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Crossroads Page 12

by Nicole Coverdale

  “I want to help you. I want to ease your pain.”

  “You can’t.”

  “Yes, I can. Take my hand, Jade.”

  “No!” Jade shook her head, refusing to be tempted. “No, I won’t do it! They’ll break you! I will not be the reason you die, Sky!”

  “Jade, I’m built for this,” Sky whispered. “I’ve been trained to filter pain. Lots of pain.” Liar. You can’t even control your own pain. “I can take your pain away, Jade,” he said, ignoring the voice inside his head. “You just have to trust me.”

  “I do trust you,” Jade whispered. ‘It’s just myself I don’t trust, because the voices are right, Sky. I have made terrible decisions. Ouch!” she screamed, clutching her head as voices seared through her brain. Blood seeping from her ears and she closed her eyes. “Please go away. Please, please, go away,” she whispered, trying to will the voices away.

  “Jade! You have to fight it!”

  “I can’t!”

  “Yes, you can,” Sky said, softly. “You’re strong, Jade. One of the strongest women I have ever met. You can fight this!”

  “But I’m not strong.”

  “Yes, you are,” Sky whispered. “You’re refusing my help, Jade. How does that not make you strong? And you say these voices are speaking the truth? How can that be, when time and time again, you have sacrificed your own happiness for those that you love? Remember, you came home, to take care of your grandparents. You stayed, to take care of Julie. You brought Josslyn back to life. How is any of that bad? You’re a good person, Jade, and a good witch. You just have to hold on to that.”

  “I’m trying,” Jade whispered, gritting her teeth as another wave of pain rushed through her. She leaned back, the flames scorching her, and dots swam before her eyes. “Sky… I don’t think I’m going to make it,” she whispered, feeling faint. “I…”

  “Jade?” Sky lurched forward. “Jade? Jade!”

  “Okay. So what’s the plan?” Jorja asked as they appeared in the underworld. Glancing around at the fiery depths. “Do we even have a plan?”

  “Not in the slightest,” Josslyn said, walking down the path, making sure to stay in the center of the trail. “Don’t touch the walls. They’ll burn you.”

  “Dooly noted,” Jasmine said, following behind Josslyn and Jorja. “Josslyn, that faded J on the book. Do you think Julie’s having second thoughts?”

  “I think that there’s probably a lot about Julie we don’t know,” Josslyn said softly. “And that’s why she was tempted by the dark side.”

  “Anyone can be tempted by the dark side, Josslyn,” Jorja said, following close behind her. “We all have darkness inside of us. That little twinge every now and then, telling us to do something that’s not right. Don’t you ever feel it?”

  “Of course I do. The difference is, I don’t give in to it,” Josslyn said, entering through the doorway and hiding behind the rock wall. “Look. There they are.”

  “The time has come, my friends. My family.” Elijah was saying as he lifted his hands high into the air. “The time to rejoice. The time to embrace new beginnings, and the time to bring forth a new ruler in the underworld. Me!” He extended his hand, gesturing Julie forward. “Come forward, my love.”

  “My love.” Josslyn rolled her eyes. “Ick. I think I’m going to be sick.”


  They stared out across the room, over the heads of dozens of demons at Julie as she walked through the sea of demons. A long, black, lace dress flowed down her body, black lipstick pursed on her lips, and her hair dark as night.

  Please be in there still, Julie, Josslyn thought, closing her eyes. Please be in there.

  “Hey. There’s the girls,” Jorja whispered, pointing toward the front of the room where they were tied up. Far below them, a pit of fire. “Jasmine, do you think you can set them free?”

  Jasmine waved her hand and shook her head. “No. My powers aren’t working.”

  “That’s because we’re in the underworld. They’ve hidden these smoky quartz crystals which dims our powers,” Josslyn said softly.

  “So the demons have gotten smarter since we were last down here?”


  “And to think that evil doesn’t have brains,” Jasmine muttered. “Oh no. Josslyn! There’s Josi!”

  “What? Where?” Josslyn jerked her head to the side, glancing up, to where Josi stood high above them. A bow and arrow pointed at Elijah. “Oh no! She’s going to get herself killed!”

