The Bringer of Wrath

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The Bringer of Wrath Page 23

by A. E. Via

  “Are you cold?” Wrath asked, though he was already extending his hand and pushing his heatwaves in Bell’s direction.

  “Oh, wow, okay. Yes. That’s enough.” Bell pulled at his collar, then opened a couple of buttons on his vest. “Plenty warm enough now. Thank you.”

  Oops. Maybe Wrath overdid it on that part. He hadn’t meant to cook his poor bird. He groaned when Bell wiped at a bead of sweat forming on his temple. Feeling like he’d already messed up—damn this nerve thing—Wrath took a deep breath then tried to think of a different approach. He stood there awkwardly, balancing himself on multiple branches. Bell reminded him that he was naked, as those smoky, gray eyes trailed up and down his body, stopping at his…. Wrath felt his groin heat without his permission.

  He crouched down and crawled over until he was between Bell’s thighs. “Why’d you run away from Alek, Belleron? You hurt him when you did.”

  “I know.” Bell shook his head, his eyes squeezing shut as if he was playing some dreadful scene behind his lids. “But knowing you were in there… and so upset. Feeling unwanted. Alone. It hurts me, too. A lot. I won’t stand for you to be hurt again… by anyone.”

  “You got upset because of something that was done to me?” Wrath needed to make sure he understood clearly. No one, and he meant no one, had ever cared enough about him to give his feelings a second thought. Especially when he’d been raised in the Underworld by relatives who thrived on evil. Wrath had never been worth getting distraught about. No one stood for him. No one had ever volunteered to be his champion. He wasn’t one of the demigods people prayed to when they were in need. Not unless they were praying to keep him away. He’d grown used to being loathed and had learned to live with the rage that would forever consume him if his heart wasn’t touched.

  Bell eased forward, spreading his legs wider, and Wrath was able to feel his warm breath on his cheek. He followed Bell’s hand with his eyes, shaking when it landed on his chest. The touch felt as if he’d been hit with a bolt of lightning. “Yes. I care about you very much, Ira.”

  All the gods. Wrath placed his hand over top of Bell’s and did something he’d never done before. An honor he’d never granted anyone else. He’d lived an eternity and it was the first time he’d let another being inside or had permitted someone to get close to his heart. Allowing another in to see his good side was also a way for them to learn his weaknesses. But, he trusted the man before him—a fated love.

  Wrath’s grandfather had had to trick his wife Persephone into staying with him, forcing her into a bond she despised. Wrath didn’t have to do that. Who knew it’d be a vampire who would earn his loyalty? The powerful Belleron Liatos. Wrath was beginning to feel he did have the Mother’s blessing, and she hadn’t cursed him after all. Now, he needed to make Bell understand that he was fine—for Alek’s sake—that he was at peace. Wrath had lived forever, so the few years that Alek and Wolf had been against him, felt like a mere moment in time.

  He wanted their mate to see his true feelings for Wolf and his alpha, Alek. He felt no malice, not even an ounce of hatred. Bell’s eyes widened and Wrath knew he’d felt it the moment he dropped all his shields and Bell could see into him. He was completely inside his mind. “Oh, Ira.” Bell gasped, his beautiful eyes falling shut as he explored Wrath’s extensive life. “You’ve seen so much.”

  “Yes. But, never anything as mesmerizing as you,” Wrath answered. Bell’s presence in his mind, in his soul, was such soothing and welcoming company. Wrath felt no deceit. Just the sweetest, most delicate touch in the world. He wanted to return those touches, but he didn’t know how. He couldn’t ask Alek for advice on this, his and Bell’s relationship had to be separate and exclusive to them. The alpha had explained that to him quite well.

  So, Wrath couldn’t’ve been happier when Bell noted his indecision and wrapped one cool palm behind his neck and with the other he cupped his jaw, using it to pull him forward. He started to pant when he realized Bell was going to try to kiss him. He didn’t know how to kiss! The opportunity had never arisen. How did all the other demigods make loving look so easy? They could be persuasive, smooth and sexy when they wanted to be, luring both mortals and gods alike to their beds. Wrath knew how to give good vengeance… nothing more. He felt so far out of his element, he began to panic. If he withdrew again, Bell might grow weary of the back-and-forth. Besides, he really wanted to be a good mate.

