Alpha Beast

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Alpha Beast Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  So perfect.

  So sweet.

  “What are you doing, Liam?” she asked.

  “I have no idea. I had to see you.” He forced himself to pull back rather than bite her neck. To taste her. He wanted to strip her clothes off and feel her against him. To completely surround himself in her scent.

  “The moon is full tonight,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “Are you in control?”

  “No,” he said. “What’s more, I don’t want to be. All I can think about is you. All of you. Every single part of you.” He slammed his lips down on hers. Liam didn’t know what he expected, her to slap him or push him away. Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and melted against him. He broke the kiss to trail his lips to her neck. “You have no idea what you fucking do to me, baby.” He growled, thrusting his hips against her so she had no doubt what he was referring to.

  “I think we should take this elsewhere,” she said.

  He pulled back and saw the curtains twitch inside her house. “Yes, we should.”

  Liam couldn’t bear to be apart from her. He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together as they left the safety of her driveway. The city was busy, and he went straight to his car, which he’d parked away from her house only because he didn’t know how much control he had.

  Opening the door, he waited for her to climb inside, then rounded to the driver’s side. He got behind the wheel, turned over the ignition, and joined the traffic. Rather than head toward the center of the city, he took them both out toward the waiting forest. It had been a long time since he’d gone for a run. The older he got, the more control he had. Right now, he had to let off some steam.

  The full moon felt like a constant presence at his back, driving him to turn.

  Neither of them spoke, but he felt her.

  One glance at her body, and he saw her nipples were puckered against the front of her shirt. The scent of her arousal was already heady in the air, making his mouth water for a taste of her. His cock was so fucking hard he was surprised it hadn’t torn his pants in half to get free.

  After parking in a secluded spot, he climbed out of the car. He went to help Jenny out of the car, but she’d already climbed out.

  “I love being out in the open,” she said. “I’ve tried to leave the city so many times.” She tilted her head back and breathed in the air. “So fresh. So freeing.”

  He copied her, breathing in the air that wasn’t polluted by the cars.

  She released a giggle and turned toward him. “Catch me.”

  Before he could stop her, she’d taken off into the woods.

  He removed his jacket and without a word, followed close behind her, wanting to chase her.

  His cock, already hard, seemed to get even bigger.

  Would Jenny be able to take all of him?

  How innocent was she?

  Would seeing him naked terrify her? He hoped he had the patience to make sure she would love sex as much as he did.

  All he could think about was getting her to orgasm on his cock, to taste her slick pussy. The moment he got his hands on her, he intended to make her feel good. All of those curves would soon belong to him.

  He followed her scent, drawn to her. She was his mate, he had no doubt.

  Even though his father hadn’t found his true mate, Liam was more sure than anything that he’d found his.

  He wanted to keep her. To love her. To protect her from the world.

  She made a turn and as he followed, he came to a stop when he saw her shirt was on the ground. Picking up the garment, he placed it against his nose and inhaled her scent. She smelled so good, just as he imagined she would.

  Glancing in the direction where she ran, he smiled. He removed his shirt, dropping it to the ground with hers. He’d have no problem finding them.

  Chasing after her, he came upon her skirt, then her panties.

  He picked up her panties and pressed them against his face. Fuck, she made him harder still. Pre-cum already leaked out of the tip of his cock. He needed to get to her soon. To taste her sweet cunt before anyone else.


  It was the only word running through his mind. His wolf was just as excited as him.

  Rushing through the trees, he slowed down as he neared her.

  Then he saw her. The full moon’s light cast a soft glow through the leaves.

  Her tempting curves were on display. She had her arms extended as she swayed her hips from side to side. She may not be able to turn into a wolf, but she certainly held the allure, and fuck, it went straight to his cock.

  “I know you’re close,” she said. “I can feel you.”

  “Do you think I’d be anywhere else?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you get naked for every man?” he asked. Mated wolves were rumored to be jealous, but in his world, fucking was natural. Being with a fellow wolf, to ride the wave of need was expected. He watched Jenny as she turned. From behind with her full ass, she was stunning, but in front, he wanted to take her now.

  Heavy tits with tight nipples just begging to be sucked beckoned him. He advanced toward her. She opened her eyes and offered him a smile. “You look like you want to eat me.”

  “And you haven’t answered my question.”

  “Liam, I’m unwanted. There has never been another man.”

  He wrapped his fingers around his length, showing off his hard dick. “Does this look like you’re unwanted?”

  “But that’s different.”

  “Why is it?”

  “You’re as weird as me, or you want to taste a bit of my freakiness.” She closed her eyes. “It feels so good. I can never turn, but I know how … intoxicating it is.” She ran her hands down her body, cupping her tits, diving down further to cup between her thighs.

  He worked his cock, sliding from the base, up to the tip, and back down again. All he wanted was to take her to the ground, to fuck her hard as she thrust up against him.

