Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet

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Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet Page 176

by Hayley Faiman

  I’m sure my once styled blonde hair looks like complete crap now. Lifting my hand, I try to fix it as best as I can without a mirror. In the end, I don’t really care too much about it. It’s not as if I’m trolling for a man, tonight.

  “You look good, baby,” he murmurs in his gentle voice.

  It’s a tone I haven’t heard in a while, and I turn my head and look at him in surprise. I watch as he throws his leg over his bike as well.

  He reaches out, wrapping his hands around my waist, and his eyes look down at where he’s holding me. “When’d you get so fucking skinny?” he whispers in disbelief.

  “I’ve been working out and eating clean for three months, West,” I say keeping my voice even, and trying not to sound as confused as I am by his sudden awe.

  He squeezes my waist before lifting his gaze to me. “I know you have, Ivy, but baby you’re tiny. You doing all this shit so you can leave me?” he asks.

  I swear my heart shatters. It breaks into a million pieces because I’ve thought about it. I know he’s thought about it, too. We’re both broken right now. Struggling to make this work, and most days have seemed pretty bleak lately.

  Then, this beautiful man looks at me with doubt in his eyes and I want to reassure him that everything, will be okay. That I’ll never leave him, that we’ll grow old together. I can’t blindly promise those things right now though, no matter how badly I want to. The truth is, I don’t know.

  Looking up to him, I give him the only answer I can. “I did this for me, West. I wanted to feel better about myself when I looked in the mirror. Sure, what you said triggered that, but I hadn’t been feeling that great for a while. Now, I look in the mirror, and I know that I’m not perfect, but I also feel really great about myself. It’s something I haven’t felt in a long time.”

  One of his hands lifts to cup my cheek and his thumb slides across my bottom lip. “Then, baby, keep doing it. I love you no matter what you look like, regardless of what I said. You know I didn’t mean it. You look just as beautiful and sexy today as you did three months ago, and same with the day I met you. You’re always gorgeous.”

  I don’t get a chance to respond as he lowers his mouth and presses his lips to mine, slipping his tongue past and quickly tasting me. He doesn’t linger, standing straight and keeping one of his hands wrapped around my waist. We walk together, toward the entrance. I’m a bit dumbfounded, unsure of what to say. Unsure of what I’m feeling.

  I thought it was over—I thought we were over.

  Now, I’m not so sure.

  The bar is loud, and as soon as we step inside, it doesn’t take me long to find Chad and Brian. They’re sitting off to the side at a table for four. Chad sees us first, and his mouth drops slightly. I don’t know if he’s surprised at my form-fitting new clothes, or at seeing West for the first time—probably a mixture of both.

  “You want a beer?” West asks.

  I turn to him and shake my head. Lifting up on my toes a bit I shout that I’ll have a Captain Morgan and a Diet Coke. His eyes widen in surprise. “Less calories and no sugar,” I shrug. His eyes narrow before he lifts his chin.

  “Go sit with your friends, I’ll be right over,” he shouts over the music.

  We separate and I weave through the small crowd toward Chad and Brian. When I arrive, Chad stands and practically jumps toward me. He gives me a small hug and wraps his hands around my shoulders giving me a little shake. “I am a miracle worker, and you have the body of a twenty-year-old,” he announces.

  “I went shopping today. I figured it was time to buy some things that actually fit,” I shrug.

  He gives me a wide smile. “Who is the sexy beast that looks like he wants to kill me? You’re cheating on your husband, right? That’s why you seemed so gloomy earlier?”

  “No, that’s West,” I giggle shaking my head. “He does look like a beast though.”

  Chad guides me over to the table, and I say hello to Brian, giving him a small hug before I sit down across from them in my seat. “Seriously, I didn’t know, Ivy. Although I should have known you could snag a man that fine, no matter what. He’s hot,” Chad sighs.

  “Keep it in your pants, birthday boy,” Brian grunts.

  I can’t help but laugh at the two of them. I don’t often see them interact in a setting that isn’t the gym. They’re always so professional at work that it’s kind of nice to see them outside of their normal workspace. They go quiet a few seconds later, and that’s when I know that West has arrived.

