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Maximus Page 23

by Riley Edwards

  “As for your job, I’ve had an up-close glimpse of how dangerous it is. I also know what you do is important. So if you’re worried I have a problem with it, you shouldn’t be. I can’t say I’m thrilled to think about you putting your life on the line. I can’t say the thought doesn’t scare the ever-loving hell out of me. But I also know the world needs men like you, and if you’ll let me, I’d be damn proud to be the woman waiting for you back home.”

  The sweetest burn ignited in the deepest recesses of my very being. A part of me that I wouldn’t have ever believed could be reached. But Eva had, and as that burn scorched a fiery trail of clarity, I knew there was nothing I couldn’t trust Eva with. There was nothing I needed to keep hidden.

  My hand shot up and hooked around the back of her neck and I pulled her down until our mouths collided. I was beyond words, and when her tongue swept against mine with the same fervor I knew she was, too. I wanted to devour her, consume all the understanding she’d offered—so that’s exactly what I did. And fuck me, she just kept offering more.

  Minutes later when I broke the kiss, we both struggled for oxygen. Hands down, best kiss of my life.

  “I’m totally falling for you, Max Brown,” she murmured against my lips.

  “That’s good, honey, because I’m falling for you, too.”

  “Thank you for believing in me.”

  Christ, she was killing me. Before I could say anything or kiss the hell out of her—which seemed to be a better option since I couldn’t find the words to explain all the ways her belief in me set off a chain reaction of emotions—she settled back down next to me. Eva’s head rested over my heart, which was appropriate since she’d snuck into my life and stolen it. Her hand went to my flank.

  “Can I ask you something?” she whispered.

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “Why did you change your mind about me talking to the authorities?”

  Eva’s change of topic had me reeling. “What?”

  “Well, when Zane first brought it up, you were adamant we not come. What made you change your mind?”

  “You did. What you said about needing to do this so you could move on and put the past where it belongs, in the past. I remembered that you’re not some damsel in distress, you’re strong, resourceful. And I admit, there’s a part of me that likes that you want to step up for Bubba and Zoey so they can put this behind them, too. But mostly, I’ve come to the realization that I can’t say no to you. I want to give you and the boys the life you deserve and to do that I have to let you be you. So, if that meant coming back to Alaska, a place I want you nowhere near, I’ll suck it up, be here with you, and make sure you’re safe to do what you need to do.”

  If it was possible for a person to melt into another human, Eva nearly accomplished it. Her body had gone soft and pliant as she gave me more of her weight, snuggling so close we were damn near fused together.

  This isn’t contentment, it’s goddamn euphoria.


  Eva started then stopped again, just like she’d done last night. So I prompted her the same way, hoping she’d finally say what I wanted to hear.

  “You what, honey?”

  “Nothing,” she mumbled, and disappointment ached in my chest.

  I wanted to hear her say the words, so I could say them back.

  “Thank you,” she continued.

  “For what?”

  “For understanding I have to talk to the authorities. For believing I’m strong. For taking care of me while I do this. I want it all behind me so we can move on. I need to be free of all my guilt, so I can come to you with a clear conscience.”

  “You never have to thank me for taking care of you, Eva.”

  “Well, I am all the same.”

  I could barely speak past the tidal wave of emotions or the swelling in my chest. I’d given up trying to figure out what was so different about Eva that made me go from a cynic to a lovesick idiot. The fuck of it was, it had only taken her hours from the time I met her to start the transformation.

  And every day since I first laid eyes on her, it was like I was reborn, reshaped, molded into this new man who I didn’t recognize but liked.

  Eva’s breathing evened out and when I knew she was sound asleep, I kissed the top of her head and said the words I’d been fighting to keep under wraps.

  “I think I’m in love with you, Eva,” I whispered.

  Eva didn’t respond.

  The Nesbett courthouse looked like any other municipal building. There was nothing particularly noteworthy or impressive as we rode the elevator up to the top floor. That morning after Eva had gotten ready for her meeting, she’d asked me my preference on what she did with the boys. I was torn. I wanted them with us so they were close but I also wanted them safely locked behind closed doors where no one would see them. After discussing it with Eva, she decided to leave them at the hotel.

  I trusted they were in good hands with Anaya, but the rock in my gut became heavier the longer we were away from them.

  “You know they’re gonna be fine,” Eva told me when we stepped off the elevator. “They like Anaya and she’s great with them.”

  I could not believe Eva was consoling me about the boys.

  So much for concealing my worry.

  “I know. I just want this over and all of us back on the plane headed home.”

  “Home,” she mumbled. “I like the sound of that.”

  Fucking hell yeah.

  “Wait.” I stopped us outside of the ADA’s office. “Are you positive you want to do this?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded and smiled.

  “You don’t—”

  “I know I don’t have to do anything. I want to do this. I’m ready to do it. Besides, you’ll be next to me the whole time, what can go wrong?”

  She shrugged her shoulder, completely oblivious to what her trust meant to me—how desperately I needed her to know that I would protect her with my last breath.

  “Nothing will go wrong,” I confirmed. “Let’s do this.”

