The Orphans of Davenport

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The Orphans of Davenport Page 41

by Marilyn Brookwood

  Veterans Administration position, 204, 205–6

  Wiggam meeting with, 149–50

  Woodward-Glenwood follow-up encouraged by Havighurst and Gladwin, 222–23, 228, 257

  Woodward-Glenwood study contrast group, follow-up, 188, 236–38, 247, 248–49

  Woodward-Glenwood study experimental group, follow-up, 236–38, 246, 247–49

  Woodward-Glenwood study follow-up, 187–88

  Woodward-Glenwood study follow-up report, 243, 247–49, 259, 262

  World War II Army Air Force service, 188, 194, 203, 256

  and Zerwekh at Davenport Home, 53–55, 97

  Skeels, Harold M. and Harold B. Dye, A Study of the Effects of Differential Stimulation on Mentally Retarded Children, (1939), 158, 159, 171, 190

  Skodak, Marie (Marie Skodak Crissey)

  at AAAS meeting, 170–72

  on acceptance of Skeels’s results in 1960s, 250, 251

  adoption effects on Davenport infants, 141–44, 207

  American Educational Research Association address, 253–54

  arrival at Iowa station, 8, 28, 40, 45

  assistant psychologist in Iowa, 6, 32–33

  BD and CD placed at Woodward State Hospital, 63–64

  BD’s and CD’s improvement at Woodward State Hospital seen, 99–100

  career choices and challenges, 261–62

  childhood, 17

  concerns about adopted children, 92–93

  on Davenport Home conditions, 49–50, 61–62, 281

  at Dearborn public schools, 206–7, 239, 250, 261

  death, 263

  on deaths of Davenport children, 217

  discoveries challenged by McNemar, 178, 179–80

  discoveries challenged by Osborn, 143

  discoveries confirmed by Speer, 143, 175

  on eugenics movement, 72

  at Flint Child Guidance Clinic, 144, 149, 171, 193, 206, 250

  follow-up on adoption studies, preparation, 228–30

  follow-ups on adoption studies, 229, 239–40, 261

  higher-than-expected adoptee IQ test results, 95–97, 104

  hired by Skeels as assistant, 30–31

  IASSIDD address, 254

  on inevitable outcomes for the mentally deficient, 25

  intelligence as inherited trait, 33

  on Iowa’s policy on disrupted adoptions, 57, 94

  in Iowa station’s PhD program, 97, 144

  Kennedy Foundation award, 252

  as lecturer at University of Michigan, 206, 261

  life stories of birth parents, 142–44, 180

  marriage, 239, 250

  Mirsky and, 243

  opinion of Stoddard, 40, 43–44

  PhD studies at Ohio State University, 21, 24, 25–26, 30–31

  on postwar psychological research, 214

  on private life of Skeels, 188–89, 190, 221, 256

  response to McNemar and Goodenough, 181, 182, 187, 256

  retirement, 250

  return to Iowa station after war, 203–4

  at Rome school, 24–25, 27

  Schiff and, 257–58

  on Sears’s station leadership, 202, 205

  sexual discrimination and, 205, 261–62

  on Skeels’s American Association for Mental Deficiency address, 161

  on Skeels’s death, 255–56

  Skeels’s follow-up report written by, 247, 262

  on Skeels’s self-doubt and uncertainties, 163, 246

  for Stoddard’s G. Stanley Hall Award, 260–61

  studies of adoptees, 9, 46, 141–44, 207

  study in Hungary, 20–21

  summer job in Iowa (1933), 26–30

  testing before finalizing adoptions, 57, 91–95

  transport of infants to Davenport Home, 51

  undergraduate study at Ohio State University, 15–20, 170

  on Wellman’s discovery of IQ score changes, 42–43

  on World War II impact, 193–94

  “smart John” effect and children of prostitutes, 143, 180

  Smyke, Anna, 272

  Society for Research in Child Development, 171, 201–2, 215

  “Some Preliminary Findings of Three Followup Studies on the Effects of Adoption on Children from Institutions” (Skeels), 240–41

