Sword and Mirror

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Sword and Mirror Page 24

by Kate Grove

  “What is it?”

  “Let me work for you.”

  Katsuo didn’t leave much time for her to convince him. He had no doubt he wouldn’t have anything to gain by employing a former prostitute. He offered the pouch of coins again.

  “I can cook,” she said.

  “I have cooks.”

  “I can sew clothes.”

  “Not interested,” he replied and turned away.

  “Wait, Milord! I can dance and sing, entertain you and your soldiers.”

  “No need.”

  “I know some herbs to treat wounds.”

  “I already have a healer. Look”—Katsuo was at the end of his patience—“just accept these coins and start a business or whatever. I can’t help you with employment.”

  The girl bit her lips.

  “What if I told you I’d spy for you?”

  Katsu raised an eyebrow.

  “And how would you do that?” His voice was amused. How would she gather information or infiltrate enemy strongholds? Would she be able to assassinate a warrior? He had to snort at the idea of the frail woman succeeding in any of these tasks.

  “I’ve learnt a thing or two while working at the house,” she replied. “I can gather information like no one.”

  Katsuo crossed his arms. He doubted she could add anything to Taiki’s information network, but more spies always came in handy. However, he doubted her abilities, and he had no idea if she could be trusted.

  “Like what?”

  “I could tell you about those men who kidnapped that person you were looking for.”

  He moved too fast for the human eye. One moment, they were standing a few feet apart, and the next, the girl was slammed into the supporting pillar of a hut with Katsuo’s fingers around her neck. She blinked in surprise.

  “Choose your next words very carefully.”

  The girl gulped, but she seemed perfectly calm otherwise. She didn’t struggle, nor did she cower in fear. It was all or nothing, and she had nothing to lose at this point.

  “They were under the impression that they were following Kawayuki’s orders,” she said, “when in truth, the person behind it all is someone different.”


  “I don’t know their name, but it’s someone with incredible power.”

  “And how would you know this?”

  A wry smile appeared on her full lips.

  “Many travelers stop at our house, especially on open days. Men are so easy to manipulate after a few cups of sake.”

  Katsuo held her gaze for a moment longer, seeking deception. She seemed to be telling him the truth. He surprised her with his sudden laugh, as he retreated a couple of steps. She put a delicate hand to her neck.

  “Does this mean you don’t believe me?”

  “Quite the contrary,” Katsuo replied when his laugh subsided. “You may come. But first, let’s get you something more… appropriate to wear. Follow me.”

  Katsuo walked her to the tailor who made the castle uniforms. He always had a few in stock, just in case. Katsuo wasn’t disappointed this time, either. He took one look at the girl once she was changed, nodded, then paid for three sets of uniforms for her, before they continued their way to the castle.

  “You are to tell no one of your origins, is that clear? I don’t want my soldiers and servants getting distracted.”

  “Yes, Milord.”

  “Take the rest of the day to familiarize yourself with the accommodations and your peers. Your training will begin tomorrow. You are to report to Taiki, my Chief of Security, first. He will tell you the rest. What is your name?” He had just realized he’d never even asked.


  “I’m counting on you, Rui.”

  “I won’t disappoint you, my lord.”


  He came back with a woman, after visiting a brothel. Unbelievable! It didn’t take a genius to draw the obvious conclusion. Ciara had just managed to catch a glimpse of them before she turned back to examining Takeru’s arm. She had a dark expression on her face as she ran a finger where Takeru’s injury was supposed to be. His skin was smooth, as if the snakebite had never happened.


  “Do you believe me now when I say I’m fine?” Takeru asked with a half-smile, withdrawing his arm.

  “Maybe. It’s hard to believe,” she replied, honest. “But it must’ve hurt.”

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle.” He puffed out his chest, proud.

  “But you’re not keen on doing this next year, too, are you?”

  “If brother allows me, I’d be happy to do it again.” He nodded at Katsuo who had just arrived.

