Team 52 Box Set: Books 1-3

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Team 52 Box Set: Books 1-3 Page 25

by Anna Hackett

  “Just doing my job.”

  The strangest pain burned through her chest. His job. Right. That’s all it was.

  She dropped his wrist. “Of course.” She gave him another nod, and then closed the door.

  Chapter Eight

  Feeling unsettled, Seth crossed the hall to his quarters.

  But all he kept seeing was how January’s eyes had gone blank. She’d thanked him, and he’d made it sound like she’d just been something to check off on a list.

  He stepped inside. He kept his room neat. The only additions that made it look different from January’s quarters were a few books on the desk, and a framed, black-and-white print of the famous Las Vegas sign on the wall. He’d taken the picture himself.

  It had been too damn long since he’d picked up his Canon. Photography relaxed him. Finding the right shot, getting the light right. It took patience and skill, and while he focused on getting the perfect shot, it cleared his mind.

  His mind sure as hell wasn’t clear right now. Seth started pacing in the small space. He felt on edge. Usually after a mission ended, he relaxed. When the adrenaline high was gone, he crashed, slept, and got ready for the next emergency.

  But he kept seeing January’s face. She’d been rock solid on their dash through the jungle. No matter what they’d faced, she’d hit it head-on.

  Shaking his head, he headed for the bathroom, stripping off his clothes as he went. He’d done his job and rescued her. That’s all there was between him and January James, except for a few heated words when they clashed over something.

  Flicking the shower on, he climbed in, bending his head and letting the water hit him. He tried to relax his tense muscles. He knew it was necessary in this kind of work to learn to switch off during down times, otherwise you risked burning out.

  He’d just rinsed the shampoo out of his hair, when he heard a knock at the door in the other room.

  Dammit. He shut the water off, grabbed a towel, and quickly swiped it across his chest before he tugged it around his hips. It was probably Brooks with information on the Knights of Gaia.

  Seth yanked open his door.

  January stood there, wearing a borrowed black shirt that swamped her frame. Her damp hair looked shades darker, and fell loose over her shoulders.

  His gaze dropped, and he realized that the shirt was the only thing she was wearing. His cock took notice, and his gaze traveled down her bare legs.

  Shit. He jerked his gaze up. “You okay?” Don’t get hard, Lynch. The damn towel wouldn’t hide his hard-on.

  She looked frozen. She was staring at his bare chest.

  He stiffened as well. It was his damn scars. They weren’t as bad as his face, but they weren’t pretty. The bastards who’d tortured him hadn’t mucked around.

  Then he realized she wasn’t looking at his scars. She was watching a drop of water as it snaked down his chest.


  She blinked and moved forward. She quickly shoved her way inside and closed the door.

  He frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I didn’t want to be alone, and nothing’s wrong now. Not anymore.”

  She looked up at him and there was heat in her eyes. She pressed her hands to his bare chest, went up on her toes, and crushed her mouth to his.

  Fuck. Fuck.

  Seth wrapped his arms around her and returned the kiss. He backed her up against the door, his tongue delving inside her mouth. Damn, she could kiss, and she tasted so damn good.

  She moaned, a sound that vibrated through him. He boosted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “What are we doing?” he said.

  “If you don’t know, then you aren’t as sharp as I thought.” She nipped his stubbled jaw.

  He took her mouth again. The kiss was hot and hard, with lots of tongue. She’d brushed her teeth and tasted like mint. Then, she undulated against him.

  Another husky moan. “God, you’re so hard. All of you.”

  He was hard in lots of places, and she was soft in all the right places. He kissed her again, trying to get his brain to function. “January—”

  “Don’t talk, Lynch.” Her hands sank into his hair, pulling hard. She bit his lip. “When you do, you often annoy me.”

  Damn. Always the ballbuster. Still, his cock was so hard it hurt. “We should talk—”

  “No.” Another nip. “There are better things we can do.”