  Speer, George, 143, 175

  Spiker, Charles C., 215–16

  Spiro, Jonathan, 79

  Spitz, René A., 216–17, 218, 223

  Squire, Larry, 245

  Stanford-Binet test, 41, 67–68, 218

  Stanford Test of Achievement, 129

  Station for the Experimental Study of Evolution (Carnegie Institution), 80


  advocated by eugenics groups, 69, 72, 77

  in America, 88, 196

  in California, 176

  Carrie Buck, 86–87

  involuntary sterilization laws, 2–3, 87–88

  in Iowa, 58, 60

  Viola Hoffman, 2–3

  Stern, Wilhelm, 67

  Stevenson, Adlai, 198

  Stoddard, George

  Alfred Binet and, 9, 132

  articles published, 162

  autobiography, 260

  brain changes with experience, 226

  congratulatory letters when leaving Iowa, 195–96

  death, 261

  decision to leave Iowa, 194–95

  education, 38–39

  Educational Records Bureau address, 147–48

  environment influence on intelligence, 8, 101, 146, 220

  friendship with Grant Wood, 189–90, 194

  G. Stanley Hall Award in Developmental Psychology, 260

  head of the University of Iowa’s Graduate School, 45

  head of the University of Iowa’s psychology department, 45

  job offer from Terman rejected, 39–40

  leadership at Iowa station, 43–45, 101, 118, 158, 163

  on Lincoln Center board, 260

  named as Iowa station director, 38, 40

  National Education Association address, 146–47

  national kindergarten program proposed, 162–163

  national preschool program proposed, 185–86, 243

  as New York’s commissioner of education, 195, 196

  New York University chancellor, 257, 260

  NSSE 1940 meeting and Yearbook, 154, 164–66, 168–69, 174–77

  popular press coverage, 147–48, 178

  response to Terman attacks, 168, 256

  response to withheld McNemar paper, 166, 168–69, 174–75, 177, 182

  Simpson on, 183

  Skodak’s impression of, 40, 43–44

  State University of New York presidency, 195

  Terman attacks on, 164, 166–68, 169, 183–84, 192

  Terman-Stoddard debates, 166–68, 183–84, 209

  UNESCO committee, 197, 198, 260

  University of Illinois presidency, 197–98, 260

  Wellman’s reports supported by, 132

  Wiggam meeting with, 151–52

  on Woodward-Glenwood study, 139

  year at Princeton, 198, 260

  Stravinsky, Igor, 197–98

  stress, effect on brain development, 274–76

  Study of American Intelligence, A (Brigham), 115

  “Study of Environmental Stimulation, A,” 134

  “Study of the Effects of Differential Stimulation on Mentally Retarded Children, A” (Skeels), 159