  A legal secretary offered a rushed greeting and she quickly ushered us into a large conference room where a woman sat until she saw us enter. She stood, walked around the large table, and thrust her hand toward a startled Eva.

  The women shook hands and made introductions. “Eva, I’m ADA Bernard. Thank you so much for making the trip. My office received the audio files your representative sent. We’ve already reviewed them, however I need you to listen to them with me, so you can swear to the authenticity.”

  “I understand,” Eva replied.

  “Mr. Brown.” The ADA turned her gaze to me but didn’t offer to shake my hand.

  I wasn’t sure what that said and I didn’t care to contemplate the slight. I simply wanted this meeting over so we could be on our way.

  “Before we begin, I’d like to review the immunity deal,” I told ADA Bernard.

  “Of course.” The woman turned to the legal secretary still standing in the doorway. “Melissa, if you wouldn’t mind closing the door on your way out,” she said, dismissing the other woman.

  Wordlessly, the door clicked shut and the ADA walked to the table, then opened a file folder, spreading several pieces of paper out. “Here you are. As you can see, we’re offering transactional immunity. As it is clearly written, Eva Dawkins, AKA Eva Dawson, is protected from future prosecution in regard to this case. We’d normally offer relocation and a new identity after testimony, however your representative declined.”

  I bet Tex did. He could hide Eva better than the state of Alaska could. However, she wasn’t going into hiding—I’d be the one providing all future protection.

  After I read and reread the documents, I collected them off the table and folded them in half.

  “Eva? Are you ready?”

  With a twitch of her lips, she nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  ADA Bernard fired up the laptop and a few moments later, a woman’s annoying, high-pitc
hed voice filled the room.


  “Hey, Boss, it’s me. The job is done. Now I need the money you promised me.”

  “Not so fast. I need details. Where’d you leave them?”

  “Mark fell asleep right after I took off, thank goodness. If he’d been as hyperaware as you said he was, he would’ve known we weren’t flying southwest toward Juneau. I flew straight west and circled a bit before heading down into the Lake Clark Preserve and Wilderness. I went down between two mountain ranges and landed on a tributary of Two Lakes.”

  My stomach roiled hearing Eva’s soft sad voice as she explained what she’d done.

  “And he didn’t suspect anything?”

  “No. I don’t think so. Not until it was too late to do anything. I cut the fuel to the engine and made it seem as if we were crash landing. They went into brace position. I landed on the lake and told them I had to check things out. I had them get out, then when they were on shore, I backed up and flew away.”

  Eva’s voice paused and I clearly heard the audible gulp of oxygen as she tried to gain her composure. “The looks on their faces will haunt me forever, if I’m being honest. Mark knew what was happening immediately, and wasn’t happy at all. Zoey simply looked confused. But after I turned the plane around, I looked back. She had a look of utter disbelief and terror on her face.”

  Christ, the sorrow in her voice was killing me.

  “And you didn’t leave them with anything that might help them survive, right?”

  “No.” Eva’s voice cracked and it was clear she was crying. Fucking hell. “All they had were the clothes they were wearing. But, I have to tell you, Mark had approval to carry a knife on the plane, and I’m pretty sure the pockets of his cargo pants were full, but I don’t know with what. Otherwise, all they had were the clothes on their backs.”

  “Good. You’re sure no one knows where you went and where you are now?”

  I tuned out the rest of the recording and pulled a sobbing Eva into my arms. This, right here, was why I didn’t want her to come to Alaska. I didn’t want her to relive something she was so ashamed of. I knew it would bring everything to the forefront—not only what she’d done to Bubba and Zoey, but the reason behind why she’d been forced to do it in the first place.

  “Can you please tell me who is on that recording?” the ADA asked.

  “That’s Tracy Eklund,” Eva muttered as she sniffed back tears. “Me and Tracy talking.”

  “You referred to her by the moniker, “Boss”. How do you know it’s Tracy?”

  “Because I’ve met Tracy. She worked at her husband Kenneth Eklund’s law practice as his assistant.”

  “How did you meet the Eklunds?”

  “When my father was arrested on his third DUI, Kenneth Eklund was his attorney. You heard the recording so you tell me, even ten years later, wouldn’t you remember that woman’s high-pitched, nasally voice? That’s Tracy Eklund. One hundred percent.”

  Eva was correct. Tracy had a very distinct voice that no one could forget.

  “I believe you, but you will be cross-examined and the defense will ask. Though I think it will be moot once Mrs. Eklund speaks.”

  Several hours and three more recorded phone calls later, we were finally back in the elevator on the way down.

  “You did great,” I told her. “How do you feel?”


  “That’s good, honey.”

  “I can’t wait to get home and start living.”

  Good Lord, her statement sent an ache over my body.

  Home—I’d never had one of those and I couldn’t fucking wait to make one with her and the kids. Now, if I could manage to summon up the courage to tell her how I felt when she was awake, we’d be on our way to making a future.

  Chapter 31

  Time sure does go fast when you’re trying to sort your life—the previous week had gone by in a blink.