  Seth reminded himself that twenty-four hours ago, he’d thought this vibrant woman was dead. And it had gutted him.

  Now, here she was in his arms, and she was alive. Very alive. He slid his hands up under the shirt. So definitely alive.

  She kissed him again and pleasure flooded him. Maybe talking wasn’t the way to go right now. His fingers brushed the curls at the juncture of her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties. All he felt was January.

  He groaned.

  “Right there, Seth. I need you inside me.” She rocked against him. “Fuck me, please.”

  He took her mouth again and, as they kissed, her hands fumbled at his waist, pushing his towel away.

  “God, your body.” She ran her hands over his abs, then up his chest. He stiffened for a second. Women either pretended his scars didn’t exist and gave him wide berth, or they got a slightly sick look on their faces.

  January didn’t even seem to notice. She ran her hands over his skin—scars and all.

  “I love your tattoo as well.” Then her fingers traveled back down. She reached between them and found his cock.

  Shit. He bucked against her and she pumped him.

  “Wow,” she breathed against his lips. “There’s a lot of you.” She stroked him.

  Holding on to the last, desperate strand of his control, he grabbed her wrist. “Wait.”

  “Why?” Hazel eyes met his.

  In that moment, he felt the irresistible pull of her. The connection between them. He’d bedded some stunning women, but none had made him feel quite like this. None had left him unable to string words together.

  “You should know that I’m on birth control. I had a physical before the dig, and I’m clean.”

  Seth groaned again.

  “And I suspect they give you regular checks around here. Are you healthy?”

  Seth’s brain finally ticked over. “Yeah.”

  January stroked his cock again, increasing her pace. “I need you inside me.”

  “God, you turn me inside out.”

  She smiled. “Good.” Then she nipped his jaw. “And if you tell anyone about this…”

  He moved his mouth to her ear and bit her back. “Just you and me, hellcat.”

  He pinned her to the wall, spreading her legs and grinding his cock against her. She was warm and wet, and they both groaned. Then he tore her shirt open, sending buttons pinging onto the floor. He pushed her up and took one nipple in his mouth.

  “Yes.” Her hands were in his hair again.

  She had gorgeous, full breasts, and pretty, pink nipples. He lavished them with attention. God, he could spend all day right here.

  But something niggled at him. He lifted his head. “Wait.”

  She huffed out a breath. “I never expected you to talk this much. You strike me as an action man.”

  “I need to—”

  “No,” she urged. “No talking.”

  “You’ve had a traumatic experience, January.” Shit. He could be an asshole sometimes, but even for him, taking advantage of a vulnerable woman didn’t sit well.

  She growled. “My mind is functioning just fine, Lynch. Now slide that thick cock inside me.”

  He groaned. He couldn’t fight the pull of her anymore. He moved his hips and his cock slid along her wet folds. They both groaned. God, she felt so good.

  He cupped her ass in both hands and rubbed against her again. Sensation rolled through him.

  “Seth.” It was half plea, half complaint.
  He met her hazel eyes, and they were filled with fierce desire. Her face was flushed with need.

  He couldn’t stop. He thrust his cock inside her.

  Her head fell back on a cry, and Seth groaned deep. She was tight as hell.

  “Fuck, January.”

  “Usually when you say those two words, you’re pissed at me.” Her voice was breathy, with the slightest hint of amusement.

  He sure as hell wasn’t pissed at her now. He was too busy enjoying the sensations of her heat clamped on his cock. He pulled out and slid back in.

  They both moaned.

  “Never gone without a condom,” he said.

  She stilled. “Never?”

  “Never.” He’d never been with a woman long enough to head in that direction. Hell, he’d never trusted a woman not to lie to him.

  “Live it up, 007.” She moved, biting his ear. “If it feels half as good as how it feels to have you filling me up—”

  Seth lost his control. He thrust into her, hard and firm. He lost any hope of conscious thought. He was just lost in January, absorbing her warmth, and savoring the feel of her. Her sharp breaths puffed on his cheek with every thrust.

