feel right. Maybe I’m just not ready to foreclose the possibility of being a father.”

  “Yeah…well, it was easy for me. I’d already had a couple of kids, and I was sure I didn’t want any more.”

  My mind was reeling. “I always assumed Karen was on birth control,” I said.

  “Oh yeah…she is. Don’t worry about her. Good thing, too, with all the fucking around she’s doing.” Ted gave me a sly wink. “But Karen wasn’t the reason for my vasectomy.” He was silent for a few seconds. “In today’s Navy, we have women everywhere. It you get one of them pregnant, some serious shit happens. So, I decided to play it safe and get snipped.”

  Something was amiss. This didn’t square at all with what Karen had told me. “I’m surprised to hear that,” I said. “I thought Karen mentioned something about the two of you trying for another child after you move.”

  Ted gave a dismissive wave of his hand. “Oh yeah, Karen doesn’t know anything about my vasectomy. I lied to her about wanting to make another try for a son because I wanted to get her off her birth control. You know, so she’d have to stop fucking other guys…especially bareback. I mean, those first few times with you were my idea, but now it seems like she fucks every guy who comes sniffing around.”


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