  Max helped me sort my house in Florida. And after I consulted Tex, since he’d been the one to set me up and purchase my furniture, we decided to donate all of it to a battered women’s shelter. His generosity knew no bounds and I got a little teary eyed when Tex told me he knew what it was like to need help. I couldn’t imagine someone as capable as Tex needing anything from anyone—and I didn’t ask for him to elaborate.

  Anaya came over and we found the perfect organization to give my belongings to. She’d been wonderful. Not only to me but to the kids as well—they adored her and Kyle, too. The couple had been over several times in the last week, and not just so Anaya could help me, but just to keep me company while Kyle and Max worked.

  Tex had also given me a new identity and I prayed this would be the last time I’d have to change my name. It was getting a little ridiculous at this point. So now I was Mary Eva Deward. I would still go by Eva because, seriously, I’d never remember I was supposed to answer to Mary. Tex had also transferred my meager savings and checking accounts into my new name.

  Things were coming together.

  Max and I still hadn’t had our talk, but I thought after the Alaska trip we both needed to breathe and decompress. Not to mention, we weren’t out of the woods yet, not when there was still a hitman out there somewhere trying to track me down.

  A man called Garrett who worked with Max and his team and was supposed to be a computer genius guy much like Tex, had spread the information all over the dark web, whatever that was, that Kenneth Eklund had been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder, witness tampering, and witness intimidation. I thought tampering and intimidation were pretty much the same thing, but apparently ADA Bernard wanted to throw the proverbial book at both Eklunds.

  Tracy was screwed and her lawyer was now scrambling trying to make a deal. Which meant Alaska was almost behind me. I hadn’t told Max yet, but I had one more thing to do before I could move on and Tex had been more than happy to set it up. Now I just had to find a way to actually go through with it.

  But for now, I didn’t have time to freak out about the call I would be making later. Max had invited his team over this afternoon for a barbeque so I had bigger things to freak the fuck out about. I’d met the team, of course, and over the last few days I’d gotten used to them coming over to have a word with Max. Sometimes they’d stay a while and work at the dining room table. I heard words like: mission strategy, SITREP, tango, Omni. I’d also heard things that scared the hell out of me like: take out, put to ground, and, kill the fucker.

  My list of things I needed to do was long, but I moved talking to Max to the top of the list when Declan said they were close to closing in on Omni and the team would be deploying soon. However, after Declan left, the boys needed my help, and now we were T-minus five minutes until everyone arrived and there’d been no time to ask Max if he was leaving.

  Besides, my freak-out had commenced. Tatiana and Emerson were coming over with Brooks and Thad.

  Max had declared that today was about relaxing and family, but I felt anything but relaxed. This was a big deal. These were the people closest to him. I’d been around the men dozens of times, I should have been comfortable, but for some reason, this just felt different. And I’d never met Emerson and Tatiana.


  “Huh?” I turned from the iced tea I was making and found Max watching me.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “All the things I…” I started to lie but quickly changed my mind. This was Max I was talking to and we didn’t hide things from each other. “I’m nervous.”

  “Why? You know everyone coming over.”

  “I don’t know Tatiana and Emerson. And this feels different.”

  “Different how?” he asked but made no move to come closer.

  “I don’t know. Just different. These are your people, your family; I feel like I need to impress them or something. Or maybe I need their approval.”

  Max’s expression softened, and just like every time he looked at me that way, my insides melted. He was th
e sexiest man I’d ever seen, but when he stared at me like that, I swear I saw love in his eyes. It was something he did a lot with the boys, too.

  “First, you don’t need anyone’s approval, but just so you know, you already have it. My team’s not stupid, Eva, they know who you are to me. And even if they hadn’t seen it for themselves, they trust my judgement. They know you’re a good person. Brooks and Thad both told me that Emmy and Tatiana can’t wait to meet you.”


  “Because Anaya loves spending time with you. She brags about the boys all the time. And they’re jealous she’s gotten to know you and they haven’t. I’m gonna warn you now, when they get here, they’re gonna whisk you away and talk your ear off. They’re gonna ask you all sorts of questions, and it’s not because they’re being nosy, it’s just who they are. It’s what they do—they’ll want to pull you into their tribe and make sure you’re comfortable.”

  “I’ve never really had friends, Max. I don’t know how to do the whole sisterhood thing.”

  His lips curved up into a smile that made him look deliciously sexy. He pushed off the cabinet he’d been leaning against and moved to me. Once he got close, he pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

  “Sisterhood?” He chuckled.

  “You know what I mean. Anaya tells me they’re all as close as sisters. Hell, they all live in the same house.”

  “They are close,” Max confirmed. “Though Brooks and Tatiana found a house, so they’re moving into their own place soon so they can get everything ready for the baby.”

  We stood in silence for a long moment. Now that his arms were wrapped around me and working their magic I was starting to relax.

  “I want you to enjoy today,” he muttered. “I want the boys to have a good time. Since we’ve been home from Alaska, they seem to be settling in, especially Eli. But I’d like for them both to feel comfortable around my family.”


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