  “Somehow, I don’t think that’s the worse of our problems,” Jorja said, pointing to the door behind Elijah as it swung open. Black monsters with bows and arrows walked out. The door slammed shut behind them, fire spewing underneath the door.

  “What is it?”

  “I think it’s the doorway to hell,” Jasmine said. “Where Sky is. I think we need to split up, Joss.”

  “Split up?” Jorja stared at them. “Are you insane? If one of these demons see us, we’re all dead!”

  “We don’t have a choice, Jorja, we’re running against the clock here,” Josslyn said, lifting her head as the sun got even closer to the moon. “The eclipse is just about here.”

  “Okay. Okay. I get it,” Jorja said, biting her lip. “So what do we do?”

  “I’m going to go get my daughter,” Josslyn said, inching away from them and down the pathway. “You two can figure out what you’re going to do.”

  “I’ll go free the girls,” Jasmine said, glancing at Jorja. “You go to the room of hell, and if you see Sky, tell him I love him.”

  “Who’s Sky?”

  “Our angel, and the man I love,” Jasmine said, inching away. “Good luck, Jorja.”

  “Luck. Who needs luck when you’re in a room full of demons?” Jorja asked, staring across the room at Julie as she took Elijah’s hand, wondering if on some level if that could have been her. She shook the thoughts away. Not now, Jorja. You have to focus. Your sisters need help.

  Sisters. Who ever would have thought?

  Damn fool girl. She’s going to get herself killed! Josslyn thought as she inched down the path, ducking, hiding from a demon in armor. He swung around, his axe striking down, and she gulped, ducking as he walked past. Whew! That was close!

  She continued down the path, her arm brushing against the rock, and she drew in a sharp breath. It burned through her flesh, and she paused as another demon walked past. Ducking, then racing up the steps.

  “Josi! Don’t do it!” she whispered, as she reached the top of the stairs. “Please! You’re going to get yourself killed!” She wrapped her hand around the bow.

  “No! Don’t!” the girl cried, jerking the bow out from Josslyn’s grasp. “I have to save them! They’re all I have!”

  “But not this way,” Josslyn said, wrapping her hand around the bow and lowering it. “Josi, you know nothing about this world. Look around you. There are dozens of demons in this room. They’re all different. Some of them throw spikes, some of them throw fire, and some of them can disappear. Others I don’t even know what the hell they do, but what I do know is that they have one instinct, to kill. If you throw that arrow, we’re as good as dead, and your sisters are dead too.”

  “But what do I do?” Josi asked, tears filling her eyes. “I don’t want them to die!”

  “And neither do I,” Josslyn said softly. “Which is why we’re going to do this together. I let you down once already, Josi, when I gave you up. Now that I’ve finally found you, there’s no way I’m letting you down again. Any of you. We’ll do this together, I promise.”

  “How can I know if I can trust you?” Josi asked, eyeing her.

  “Trust your instinct,” Josslyn said. “And look toward the front of the room.” She pointed. “There’s Jasmine. She’s going for your sisters.”

  “She’s helping me?”

  “So is Jorja,” Josslyn said. “Josi, you’re my daughter, and a Morgan, and there’s one thing you need to know about us Morgans. We stick togeth
er.” She held out a hand. “Do you trust me, Josi?”

  Josi stared at her, regarding her a moment before slowly nodding, placing her hand in Josslyn’s. “Okay. Let’s do this.”

  She stepped down from the ledge, and behind them, a grunt sounded. They swung around, ducking as a fireball flung her way. “Josi, get down!” she shouted, dragging the girl to the ground. Staring out across the mass of demons, her eyes connected with Julie’s.

  “Demons! Aim your weapons!” Julie shouted, her eyes as black as coal. “And get the intruders!”

  “Oh! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” Jorja swore, stumbling down the path. Her arm hit the wall, and she swore as the flames zinged through her flesh. Shh! Jorja, be quiet!

  She pressed her lips together, glancing around her as demons stood amongst the crowd, reminding herself that she was in a different world. A world where demons roamed the earth, and she ducked behind the rock next to her to keep from being seen.