  Alive. She was alive.

  “Harder,” she cried.

  And then Seth was hammering into her, pinning her to the door. He slid a hand down, thumbing her clit.

  “Oh.” Her legs tightened on him.

  And then, with two more thrusts, she was coming hard. Seth kept thrusting. He couldn’t stop now if an entire platoon of enemy soldiers invaded the base.

  Her body clenched down on his cock, and he gritted his teeth. He wanted to take her there again.

  Her legs tightened. “Seth.”

  “Again, January.”


  “Come again, baby. Get there.”

  He felt her nails slide down his back, scoring his skin. Yes, his little hellcat.

  “Seth.” Another sharp cry, and she shuddered against him.

  As she rode out her second orgasm, Seth couldn’t hold back anymore. His thrusts turned harder, wilder.

  He came in a long, overwhelming rush. He poured himself inside her, groaning her name.

  And he kept his arms locked around her, holding her tight.

  January was breathing heavily, little shudders of pleasure still rippling through her body.

  And Seth Lynch was still lodged deep inside her.

  God, she’d just let Seth fuck her—hard. And she’d liked it. A lot.

  She’d wanted this. Needed this. But now what?


  “Quiet.” He lifted her away from the door. She gripped his shoulders. God, he was strong. She wasn’t exactly as light as a feather.

  “Ah, I need to clean up,” she said.

  He carried her into the bathroom and set her down on the vanity. She figured he’d leave, but instead, he grabbed a washcloth, wet it, then gently wiped between her legs.

  Her chest locked. No one had ever taken care of her like that. The gesture was intimate, caring.

  She turned her head and caught her reflection in the mirror on the wall. She looked flushed and well-pleasured. Seth Lynch, a man who drove her crazy, had just given her the best orgasm of her life.

  Two of them, in fact.

  She blew out a breath. She’d survived a horrible situation, and it wasn’t just the plane crash and attack of the last few days, but the horrible event that had stolen her mother and her innocence from her.

  She’d long ago vowed to make every moment, every action count. For her mom. And now for those who’d died on the plane. For herself.

  She lifted her chin and met Seth’s ice-blue gaze. But she was instantly distracted by his chest. God, that bronze skin and those defined muscles. Her belly quivered. He was so well-built. Just how she liked a man.

  And that handsome, fascinating face.

  She looked in the mirror again…and saw the terrible bruise on his back. Her belly dropped. She gripped his arm. “Turn around.”



  With a sigh, he obeyed. Oh. She ran her fingers gently over the purple bruise. He’d gotten it when he’d taken the bullets in his vest. Bullets meant for her. She leaned forward and kissed his abused skin.

  He stood stock still.

  She lifted her head and cleared her throat. “Well, I guess—”

  Seth spun and picked her up.

  “Lynch,” she squeaked.

  He turned and strode out of the bathroom. He crossed the room and dropped her on the bed.

  “What are you—?”

  He leaned over her. “Not done with you, yet.”

  She sucked in a breath. He reached down and tugged the shirt off her shoulders.

  She smiled. “Really?” Desire was already building in her belly.

  He pushed her legs apart, and boldly stroked his hand between her legs. He caressed her, seemingly fascinated with a tiny strip of dark hair above her sex. She lifted her hips.

  “I’m going to eat you until you come on my tongue.”

  Her belly spasmed.

  “Then I’ll fuck you again.” He slid a finger inside her.

  “Um…” Her brain wouldn’t work. “So far I’m onboard with your plans.”

  “Most agreeable I’ve ever seen you.”

  She narrowed her gaze on him. “Don’t ruin a good thing, Lynch.”

  His smile was sexy as hell, and he slid a second finger inside her. “Guess I have to put my mouth to good use.”

  He leaned down and bit her inner thigh.

  She swallowed a moan. “Again…no complaints.”

  She got another bite.

  “And later, I want to see that sassy mouth of yours wrapped around my cock.”