  “Chad, Brian, this is my husband West,” I introduce. West gives them chin lifts and a grunt as he places my drink down, then sits down beside me.

  Brian clears his throat. “So, West. What is it you do for a living?”

  I can feel West’s eyes on me, then they shift away and move back toward Brian. “I’m a Notorious Devil,” he states.

  I don’t know why he says anything, he’s wearing his cut which clearly states exactly who and what he is.

  “Forgive me, I’m not sure what that is,” Brian murmurs.

  I’m pretty certain it’s a lie. Brian is from here, and everybody in Shasta knows exactly who the Notorious Devils are.

  West shakes his head with a smirk playing on his lips, though I’m not sure anybody else could see them beneath his scraggly beard. “I’m a member of a Motorcycle Club. I work for them, I’m the Road Captain,” he shrugs.

  “Okay, we’re doing shots. It’s my birthday, and I want to get white girl wasted,” Chad announces.

  I watch in amusement as he stands and walks over to the bar. Brian shakes his head and excuses himself as he follows after him.

  West turns to me, and I notice that his eyes are smiling. It’s something I haven’t seen from him in a while. “They’re crazy, baby,” he chuckles. “I like them though.”

  I’m taken aback by his words, however, a smile forms on my lips. I’m happy that he likes my new friends. I also can’t deny that I’m enjoying having him sitting next to me right now. I’m glad that I’m not trying to figure out how I’m going to make it in this world without him at my side.

  Maybe all of this, is just the kick in the ass we needed. I hope that whatever has been between us lately, is now on its way out, and we can go from here. That we can find our way back together and be a stronger couple in the end.


  I watch her drink Captain and Coke, after Captain and Coke. She hasn’t eaten that I know of, and her words start to slur about two hours into the evening. Chad’s words are slurring as well, and I lift a brow to Brian when Chad announces that it’s time to dance. He reaches over and wraps his fingers around Ivy’s hand, trying to force her to stand. I watch as she rises from her feet with a sway, then together they go out to the dance floor.

  “You know, she’s really special,” Brian announces as soon as they walk away from the table.

  Turning to him I lift a brow in question. “She is,” I agree.

  “She loves her family a hell of a lot,” he states. I give him a nod because she does. Ivy lives for our kids, she always has. “I just… I thought you should know.”

  I look at him in confusion, but he turns away from me to watch the dance floor. I don’t know why he’s announced how much Ivy loves her family as if I didn’t know. I do know. Her love for me, for our kids, it has nothing to do with our issues. It doesn’t mean that we will always be perfect.

  We sit in silence watching the crowd. Well, I only have eyes for my wife. She’s dancing closer to Chad than I would prefer, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m not threatened by him in the slightest. I can tell that there’s nothing between them but friendship, and both he and Brian seem like a happy couple.

  When they make their way back to the table, I stand. I’m finished for the evening. I’ve been sitting next to my sexy wife sporting a semi all night, and now, I’m going to fuck her. “What, why are you standing?” She giggles as she launches herself at my chest.

  Wrapping my hands around her ass and gi
ving her a squeeze, I lower my head. “I’m going to take my tipsy wife somewhere and fuck the shit out of her, that’s why I’m standing.”

  “West,” she breathes as she clutches the side of my shirt.

  “Say goodnight to your friends, baby,” I murmur.

  Taking a step back, I take her hand in mine while she shouts to the two men in front of us. I’m not listening to her words, my focus on trying to keep my cock at bay all the while my eyes can’t stay off of her ass. She tugs on my hand, and I lift my eyes from her ass to her face. “Let’s go,” she murmurs.

  Lifting my chin to the men, I tug her behind me, and we leave the shitty bar. I hate this fucking place, so I’m glad we’re able to go. We walk toward my bike, and my feet falter at the sight in front of me.

  Some fucking punk is standing a little too close to my bike, and he’s studying it in more than just fascination. He looks like he’s thinking pretty fucking hard about something as he takes in my black beast.

  “Help you, boy?” I ask once my feet start moving again. Ivy slides up next to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

  The punk looks up and takes a startled step back. His eyes widen when they land on my patches, and he shakes his head. “Cool bike,” he shrugs.