  Okay, Jorja, you can do this. You’ve been in bigger jams than this. Remember when you were in Cuba, and had to infiltrate that company? This is just like that. Just be quiet, and remember, you don’t trust them. Any of them. You just need their help finding your daughter.


  She bit her lip, thinking about that night just six months ago, when she’d woken up to find her daughter gone. Who had taken her? Where was she? Was she safe? The thoughts crept inside her head, and she quickly pushed them away. “Focus, Jorja. Focus.”

  She watched the demon walk past, and she jumped to her feet, racing across the path. She lunged forward, her hand wrapping around the handle and dragging it open.

  “Hey! You can’t go in there!” a bearded demon shouted, swinging its big head toward her. Lasers swung from his eyes, and Jorja ducked. “Ha ha! You missed!” she cried, sticking her tongue out at the demon and disappearing through the door.

  “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to taunt a demon, huh, Jorja?” she asked herself, wincing as she walked. Heat seared through her shoes, and she startled as lava spewed up from the edge. Glancing down, and staring at the hot lava rolling far below her. Whoa… Okay. Mental note. Be very, very careful. She walked gingerly down the thin path, gasping as rock gave away. She stumbled, flames shooting up around her, and she raced across the walkway. Lunging forward, and landing on the hot, orange tile.

  “Oh. I am so going to have burns from this,” she muttered under her breath, pushing herself to her feet, wheezing as the heat seared through her palms.

  “Hey! You! Help me!”

  The shout sounded next to her, and she turned. Staring at a woman with light brown hair, as she stared at her through the bars of the cell. Her dark, brown eyes full of torment, as she clutched the bars. Her gold robe torn and dirty. What the hell is this place?

  “Hold on! I’m coming!” she cried, racing forward. She reached forward, flipping the lock, and the woman shoved the door open.

  “Oh! Finally!” the woman cried, wrapping her arms around Jorja and sobbing. “Thank you! Thank you! This place is a nightmare!”

  “What is this place?”

  “The torture chamber of hell.”

  It sounds terrible, Jorja thought, wrapping her arm around the woman, and walking with her down the path. Concern filling her, as she listened to the woman struggle to breathe. “Who are you?”

  “Gloria,” the woman gasped out. “But I’m not the only one stuck here. There are others. We have to help them!”

  “Who else is here?”

  “The other Gods,” Gloria spat out. “If they die, the balance of evil will shift. We can’t let that happen!”

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll help,” Jorja said, as they passed another cell. A man in gold robes wrapped his hands around the bars, staring at her. “You’re a witch, aren’t you?” he asked, struggling for breath.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Bless your soul! Thank you for coming and rescuing us!” he cried as she flipped the lock.

  “And who are you?”

  “A God.”

  “Well I know that, but don’t you at least have a name?”

  “They’re not very good at introducing themselves, are they?” a young, blonde man asked as he stared at her through the bars. “That’s Myron.” He narrowed his eyes on Myron. “You sent the damned black angels after me!”

  “Not me. The demons,” Myron said. “I would never, Sky. Especially when I know you and Jasmine are destined to be together.”

  “Sky! Oh! Jasmine said to tell you that she loves you,” Jorja said, grinning. “You must be the angel.”

  “How do you know Jasmine?”

  “Because she’s our sister,” Jade said, grasping the bars, and dragging herself to her feet. She stared through the bars at Jorja. “You’re Jorja.”

  “Wait. What? You have another sister?” Sky asked. “I am so confused!”

  “A half-sister,” Jade said softly. “From Mom and Gary.”

  “Gary?” The God’s eyes widened. “But the baby died!”

  “No. I was kept hidden,” Jorja said. “With a little help from my grandmother.”

  “Oh. That witch has a lot of explaining to do,” Myron said as he flipped open the rest of the cells. “You have a darkness inside of you, Girl.”

  “Oh, Myron, will you relax?” Sky asked, rolling his eyes. “And give the woman a chance to make her own decisions. Just because someone has evil in them does not mean that they’re going to turn evil!”

