King of Frost

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King of Frost Page 5

by Ana Calin

  “Arielle is joining us to meet our potential allies,” Lysander decrees. “Many may be inspired by the only descendant of the ocean king.”

  Minerva’s eyes bulge at him like he’s crazy.

  “Have you lost your senses? She’ll be a burden, she can’t even protect herself.”

  Lysander takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as if to calm himself. When he looks at her again it’s with kindness. He wraps his hand around hers and takes it to his cheek, speaking softly to her.

  “You and I are pledged to each other now, Minerva, not only to become husband and wife, but also rulers of the Winter Realm together. We’re strong enough to get woodland fae on our side, shifters, mages and Seelie Fae. But Xerxes is gathering allies as well, and the forces of darkness are to be reckoned with. Arielle can get us one of the fae leaders that neither of us has particularly strong ties with—Calabriel Seawrath. Maybe she can have an influence on others, too.”

  His deep, soft voice, the way he gazes at her, the way he holds her hand, all of it goes like a dagger through my heart. He doesn’t express love, but warmth and companionship. He’s not lying to her or pretending, he just displays all the years they’ve known each other, and it’s enough to make her weak at the knees, I can tell.

  Minerva stares at him as if mesmerized, and it tears my guts. She might not have been in love with Lysander when I first met her, even though I did sense her lust for him, but now she’s falling, hard.

  I jump from my seat and stomp to the window, my guts twisting inside of me in rage and jealousy. What if he’s playing the same game with me? What if he’s using both Minerva and me through his power of seduction? The bastard is a block of ice, his heart must be as frozen as the darkest depths of the universe. I must resist this magnetic pull he has on me no matter what, in order to save my dignity.

  “If Calabriel proves hard to persuade, I could offer him the throne of the Sea Court. Renounce my claim as sole descendant and heiress of the ocean king.”

  “You would do that?” Sandros whispers behind me, surprised.

  “Yes. I’m not interested in political power, Sandros. I just want my sea magic, because I feel it was always part of me, and I have a kind of biological claim on it. Anyway, depending on Calabriel’s reaction, which I suspect will be positive, we can decide what to do next.”

  “We?” Minerva repeats in a mocking tone. “You’re not part of the command, half-breed. Of the ancient Sea Court bloodline or not, you’ll never be more than a half-fae with the mediocre powers of a water nymph. Don’t forget that. Besides, if you expect me to believe you don’t the scepter of the Sea Court, you’re crazy.”

  Rage bubbles in my stomach. I grip the ledge of the open archway, closing my eyes to the cold embrace of the setting winter sun, and drawing in a deep breath. When I’ve regained enough calm to face her without wanting to tear her apart, I turn, slowly.

  “I may be a half-breed, a simple water nymph, and whatever else you want to call me, but I’m not stupid. That kind of power comes with responsibility that has proven too much even for ancient fae. I mean, not even the sea witch could hold on to it. What I want, when this is over, is to be free of Xerxes, or anyone who might seek to enslave me for my powers. When this is over...” I jut out my chin, stating my ultimate desire. “I want the freedom to choose a place to live on the Flipside, far away from all of you. I want to be allowed command of at least a part of my powers, and receive guidance to learn magic in depth. I will make a life far away from here, and we never have to see each other again. I’d also like you to help keep my identity secret. I don’t want any more greedy supernaturals hunting me down. I’ll spend the rest of my life in peace, with Aunt Miriam and, if they’ll choose to come along, Edith and Pablo.”

  Sandros scowls from under his thick dark eyebrows. He’s been treating Edith like some kind of personal assistant these past few days, and I suppose he doesn’t want to lose her. But even though she owes him her life, it doesn’t mean he gets to treat her that way. I will negotiate as hard as I have to for her.

  “What if I can help you get what you TRULY want?” the dark voice of Zillard speaks in my mind. I cock my head to the side, but I try not to make it obvious. I don’t want the others to know I’ve gained full control of my telepathic abilities.

  “I meant what I said. My desires are simple.”

