Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet

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Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet Page 197

by Hayley Faiman

  West spins me around and I place my palms flat on the door, pushing my ass out and spreading my thighs. “Fuck, Ivy,” he groans as his fingers gently brush through my wet center.

  “Baby,” I whisper, dropping my head back.

  His hand fists in my hair and tugs my head back a little further, right before his cock slams inside of me. I’m unable to hold in my gasp at the surprise of his sudden entrance. He doesn’t move immediately, allowing me to stretch around him.

  “Look at me,” he demands. I open my eyes and look at his face upside down. “I’m okay, baby,” he whispers as the hand not fisted in my hair gently slides around the front of my throat.

  Tears well in my eyes at his words. West leans over slightly and presses his lips to my forehead. “Baby, I’m okay,” he repeats.

  My words are caught in a lump in my throat so I don’t even try to speak them aloud. West doesn’t allow me a moment anyway, he releases my throat and wraps his fingers around my hip before he starts to roughly thrust in and out of me.

  It’s almost painful, but the place he’s hitting inside of me causes a warmth to spread throughout my entire body. I let myself relax against his hold and just feel him fucking me. He’s relentless, and my scalp burns, but I couldn’t ask him to stop if I tried—I wouldn’t want him to.

  I pinch my eyes closed tightly and try to push against him, meeting his thrusts as much as I can before my entire body freezes and my climax washes over me.

  West continues to grunt, and his fingertips bite into my hip before he stills. I feel his release spill inside of me and he lets out a long moan before his hips begin moving again in languid strokes.

  He releases my hair and his fingers gently skim down my spine. They make their way to my chest, and he grabs ahold of one of my breasts in his hand.

  He holds onto my breast, tightly, then presses his chest against my back. “I’m okay, baby,” he whispers against my ear.

  “No riding your bike,” I breathe.

  He chuckles as he rolls his hips, causing me to gasp. “I’ll take the truck,” he grunts, slipping from me.

  I turn around and grab my panties from their discarded place on the floor as he tucks himself back into his jeans and buttons them.

  “What are your plans today?” I ask.

  West’s head lifts and something dark crosses his gaze before it completely disappears. He grins and shakes his head once, reaching out to cup my cheek. His dark eyes stay on mine as his thumb runs beneath my eye. “I’ll be home for dinner,” he states.

  I open my mouth to reply but his fingers flex. “You know that I’ll answer what I can, when I can, Ivy. This isn’t one of those times that I can give you a complete answer.”

  Nodding, I wrap my hand around his wrist and give him a smile. “Boys have a baseball game at six tonight. I promised them I’d take them out for burgers afterward at the diner.”

  “I’ll be here at five, we’ll all go together,” he murmurs. He leans forward, his lips grazing mine before he whispers against them. “Love you, baby.”

  Releasing me, he walks past me and out of the bedroom before I can reply. I don’t mind, I love him too, and he knows it.

  Closing my eyes, I suck in a deep breath. Making my way to the bathroom, I quickly clean up before I head out for the day. I glance at the drawer that holds my workout gear and I make a snap decision.

  Dressing quickly, I throw on a pair of exercise leggings and a sports bra, covering myself with a tank and switching my shoes. Running out of the house, I head toward the gym. I haven’t seen Chad and Brian since West was shot. I need not only to work out but to talk to them about possibly working for them.

  I already quit my job at the dentist office, and I felt guilty, but to be honest, I had more time off than I actually worked. It wasn’t fair to them.

  The gym looks busy and I’m glad for that, although it will make getting some alone time with both of the boys a bit harder.

  Hurrying out of my SUV, I make my way into the building and smile when I see Brian behind the counter. “I thought we’d lost you forever. The gym at the clubhouse isn’t really that great and I would have been sad if you’d chosen to hang out there more than here,” he announces as soon as I step through the door.

  “I could never ditch you guys for that shitty equipment. Besides I’m pretty sure they don’t clean that shit,” I state. Brian laughs and walks around the counter to wrap his arms around me.