  “Just relax. I’m only going to touch you,” Bell whispered, his lips dancing along the side of his mouth and Wrath felt an eye-rolling throbbing start between his legs. “You feel so warm, so very good. I’m not angry anymore.”

  Wrath felt a pleasantly scorching liquid leak from the tip of his hard cock. What in the hot-hell? Bell didn’t continue on a path to his mouth, instead he leaned closer and rubbed his creamy cheek against Wrath’s stern jaw. He couldn’t resist turning his face inward, seeking out more of Bell’s alluring scent. Bell dragged his nose down his throat, and Wrath thought he’d lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen as he tried to breathe.

  “I smell you, Ira. I smell your godly blood,” Bell moaned.

  Wrath almost toppled over when he felt one of Bell’s fangs graze over his raging pulse.

  “Do whatever feels natural, Ira. Whatever you want.” Bell stroked his cheek, all while keeping up the confident, masculine touch on the back of his neck. “That’s it,” Bell rasped, when his head began to fall back. He didn’t even know it was happening until Bell hummed against the veins protruding from his throat. “Yessss.”

  If Wrath hadn’t been so turned-on and excited by Belleron from the moment they’d met, he would have sworn he was using some kind of charm-lure on him. Wrath felt pressure on his chest as Bell guided him to lay back. Those piercing gray eyes had him following Bell’s lead without thought. Whatever Bell was going to do to him, it couldn’t be bad when it all felt so damn good. If anything, it’d probably give him some relief from the yearning.

  Bell moved in close, and Wrath wasn’t sure what to do with his hands, so he kept them at his sides, clutching the branches for dear life. He needed the ache to stop. He closed his eyes when he felt copious amounts of liquid run down his shaft and over his tight sac. Wrath didn’t know why he groaned the way he did, but it didn’t stop it from happening a second time.

  Bell ground himself against Wrath’s hip, proving to him he was in the same situation. He didn’t have to doubt how much Bell wanted him; he could smell it. The scent of his arousal reminded him of the goddess Anthea’s rose garden, fragrant and sweet. He could hear every frantic beat of Bell’s heart. Yet, still he lay motionless. Terrified that if he moved and acted on the images that popped into his head, he might do something wrong, and Bell would stop touching him altogether. He couldn’t allow that.

  “Tell me what you need, Ira.”

  Ungh. He didn’t know. Except he wanted to take the aching member bobbing over his stomach into his sweaty palm and pull on it. Or did he want Bell’s hand on it? Ahhhh. Then he leaked again, this time the warm fluid ran between the grooves of his abs. “Something… I don’t know…”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Wrath licked his damp lips as he stared at Bell’s mouth. He caught a glimpse of the tip of his fangs, which made his blood boil in his veins. Without thought, he tilted his head back as far as he could, wanting the yearning to stop. “Biiiite‘,” Wrath just barely ground out. His back arched off the branches when Bell dropped his head and licked a searing path along his shoulder to the jugular vein pounding fiercely beneath his skin.

  Bell cradled his head, placing feather-soft-kisses along his neck. Then he felt the erotic scratch of one fang grazing over one of the major arteries in his throat. The opposing sensations were making him dizzy. The anticipation was driving him insane.

  Bell squirmed against him as if he was one going mad with want. “I’m so hungry for you that I can’t wait anymore.” The feeling of Bell’s fangs driving into his body almost made him sing a song loude
r than any siren could. There were no words he could think of to describe the sensation of euphoria.

  Wrath shook as Bell sucked in a deep, hearty pull, relieving so much of the extreme pressure at one time. He snaked his arm around Bell’s body and yanked him even closer as he drank insatiably. There was nothing delicate about Bell’s touch. It was possessive and forceful. Aggressive. And so perfect.

  “Mmm, Ira. You taste amazing. So hot and powerful.”

  He could literally hear Bell’s greedy gulps as his fangs dove a bit deeper, releasing another jolt of ecstasy through him. UNGH! Wrath’s dick jerked out of his control, then spurted thick, steaming amounts of white seed over his shoulder and onto the upper part of his chest. He released a startling yell, calling Bell’s name.

