Pack Ivory Emerald

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Pack Ivory Emerald Page 4

by Stunich, C. M.

  Crawling forward, I put my lips to Jax’s pale skin, on his chest over his beating heart. I licked my way down to his erect nipple, teasing it with a gentle little bite that got a small growl pouring from his throat. Jax struggled to sit up, letting me kiss and lick my way down his chest as I waited on all fours for Silas to figure out what I wanted from him.

  Didn’t take him long.

  He was an eighteen year old guy, after all.

  Strong, tattooed fingers curled around my hip just before Silas used his other hand to slick up the furred length of my tail again, giving it a rough tug that made me groan and readjust my ass, putting myself in just the right position for my alpha male to mount me. It was basic and primal, and I didn’t care. Silas and I had connected on a very human level before; it felt like we could truly be young adults together. But I also wanted to be wolf with him, too. We could all probably use a lesson from Anubis, a class on how to keep our dual natures in perfect balance.

  Later though, later.

  Right now, I was at eye-level with Jax’s thick, hard cock, a pearl of liquid on the tip showing me how damn excited he was. Slowly, I turned my gaze up to his, found his blue eyes watching me, and then pressed my mouth to that bit of liquid. It was salty, but with a hint of citrus, that distinct Pack Azure Frost scent lighting on my tongue as I flicked it across Jax’s tip.

  Behind me, Silas readjusted his grip from my tail to his cock, putting the tip to my already slick opening. He pushed into me slowly, and I groaned around the tip of Jax’s shaft, sliding my lips further down as I locked my hand around the base. As Silas began to move inside of me, I matched his pace with my mouth, swirling my tongue in circles around the tip of Jax’s shaft and enjoying the rough sounds that motion drew from his throat.

  His fingers curled in my hair, but he managed to control himself, holding on tight without pushing me any further down his shaft. Carefully I released my hand, using it to tease his balls as I took as much of Jax into my mouth as I could handle. My left forearm kept me propped up as Silas moved with deep, slow strokes. He pushed all the way in, crushing our bodies together as he moaned and massaged my aching insides. My muscles clenched around him, squeezing him tight, begging him to finish inside of me.

  Jax came first, bucking his hips up toward my face and spilling his seed into my mouth, his hand pressing into the back of my head until he collapsed back into the pillows with a panting growl. He tasted just like he smelled, like lemons and grapefruit. According to Faith, human men tasted kind of … gross. But that wasn’t an issue here.

  I pushed up onto all fours while Silas worked my body, my eyes still focused on Jax as my breasts swung with the motion and pleasure curled through me like smoke. I could feel it taking over every little crevice inside of me, pooling in my belly and lower back. I fought the need to climax again though, frantic pulses taking over my slick core and drawing a sharp, ragged sound from Silas’ throat as he finished and fell forward, his body pressed up along the length of mine.

  His smell washed over me, the sweaty heat of his taut belly pressed against my back. With my natural ‘were’ strength, I held us both up without much effort, giving Silas a moment to recover before he put a palm on either side of me and kissed my ear, nibbling the lobe and making me shiver before he finally rolled off.

  Sitting up, I met Tidus’ ash gray eyes, his naked body draped across the bed, his attention all for me. A quick glance over my shoulder showed me Montgomery, lying on his side and stroking his shaft with long, sure fingers.

  “You don’t need to feel obligated to mate with us all,” he said, giving me one of those calm, sure smiles. “It’s not your job to keep us all occupied, all of the time.”

  “We’re mates,” I said, the female wolf in me growling and pacing, demanding I finish what we started in here. And why not? My body was on fire, and I knew I could find my way to another orgasm. Maybe then I’d collapse on the bed like Che and fall fast asleep? But for now, I was awake and ready. “Come here.”

  I moved over to Tidus and hoped Montgomery would follow my instructions.