  I welcome his embrace and let out a heavy sigh. “How’s he doing?” he asks quietly.

  “Driving me crazy. He won’t just rest.”

  Brian takes a step back and chuckles. “I didn’t expect him to, how could, you?”

  Rolling my eyes, I let out a laugh. “I know, I know,” I wave my hand. “Could I talk to you guys when you’re both free?”

  Brian looks at me, his eyes scanning my face and he tips his head to the side. “Must be serious.”

  “Kinda,” I shrug. “I’m going to work out for a while, let me know?”

  He nods and I give him another quick hug before I hurry to the equipment. I haven’t had a really good work out in a while so I’m going to spend the afternoon here, trying to get my ass back in gear. Then, hopefully I’ll leave this place with a little side job, which would be like a dream come true.


  My lip curls when I walk into the warehouse. It smells so fucking bad in here. Derek’s lifeless body hangs on a hook that’s suspended from the ceiling. I tip my head to the side and take him in.

  The hook is the same one that one of the boys who took Rosalie hung from just months ago. I should probably feel bad about that, and about Derek. I should, but I don’t.

  “He’s pretty fucking ripe,” Grease grumbles next to me.

  I turn my head and glace over to him. “Yeah. I’m not sure what to do with him. Kind of wish he would have lived so I could torture him a little,” I shrug.

  “Apparently my sister doesn’t fuck around.”

  I chuckle thinking about Ivy stabbing this fuck in the neck, more than once. “She scares me a little, now,” I murmur.

  Grease laughs and slaps me on the shoulder. “She fucking should.”

  Derek’s cut is on the ground in a heap of leather beneath his feet. “Shall we deal with that thing first?” I ask, pointing at it.

  Grease takes a few steps toward it, bending over to grab it before bringing it back to me. “Cut the patches off,” he murmurs.

  I pull my knife out of my pocket and start to cut the fabric away. My shoulder burns but I don’t stop. I want his patches fucking off. When I’m finally done, I drop the leather to the ground at my feet and hand Grease the patches. I shove my knife back in my pocket before I pull my dick out and piss on the leather cut. Grease laughs but as soon as I’m done, he starts to piss on it too.

  “His body?” he asks.

  I glance at the body, then the piss soaked leather cut at my feet. “Burn him,” I murmur.

  “Not worthy of a burial.” Grease nods in agreement.

  Walking over to the door, I stick my head out and tell the prospect to come inside. “He needs to be burned, with the cut. There’s a barrel out at the edge of the property where we do that.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he states, lifting his chin.

  The prospect is young, only about nineteen years old. I highly doubt he’s anywhere near twenty-one. He’s probably seen some fucked up shit here the past few months, but he needs to understand that this is the life we live. We’re all about the party, we’re all about the dope and the pussy too. But when it’s time to get shit handled, it ain’t fuckin’ pretty.

  I leave the warehouse with Grease behind me. We don’t speak another word walking straight toward Torch’s office. Once we’re inside, Grease throws the patches down on Torch’s desk. He looks up from the computer and then glances at the material before he lifts his eyes to us. Leaning back in his chair, he grins.

  “Prospect is burning the body,” I announce.
/>   Torch nods. “Everything good with you?” he asks.

  My hand automatically touches the healing bullet wound at my chest and I nod. “I’m good.”


  I know what he’s asking. Ivy kind of flipped out on him and I don’t blame her. I’m not leaving my club, my brothers though. We haven’t talked about it, but I know she just had a moment. A lot of shit went down in just a short period of time.

  I don’t blame her for being scared. “She’ll be okay,” I state wrapping my hand around the back of my neck. “It was just a lot.”

  “She’s been through a hell of a lot. If she needs to talk, you make sure you get her help before it turns into something else,” he advises.

  I nod in agreement. He’s right. I could see Ivy getting lost inside her own head, the events from the past few months piling up and becoming overwhelming.