  Bell never stopped his feeding, or his grinding and he wouldn’t stop whispering Wrath’s sacred name. The one he revered and held close to his heart.

  “Ira,” Bell moaned, after releasing him. He placed his head on Wrath’s chest and ran his slim finger through the big mess he’d made on his stomach then dipped it into his mouth. He adored the way Bell worshipfully called his name. Maybe he wouldn’t wait so long before he sought out his special touch again.

  “So, how’d you like it?” Bell asked Alek, on their hour ride back from the arts center. It was his evening to choose their plans, and he’d selected a night of fine music and drinks. While he wouldn’t have ordinarily called the Midcoastal Symphony Orchestra’s rendition of Beethoven’s No.7 a must-hear performance, it was decent. And he used the term generously because he’d sat in the balcony seat for the Vienna Philharmonic.

  “It was… nice. It would’ve been really nice if one of those chicks would’ve grabbed a microphone and started belting out a Faith Hill song or something,” Alek said, shrugging.

  Bell tried not to gape. They really were light years away in terms of cultural similarities. But that was okay, he could live with Alek not liking classical music. “Orchestras focus on the sound of the instruments, not lyrics.”

  “Gotcha. Like I said. It was nice. I felt a little under-dressed though. You should’ve told me you were gonna show up like this.” Alek eyed him hungrily in the back seat of the black sedan. “Damn, I almost couldn’t watch the show.”

  Bell shook his head, turning to stare out the window at the dark landscape flying by. Alek’s heavy palm roamed over his charcoal dress pants, and up his heather-gray cashmere sweater. “I like you in this color. It makes your eyes look lighter.”

  Bell smiled. “I’m glad you like it. Farica altered my wardrobe this evening. Maybe I should try other colors besides black.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” Alek wrapped his arm around his back. “You really do look gorgeous.”

  “Thank you.” Bell accepted Alek’s deep kiss, but he was quick to bring it to a stop before he ruined his pants.

  “Are we going back to the cabin now?” Alek rumbled.

  “This is a customary date. I’ve picked you up at your doorstep. We’ve seen a show. Now we need to go to dinner. You have to eat, do you not?”

  Alek narrowed his eyes. “And what are you going to eat?”

  “You.” Bell growled. “Hell, I didn’t mean to say that out loud. But I digress. Wick told me of a place he’s dined at with your brother a few times called the Terrapin Winery. They supposedly serve a mouthwatering prime rib.”

  Alek laughed. “Which you know nothing about.”

  “True.” Bell shrugged. “But, I know it’s your favorite part of the cow—”

  “Babe, you can just say it’s my favorite cut of beef.”

  Bell wondered what the difference was, but fine. “Sure. While you eat your beef, I’ll enjoy their wine selection. Which I also hear is fairly nice.”

  Alek reared back, giving him an incredulous glare, “Nice huh? Didn’t you say you’ve been to vineyards in Spain? Switzerland, and Australia.”

  “I have. But, you can’t judge a winery by its location alone. Wick may’ve found us a hidden gem nestled in the heart of… of…” Bell frowned. “Where are we going, Covell?”

  “Whitefield, my lord,” his driver answered.

  “Ah yes. Let’s not be so hasty to discount Whitefield’s wine.”

  “Oh the compromises.” Alek laughed lightly then placed a lingering kiss on Bell’s cheek. “I have a feeling there will be a lot of them… my lord.”

  Wow, Alek said that so naughtily in his mind that Bell found himself pushing the button to raise the privacy partition before he knew it.

  Bell felt something was wrong the moment they’d entered the posh establishment. They’d been shown to a curved booth in the back, farthest from the entrance. At first he thought it was perfect because of the dim lighting and close quarters, but then he noticed the prying glances. Regardless of the glowing recommendation the local winery received, Bell had felt Terrapin would be a safe place where he and Alek could be themselves as it was also owned by a vampire.

  Alek was polishing off the last bites of the massive hunk of red meat that’d been placed on the table in front of him, along with four sides of broccoli and two baked potatoes. Bell sat in the curved booth close enough to Alek that their thighs were touching, but they still had enough elbow room.

  “Do you know how sexy it is to watch you casually sip that glass of red wine while I eat?” Alek leaned over and whispered into the bend of his neck.

