Alpha Beast

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Alpha Beast Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  This time, as she screamed his name in orgasm, he worked his way up her body, using his fingers to continue her release as he found her entrance. He thrust in deep, feeling her orgasm as she finished the last few waves of her release.

  Even though he’d fucked her so many times last night, she was still so fucking tight. He was addicted to her.

  “Liam,” she said.

  He lifted her and spun them around so she straddled his waist and he leaned against the headboard. Her legs circled his waist. He gripped her hips, holding on to her, guiding her over his cock, taking her deeply. Liam stared into her eyes as she started to work his cock, going up and down.

  Tightening his grip on her hips, he watched her, feeling consumed with the need to fuck her, to take her, to constantly mate her until her belly was full with his child. Instead, he held her hips, showing her what he wanted, letting her set the pace for what she wanted.

  “Liam,” she said, moaning his name.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “It feels so good.”

  “I know.”

  “Will this feeling ever go away?” she asked.

  “Not if I can help it.” Sex between them was always going to be amazing. They were too good together for it not to be. She was fire in his arms.

  He moved one hand up, sinking his fingers into her hair and pulling her close to take possession of her lips. She kissed him back. Her hands wrapped around his neck, their bodies flush.

  Jenny rode his cock and he thrust up to meet her.

  It didn’t seem to matter how many times he’d come before. It never seemed enough. Holding on to her, he fucked up to meet her thrusts. They weren’t graceful as they took each other.

  When he found release, Jenny whimpered her own against his mouth. They were both panting for breath.

  “Do you think they’re waiting for us?” she asked.

  “I don’t give a fuck. We’re married, and this is our honeymoon right now.” He didn’t have the time to take her on a honeymoon. They only had the weekend together, and that was only if he didn’t get called away.

  “I want it to be like this forever, Liam.”

  “It will be. We’re the only ones in charge of our marriage, no one else.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, enchanted by her smile. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?” he asked.

  “With how many times we’ve fucked, I’m getting used to it.”

  “You better.” He kissed her lips and she moaned.

  Just as he started to get hard, there was a knock at the door.

  He pulled back and looked at Jenny. “Tell me you didn’t hear that.”

  “I did.”

  He groaned. “I’m just going to go and kill whoever would dare interrupt me this morning.” He climbed off the bed, not caring that his cock was already semi-aroused again. He opened the door to find his brothers and father waiting. The grim looks on their faces made him aware it wasn’t good.

  “There has been a fire at one of our casinos. We have to go,” his father said, looking over his shoulder.

  Liam followed his gaze to see Jenny. She’d covered her nakedness with a sheet. His honeymoon, for now, was over.


  Seventy-two hours she’d been married. For sixteen of them, she’d been with her husband. The rest, she hadn’t seen him. Jenny sat in his apartment in the center of the city, staring out across the glowing streets below.

  She’d always hated the city, as had her mother, and her grandmother.

  “It’s not so bad, child,” Grandmother said.

  “You don’t have to keep visiting me. I know you must have more enjoyable things to do wherever it is you go.”

  “I need to make sure you’re okay. You know that and I can feel your sadness.”

  “I’m fine. I should be used to this life sucking out what little fun and joy there actually is in life.” She sighed, moving away from the window. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s doing business. The fire took six lives.”

  “I know. Three of them have visited me.” She pressed her lips together. “Do you think I should go down there?”


  “If six people lost their lives, that means another three are down there. They might not know to come and find me. They may have information about how the fire is caused.” The truth was she missed her husband. Now that she was married, she’d been trapped inside his apartment and it was driving her crazy.

  “You risk a great deal going down there. The more that know about you, the harder it will be for you to escape.”

  “I can’t escape this.” She grabbed her jacket and looked toward her grandmother. “Unless you think I’ll embarrass him. Do you think he’s lying to me? Is that why you don’t want me to go?”

  “Liam is not lying to you. Work takes priority. He’s not at the burn site. They put that fire out a long time ago. No one is there at the moment.”

  “If he’s not there, then where is he?”

  “Taking care of business.”

  Jenny had heard that term so many times. “He’s killing someone.”

  “Not killing but … torturing.”

  Tears filled Jenny’s eyes. “That’s the curse part, right? Something bad happens to his business or family, and he kills the wrong person, who wants revenge?”

  “Jenny, he’s doing what he thinks is right.”

  “If I can stop him killing the wrong people, then that is what I’m going to do. I’m not going to sit here twiddling my thumbs, waiting for something bad to happen.” She was driving herself crazy. They were not having a honeymoon and she accepted that because she thought she would at least get to see her husband. Instead, she’d been alone, lost in her thoughts and talking to spirits.

  After sliding her jacket on, she opened the door and came to a stop when she saw not one, but three guards at her door.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “We’re to make sure you’re safe at all times, Mrs. Wolf.”

  She stared at them, hard. “I want to go out.”

  “You’re not allowed to leave,” the one nearest the door said.

