Deep in Your Shadows

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Deep in Your Shadows Page 23

by Darien Cox

  Ogden approached, frowning. “We’re about to get choppers up, any minute now.”

  “But they’re not already up,” Myles said.

  Ogden frowned. “Why?”

  “Darwyn said something about strobes of light passing through the trees and the buildings in the village. From above. If that’s not you, I need to find out who it is.”

  Christian looked at Ogden. “We asked for assistance, remember? Seems Baz came through with our...friends.”

  “Ah.” Ogden nodded. “The search is in place, got the village and the mountains being covered on the ground and soon in the air. If anything unusual is spotted, I’ll receive a phone call. So let’s go somewhere we can get Sheriff Murphy up to speed.”

  Christian nodded, still looking pasty and anxious.

  “If things are that bad, I feel like I should be out in the village, not off talking to the two of you,” Myles said.

  “I assure you, Sheriff,” Ogden said. “My teams can handle the search, and you’ll be informed immediately of any problems. You’ve been demanding answers since the lake incident. Do you no longer seek them?”

  Myles saw Darwyn’s car pull up out front. “All right, gentlemen. I’m more than ready to hear what the hell is going on. Though I’m betting I can guess.”

  Christian huffed. “I doubt that.”

  “The man that broke into Eva’s house was on something. What is it? Some experimental drug? Or maybe he was just crazed after being held prisoner somewhere by you.”

  “Myles,” Christian said. “Let’s just go talk, okay? We’ll answer all your questions then. So you can stop speculating about our villain-ness.”

  “Great.” He walked past them. “Let’s go.”

  “I think you were right,” he heard Ogden mutter to Christian. “He’s not ready.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  JT’s pub was empty, only a few low lights in the big dark space. Myles sat across from Christian and Ogden at a table near the window, the dark lake and mountains visible, an occasional copter passing by overhead. Myles had never seen nor heard the village so quiet. And the table he sat at was quiet now as he stared back at Christian and Ogden. Because he could not for the life of him conjure a response to what they’d just told him.

  “Myles?” Christian’s brow was pinched with worry. “Say something.”

  Myles cleared his throat. “Oh, boy. I’m not sure what to say, Christian. Or if I even heard right. You’re telling me the man who broke into Eva’s house is actually an...extraterrestrial. An alien.”

  Ogden nodded. “I’m afraid so. It was an alien craft that crashed into the lake. We weren’t aware at first that there was anyone alive inside. When the craft opened, it was unexpected. What happened to Eva, the paralysis? Happened to me, too, and several of my crew. But everyone recovered. But if this being has that ability, that alone, and we don’t know what else it can do...well, you can see why we had to lockdown the village. And why my team is conducting this search as we speak.”

  “Okay.” Myles laughed and raised his hands. “What is this? More lies? More fabrications to keep me in the dark? Because it’s bullshit. Honestly, Christian? I don’t know this guy, but I expected you, at the very least, wouldn’t do this to me.”

  Christian buried his face in his hands. “I told you,” he muttered. “I told you this was how he’d react.”

  Myles picked up the contract they’d made him sign. “When you gave me this, I expected to get some honesty. I agreed to your terms, to keep this conversation confidential. So why the dog and pony show? Just tell me the truth about who it is we’re hunting, and what exactly it is you people do.”

  Ogden and Christian looked at each other. Ogden shrugged. “Guess we should have just lied to him and said it was a fugitive. Honesty isn’t helping, obviously.”

  “No,” Christian said. “He needed to know the full gravity of the threat.”

  “Well, now he knows and doesn’t believe it, so what good did it do?”

  “I don’t want to lie to him anymore,” Christian said. “Even if he doesn’t believe the truth.”

  “Excuse me,” Myles said. “I’m sitting right here.”

  Christian started to reach for Myles’ hand, but stopped himself. “I’m telling you the truth now, Myles. The mountains around this village are a hot spot for extraterrestrial activity. That’s my job, to monitor it. That’s why when the thing crashed into the lake, I called Ogden first. In case it was something of that nature. And I was right. It was an alien craft. And now one of the aliens inside has escaped and is roaming free in the village.”