  “She’ll be okay, though. I talked her into quitting her full-time job at the dentist office. She’s going to ask her friends at the gym if they need some part-time help there. I just don’t want her to be too busy to process.”

  Torch nods and Grease slaps me on the back. “Good idea, on both counts. Now that Derek is dealt with, and you’re off of your punishment,” Torch winks. “I don’t want to send you off to Colorado anytime soon. Let’s get you healed up, and make sure Ivy, and the kids, are okay before I add you back to rotation. You cool to work the docks until then?”

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  We spend the next hour or so shooting the shit. I stand, deciding I need to get going when MadDog walks into the room. His eyes scan me and he lets out an exhale.

  “You’re good?” he asks.

  “I’m good, brother,” I admit.

  He runs his hand through his hair and looks down at his boots. “Fuckin’ shit. I should have checked into him better,” he admits. “Loner, no family, an orphan. Military background. I should have paid more attention to him,” he rambles.

  “Nobody could have known, MadDog,” I say. “I fucked up. I fucked up with my marriage, and I fucked up with how I reacted. I should have come to the club, done a vote, and done shit the right way.”

  “What a clusterfuck,” he rasps.

  I wrap my hand around his shoulder and give it a squeeze. “None of this is on you, not a goddamn thing. Get that shit outta your head. I’m okay, Ivy’s okay—we’re all fuckin’ good.”

  “Finley ain’t good,” he mutters as he shakes his head. “I’m sending her off for some help. I can’t help her, none of us can help her,” he admits.

  “Where are you sending her?” Torch asks. I glance over at him and he looks about as worried as I feel.

  MadDog walks over to the sofa in the room and sinks down, spreading his legs wide and letting his head fall backward. “A PTSD trauma retreat place. It’s in Newport Beach. Mary-Anne found it.”

  “How bad is it?” I chance asking him.

  MadDog opens his eyes and turns to me. “I haven’t slept a full night since it happened, neither has she,” he admits. “She leaves tomorrow. We’re drivin’ her down there as a family. Gonna miss the fuck out’ve her, but she’s my baby and she needs help.”

  “You’re doing the right thing,” I murmur. Grease and Torch agree as well.

  MadDog changes the subject and we all talk about Torch’s latest meeting with the Russians. He tells us that their new shipments will have even more supplies on them. We’re going to have to load up two trucks at the docks, instead of just the one. They’re fucking ruling New York and have started transferring a portion of our shipment all the way from Colorado to the East Coast.

  “How are the law enforcement payoffs in Humboldt area?” I ask.

  Torch grins leaning all the way back in his chair. “Got the Feds in that area on my payroll, the locals, and the state highway patrol. We’re fuckin’ good, brother.”

  “Shit, yeah,” I laugh. “Then that sounds like a good fuckin’ deal for us and our bank accounts.”

  “I agree,” Grease chuckles. “Wanted to talk about that prospect, Jordan, is it?” he asks, mentioning the kid that’s burning Derek’s body right now.

  “He’s up for a vote this week,” Torch states.

  Grease nods with a grin.

  We all disperse a few minutes later, and I glance at my phone to see that it’s already after four. I don’t go to the bar like I normally would. Instead, I make my way to my truck and I drive home to my family.

  Tonight, I’m going to watch my boys play some fuckin’ baseball.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I kiss all three of my babies on the forehead before I meet West at the front door. I glance back at them, taking them in. They’re not babies anymore. Granted they still need an adult around, but they don’t need me twenty-four-seven like they used to. I miss that, and yet, there is a freeing feeling about not having to be mom, all day, every day.

  “Ready?” West asks, reaching out for my hand.

  His warm fingers curl around mine and I look up to him. He’s still the sexiest man I’ve ever met, time has only enhanced his appeal. He grins and leans down slightly “Let’s go, baby,” he whispers against my ear.

  Looking back at the kids one last time, I smile. Calling out my goodbyes, they distractedly wave back to me. My mother-in-law tells us to come back early enough in the morning for breakfast and we agree. Then we’re out the front door.