  “Trust me, you want to hear me out.”



  Arielle is keeping something from me. She’s been suspiciously quiet during the preparations, and on our way here as well. She kept evading me like a ghost through the Seelie King’s castle hallways, shrouded in shadow. The magical creatures strolling around often function like a shield for her, and I can’t follow when she disappears among them, since I have Minerva on my arm all the time. This being a diplomatic mission, we have to present ourselves together everywhere.

  I couldn’t resist, and had people follow Arielle, but always in the castle gardens, shadow envelops her. When my scouts make it through, she’s gone. It drives me insane, not knowing what she’s doing, and with whom—even though I have a hunch there.

  At least I know nothing evil can penetrate the secured gates of the Seelie Realm, and hurt her. The only way to access it is through the magical stones in the mortal world, the stones the existence of which has remained a mystery to humans for so long. They lead to supernatural realms, and their gates open only at certain times of day, on specific dates, and only under very special circumstances.

  The Flipside of Scotland is filled with primordial magic, and Arielle relishes in it, more than I’ve ever seen her enjoy anything before. Except maybe my body back in the French mountains. The memory alone hurts, knowing I might never have her again. She has barely even looked at me these past few days, which makes it hard for me to focus on my negotiations with the Seelie King—an old friend, but also a tough negotiator; always trying to trick his way to the best deal possible.

  Not to mention that Minerva’s advances are getting more difficult to avoid. I made arrangements not to share a chamber with her, invoking that we owe respect to the Seelie Court and won’t reside in the same chambers until we are united in proper marriage, but she’s teeming with lust.

  To be frank, it’s no surprise when the door to my room opens. I see her reflection against the windowpane, the robe draped around her shoulders, her gold and silver hair cascading in rings over her bony frame. Her eyes are filled with pent up lust that turned to greed. A greed that reaches down to one’s core, a need to own the other or be owned by them. The way I crave to own Arielle.

  “Minerva.” I keep my posture stiff as I turn to face her, my tone slightly forbidding. She closes the door, the white wood snaking into the locks. She walks over slowly, her naked feet flicking from under the flowing robe with every step she takes. By the way she keeps the sides gathered in front of her chest, she must be naked underneath. There’s provocation in the way she looks at me. I raise my chin, hoping to dissuade her from letting the garment pool at her feet and reveal her naked body to me. It’s easy to see that’s what she intends to do.

  “I thought you’d like some company tonight, someone to help you wind down. It’s been an intense few days.”

  “And the next will be at least as demanding. We need to rest.”

  She smiles, and closes the space between us until she’s too close for comfort. “Travel through caves and stone portals for a whole day, then two more negotiating with the Seelie King, you must be tense as a bow. Let me help you with that.”

  She raises her hand to stroke my jaw, but I catch her wrist. I keep a gentle grip as I lower it. I have to be careful with her, lest she realizes I’m too full of passion for another woman to even see her as one anymore.

  “What would help me relax is a good night of solitude, and meditation. I need to feed my powerhouse. We all do,” I remind her.

  She clicks her tongue, measures me up and down, and starts a slow prowl around me. S
he runs a finger across my back as she walks, which I’m sure she means as a seductive gesture.

  “You and I have known each other for many, many years, Lysander. I’m sure you’ve known how I feel about you for at least a while now.”

  Luckily, she’s behind me when she says those last words, so she can’t see me grimace. She means to sound seductive, but to me, she sounds like a viper.

  Which is another strange development since I met Arielle. It’s not like I don’t enjoy sex. I always did, even though I’ve also always been careful about my choices, since many of those women were only seduced by my power, status or my looks. I know that Minerva is seduced by all three.

  I remain cold as ice, no part of me reacting. I keep searching for that familiar sensation of arousal, if only to convince myself that I can still feel it, but it’s not there. Which must be another implication of the mates’ bond. My body is as loyal to Arielle as my spirit is, a fact that worries me. It’s paramount that I remain master of my feelings, keep the same unshakable control I’ve always had. I can’t let my craving for Arielle take over me.