  Myles scowled. “One of the aliens?”

  “The other one is dead,” Ogden said. “The craft has been destroyed.”

  Myles shook his head. “Look, whatever this is, I can’t keep the village locked down indefinitely. People will start to panic.”

  “If there are no further incidents involving the villagers tonight, we’ll call off the lockdown in the morning,” Ogden said. “My team has searched nearly every building and are focusing on the mountains now. They’ll keep searching through the night. Chances are the creature has already headed for the hills. We’ll lift the lockdown in the morning, but we need you to stay vigilant, and let us know about anything, and I mean anything unusual that happens.”

  Myles glanced out the window. “So your...alien hunting team hasn’t made much progress.”

  “You still don’t believe us,” Christian said.

  “No. I don’t. But I believe there’s something dangerous out there. And I want it taken care of. I’ll cooperate, and I guess that’s all I can offer. I don’t believe in aliens. I don’t know why you’re feeding me this story, and I honestly don’t care anymore. If you can take care of this threat, then take care of it, fast, and we won’t have a problem. Then I want you and your soldiers out of my village, Ogden.”

  Christian looked at Ogden. “I guess that’s the best we can do.”

  Ogden stood and tapped his finger on the contract before Myles. “This nondisclosure agreement stands. Whether you believe us or not. Understood?”

  “I assure you,” Myles said. “I won’t be sharing this information with anyone.”

  “You can go home, Christian,” Ogden said. “Just keep your phone on and close by. And keep your doors and windows locked.” He looked at Myles. “You too, Sheriff.”

  “You should get some sleep too, Ogden,” Christian said.

  Ogden chuckled. “Me? No. I’m heading to a teleconference right now, where I’ll have to explain to my superiors how I lost an alien, so there will be no sleep for me tonight.”

  Ogden left the pub, leaving Christian and Myles sitting at the table alone.

  “Come home with me,” Christian said.

  Myles stared at Christian, feeling that pull of attraction, that thing that made him lose control of his better judgement, and his body. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, all things considered.”

  “Why? Because I’m an alien hunter? Or because I’m in love with you? I think I deserve the truth. I gave you mine, whether you believe it or not.”

  Myles shook his head. “I can’t do this now.”

  Christian got up and rounded the table, taking the seat beside Myles. “Myles,” he whispered, nuzzling his face against Myles’ ear. His arm wrapped around him, pulling him in. “I know this is fucked up timing. But you’re not the only one who requires some truth right now. Are you finished with me? For good? I need to know. If there’s no hope, I’d rather know now.”

  Myles shivered and let out a breath, closing his eyes. “I’m confused right now, Christian.”

  “So am I. Except about this.” Christian turned Myles’ face and kissed him.

  Myles tensed, but the sweet taste of Christian’s mouth was too much to resist. Before he could even think of stopping it, his tongue was in Christian’s mouth and he was pulling him closer, hands sliding over the familiar contours of his tight, muscled back, breathing him in, plunging
into the familiar abandon he felt each time he touched him.

  “Myles,” Christian whispered against his lips. “Need you. Need you so bad. Come home with me. I want to cling to you in my bed.”

  When Christian eased back, Myles grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap, kissing him again, devouring his mouth. This is the only thing that makes sense right now.

  Christian groaned and hooked his leg over so he was straddling Myles, then the kiss deepened as their hips moved together. Myles’ fingers slid across denim and cupped Christian’s ass, pulling him tighter against his groin as he ate at his mouth, inhaling his hard breaths.

  Christian gasped and broke the kiss, eyes closed. “We can’t fuck in JT’s bar, he’ll kill me. Come home with me.”

  Myles tightened his arms around Christian’s waist, nibbling his jaw.

  “Myles, you’re killing me.”

  “Can’t stop touching you,” Myles mumbled, his lips traveling to Christian’s neck. “Hate that I have no control with you...”

  Christian’s breath caught. “You still want me. Even though I accidentally let an alien loose in your village.”