  “Thank you, Sky,” Jorja said before running forward and opening the cell. Sky shoved the door open, and Jorja turned, opening the door to Jade’s cell.

  “Oh! Thank God!” Jade cried, stumbling out, and falling into Jorja’s arms. “I feel like I’m on fire!” she cried.

  “That’s because you’re burning up!” Jorja cried, lifting a hand to her cheek. “We have to get you out of here, Jade!”

  “Eek! Eek!”

  The noise sounded from above, and Jorja raised her head. Staring at the black, winged creature as it flew above them. “What the hell is that?”

  “Another Vargus,” Sky said, lifting his head, staring at the creature. “Looks like the hell demon doesn’t want any of us to leave.”

  Vargus swooped down, his eyes landing on Jorja, and his eyes glowed red. Fire spewed from his lips, and Jorja gasped, shoving Jade out of the way. She dodged the flame, stumbling back as Vargus swung down. Grabbing for her with his sharp talons and taking flight. “Another offering for hell!” Vargus shouted, as he soared high into the air.

  “Like hell I am!” Jorja cried, struggling against his grip. She screamed, his talons opening, and she fell through the air. Glancing below her at the rolling lava far below her, and reached forward, grasping the ledge of the cliff. “Thank God!” she cried, pulling herself up. She glanced above her as Vargus circled. He dove down, and she wrapped a hand around the sword laying at her feet. “Here! Take this you bastard!” she cried, jumping high into the air and swinging the sword down. The sword sliced into his flesh, and he jerked back. He swung around, grabbing her with his wings, and tossed her into the air.

  “Agh! Ouch!” Jorja winced, her body hitting the ground with a hard thud.


  “Jade! Run!” Jorja cried, glancing over at Jade and the others. “I’ll take care of the hell beast! You just get the hell out of here!”

  Jade nodded, her eyes connecting with Jorja’s, and she turned. Racing along the path with Sky and the Gods, disappearing through the door.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me,” Vargus said, letting out a loud scream. “And I need a soul to replace the ones I lost.” He opened his mouth, letting out a stream of fire.


  Jorja opened her mouth, letting out a loud scream of her own. Soundwaves exploded from her lips, crashing with Vargus’s fire. He stumbled back, then lurched forward, struggling to hold her at bay.

  “I will not let you defeat me!” the hell beast shouted. Jumping off the cliff and flying
high into the air. He circled, diving downward, and Jorja spun around. She raised the sword high into the air, slicing it across his neck.

  “There, hell beast! Take that!” Jorja shouted, as his body landed on the ground in front of her with a loud thump. She stepped over his body, racing up the stairs to her right, and a splash sounded behind her. She glanced over her shoulder, staring at the stream of lava as it rose high above her, and across the room she saw a dozen winged creatures fly toward her, screams rippling through the rom.

  “More?” she asked, her eyes widening, as they flew toward her. “Oh hell no!” She spun on her heel, racing up the rest of the steps. She ducked, just missing their talons, and raced down the narrow pathway. She lunged forward, her hand wrapping around the doorknob, and she burst through the door. Slamming it shut behind her, the sound of their screams echoing on the other side of the door.

  A loud horn blared through the room, and Jasmine startled. She jerked her head up and glanced over her shoulder. Watching as a dozen demons walked into the room with horns strapped to their chests, blowing into the instrument. To her right, the loud bang of the drums sounded as another set of demons entered the room. Banging against the drums.

  “Let the festivities begin!”

  Elijah’s voice boomed through the room, and Jasmine watched him swing Julie around in a dance. Rage filled her as she stared at her sister. How could she do this to us? she wondered. She’s our sister!

  To her left, the door slammed open. Jorja, Jade, Sky, and the Gods walking through the doorway. “Jade?”


  The scream sounded, and she jerked her head around. Watching as Jami and Jessi struggled against their restraints. This isn’t right! she thought. They’re just kids!

  “I’m coming girls!” she cried, racing forward. She ducked, hiding behind the wall as a demon walked past, and somersaulted across the room, just barely missing being spotted by a long, dark-haired man, wearing a leather jacket as he tossed fireballs in the air. She quickly hid behind the wood plank holding the girls up.


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