Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet

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Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet Page 213

by Hayley Faiman

  Torch shakes his head slowly. “There is no explanation that he could give me that would make what I just witnessed logical, or acceptable,” he growls.

  “I’m Bear’s Old Lady, Dad,” Thea announces.

  The gun finally moves, dropping to his side and Torch’s shocked face turns toward Thea at the same time Cleo gasps behind him.

  “You’re what?” he shouts.

  “Bear and I are together, Daddy.”

  “How?” he demands. “You’ve been here for less than a full week.”

  Thea shrugs, moving from my back to stand at my side. “Doesn’t matter. I’m his Old Lady, marked and everything.”

  Something akin to betrayal crosses Torch’s features and we all watch, holding our breaths to see what he’ll say next. He doesn’t say anything, instead, he turns around, breezing past Cleo and walks away.

  Cleo’s eyes move from me to Thea, then back to me. “Put some pants on, Bear,” she sighs.

  Unable to hold back my chuckle, I turn around and quickly change into my jeans and my cut. Foregoing a shirt since Thea is wearing mine, and it looks a hell of a lot better hugging her curves than it does on me, I pull on socks and my boots.

  “You guys weren’t even supposed to know until tomorrow. I’m going to beat my Old Man senseless,” I grumble more to myself than anyone else.

  Walking up to Thea, I wrap my hand around her waist, touching my lips to her neck. “You gonna be okay up here with your mom while I go out there?” I murmur against her neck.

  “Yeah,” she sighs, melting against me slightly.

  “Cleo,” I say with a dip of my chin toward her as I pass by.

  Running my fingers through my hair, I try not to smile as I make my way toward my dad’s office, where I assume Torch is and is about to kill him, or anyone that crosses his path.

  I can’t stop smiling though, it’s fucking impossible. I got a woman, my woman. I’m fucking happy about who it is and how she makes me feel.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I walk in and he’s balls deep inside of my goddamn daughter,” Torch’s voice bellows from my dad’s office right before I step over the threshold.

  “Son,” my pops grumbles.

  “Bear,” my grandpa sighs.

  I shrug, looking between the three men. I’m a little surprised to see my grandpa here, but I’m glad that he made the trip.

  “Fuck,” my dad sighs. “Torch, he marked her. He claimed her, he’ll do right by her,” he mumbles, sounding only halfway convinced at his own words.

  “I will. Swear,” I state.

  “You’re a punk-assed motherfucker, wild just like your father and grandfather, I don’t trust you with my daughter,” Torch growls.

  “Hold the fuckin’ phone, brother,” my grandpa growls.

  “You were my president, MadDog, you’re my brother, but that don’t mean that I agree with every fuckin’ thing that happens. That also don’t mean that I want my daughter with a man just like you, just like your kid. I’m the president now and I don’t fucking agree.”

  My eyes widen and my brows lift almost to the goddamn sky. Nobody talks to MadDog that way, not a single goddamn person. At least none that I’ve ever seen to live to tell about it.

  “We get it, Torch. We all get it,” my dad interjects. “Your only daughter, your only child. The princess of the club. But she came here for protection from the Demon Loyalty. She found the best kind of protection she could. She’s the Old Lady of the president’s son. He’ll have the gavel one day and she will be the queen, just as she was always meant to be. In the meantime, she will never be looked after, protected, or treated better.”

  Torch growls, running his fingers through his salt-and-pepper hair. He looks back at me, then shakes his head once before turning back to my dad. “Why didn’t she come to me, huh?”

  “She didn’t want any of you, you or the men she thinks of as her uncles to end up in jail for defending her honor. This fucker was starting to become abusive. It’s why she ran and when she did, she came to a place that she knew would have her back,” I explain.

  “Have her back, not fuck her,” Torch rumbles.

  “I didn’t know who she was. She told me her name was Thea, she wanted to strip. She was going to make some cash and then move on, hiding until she thought it was safe to return. Her plan was shit, and I happened to fall for her. I only found out who she was yesterday morning.”

  “Fuck,” my grandpa sighs. “These goddamn strong women.”