  Jenny looked at them all. None of them would keep eye contact with her. They were all afraid of her. She smiled. “You know if you touch me, then boils start to appear all over your skin. It’s not a pretty picture.” She stepped toward one of the men and watched as he instantly recoiled. “I can set your brains on fire with a mere look. I call upon your families and curse you.” These were just a few of the rumors that often circled about her at functions or even at school.

  Kids could be so cruel.

  “Mrs. Wolf, we can’t let you leave.”

  “Then keep me if you’re willing to touch me. Some say that touching my cursed flesh will scar you for life. That you’ll only know fear and pain.” As she talked, she moved toward the elevator. The men were afraid of her.

  She’d tried this once on her father’s men, but it hadn’t worked. Those men had been living with her and knew deep down, she was just like them. There was nothing special about her, other than her ability to see dead people.

  The doors pinged closed and she knew they were going to be calling Liam to come and get her.

  She took a deep breath.

  Something twisted in the pit of her stomach.

  “What are you doing, honey?” Grandmother asked.

  “I’m going to see the fire.”

  “Nothing good will come of the fire.”

  The doors pinged over. “I’ve got to go and see. You know I have. Either come with me, or disappear.” She smiled at a couple who passed. They looked at her strangely, but who wouldn’t? She was talking to no one.

  Climbing into Liam’s car, she took another deep breath. She hated to drive. More often than not, she got one of her brothers to drive, or at least one of the soldiers. After sliding the car into gear, she pulled out of the parking lot and made her way toward the location where the fire had taken place.
/>   There were minimal cars on the road, for which she was thankful. Her awful driving would have undoubtedly caused a few problems if there had been more people on the roads. She pulled up into a space opposite the main fire. There was a metal fence around the building.

  As she stepped out of her car, the scent of smoke was still heavy in the air.

  A shiver rushed its way up her spine as she looked toward the building. To most, it looked like an abandoned warehouse, but she knew differently. With Liam gone, this was important to him. This was a job gone bad.

  Crossing the road, she found the entrance into the building and slid between, gritting her teeth as her hips got stuck. She managed to get through without remaining stuck, which would have been even more mortifying. She could just imagine the papers and gossip about her now. The weirdo stuck trying to get into the burned building.

  Once she stepped through the gates, she felt an instant hit of pain.

  “You’re pretty.”

  She turned to see a little girl who couldn’t have been any older than six.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “You can see me? I’ve been trying to talk to a lot of people all day.”

  “I can see you, sweetie. I like your dress.” There were dark smudges on her cheeks. Seeing dead children was the worst. If this little girl was stuck here, then it meant she’d died in the fire, or at this location at some point. From the look of the dress, she wasn’t an old death. Quite modern, if a little worn.

  “My mommy picked it out. She said we were going to be happy here. She’s not always happy, but we were going to be happy.”

  “Do you know where your mommy is?” she asked.

  The little girl shook her head. “No, Mommy got out. I … I was too sick. I couldn’t get out. I followed her, but she didn’t see me. She cried a lot. I don’t know where she went. Men took her.”


  The little girl nodded. “I saw them. They were wearing really nice clothes. Mommy said if they’re wearing nice clothes then I have to be quiet. It didn’t matter though. I kept on screaming but she didn’t hear me. She took off in the van.”

  “How old are you?” she asked.


  “You’re a big girl.”

  She nodded. “Why are you here?”

  “I came to see about this place. I had to wonder why it … burned down.” She looked toward the little girl. “Sweetheart, you know why your mommy didn’t hear you, don’t you?”

  The little girl nodded. “Yeah, I know. I’m dead. It’s okay, the bad man told me.”

  “The bad man?”

  “Yeah, huh. He’s really angry. He doesn’t like that he’s been killed.” The little girl looked all around. “I can’t see him. He wanders off. He tells me I’m a pain and that I should die for real. He’s not very nice.”

  “He doesn’t sound very nice.” Jenny watched as the little girl tensed as she looked over her shoulder.

  Turning in the same direction, Jenny saw why. The man coming toward them was more beast than man. Claws were in place of where arms were supposed to be. It looked like his face had been torn in two. The anger and rage simmering off him were palpable.

  This man wasn’t good.

  The spirit was alive.

  The lights flickered and smashed as he came close.

  “He wants to try to hurt me.”

  “You’re the weirdo that can see us.” He snarled toward her.

  Jenny had been around angry dead people before, but nothing like this. She touched her stomach, feeling that tight sickness curling within her gut.

  All of a sudden, her grandmother was there.

  With every passing second, Jenny felt her energy being drained. Her grandmother was using her to ward off the evil spirit.

  It was intense, painful, and so fucking scary.

  Whoever this man was, he was no friend to the Wolf family.

  Chapter Six

  Liam parked alongside the car Jenny had taken. The moment he’d gotten the call from his men, he’d been pissed. Not one of them could give him a reason as to why his wife had decided to leave the safety of their apartment. Not only that, not one of them could tell him why they didn’t even stop her.