  Tabacaru, Cristian, 268, 269

  tension between clinical and experimental psychologists, 30

  Terman, Lewis

  American Psychological Association president, 71, 207

  approach to intelligence testing, 39–40, 68, 71

  army recruit intelligence tests, 70, 71, 72

  attacks on Iowa station results, 10, 90, 178, 256

  attacks on Skeels, 189

  attacks on Stoddard, 164, 166–68, 169, 183–84, 192

  attacks on Wellman, 166

  autobiography, 208, 209 />
  Bagley’s criticism of, 113–14

  Brigham and, 114–16

  Burks and, 173

  burn injuries in fire, 207

  complaints about Iowans’ public profile, 162

  control group use proposed, 112

  correspondence with Goodenough, 154, 170, 182–83, 193

  death, 208–9, 257

  on declining intelligence of the white race, 83

  developmental biology ignored by, 89–90

  early stimulation effects rejected by, 111

  education, 65–66

  on eugenics movement and IQ tests, 2, 67, 72, 85

  Genetic Studies of Genius, 72, 199, 208

  Genius and Stupidity, 66

  head of the Stanford’s psychology department, 66, 72, 207

  institutionalization for the unfit, 67, 72, 77

  on intelligence of children in orphanages, 112, 117

  Intelligence of School Children, The, 68

  Iowa response to Psychological Bulletin paper, 166, 168–69, 170

  letter to Pastore, 208

  Measurement of Intelligence, The, 68

  “mental test for every child,” 54

  National Academy of Sciences, 72, 207

  National Education Association address, 166, 167

  NSSE 1928 Yearbook, 117, 164

  NSSE 1940 Yearbook committee, 164, 165

  on NSSE 1940 Yearbook environmental research, 177

  Osborn’s article and, 153–54

  paper withheld from 1940 Yearbook, 165–66, 168–69, 177

  profit from sale of IQ tests, 71, 72

  response to Lippmann’s criticism, 112

  retirement, 207

  revision of Binet’s test, 39, 67–68, 160

  Sears and, 199, 208–9

  Simpson and, 156, 165

  Stanford-Binet test, 41, 67–68, 113, 218

  statistical inadequacy of, 156–57, 168, 184, 186

  sterilization advocated by, 77, 83

  studies of masculinity, femininity, and homosexuality, 190

  study of young children rejected by, 111

  Terman-Stoddard debates, 166–68, 183–84, 209

  theories attacked by Wellman, 146

  Wiggam and, 149, 152, 178

  theta activity or theta waves, 273

  Thorndike, Edward L., 113, 194

  Today Show (TV show), 253

  Tough, Paul, 276

  toxic stress, effect on brain development, 274–76

  Trabue, Marion, 113

  Trait Book (Eugenics Record Office), 81

  Tredgold, A. F., 76

  Turing, Alan, 257

  20/20 (TV show), 266–67

  twins, studies of, 258, 259

  UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), 197, 198, 260

  unit trait inheritance, 75–76, 85–86, 90, 116

  Updegraff, Ruth, 132

  Van Steenberg, Neil J., 59, 143–44

  Village of a Thousand Souls, The (Gesell), 77–78

  Vineland Training School for Feeble-Minded Girls and Boys, 21, 68

  Vining, Elizabeth Grey, 197

  Vogel, Amy, 58

  Voldeng, M. N., 98

  Waddington, C. H., 177

  Wallace, Henry A., 185–86, 194

  Walters, Barbara, 253

  “Wandering IQ, The” (Simpson), 155, 225

  war crimes, 84, 214

  War of the Worlds, The (Welles), 170

  Warren, Stafford L., 242

  Watson, James, 86

  Watson, John B., 156

  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 127–28

  Weiss, Emalyn, 28

  Welles, Orson, 170

  Wellman, Beth

  arrival at Iowa station, 8, 41

  cancer, 44, 194

  on children who left University of Iowa preschool, 144

  on concept of intelligence, 146, 159

  Davenport preschool study, design, 132–35

  Davenport preschool study, experiences and results, 135–40, 144–45

  death, 44, 257

  engagement to Bird Baldwin, 41

  environmental stimulation influence on intelligence, 132, 147

  on higher-than-expected adoptee IQ test results, 97

  as Iowa station director, 206

  IQ score plateau during summer vacations, 42, 131, 134

  McNemar and, 169, 178

  NSSE 1940 Yearbook committee, 164

  popular press coverage, 145–46, 147, 149, 162

  preschool effect on college entrance exams, 146

  preschool effect on IQ scores, 8, 41–43, 104, 118, 131–32, 134, 140

  publications, 44, 45, 162, 202–3

  response to McNemar paper, 182, 256

  results reported at AAAS meeting, 145–46, 171

  Sears and, 200

  Simpson attacks on, 155, 156, 163

  Terman attacks on, 166

  Wiggam meeting with, 150–51

  Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), 271

  Whipple, Guy M., 165, 186–87

  Wiggam, Albert E.

  environmentalist impact on, 154, 155, 175

  Iowa visit, 148–53

  popular press coverage, 178

  sterilization supported by, 83

  Terman and, 149, 152, 178

  writing in support of eugenics, 82–83, 85, 148

  Williams, Harold M., 132

  William, Thomas Chatterton, 88

  Wilson, Woodrow, 85

  Witty, Paul, 42, 175, 182–83

  Wood, Grant, 189–90, 194, 256

  Woodward State Hospital for Epileptics and School for the Feebleminded

  BD’s and CD’s environment at Woodward, 101–3, 111

  BD’s and CD’s improvement seen, 99–100, 103

  BD’s and CD’s placement, 63–64, 158

  description and programs, 98

  observation of BD and CD by Skeels, 101–3

  Woodworth, Robert S., 242

  Woolley, Helen Thompson, 114

  World’s Wonders, The, 65

  Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (1921), 113, 164

  Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (1928), 38, 114, 117, 164, 165

  Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (1940), 164–66, 168–69, 170, 173–75, 176–77, 182, 187

  Yerkes, Robert M., 68–70, 84, 115, 175

  Zeanah, Charles H., 268, 270–71

  Zenderland, Leila, 21

  Zerwekh, Roscoe, 53–55, 97

  Copyright © 2021 by Marilyn Brookwood

  All rights reserved

  First Edition

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  Jacket design: Richard Ljoenes Design LLC

  Jacket photograph: Biennial report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Soldiers’ Orphans Home and Home for Indigent Children, Vol. 15, pub. 1895 / The Iowa Government Journals at the University of Iowa Main Library

  Production manager: Beth Steidle

  The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

  Names: Brookwood, Marilyn, author.

  Title: The orphans of Davenport : eugenics, the Great Depression, and the war over children’s intelligence / Marilyn Brookwood.

  Description: First edition. | New York, NY : Liveright Publishing Corporation, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2021005096 | ISBN 9781631494680 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781631494697 (epub)

  Subjects: LCSH: Eugenics—United States—History—20th century. | Children of parents with mental disabiliti
es—Intelligence levels—Iowa—Davenport—History—20th century. | Children of parents with mental disabilities—Institutional care—Iowa—Davenport—History—20th century. | Nature and nurture—United States—History—20th century. | Child development—United States—History—20th century. | Child psychology—United States—20th century.

  Classification: LCC HQ755.5.U5 B76 2021 | DDC 305.2310973/0904—dc23

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