  “Best kind to have,” my dad grunts.

  “No fuckin’ shit,” my grandpa grunts.

  “So, you decided to mark her? To make her your Old Lady?” Torch barks. “Without my goddamn permission?”

  Shaking my head once, I let out a sigh. “I’m not going to disrespect you, Torch. She’s my Old Lady now and that’s all that matters.”

  Torch growls, taking a step toward me, his angry gaze focused on me and nowhere else. “She’s my fuckin’ daughter, you piece of shit little pissant,” he rumbles, reaching for me.

  His hands reach out, fisting my cut and he jerks me toward him, our noses almost touching. I won’t take his hit like I would if I was sneaking around fucking someone’s sister or daughter. I didn’t know who Thea was. I did not do it behind his back purposely.

  My dad told me to make her my Old Lady. I did the right thing, even if Torch doesn’t want to believe that right now.

  “Take your hands off of me,” I demand.

  “Torch,” MadDog warns.

  He releases me with a shove, turning toward my grandpa. “If this was your daughter, what would you do?” he growls.

  “My daughter is married to Tinker, did you forget? I married Sniper’s sister, you’re preachin’ to the wrong damn choir, brother.”

  Lifting my arm, I run my fingers down my face. “I don’t give a fuck how pissed you are. I got bigger things to worry about right now. Pops, you get any information on the Demon Loyalty, or Spider?”

  My dad’s head jerks, but I don’t miss the twitch to his lips from my shift of conversation. Honest to God, we could spend all day sparring back and forth about what was right, what was wrong, and if I fucked up or not.

  The deed is done.

  Thea is mine.

  End of goddamn conversation.

  “Spider won’t be a problem. Camo is bringing him here, should be in town any minute now. Got a place to hide Lysandra away while we deal with him?” Grandpa announces.

  “Well, thank fuck for small miracles,” my dad chuckles.

  “I got Thea under control, the girls are taking her shopping for the afternoon, then dinner. Cleo and Mary-Anne can join them,” I suggest, assuming that my grandma has joined the group who traveled over here from California.

  Torch’s eyes lift in either surprise or disapproval, I don’t really give a fuck. “I’ll have three guys on them, they’ll be safe,” I add. Though I didn’t really need to.

  Turning away from them, I walk out of the room, ignoring the three sets of eyes that watch my back. Then I can’t help but hear the unmistakable chuckle of my grandfather in the distance. I smirk, he would totally fucking get it, and be happy for me. The old goddamn pervert.

  Instead of bellying up to the bar the way I want to, I go in search of Thea. I find her in my room, sitting on the edge of the bed, her mom’s arm wrapped around her shoulders.

  Cleo lifts her gaze to me, then silently stands before making her way toward me. She doesn’t say anything to Thea, and I watch her every move as she closes the distance between us.

  I don’t know how I didn’t realize that Thea was her daughter, they look like they could be sisters. Thea and Cleo not only share the same red hair, freckles and face, but they have almost the exact same slamming body. Knock-fucking-outs.

  Cleo places her palm on my chest and tilts her head back to look into my eyes. I expect to see anger and betrayal matching Torch’s in her gaze, but it’s not there. Instead, she smiles so

  “Take care of my girl, she needs a good strong man,” she murmurs.

  “And I’m him?” I ask with a snort.

  She shakes her head, then shrugs her shoulder. “Maybe. Hopefully,” she states. “Lysa is strong in and of herself. She doesn’t need anyone. But…” She pauses, looking over her shoulder, then back into my eyes. “She deserves a strong man who matches her in all ways.”

  Lifting my hand, all joking aside, I wrap my fingers around the side of Cleo’s throat and give her a small smile. “Knew the moment that I saw her that she was special. I’ll take care of her the best way that I know how.”

  “I know you will, Bear. You’re a good boy,” she whispers. Then as quietly as she came into the room, she leaves, closing the bedroom door behind her.


  My mom and I may look alike, but she’s soft and sweet, strong and silent whereas I’m a bit more bristly, kind of like my dad.