  Their gazes met. She was already hungry for a taste of that. It must have shown on her face, because his gaze darkened.

  Here, there was just the two of them, and the pleasure. There were no ecoterrorists, or potentially dangerous artifacts, or dead friends.

  “That can be arranged,” she murmured.

  “You want to feel me, January?” He lowered his head and licked her.

  She cried out.

  “You want to feel me for days?” He slid his hands beneath her and lifted her up to his mouth.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as he feasted on her. God. It felt so good.

  “Open your eyes.” His voice was guttural.

  She obeyed, that handsome, scarred face filling her vision. She watched his mouth on her as he devoured her, and watching drove her desire up several more notches.

  He dragged his tongue over her swollen flesh, and then his lips brushed her clit. She bucked against him. It was all too much.

  She slid a hand into his hair and fisted it.

  He growled against her tender skin and pleasure vibrated through her.

  “Seth.” She jerked in his hold and he lowered her down, sliding two fingers back inside her. His mouth closed over her clit.

  It was like a detonation. January’s back arched off the bed, and her orgasm scorched through her. She screamed this time, and squeezed his head with her thighs. His tongue kept working her.

  Finally, she collapsed back on the bed, panting.

  Seth stood, towering above her. God, he looked like some dark god, come down to Earth to pillage. His cock was rock-hard and rising up against his six-pack stomach. He reached down and lifted her off the bed.


  “I’m going to fuck you on my desk next. Going to do you in every part of my room.”

  Her belly clenched. Oh, God.

  He crossed the room, and January felt her butt hit the cool edge of the desk. Then he flipped her over, and her hips pressed to the wood.

  “Need to be inside you, hellcat. You are so damn hot.”

  “Do it.” She pushed her ass back against him. He palmed her cheeks.

  “You push me to the edge, January.”

  She glanced ba
ck over her shoulder. “Right back at you, Seth.”

  He buried his cock in her with one thrust.

  January moaned and pressed her cheek to the desk. “More.”

  He started moving, flesh slapping against flesh. “You love this.” His breath was hot on her ear.

  She pushed back to meet his thrusts.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “Yes. I love it.”

  His hands pressed to the desktop beside her, and she watched the sexy muscles in his forearm flex under his scars. She pushed harder back against him, impossibly feeling another orgasm growing.

  He was going to kill her.

  One of his hands moved and squeezed her ass. Then, he held her hips as he started hammering faster.

  Her orgasm hit hard and she screamed. His fingers gripped her skin, and she didn’t care if he left marks.

  Seth pumped harder, growling through his own release. January turned her head and sank her teeth into his forearm.

  Moments later, they both collapsed on the desk, not moving. She couldn’t move. One, because she was pinned beneath his weight, and two, because her legs were suddenly boneless.

  She felt something shiver through her. A hint of fear. Sex, she could handle. Amazing, mind-blowing sex, she could handle. But January wasn’t entirely sure what this was.

  She tried to pull in a breath and Seth’s weight lifted. His arms enfolded her, pulling her back against his chest.

  “I’ve got you, James.”

  No one had caught her and held her safe for a long, long time. She relaxed. But with this man wrapped around her, she believed him.

  Chapter Nine

  Seth turned in the tangled sheets. Damn, his body was loose and relaxed. He pulled in a breath, and with it, the scent of January from his pillow.

  He opened his eyes.

  It only took him a second to realize that she was gone.

  He sat up in his bunk, scanning the room. Yep, he was alone. His jaw clenched. She’d snuck out.

  Seth fell back against the pillows, not sure how he felt about that.

  God. The hours they’d spent here in his bed, and everything they’d done to each other, moved through his head in bright Technicolor. After the first few frenzied times he’d taken her, he’d then had her in the shower, on the floor, and then she’d gone down on him back in the bed. And she’d done it with a whole lot of enthusiasm. He suspected she got off on sucking his cock more than he did her doing it.


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