  “Good afternoon,” he greeted.

  “Good afternoon, brother.”

  “Oh, hi,” was Ciara’s curt reply. For some reason, Takeru could feel tension in the air between the two, but his brother seemed ignorant.

  “Right, I was just about to head to the… eerr… training ground. See you later!” Takeru said and quickly disappeared down a random corridor.

  “How has your day been?”

  “Quite well,” Ciara said. “I went into town with Yura and Shizuru.”

  “Ah, you got Shizuru. She is a fierce one.”

  “They showed me around,” Ciara continued, but Katsuo didn’t seem to catch on.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?”

  “Some parts, yes. If you’ll excuse me.” Ciara quickly finished the conversation and walked back to her room. Standing in front of her door, she realized she didn’t want to go in and instead headed for the orchard. She was sure the crisp air would calm her down.

  She was just so angry with Katsuo. Why did she have to suffer so? Ciara sighed, turning her face to the sky and closing her eyes.

  It’s because I killed Mother. I do not deserve happiness. I’m still not forgiven.

  She felt tears gathering in the corner of her eyes, but hastily wiped them away before they could fall. She walked deeper into the orchard, concentrating on the sights. Most of the leaves had already fallen, and those that remained were the color of rust. Everything reminded her of evanescence. Nature, her mother, even her relationship with Katsuo.

  All gone in a moment.

  The rain pelted down as it grew late. Katsuo couldn’t get the image of Ciara examining Takeru’s hand out of his mind. He tried to recall all the times he had seen Ciara with another man. She was always polite, smiling kindly. Just how many men held her attention? He was a fool.

  Frustrated by his thoughts, he went to meet Taiki. Usually, the ninja visited him, but today, he felt like venturing to the dark side of the castle. The heavy rain and the gloomy atmosphere complemented his dark mood beautifully.

  He had just entered the corridor where Taiki’s office was when the ninja suddenly appeared beside him. He always knew when Katsuo was seeking him out.


  Katsuo growled at him. “We’ve been through this.”

  “My apologies, Katsuo-sama,” Taiki amended. He inclined his head.

  “Let’s talk in your office.”

  The ninja had a few tricks, making sure it was impossible to spy on their conversations.

  “As you wish.”

  They quickly reached his office, and he opened the door for Katsuo to enter. He slid it closed securely once they entered. They settled around his low desk.

  “What can I do for you, Katsuo-sama?”

  “I brought a new person to the castle.”

  Taiki nodded. “Rui from the town brothel.”

  Katsuo wasn’t surprised his chief of security already had intel on the woman.

  “She will be under your guidance.”

  Taiki’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “May I ask why?”

  “I want you to evaluate her potential.”


  “As someone who could be useful. Whether it’s gathering intelligence or fighting, whatever you see fit for her.”

  “Understood,” Taiki repl
ied. From his tone, Katsuo knew he had questions but wouldn’t want to outright challenge his lord’s decision. Under normal circumstances, Katsuo would ask his opinion, but not now.

  “Do you have anything to report?” Might as well get some work done while I’m here, Katsuo thought.

  “Nothing of importance. Just some stupid rumors going around town and among the servants.”


  “It’s nothing you need to worry about, Katsuo-sama. Some foolish talk about time-travelling witches.”

  “That does sound far-fetched. Well”—Katsuo stood—“I’ll let you get back to your work. I’m counting on you.”

  “Mochiron1, Katsuo-sama.”

  Two sets of eyes followed Katsuo out of the office. Taiki’s cat watched from the shadows between cupboards, its green eyes glinting momentarily in the darkness of the room. It growled softly.

  “Patience,” Taiki admonished. “You’ll soon be free to wander around as you please.”

  The cat shot out from between the furniture and landed in Taiki’s lap. He stroked its black fur and was rewarded with the sound of purrs resonating in the room.

  “You won’t have to hide for long.”