  After we talked for a few moments, she surmised that although I didn’t do things the right way, I did them the best way for my situation and she’s not mad. She also promised to talk to my dad.

  Though, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to look at him in the eyes again, since he saw me riding Bear, completely naked.

  “You okay?” Bear asks after my mom leaves the room.

  He’s shirtless, wearing only boots, jeans, and his cut. His hair is still messy from my hands and he’s never looked better. I want nothing more than to fuck him again and I should definitely not do that with my dad anywhere near this bedroom.

  “I’ll be okay,” I say.

  He shakes his head, sitting down next to me, right where my mom just vacated. “The girls are gonna be here soon. Take you out and get bras and whatever shit you want,” he grunts.

  “Bear.” I smile, turning to look over at him. He has a scowl on his face. “My boobs are just way too big to go braless,” I explain.

  He shakes his head, reaching out, his hand slips under my shirt and gently his fingers brush my breast. My eyes flutter closed, and I can’t help my nipples from hardening as I press my thighs together.

  “Bear,” I breathe.

  He chuckles. “That’s why I don’t want you in a bra, Red. Fuckin’ shit you look pretty when I’m playin’ with those big tits,” he rumbles before he leans over and his mouth touches just below my ear. “Want access anytime I feel like it.”

  “God, you are not fair,” I point out.

  “Probably not,” he grunts as his fingers pinch, then tug my nipple.

  There’s a loud bang on the door which has him growling against my neck right before he releases me then stomps over and pulls it open. Before I realize what’s happening, my room is filled with women. Lots of women.

  Standing to my feet, I hear Bear chuckle as the noise volume rises about one hundred decibels. “I’m out, Red. You need me, tell one of the guys watching you, he’ll get ahold of me,” he calls out.

  Then I hear him curse before he jogs toward me. I hold my breath as he reaches into his pocket and brings out a wad of cash.

  “Buy the fuckin’ bras, Red. Just make sure they’re shit-hot, babe.” He presses his lips against mine in a hard kiss, then he’s gone.

  “Well,” a voice calls out, I turn my head and I’m surprised to see that it’s Ellie, Bear’s sister.

  I haven’t seen her in years, but you can’t mistake the Duhart genes, they are strong and she looks exactly like her gorgeous mom.

  “I can’t say that I’ve ever seen my brother, not only hand over cash to any woman before, but also look downright smitten.” She grins.

  I would brush her off, except I’m completely head over heels smitten with Bear and just the idea that he could truly feel the same has my stomach fluttering with butterflies.

  “Okay, let’s go shopping. We want to hear every little detail,” Mary-Anne announces.

  I should feel embarrassed that Bear’s grandma wants details, but she’s my mom’s age, and she’s just Mary-Anne, that’s the only way that I can describe her. She’s been like a second mother to me since I was born.

  We gather all of our things, I put some pants on, and together the group of us walk into the bar area.

  The men are all gathered around, I don’t miss the look of anger that my dad points in my direction, but I can’t let him get to me. He may be angry, but like Mom said, with time he’ll soften.

  A lot of time.

  Once we step outside, I gasp when I see Spider being led from the parking area toward us by Camo.

  “Fuck,” I hear Bear curse from behind me.

  “You cunt,” Spider screams.

  I flinch from his words but stay stoic as Camo brings him closer. He’s tied up, and I know he can’t get to me, so I try to stand firm and not shrink away from his angry gaze.

  Lifting my chin, I look down my nose at him and refuse to respond, closing my eyes once he’s past me a step.

  “My blood is on your hands. I should have beat you fuckin’ senseless when I had the chance. You weren’t worth it, Lysa. You were the worst lay I ever fuckin’ had. Had to have a whore suck me hard before I could even slide into bed with you…” His words trail off.

  I hear something garbled, then a few gasps and I turn around to see Bear’s back. Spider is on the dirt, Bear above him, straddling him, and he’s hitting him over and over, with no signs of stopping while everyone just stands around and watches.

  That is until my dad walks over to him and wraps his hand around Bear’s shoulder, tugging at him.

  “He’s down, son,” my dad rumbles. “He ain’t gettin’ back up.”