  I carefully throw my leg over West’s motorcycle seat and straddle it in my short black dress and black high heels. He puts my helmet on before climbing on his bike himself. I fit myself against his back before we take off down the street.

  The wind whips around us and I close my eyes as I enjoy the ride. My life has forever been changed by the crazy events from the past six months, however, I’m not sure that I would change very much of it.

  I wouldn’t want my Rosalie to have gone through any of the things she did, but in her trauma, West and I got our shit together. I’m not sure if that makes me a bad person, but I do believe that everything in this life, happens for a reason.

  West doesn’t ride straight toward the clubhouse. Instead, we go through the mountains and stop when there is a clearing that looks over the valley below. He kicks his stand down but doesn’t move to get off of his bike. I take my helmet off and gently drop it to the ground by our feet, West does the same.

  Lifting my chin, I rest it on his shoulder as we quietly look out at the twinkling lights from the houses below us.

  “A year ago, I thought that I needed to set you free. I thought that nothing I could want from you would make you happy. I thought that I would ruin you,” he whispers.

  “I didn’t know that I wanted to be ruined by you,” I murmur against his ear.

  His hand slides up my leg and he squeezes my thigh. “I could have never imagined that our lives would be quite like they turned out to be.”

  “Do you regret anything?” I hesitantly ask.

  He chuckles, turning his head slightly to look back at me. “I’ve never regretted a single fucking moment with you, Ivy. Not from the moment I laid eyes on you have I regretted a goddamn thing.”

  “Me either,” I admit.

  He lifts his chin and then looks down at his lap. I know what his silent request is, so I climb off of his bike and then get back on, this time to straddle it, facing him. His hands wrap around my waist and he squeezes me.

  Lifting my hands, I take hold of the edges of his cut. “Thank you for giving me such a beautiful life,” I whisper, leaning in and pressing my lips against his.

  “Baby, as long as you’re right here with me, our life is going to be fucking spectacular,” he states.

  I don’t respond. His mouth crashes against mine before I get the chance, and his tongue fills me. I moan as he fucks me with his tongue, tasting every part of me.

  When he slows the kiss down, he nibbles on my lips as his fingers gently stroke the lace covering my pussy. I whimper in his mouth when he moves the lac
e to the side and fills me with two fingers.

  “I want you dripping with my cum before we have any fun tonight,” he murmurs against my mouth.

  I shiver, goosebumps covering my entire body. “Where do you want me dripping from?” I ask. My face gets hot just at the words, embarrassment washing over me.

  He chuckles against my neck as he starts to kiss down my skin. “Everywhere, baby,” he rasps. “I’m going to fuck your pussy first. Fill you up. Then you can work me back up so I can fuck that sweet little ass.”

  I slide one of my hands up his shoulder to his hair and hold onto him, twisting my fingers in his soft strands. “West,” I breathe as I begin to ride his hand. What he describes sounds absolutely sinful and perfect, all at the same time. I want that, I want it all.

  He rips my panties away before he fumbles with his belt and then he pulls me down on his waiting cock. His thumb presses against my clit as I ride him. Unfortunately, I can’t move the way I want, but it doesn’t take away from how good it feels to have his hands on me and his dick inside of me.

  West places his hand on my back and shifts us so that I’m lying against his handlebars and he fucks me. His thumb stays pressed against my clit and he adds a bit more pressure with each down stroke of his cock.

  “Oh God,” I moan, tightening my legs around his waist and my arms around his back. He buries his face in my neck.

  I’m climbing higher with each thrust of his hips, and my climax rushes through me, my thighs shaking and my arms holding him to me. Every part of me wants to keep him still, my pussy squeezing to keep him inside of me. It doesn’t work, he bucks his hips wildly before he lifts his head and comes.

  West buries his face in my neck again, but he doesn’t make any other motion to move. We stay wrapped in each other for a while. Our heavy breathing filling the night air around us. There is nothing out here but the trees, the stars, and us. When he lifts his face, he looks into my eyes and he smiles.


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