  1 of course


  Ciara didn’t mind the rain. It was like having a cold shower but with a chilly wind. She sneezed as she made her way back to the castle. She had waited too long, until her toes felt like icicles, before heading back. Her hands trembled and she slowly climbed the hill.

  It felt as if all energy was drained from her. A hot soak in the bathhouse sounded heavenly at the moment, but she wasn’t sure if she deserved it.

  A huge sneeze left her. She sniffled. Deserving or not, she had to get into hot water if she didn’t want to fall ill in medieval times. Who knew if she’d die here from catching a cold? She didn’t want to risk it, no matter how depressed she felt.

  Ciara hurried to her room to grab a change of clothes before going to the bathhouse. Steam swirled around in the changing room when she entered. She quickly changed out of her soaked clothes and wrapped a towel around herself. She was cold and sneezed as she entered the shower area.


  Ciara looked up at the surprised voice of Katsuo. He was just drying his hair with a towel but covered himself up when he noticed Ciara entering the room.

  “Ciara, darling—”

  She cut him off swiftly. “Are you finished, or have you just arrived?”

  “I’ve just finished,” he replied.

  Ciara nodded then walked over to a stool the farthest away from him, but didn’t sit down. She glanced back over her shoulder at him.


  “Well what?”

  “Aren’t you going to go?”

  Katsuo’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you mad?”

  “I’m not!” As if to emphasize her point, she sneezed.

  Katsuo had just noticed her hair dripping wet.

  “Have you been out in the rain?” He took a step toward her, but she held up a hand, stopping him.

  “Yes. Now, if you’d just leave me alone, I could warm up.”

  “I could help—”

  “No thanks. You’ve done enough.” The words had just slipped past Ciara’s lips before she realized it. She froze. There goes pretending everything was all right.

  “What do you mean?” Katsuo walked closer, and Ciara backed away. He stopped a few feet away from her. “Why are you mad at me?”

  “I told you—”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Ciara’s eyes flashed in warning, but he continued, “What is it? Why are you putting distance between us?”

  “I’m putting distance between us?” Ciara’s voice was sharp like a dagger. With every word, it twisted Katsuo’s heart. “You go pick up a prostitute, have the audacity to bring her home, and to top it off, you pretend I’m the problem here?”

  “What—” Katsuo took a step back at the impact of Ciara’s words. “You misunderstand.”

  “There’s nothing to misunderstand here.”

  “Let me explain.”

  “I know our engagement is only a fake one, but you could’ve waited at least until the month was up. No one, no one has ever humiliated me so much!” Ciara rambled, pinching the corner of her towel together. She was getting cold.


  “No, I’m done!” she said and sneezed. Katsuo used this opportunity to talk.

  “When you were kidnapped, you were held in that brothel.”

  “What?” Ciara’s face was full of disbelief.

  “There’s a shed in the backyard. It had a hidden stairway to the room you were held in,” Katsuo quickly explained. “I’d never lie to you, believe me.”

  “That still doesn’t explain what you were doing at the brothel today. I saw you. Then you turn up with some random woman. What’s your explanation for that?”

  She sniffled, feeling another sneeze coming soon. She crunched up her nose.

  “That woman saw you being carried off. If she hasn’t told me where to go, I may not have arrived in time.”

  “That’s it?” Ciara asked.


  “So what is she doing here?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “I bought her.”

  “You did what?”

  “I paid off her debt because she helped us. I never intended to bring her here.”

  “Yet you did.”

  “I wanted to give her some money to start a new life, but she insisted on being employed by me,” Katsuo replied. “She might be an asset.”

  “An asset.” Ciara inclined her head. “I see.”

  “So? Do you understand?”

  “What I do understand, Katsuo”—Ciara’s eyes smothered him—“is that you are a warlord, yet you cannot seem to stand by your original decision when it comes to this woman.”


  “Don’t!” She raised her hand, backing away. “Please don’t. Leave me alone, I don’t want to catch a cold.”