  Bear’s chest is heaving and he turns to me. He’s got Spider’s blood sprayed all over his face and shirt and when my eyes scan down to his still balled up fists, I notice that they’re raw and bloody.

  Without a word, I run toward him. My body slams into his chest and my arms wrap around his neck. Bear dips his chin, his mouth hovering above mine.

  “Never. Nobody ever talks about my woman like that,” he growls.

  “Thank you,” I breathe before my lips crash against his.

  Bear clenches the sides of my shirt in his fists as he pulls me closer against his chest. His tongue plays me, tastes me and I whimper. He swallows the sound, both of us ignoring the people watching us. Slowly, he breaks the kiss, his forehead pressed against mine.

  “I’ll only buy a couple of bras,” I whisper.

  His lips break out into a grin. “Be obliged, Red.”

  “Let the boy breathe, Lysandra, so that I can get him a beer,” my dad calls out.

  I blink, looking over Bear’s shoulder to my dad, who suddenly is smiling in our direction. Apparently, Bear beating Spider to a pulp for disrespecting me, earned my dad’s respect.

  “Go shopping, Thea,” Bear murmurs, his lips touching my temple.

  Turning my gaze back to his, I give him a shaky smile. “I think I made the right decision by coming here, Bear Duhart.”

  “Damn fuckin’ straight you did, Red.”




  Wrapping my hand around his eyes, he laughs as I guide him over to the table and chairs that are set up in the middle of the bar. I don’t know why I insisted on this being a surprise. Thirty-five isn’t really a milestone, but the man always figures me out, so this time I’m trying to get an edge on him by being unpredictable.

  “Red,” he mutters. “What the fuck is goin’ on?”

  The people that surround us, watch. Everyone is here for his birthday, another surprise. All of our family and friends from California plus everyone here in Idaho. I decided to go all out this year.

  It’s been a while since we’ve all been together.

  “Sit,” I demand. He lets out a grunt as he sinks into the chair.

  I lift my gaze to find my dad’s. He’s frowning toward us, but when a small hand slaps the side of his face, his lips turn up into a huge grin.

  He’s ho
lding our daughter, Paxley, his namesake. She has his dark hair and light eyes. In fact, she doesn’t even look like she belongs to Bear and me, but she has her father’s personality, almost annoyingly.

  The room begins to sing, and only then do I move my hand from over Bear’s eyes. He looks over at me, arching a brow before his lips twitch into a smile and he shakes his head. His hand wraps around my hip, tugging me onto his lap.

  Without thinking, I lift my arms and slide them around his shoulders, tipping my head back to look into his gray eyes.

  “The fuck, Red?” he murmurs in a low hum.

  “Happy birthday, Bear,” I breathe.

  “Didn’t need a party.”

  Nodding, I lean forward and press my lips to his. “I know you didn’t, but I also know you missed your family and you’ve been wanting to see them.”

  “Gonna fuck you hard for this, Thea,” he growls, his teeth nipping my bottom lip.

  “I’m counting on it,” I breathe.

  “All right, break it the fuck up,” my dad barks.

  Even after seven years and two children, he still doesn’t like to see us together. He loves me and our children, but he tolerates Bear. Sometimes I think it’s all a front and he really does like my husband, but he doesn’t want to admit it, other times I’m sure he’s plotting his death.

  Bear ignores my dad, as he always does, and blows out the candles of his cake while the room cheers. Scooting off of his lap, I reach for the knife and plates, only to have my mom appear and bat the knife out of my hand.

  “Let me cut, you never do it straight,” she sighs.

  “Like you do?” my uncle Lisandro laughs.

  “Lis, hush,” she hisses, her eyes narrowed on her best friend.

  They start to bicker between themselves and all I can do is watch with a watery smile on my face.

  “Are you going to tell him?” a voice whispers behind me.

  Spinning around, I see Bear’s mom, Kentlee, watching me, her eyes dancing as her gaze roams over my face.

  “Tell who what?” I ask, attempting to play really stupidly dumb. She tilts her head to the side, her eyes widening a touch as she just stares at me. “How did you know?” I ask.


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