  Myles pulled back and cupped Christian’s face with his hands. “I don’t believe in aliens. But I believe you want me in your bed, and that I can roll with.”

  “But you think I’m a liar. This is a total boy who cried wolf scenario. I’m finally telling the truth and you understandably don’t believe me.”

  “Do you care if I don’t believe you?”

  “Yes! Of course I care.”

  “Christian,” Myles said. “I’ve been ordered to stand down while someone else takes over a threat to my village. I just signed a nondisclosure agreement saying I won’t talk about aliens. I’m worried about poor Eva, and everyone else in the village. But forefront in my mind is how much I want to fuck you right now. So take it or leave it.”

  “I’ll take it.” Christian kissed him hard, biting his lip. “But I’m gonna change your mind about me.”

  Myles gasped, the nip of teeth on his lip turning him on more. “Then take me home before I throw you down on this table.”


  Christian figured Myles’ enthusiasm had much to do with wanting to escape from the events of the day, to avoid processing what he’d been told at the pub, which was understandable. But when Myles’ pressed Christian against the wall as soon as they got inside his house and locked the door, he didn’t care what was driving the sheriff’s passion, he was just glad it was happening.

  Christian’s breath came in short huffs as Myles’ hands slid under his shirt. Myles kissed all over Christian’s face, his eyes, his jaw, his mouth, sucking on his lower lip, fingers playing with his nipples.

  Cuervo trotted over with a wagging tail when she heard them come in, watched them for a moment, then sighed and moved off. If dogs could roll their eyes, Christian figured Cuervo would be doing so right now.

  “So sexy,” Myles said softly, and his hands drifted down Christian’s belly, thumbs tracing his hip bones. He sucked Christian’s lip into his mouth then eased back. “My rebel angel.”

  Christian held Myles’ face, his hips lurching to make contact. “Am I? Am I yours?”

  “You are tonight.” Myles dropped down and lifted Christian up, throwing him over his shoulder and heading for the bedroom.

  Christian laughed, hanging off Myles’ shoulder. “Just for tonight?”

  Myles eased him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. “One moment at a time, Christian,” he breathed against his lips. “Can you do that?”

  All things considered, Myles was handling this current crisis well, and Christian certainly wasn’t going to complain that he chose to handle it like this. “Of course. One moment at a time.”

  Myles rose to his knees and peeled Christian’s shirt off, then began unbuttoning his own.

  Christian ran his fingers down Myles’ chest as each inch of skin was exposed. “I’m sorry if I freaked you out by what I said before. About being in lo—”

  “Stop.” Myles placed a finger on Christian’s lips to silence him.

  Christian nodded, then sucked Myles’ finger into his mouth.

  Myles groaned then fell on top of him, capturing his lips in a hard kiss. “Stop talking.” He spread Christian’s legs and thrust his hips. “Unless it’s about sex.”

  “You’re so hard,” Christian whispered. “Can I say that?”

  “So are you.” Myles pushed against him. “What should we do about that?”

  “Whatever you want,” Christian said. “I’m all yours.”

  Myles stared into Christian’s eyes for a long time, brows pinched with something like worry.

  “What? I meant sexually.”

  “Is that all you meant?”

  Christian sighed, tracing his thumbs over Myles’ jaw. “You say I’m confusing. But you give mixed signals. You tell me not to talk about it, then you ask if I meant something more than sex. Part of me believes you just want sex. But part of me thinks you like when I say I’m yours.”

  “I’m sorry.” Myles closed his eyes. “You’re right. I’m giving mixed signals. I told you I was confused.”

  “If you just want to lose yourself in sex tonight I’m okay with that. But I can’t pretend it’s not more for me.”

  Myles eyes remained closed. Shit, I’m losing him, ruining the mood with my gushy talk. “Hey,” Christian said. “Open your eyes.”

  Myles’ eyes blinked open.

  “Tell me exactly how you want to fuck me.” He felt Myles swell against him, and grinned in satisfaction. “You can have me anyway you want.”

  Myles’ jaw tightened and he gripped Christian’s chin. “We can start by getting our pants off. Then I want you to straddle me and ride me. Not the way you did last time. Facing away from me so I can see your ass and your gorgeous back as I plunge into you.”