  Minerva has closed her full circle around me, and we now face each other again, her eyes full of provocation. She pushes the gown off her shoulders, and there she is, standing naked in front of me.

  I was afraid of that.

  “I’ve always desired you,” she slurs, pinching her pointy nipples, and arching her back slightly towards me. “But you were the King. The Lord of Winter who’s seen it all in all the years he’d dwelt in the realms. All the women I knew dreamed of one day becoming your chosen one. But we all knew you would only settle for someone who would help further your power and status. You would only marry a woman who meant good business.” She licks her upper lip, her look telling. “But luckily the time has come that I’m fantastic business for you.”

  She pushes her index finger into her mouth, the other hand lowering between her legs. I follow her hand with my eyes as it slips through the blonde fuzz covering the most intimate part of her body, thinking I should give it a try. I should sleep with Minerva. It would put her suspicions to rest, and it would get me off. Hell knows I’m a gunload of pent up sexual energy because of Arielle.

  But it doesn’t work. I remain cold as ice as Minerva is doing her best to turn me on. My bond to Arielle is even stronger than I thought. I may have put her in chains, but I’m the one who ended up enthralled by her.

  I take in the sight of Minerva’s nakedness, trying to force arousal, but it just won’t work. As much as I let my eyes roam all over her slim, athletic frame, nothing happens, my cock doesn’t even twitch inside my pants.

  Her eyes narrow. “Am I doing something wrong?”

  “There’s a lot on my mind, I told you. It’s the reason I wanted to avoid this, my mind won’t stop working, planning the upcoming meeting with Calabriel. Plus, I like the idea of waiting until the wedding. I like the traditional.”

  “Like hell you do. I’m not stupid, Lysander. The most prominent thing on your mind is the water nymph. Arielle.”

  “That’s preposterous.”

  “It’s the truth.” She picks up her robe and drapes it around her shoulders. “I saw the way you look at her, Lysander. Everybody has. By the cursed realms, it’s difficult not to.” Anger hardens the lines of her face. “It’s not exactly comfortable for a woman, you know, especially one of my standing, to see her fiancé drooling over another like that.”

  “It’s all just in your head, Minerva.” I step closer, and force myself to cup her face in my hands. I run my thumbs over her sharp cheekbones, using a low, grave voice. “Your observation is deep, and quite accurate—marriage must be a worthwhile alliance for me. I would never consider marriage with Arielle, but the only way to gain control over her powers is to play on her feelings. If I control her heart, I control her actions.”

  Minerva’s face relaxes, as if this is exactly what she wanted to hear. She places her hand over mine, her long fingers stroking the back of my hand.

  “That gives me relief. But tell me something, Lysander. Besides my connections, my power, my family ramifications, is there anything else that attracts you to me? I ask because, quite frankly, I felt alone in my desire for you all these years. And don’t tell me you never noticed I had feelings for you, because we’re not children. You’ve always known.”

  “Did I look at anyone else the way you would have wanted me to look at you?”

  “No. Not until Arielle.”

  “I told you—I need Arielle to believe I’m into her. She lived her whole life in the human world, and that is how love-sick human men stare at the objects of their desire. That’s the language she understands.”

  Minerva relaxes into my arms that close loosely around her. It’s a struggle for me to accept her closeness. My body chemistry simply rejects any woman who isn’t Arielle.

  “Minerva, once we are married I will have Iridion make one of his famous love potions for us. I will drink it, and then—” The words are poison on my tongue, but I say it anyway. “I will desire you and only you for the rest of our lives. And our lives are bound to last thousands upon thousands of years.”

  “The love potion wouldn’t be necessary if you pledged yourself to me through a blood oath. Old Iridion told me about blood oaths and their side effects before we left for the Seelie Realm—it would make us fated mates.”

  If my heart could freeze, it would. She must have asked old Iridion for ways to forge a mates’ bond. She’s determined to have my heart in her hands before the wedding.