  I help Ivy on the back before I throw my leg over and straddle it myself. The kid watches, but it isn’t in admiration, there’s something not right in his gaze. It makes me feel on edge, and my gut tells me something ain’t right with this boy.

  Ignoring my gut in favor of paying attention to my cock, I start my engine, and we ride toward the clubhouse. The things I want to do to Ivy can’t wait. I know if we go home, one of the kids will assuredly still be awake. I want to make her scream for me, make her beg, and make her come.

  It doesn’t take long for us to ride into the clubhouse parking lot and as soon as I park my bike all thoughts of the punk ass kid are gone. All I can think about is my cock and her pussy. When I turn the engine off, she squeezes my shoulder.

  “We need to go home, Tori is watching the kids and I didn’t tell her we were going to be gone all night.”

  Without responding immediately, I step off of my bike and remove my helmet. When I do, I catch her brown gaze with my own. “Not staying here all night, baby. Just long enough to make you fucking scream for me,” I grin. Her breath hitches and I watch as her chest starts to rise and fall.

  Ivy’s eyes widen, and she opens her mouth to say something, but I have no desire to hear it. Pressing my lips to hers, I slide my tongue inside and taste her. “Let’s go, baby,” I whisper against her lips.

  She lets out a sound that’s more of a whine and whimper, combination. My cock goes from semi to fully erect.

  Helping her stand, I divest her of her helmet, leaving it on the seat of my bike, before I wrap my hand around hers and pull her toward the back of the clubhouse. I don’t want to go through the front. I don’t want to chance getting stopped by anybody.

  I just want to be inside of my wife. I know that I was just inside of her this morning, but it’s not the same. We were angry and fighting, now we’re going to have some goddamn fun.

  “West,” she giggles as she stumbles in her high heels behind me.

  Once we’ve reached the back door, I dig my key out of my pocket and unlock it before pulling her inside. I can’t wait another second to taste her, again.

  The door closes behind her, and I turn, pressing her back against it and my hips against her stomach. Sliding my hand around her neck, I press my thumb against her jaw to tip her head back.

  Her mouth is opened slightly and her eyes are hooded as she looks up at me. Fuck. How I ever thought I could be finished with this woman, I’ll never know. I can’t deny that she’s it for me. No matter our other bullshit, the only one I want is her. Even if I want to show her off to the world, even if I might want to share her a little, I can’t hide the fact that it’s only her for me.

  “Get in my room, strip down to nothin’, and show me what’s mine,” I murmur.

  She gulps with a nod before her lips turn into a smile. “Yes, daddy,” she whispers.

  My fingers flex against her tender throat and I can’t help but grunt as I take a step back, releasing her. Fuck. She knows what it does to me when she calls me that. She doesn’t do it often, and it’s more of a control thing rather than a kink thing, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make me hard when her sweet voice calls me daddy.

  “Just saw Ivy sprinting to your room, you good?” Torch asks from behind me.

  I adjust my cock before turning around to face him. Cleo is tucked beneath his arm and giving me a sideways smile, obviously tipsy like Ivy. I glance back at Torch who is giving me a shit eating grin as well.

  “Tonight, we are,” I grunt not giving anything away.

  Walking past him, I ignore his laugh. The fuck always thinks he’s right, and the kicker, he usually is. I hurry toward my room and slip inside, locking it behind me before turning around to look at my wife. She’s standing in the middle of the room, completely naked save for her red high heels.

  “How do you want me?” she asks as she takes the pins out of her hair. I watch as it tumbles down past her shoulders and skims her tight nipples.

  “Shoes off. Head down. Ass up,” I murmur.

  I watch as what looks like disappointment washes over her features. She probably thinks I’m just going to stick my cock in her, pump a few times and be done. She doesn’t realize that I plan on eating that sweet pussy before I do anything else.

  Giving me a nod, I watch as she divests herself of her shoes and positions her body just like I’ve asked. Taking my cut off, I toss it on top of my dresser and undress, leaving the rest of my clothes and boots in a pile on the floor.