  He’d been in the middle of an interrogation about why the building across the street had burned to the fucking ground. According to early reports from his men in the fire department, it was purposefully set. There had been civilians inside that fucking building, and now he was pissed off.

  He spotted Jenny immediately and climbed out of his car, intending to berate her for being so fucking stupid. Instead, he paused as he watched her.

  Something was going on.

  Her stance.

  The way she looked.

  The instant she swayed, he knew she was about to hit the ground. Sprinting across, he launched himself over the fence and captured her before she’d even hit the ground. Her entire body completely passed out.

  “Jenny,” he said, touching her forehead.

  She was hot to the touch. Without waiting, he picked her up in his arms and moved toward the main gate that led inside the building. So much for a protective barrier.

  The gate sprang open, and he carried his woman across the threshold, going toward his car. Before he got there, something traveled down his spine. He didn’t know what. A sixth sense, maybe, but he stopped and turned toward the house.

  He didn’t know why he kept on looking back, only that he had to. Something was there.

  “Liam,” she said, moaning, drawing his attention back.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’m not going to let you go. I’m right here.”

  His wife opened her eyes and looked a little dazed.

  “I’m going to be sick.” She threw herself out of his arms, bent over, and did exactly as she said she was going to do. He rubbed her back, keeping an eye on the road. No one was around. It was why it had been the perfect location for shifting drugs and other things to export.

  “I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”

  She kept on puking. All this time, her body shaking with each upchuck.

  After a few minutes, she stopped, but she was still gagging with nothing to come out. She stopped, spent and exhausted, collapsing in his arms. He caught her, knowing he wasn’t going to let her go.

  He carried her toward his car.

  “What about the other car?” she asked.

  “Someone else can come and get it.”

  For some reason, this made her laugh. “I doubt it. I think your men are afraid of me. Not that I blame them. I wasn’t exactly nice to them.” She burst out laughing as if it was the most hilarious thing she’d ever said. “I’m sorry. I was mean to them.”

  “You were mean to my men?”

  “Not on purpose. Well, not entirely on purpose.” She chuckled.

  He got her in the car and rounded to the driver’s side. “Do you want to tell me what the hell is going on? Why you would put yourself in danger? Why you … passed out? Tell me.”

  She looked past his shoulder and shook her head. “No, please, take me home. It’s not safe here.”

  He didn’t question her. There was no point.

  Turning over the ignition, he pulled away from the curb and drove all the way home. He tried to make small talk, but Jenny was far too shaken.

  When they arrived at their apartment, he noticed the odd way his men behaved as he passed. Almost as if they were recoiling from her, and he couldn’t stand that. There was nothing wrong with Jenny, other than what others thought.

  Gritting his teeth, he kept his thoughts to himself and followed her inside the apartment. He tossed his keys onto the counter. There was no way he would be finishing his interrogation tonight. Not after what he’d just witnessed. His wife needed him here, and this was where he was going to stay.

  After putting his jacket on the coat hanger, he went to his wife, who was in the process of downing a glass of water. She turned the tap back on and filled it ba
ck up.

  “You want to tell me what the hell was going on back there?” he asked.

  “I will, but first I need to drink. Then shower, and I need to eat.”

  Her hand shook.

  “Has anything like that ever happened before?”

  She paused in her drinking. “No.”

  Liam watched her, seeing the edge of fear in her eyes. Something bad had happened. She finished drinking her third glass of water, when finally, she focused all of her attention on him.

  “Did you know there was a little girl in that fire?” she asked.

  He tensed up.

  The fire department had made claims that the remains of a young girl had been found. He thought they had to be lying.

  “There couldn’t be,” he said.

  She smiled. “She was there tonight. Her mother had gotten out of the fire. Not this little girl. There were six victims, right?”

  “Yes.” The press were only reporting five. He had contacts very high up. The fact this even got to the press pissed him off.

  “You haven’t come home,” she said, walking toward him.

  She surprised him by gliding straight past him.

  “Jenny, you know how this is,” he said.

  She stopped on the way to their bedroom and turned toward him. “And you know how it is for me as well. I’m here waiting around for you. You think I don’t know what’s going on. You’re off torturing someone who could be completely innocent. That’s how it starts.” She growled. “Why am I even talking to you about this? You clearly don’t care. Your own men are so easy to manipulate.” She went into their bedroom.

  He wanted to go out and beat the shit out of the men, but he followed his wife. His father had once told him to always follow the wife. Nothing good ever came from not following the woman.

  “Jenny, don’t keep walking away. Do you want to tell me why you left the apartment?”

  “If it had occurred to you to even call your wife in the last three days we’d been married, you would have known that I was visited by three of the six people who died in that fire.” She glared at him as she removed her clothes.

  “You were?”

  “Yes. It would seem the people who died had heard of me.”

  “You saw the little girl tonight? Is she the one who made you pass out?”


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