  “We could do it right now,” she continues, undulating her body into mine. “What’s to stop us from slashing our wrists with our fingernails, and drinking each other’s blood?”

  “Minerva.” My whisper comes out cracked. She’s trying to corner me, and she’s succeeding, because indeed, this intimate moment would be perfect for a blood oath. Intimacy replaces the need for holy ground, and I have no real reason to refuse. There’s only way out of this.

  My hands slip down to her backside. I cup her butt cheeks, my fingers sinking into her white flesh. She gasps, gripping tightly to my shoulders, her want for me heightening. Her skin feels like butter on my fingertips, which makes my flesh crawl, my body chemistry rejecting her.

  For Minerva, it’s a different story. The chemistry of the Ice King appeals to all female fae, because of its promise to deliver special babies. She wants to rut like animals, and I have no choice but to play on that desire. I knead her butt cheeks, pushing my hips into her naked body. I conjure the sight of Arielle, and her scent in my mind, which is enough to trigger an erection. My cock becomes steel hard as I rub against Minerva with Arielle’s face in my mind.

  “Don’t think I don’t desire you,” I say in a low, rumbling voice that makes Minerva moan, her eyes hooded. “What man wouldn’t? I was just determined to focus on our task until the wedding, but I can’t resist you, if you come on to me like this.” Inside my head, I’m talking to Arielle. It’s the only way I can express burning desire credibly.

  I have no choice but to sleep with Minerva, but when I scoop her up and start towards the bed, she squirms.

  “Put me down, I want to feel you in my mouth.” But I can hear panic in her voice. The rush of desire is gone from her skin, and she’s only trying to distract me with a blowjob. She glances at the bed, and then right back at me, but one instant was enough. I already spotted the dried demon eye tucked between the silken pillows.

  We’re not alone.


  MY JAW IS SO TIGHT that it hurts. On the inside, I’m about to combust.

  The mates’ bond was a side effect of the blood oath, an effect that Lysander didn’t see coming, but he’ll surely find a way to free himself of it when this is all over. When he doesn’t need me anymore. Then, he intends to bind himself to Minerva.

  Sure, she sent her servant to deliver me the dried demon eye and tell me when I should start watching, but she’s not the one staging what’s happening
in Lysander’s chamber. It’s him who touches her greedily, and tells her he’s only been playing me all this time.

  I wish I could look away from the eye that has transformed into a scrying globe, not do this to myself, but I can’t. I watch as Lysander drops Minerva on the bed in a rush of passion, but right that moment the doors to my chamber open, distracting me.

  It’s Zillard Dark.

  “You sure know how to make an entrance, but this is getting old,” I bark.

  “I knocked. You didn’t answer, but I knew you were inside. I worried something might have happened.” He glances from me to the demon eye I’m holding, then stands aside.

  “Let’s go.”

  “I’m busy.”

  “We’re not going to make any progress in your magic training if you take days off. Plus, you need to work what you just saw out of your system.”

  I hold out the demon eye. “So you have a hand in this?”

  “Of course I do. How do you think Minerva had access to that kind of black magic, if not through a warlock?”

  “If you help my rival, how do you expect me to ever trust you?”

  “I only helped your rival in order to get through to you. I don’t believe you can trust Lysander. Something’s fishy about him.”

  “Oh, so you did this crap for me, not Minerva, is that right?”


  He sure can be cocky. But I’ve come to trust him. He was the only one who actually showed me how to use what I can access of my power, and taught me some magic, giving me the means to protect myself if I’m ever on my own.

  And judging by what Lysander just told Minerva, I should expect to be on my own quite a lot.

  I pocket the eye and follow Zillard into the castle gardens with my head high. This time I don’t even try to hide, especially when we pass by Sandros, who’s sitting on a high platform in a tree, polishing his blade. He stops working and stares at us like he can’t believe it. In the end, Zillard and I have been keeping our meetings secret, and shrouded in shadow, so this must come as a shock. But I want Lysander to hear of me strolling around on Zillard’s arm. I want to show him he doesn’t have power over me, like he bragged to Minerva that he does.


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