  “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be full of this need and have no way of letting it go? To always be left alone in the dark?” She opened her eyes.

  “No one helped you?”

  “No one wanted to help me. I was as lost to them as the dead.”

  Liam had heard enough. Closing the distance between them, he invaded her space. “Well, I think it’s only fair that I make up for it.”


  Deep down, Jenny knew Liam was a good man, or at least as good as any mafia man could be. He killed. He destroyed, but he also protected.

  His family name.

  His honor.

  Every single part of him was filled with it.

  He didn’t have a single soul following him hoping to do him harm. It didn’t mean he’d never taken an innocent life. What it did mean was those that he had taken had either deserved death or accepted it and moved on.

  Liam wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. She moaned at his touch.

  Her entire body was on fire, flooded with need. Completely and totally consumed by everything that was him. She wanted him all.

  His lips slammed down on hers and she gave herself to him.

  His hands gripped her ass tightly, and in one swift move, he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around him, feeling how close he was to her core.

  Breaking from the kiss, she cried out his name, but it wasn’t enough. She was starting to realize nothing with Liam seemed to be enough. They’d known each for other a matter of hours and yet, she couldn’t stop this feeling.

  In the back of her mind, she knew she had to tell him about the curse, but right now, she just had to have him.

  He pressed her back against a tree trunk, the bark digging into her back. Rather than feel pain, all she felt was exquisite pleasure. This was what it meant to be owned and taken.

  Liam kissed down her neck, sucking at her pulse before diving further down to trail his lips toward her breasts.

She watched him, hypnotized as his tongue flicked across one bud. The pleasure shook her to the core. It wasn’t enough.

  His cock pressed against her virgin pussy, almost mocking her in its length.

  Jenny licked her lips, tilting her head back. “Fuck me, Liam.” Even if the wedding didn’t go ahead, she’d have this moment with him at least. This was by far better than anything else.

  Liam moved them, taking her to the ground. He didn’t stop kissing her breasts, sliding his tongue over them, before moving down her body.

  He gripped the inner flesh of her thighs, spreading her open, keeping her in position as he did what he liked with his tongue. He hadn’t touched her pussy, but she knew he was going to.

  After what felt like a lifetime of waiting, she was finally going to know what it was like to have a man touch her, to bring her to pleasure.

  He stroked through her slit, grazing across her clit before keeping the lips of her sex open. She whimpered as his tongue replaced his fingers in the onslaught of her body.

  His touch started out light.

  There was no rush to his ministrations. He held her down as he continued to tease her.

  Opening her eyes, she looked down at where he lay. His gaze was on her pussy as he tongued her clit. The pleasure was intense.

  She’d touched herself plenty of times, but none of them even came close to the way he made her feel. It was consuming.

  Little slivers of moonlight glistened through the trees, touching her skin, making her even more hyper-aware. Both of his hands moved up her body, touching her tits, holding on to them as if they were some kind of vice he needed.

  She arched up, hungry and desperate for more.

  Suddenly, he stopped using his tongue and placed his lips around her clit, sucking her deeper into his mouth. She cried out for more, begging for him to put an end to her pleasure. She needed to come.

  She’d never experienced such a rush of need before. The orgasms she’d given herself paled in comparison to what he was doing to her.

  “Please, Liam,” she said, begging.

  “You taste so fucking good. I don’t want to ever stop.”

  She had no problem with him never wanting to stop. All he had to do was give her the release she craved so much. He didn’t stop, taking his sweet time, until finally, she couldn’t hold back anymore.

  Her orgasm rushed over her, flooding her body as he continued to stroke her clit, setting her on fire with the touch of his lips. He wasn’t done with her, though. After she came, he slid his tongue down toward her entrance.

  So sated from her release, she didn’t tense up. Just waited. If he wanted to take her virginity now, she was more than happy for him to do it. In fact, she was very much ready for it. There was no need to hold back on her account.

  Only, he didn’t plunder her entrance with his tongue, but circled her.

  She cried out, arching up, begging for more.

  He drew his tongue back up to circle her clit. She was still tender from her previous release and she didn’t know if she was going to be able to stand any more. But he took her by surprise as with light touches, he built up her need again. Within a matter of minutes, she reached down between her thighs, grabbing his hair and rubbing his face against her pussy. His hands moved from her tits to her ass, holding on to the globes.

  She knew she was going to have bruises tomorrow from his touch, but at that moment, she didn’t care. All that mattered to her was the pleasure he created at his hands. It continually flooded her body.

  This time, the tension lasted longer, so much so, she didn’t even think she was going to be able to reach a second orgasm.

  Liam proved her wrong as he brought her to another orgasm, only this one had her screaming his name. The sound echoed through the forest as it claimed her.

  He pulled back and she looked up at him in wonder.

  “You’ve been a virgin all this time. I think it’s only fitting that you remain one on our wedding day.” He worked his cock, sliding up and down the length.