  Bell nudged him over, then lifted the lapel of his jacket. “You’re gonna get grease on this.”

  “As amazing as you make those suits look, you may have to start dressing a bit more practical until—” Alek sat up, pushing his plate away.

  Bell’s heart jumped into his throat at Alek’s concerned scowl. “What is it?”

  “Wolf says there’s a crowd gathering outside.”

  “I don’t hear any extra voices.” Bell cast his eyes around the room, noticing the way heads darted in the other direction. He inhaled deeply then rubbed his head in frustration, “I can’t hear anything beyond the restaurant, the customers, staff, and the kitchen. But, if there’s a gathering out front, why in the bloody hell didn’t Covell tell me?”

  “Yeah, me either.” Alek glanced around at the patrons. “I can only faintly hear what’s near me. And I can only smell you and the food being cooked.”

  “Then how do you…?”

  “Wolf and Wrath have the super enhanced abilities, remember? They’re telling me.” Alek tapped his temple. He sat up a little higher and uncomfortably adjusted the collar of his dark blue Polo shirt. “Weird, huh? Well, this is the way it has to be.”

  Bell hated the miserable look his beloved wore. He had to know by now that Bell loved him and accepted him as his mate. All the complex parts of him. He almost wanted to shake Alek, he was frustrating him so much. He inched closer and took both Alek’s cheeks in his palms. “Weird does not describe my cherished.”

  Alek’s sigh of relief caressed his lips. “Bell, I need you to understand. Wolf will react if you are in danger.”

  Bell didn’t break their eye contact. “I know. He’s already saved my life, twice, Alek. I know.”

  Alek tossed away his cloth napkin. “Okay. That’s good then. I just may not always be able to warn you first. Either one of them can break forward and I—”

  “Aleksei.” Bell placed the tip of his finger on Alek’s lips. “I said I know. It may take me some time to catch up, but I’m sure I will. I’m looking forward to learning.”

  Alek pressed his lips to his, probing for his tongue, but Bell wasn’t much for excessive displays of public affection. Besides, he was catching little whispers from the diners nearby. Bell tried to calm how warm his body was getting and returned his focus to Alek who still wore a puzzling frown. “Talk to me, Beloved. Tell me what my mates are concerned about,” Bell whispered.

  Alek closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Bell felt Alek’s love in his mind. “I’m so grateful for you, Bell.”

  Bell nodded, keeping his touch confident wh
ile Alek explained.

  “Wolf says the people around us have been on edge since we walked in. Nothing bad… but they recognize us. He says the ones that are staring and whispering wear heavy burdens, sorrow.”

  “Then maybe we should just go if Wolf is uncomfortable.” Bell reached into his inside jacket pocket and took out his wallet, placing a few hundreds on the table. He wasn’t interested in seeing a bill. He took out his cell and called Covell to bring the car to the door. When his driver answered, sounding half-asleep, Bell thought he’d lose his mind.

  “What are you doing?” Bell snapped into the phone. Bell heard a lot of noise and fumbling in the background, then a car door opening and slamming.

  “I drove up the road to park because I thought you and the alpha were going to be a while. It’s only been forty minutes, my Lord,” the young vampire weakly explained, but all the puny excuses served to do was stroke Bell’s fury.

  “I don’t give a goddamn if it’s only been one minute,” Bell fumed, trying to keep his volume to a minimum inside the small winery, making his words come out as a snarl. “You are never permitted to sleep on the job. Get to the front door, now!” Bell’s eyes fell shut, his chin dipping to his chest. The hand on his neck was so hot. Bell swallowed at solace flowing over him. He just barely held in his moan as his chest loosened and his face softened.

  “That’s it, pretty bird. Give me all that anger.” Wrath’s lips were against the shell of his ear and his godly hands felt as if they were everywhere on his body… doing their majestic thing. The sudden sound of Wrath’s rough voice made him gasp with excitement. “I can’t resist your call, Belleron. Did you know that you’re summoning me when you get mad? Hmmm. The way you smell when you are angry is an aphrodisiac to me.”

  Wrath kept his face tucked behind Bell’s long mane of hair and out of view of the onlookers. Not everyone could receive his burning irises.

  Bell took long, calming breaths, “I apologize. I didn’t mean to.”


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