  Katsuo waited for a heartbeat before nodding.

  “I don’t want you to fall ill, either. We’ll talk later.”

  With that, he turned and walked to the changing room, his steps confident. Ciara snarled at his back. We’ll see about that.

  She quickly started scrubbing herself. She couldn’t wait to get into the hot water.


  Katsuo was determined to clear things up after the usual family dinner. Ciara completely misunderstood his intentions, and he admitted to himself that maybe his choice of words was not the most fortunate under the circumstances. Ciara was in a bad mood, cold, and agitated. Of course she wouldn’t see reason that easily.

  A full meal and the company of Ayaka would surely put Ciara in a better mood. That was when he was going to talk to her. She would see sense in his words.

  He had a meeting with one of his vassals just before dinner, but it was a boring matter. Katsuo cut the meeting short and walked back to the main building for dinner. However, he ran into Orihime in the courtyard.

  “Good evening, Katsuo-sama! How lovely to meet you here!”

  “Good evening, Orihime-dono,” he replied. “How come you are taking a stroll alone?”

  “Believe me or not, my lord, I tire of constant company. I let my maids take the evening off,” she replied, fanning herself.

  “How generous of you. If you’ll excuse me—”

  “How is Ciara-dono?”

  “Pardon?” Katsuo thought he misheard her.

  “How is Ciara-dono? She looked down when she got back from town earlier,” Orihime hid her face behind her fan. “Does Milord know what happened?”

  “Nothing in particular.” Katsuo chose his words carefully. “I’ve just met her not long ago. She seemed fine.”

  Lies, lies, lies. But he would take care of it.

  “Oh, I’m happy to hear,” Orihime said, snapping her fan closed. She mustered a smile. “Maybe she was just lonely, being so
far away from her home.”

  Katsuo tried to figure out what she was not saying. He didn’t have much luck.

  “Are you homesick, Orihime-dono?”

  “Oh, Milord, I miss home, yes, but such is the fate of a woman who is of age!” She dramatically put a hand on her forehead. “I’m sure Ciara-sama misses her family very much so.”

  “No need to worry. Have a nice evening,” Katsuo said, finally excusing himself.

  “You, too, Milord,” Orihime bowed and went on her way. Katsuo heard a chuckle coming from her but was too eager to get back to the main building and get dinner over with to pay attention to the strangeness of it.

  He quickly arrived at his room, and to his surprise, he was the last one to get there.

  “Daddy, where have you been?” Ayaka immediately ran to him. He lifted her up and walked in. “I had a meeting. Have you been waiting for me?”

  “Yes. I’m so hungry!” the little girl told him. He let her down.

  “Then go, eat!”

  She hurried over to the table and sat down next to Ciara. The only available seating was next to Takeru, and Katsuo walked over there. Clearly, Ciara was still angry at him. He would make amends.

  Dinner itself was an awkward matter, and even Ayaka’s adorableness couldn’t alleviate the tension between Ciara and Katsuo. The little girl noticed something was amiss and tried to make everyone join in on her conversation about the most random things only a child could come up with, and even though all adults had participated, Ciara refused to talk to Katsuo for longer than a few short sentences.

  At the end, even the family singing had been postponed to another time. Takeru picked Ayaka up to tuck her to bed, and Ciara stood up to leave.


  “Stay.” Katsuo was on his feet in a second.

  “What?” Ciara’s voice was full of incomprehension. “You’re not serious, are you?”

  “I don’t joke about these things. I want to have a proper conversation with you,” Katsuo said, but Ciara still didn’t budge. “This afternoon was a disaster. You refused to listen, and I fumbled my words. Allow me to make amends.”

  Ciara’s jaw went slack. She didn’t expect Katsuo to say this, and she could see the reason behind his words. His words were almost as good as an apology. Plus, she misunderstood his intentions a moment ago. It was only fair she heard him out.


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