  She was more than ready to fuck him. “You’re not going to take what belongs to you?”

  He growled. It was low and rumbled in his body. Almost like his wolf was so close to the surface. The sound made her nipples even harder and her pussy tighten.

  Licking her lips, she waited for what he was going to do.

  Liam moved between her thighs and she held herself open for him to do with as he pleased, waiting.

  He placed his cock against her wet slit.

  After two orgasms, she was soaked. He got himself nice and slick and she watched between her thighs as he did so.

  She expected him to fuck her, but not Liam. He was going to stay true to his word. On her wedding day, she was still going to be a virgin.

  He rocked between her thighs, his cock bumping her clit as he slid forward.

  “I’m not going to be able to last. You taste so fucking good. Better than any fine wine or whiskey I’ve tasted.” He grabbed her hands, locking their fingers together as he held her down to the ground, thrusting between her thighs.

  Not once did he penetrate her.

  All he did was ride her slit, touching her clit, setting her on fire even more. His thrusts were hard and sure, and all she did was give herself up to the pleasure of his touch.

  “You belong to me now, Jenny. You’re all mine.” He closed the distance between them, slamming his lips down on hers and kissing her hard. She melted at his touch, feeling the explosion of so many emotions erupt within her chest.

  She couldn’t explain it.

  Didn’t understand it.

  But she wanted him so damn much.

  For the first time in her life, she wanted to be selfish with him and not allow anything to come between them, not even the truth.

  The thoughts stayed with her even as Liam let go and came all over her pussy and stomach. He didn’t stop even as pulses of his cum slickened their bodies. The tightness of his hands on hers, the feeling of his lips, all of it, she loved every single part of it.

  When he pulled away, she wasn’t ready to let go, but all he did was rest his head against hers. “You have no idea how fucking much you mean to me.”

  “It’s only been a short time.”

  “And yet, here we are. I want you, Jenny, more than I’ve wanted anyone else. All I can think about is you.”

  She smiled. From weirdo to being the most thought about, she couldn’t help but smile. “You’re all I think about as well.”

  She let go of one of his hands to cup his cheek, running her thumb along his bottom lip. “Let’s do that again.”

  Chapter Four

  It was only a matter of days before his wedding and Liam sat in the office, going over contracts as his second in command gave him the lowdown on what was going on behind the scenes at one of his family’s casinos. Business, as always, was thriving. Their legal business helped to cover up everything that ran behind the scenes.

  The cops would have a field day if they knew what was happening amongst them. So far, any cop that had gotten too close had met with an untimely accident. Being wolves, they were able to take care of their own messes.

  A familiar scent suddenly assaulted his senses and he stood up as his human PA came to the door.

  “Sir, sorry to bother you. Miss Luca is here to see you.”

  Over his PA’s shoulder, he saw Jenny and smiled.

  The memory of her body wrapped around him filled his mind. His cock had already hardened.

  “Leave us,” he said, looking toward his second in command. His two brothers had their own staff who were responsible for keeping them up-to-date with what was happening in their businesses. Being the oldest male in the Wolf line, he had to deal with the most elements. His brothers had to answer to him, while he only answered to their father. At times, it seemed rather unfair, but that was life.

  The door closed and he noticed Jenny looked even more pale.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.
br />   She nodded. “This is a busy … office.”

  He worked on the top floor of the building owned by his father. Down below, near the basement, there was an underground fighting ring. None of the wolves could compete, but it was where the humans came to earn money.

  It was a fight to the death.

  Staring at her now, he wondered if someone was around. “Are we alone?” he asked.

  “Yes, we are right now.”

  “You weren’t getting here.”

  She offered him a sweet smile. “Like all things in life, nothing is as it seems. Not even here.” She looked around his office. “To most, it looks like a sophisticated office. Not many would know that several feet down, beneath their own feet, death has consumed so many.”

  He rounded the desk, folding his arms and watching her. “Does this bother you?”

  “I wish I could say it has never happened. We’re not normal people. You run your city under your father’s command, as do my brothers with my father. I doubt it will be the last time I walk into a building swamped by death.”

  Liam didn’t like this. “Do any of them pose you harm?”

  She shook her head. “Nor you. I think … for most, they’re sad. They had nothing and no one. The final fight was their last chance to get away from it all. To them, death has been final but also hard to accept. They’re filled with sadness, so for now, they watch. They like to watch the living.”

  “No one is here right now?”

  “No. You’re all alone.”

  “I have to say, baby, we’re getting married tomorrow. I thought you’d be making the final preparations. Preparing for our life together.”

  She was so close to him. She put her bundled-up coat on the back of one of his chairs. Her white hair was pulled back into a messy bun. Strands curved her face. She wore a pair of jeans and a long shirt that hid most of her curves.

  He couldn’t take his eyes away from her.

  She was so beautiful.

  The memory of her orgasms was still so fresh in his mind, and he wanted to spread her out across his desk and take her again.


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