  Crawling up behind Ivy on the bed I let out a groan when I reach her spread thighs. I grab ahold of her bare ass and give it a squeeze. “Baby, wish you’d let some of that ass come back, but I can’t deny you look fucking amazing,” I groan.

  She lets out a sigh, and I lower my face toward her center, inhaling her scent. “West,” she whimpers.

  I chuckle as I bite the flesh of her ass. “I’m hungry, baby, give me that cunt,” I announce.

  “Fuck,” she hisses as she arches her back and brings her hot pussy closer to me.

  I bury my face in her cunt, wrapping my hands around her thighs as I jerk her even closer. Flattening my tongue against her clit, I slowly lick her. She tastes phenomenal. Taking my time, I build her up slowly, not wishing to rush this moment between us. I want to create a slow, long, climax. They’re my favorite to give her. The noises she makes, the way her body moves—I fucking love it.

  “Oh shit,” she cries as her thighs start to shake. I know she’s close as she tries to move away from my mouth, but I don’t let her.

  My fingers clamp down around her thighs and I pull her against my face again. “I can’t. Stop. Oh God,” she moans as she starts to shake even harder.

  Then she lets out a long groan and reaches back to wrap her hand around my hair, fisting it between her fingers. “It hurts, holy fuck,” she cries, but she doesn’t push me away, not that I would go anywhere.

  Her taste is all I can think about right now, her screams filling the air are all that I can hear. When I close my eyes, I imagine that we’re in a room full of people, people who are watching the way I can make my wife scream.

  Ivy’s fingers tighten in my hair again and she lets out a sob as her body starts to go limp. She then collapses on the bed. I lick her pussy one last time, collecting her cum with my tongue before I spread her ass apart with my hands and place my tongue against her back entrance.

  “Oh baby,” she murmurs into the pillow as I swirl my tongue around her ass. Her hand is still in my hair, holding it loosely, and when I continue to lick her beautiful hole, her fingers tighten again. “You feel good,” she admits on a sigh.

  Slipping one of my hands between her legs I start to play with her swollen clit. I pet her gently knowin
g that she’s still sensitive, but when she pushes back against me, I grin. She’s climbing again. I’m going to wear her out tonight, to prove to her that we not only work, we work fucking great.

  It doesn’t take long before her hips start to move harder and faster. I shove two fingers inside of her as I continue to lick her ass. My other hand slides around her hip to play with her clit.

  “West, oh my God, I’m going to come again,” she shouts.

  She rubs against my fingers at her clit and pushes her ass against my face, over and over again. Her pussy clamps down around my fingers so hard that I regret not having my dick inside of her, as she cries out and throws her head back, riding out her second climax.

  “Roll over, baby,” I grunt as I sit back on my calves.

  She slowly rolls onto her back and looks at me through unfocused, hazy eyes, her lids drooping and a lazy smile on her lips. Thoughts of being inside of her fill my mind, but first, I want in her mouth. I crawl up the middle of her body, my knees on either side of her, and straddle her shoulders.

  Leaning over, I grab ahold of the cheap headboard and lower down. Ivy instantly opens her mouth, and I tip my chin as I watch my cock disappear down her hot throat. I know she can take all of me, she’s had years of practice, but no matter how many times I fuck her mouth, it’s always spectacular.

  I grunt before I speak, “So pretty, baby. Now play with yourself, keep that pussy primed and ready for me.”

  She moans and I feel her body shift beneath mine. I can feel her movements as she plays with her pussy, and I fuck her a little harder. Letting out a breath I can’t stop myself from visualizing, yet again, that other eyes watch us. I want that, I want it so goddamn bad.

  When I’m about to blow, I pull out of her quickly and roll off of the bed to stand at the side. I watch as her hand plays between her legs, her fingers sliding in and out of her cunt and her eyes slide closed. I’m almost content to just gaze upon her as she makes herself come again, but I need inside of her too badly to do that tonight.

  Reaching down I wrap my hand around her ankle and reposition her body, tugging her closer to me. Wrapping my hand around her other ankle, I lift them both and drape them over my shoulders. Without a word, I sink into her hot, tight, swollen center.


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