  Christian breathed harder and his cock stiffened at the words, but he was still troubled by the hesitant, almost spooked expression on Myles’ face. “That sounds hot,” Christian said. “But is it because you don’t want to see my face while you fuck me?”

  “Christian, don’t.”

  “I’m teasing you.” Christian kissed him. “Just teasing, I swear.”

  Myles grinned. “You just like to challenge me at every turn, even in bed, because you still want to be the one in control.”

  “You’ve got that wrong,” Christian said. “I like when you take over. And if I want control...” He flipped them over. “I’m perfectly capable of taking it.” He tugged open Myles pants and gripped his cock.

  Myles’ groaned, eyes closing. “You think so, huh?” He sat up and grabbed Christian’s shoulders, then flipped him over again. “You can try.” He unzipped Christian’s jeans and tugged them, shimmying down the bed as he pulled them off. Myles stripped out of his own pants and briefs, then dove on Christian.

  Christian rolled him over again and Myles grunted. Myles tried to grab him but Christian dodged him and slid down, pressing his open mouth onto Myles’ cock, tongue stroking.

  A desperate sound escaped Myles and his hands slapped onto the mattress, hips lifting.

  “Let’s see how much control you have when I do this.” Christian took Myles into his mouth and worked him with his tongue. He’d always loved sucking cock but he put in extra effort because this was Myles. Myles’ stiff, straining thickness pushing into his throat, Myles’ salty flavor on his tongue. Myles’ moans when Christian took him in faster and with more suction.

  “Christ,” Myles’ whispered. “Stop.” His fingers gripped Christian’s head. “Stop or I’m gonna come.”

  Christian eased his mouth off Myles and rose up. “Not until I give you what you want.” He got out of bed and stared down at Myles. “Condoms.”

  Myles pointed to a drawer near the bed. He pressed his hand down on his erection as Christian got supplies. “Fuck do you give good head. I’m not gonna last.”

  Christian sat on the edge of the
bed and Myles hissed when he gently grasped his cock, rolling the condom on. “Just hold out a little longer,” he said as he lubed him up, being careful not to apply too much pressure and send Myles over the edge. “It’ll be worth it.”

  Slinging his leg over, Christian straddled him, his back to Myles, as he’d requested. He braced himself, ass exposed. Myles grabbed his cheeks and squeezed. “Holy shit, Christian.”

  “You want this?”

  Myles’ hands ran up and down Christian’s back, finally drifting down to his ass again, squeezing. “I want this.” He lined the head of his cock up against Christian’s hole. “I want it, fuck do I want it. Give it to me.”

  Myles let out a hoarse cry when Christian slid down and took him in. His thumbs spread Christian’s cheeks and he let out a long breath. “If you could see yourself right now,” Myles said, one palm gliding up Christian’s back. “If you could see what I see.”

  “Describe it,” Christian said, and lifted up until Myles’ nearly popped out of him, then slowly dropped down again.

  Myles groaned. “Your body...watching your back muscles move and your ass tighten up while I disappear inside you.” His hand drifted down Christian’s back, then his thumbs stretched his cheeks open again.

  “You want me to ride you hard or slow?”

  “Slow...oh, Jesus,” he groaned as Christian moved up and down. “Slow.”

  Christian slowly lifted himself up and down, stroking his own cock as Myles filled him. Myles’ slow, heavy breaths, and the way he painfully squeezed Christian’s ass turned him on, even though he couldn’t see Myles’ face. Just knowing this was doing it for Myles’ pushed Christian closer to the edge, and his body took over, clenching and angling himself so he could use Myles’ cock for his own pleasure.

  “ the way you move.”

  “Love the way you feel,” Christian said.

  “God, look at you. So fucking hot, Christian. You’re killing me.” Myles’ breaths had turned to hard pants. “Killing me.”

  Every time Myles spoke it urged Christian closer to his orgasm, and he stroked himself faster as he pumped his body up and down, squeezing Myles’ cock inside him. “Does it make you want to come?”


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