  “Hi,” Tidus said, lips curving into an easy, flirty smile. I imagined for just a moment there that I was a girl on the beach, that this sun-kissed boy had just jogged up to me and smiled like that … I’d have been sold. For an alpha-son, Tidus Hahn was awfully sweet, levelheaded, more like one of those happy-go-lucky middle of the pack wolves, the ones who kept the peace between the dominant alphas, the aggressive betas, and the cowering omegas. He might’ve been born an alpha, but in our pack of alphas, he was the one who would ultimately keep the peace.

  “Hi,” I said, climbing onto his lap. He put his hands on my hips in an easy, possessive sort of way. We were mates. That much I was sure of, even if we hadn’t had a lot of time alone together. “You make everything easier somehow,” I said and Tidus cocked a single golden brow at me.

  I felt Montgomery settle himself behind me, his presence this calm, soothing balm. That sensation spread through me from that spot on my lower back where he pressed his palm, leaning in close to put his mouth on that sensitive spot between my shoulder and neck.

  “I feel like I don’t do shit,” Tidus said, sliding his fingers through my hair and looking into my eyes. “Sometimes I wonder why I’m even here. I’m not the strongest or the smartest or the most diplomatic …”

  “You’re the one that makes everyone else smile,” I said, thinking of that big, white blanket of snow that’d fallen on the morning of the Hunt, how Tidus had shifted and darted into that winter wonderland like a kid at a playground. He was the alpha-son with the heart of a pup. I imagined that one day, he’d be an incredible father, too. And by one day, of course, I meant decades and decades from now.

  “That’s a rare talent,” Montgomery said, putting his chin on my shoulder and looking at the other boy even as he pressed his naked front against my back. Sandwiched between the two of them like that, I would’ve sworn that Tidus was the younger of the two. “It’s not easy, to be surrounded by so much …”

  “Alpha-ness?” I suggested with a small smile. “Totally not a word, but it works, right? You’re the buoy in a raging ocean, always floating on the surface, this bright yellow dot on the map that’s worth swimming to.”

  Tidus grinned at me and ruffled my hair slightly. I bet he was going to be a fun one to take out on a date. I could imagine the shit we’d get into together.

  “Nice analogy. I like how you tied it to the ocean.” He winked at me as I sat up on my knees and pressed closer against his body, crushing my breasts against his chest.

  “You are from San Diego, after all,” I said, affecting a super fake, overexaggerated Southern California accent. “I just want you to feel at home here in Oregon is all.”

  “I’m already starting to feel at home,” Tidus said, taking my face in his hands and kissing me. I worked myself forward and straddled him, sliding down the length of his cock, and eating up the long, aching groan that tore from his throat. This was only his second time having sex—ever. And once again, he was having to share me. I needed to find some time for us to be alone, to really experiment with each other.

  Montgomery was behind me, pulling the long length of my red hair back over one shoulder and taking his time kissing my neck and shoulders, his hands sliding around between me and Tidus to cup my breasts. He kneaded the aching mounds with slow, careful motions, rubbing his thumbs across the peaked points of my nipples and adding heaps of sensation to the already vibrant fire burning inside of me.

  ‘There’s some lubricant in that drawer,’ I told him, glad that I’d thought to unpack that little shoe box I’d kept under my bed in the big house. There was some lube, condoms, and a few vibrators in there that I’d either purchased or been given by Faith over the years. The vibrators I’d used on my own plenty of times, the condoms we didn’t need, but the lube? Why not? ‘Use it—and join us,’ I told Monty in wolfspeak, but projecting so that everyone else could hear.
I’d already picked up on the easy, tranquil breathing of several of my mates in deep, restful sleep, but I at least wanted to give them the chance to be a part of this.

  We were Pack; it was more important for us to function as a unit. That’s not to say that I couldn’t or shouldn’t form a special bond with each one of my mates, but right now, this was most certainly a group activity.

  Montgomery did as I asked, retrieving the lube from the drawer. I heard the distinct clicking sound of a cap being opened as I worked my hips over Tidus, deepening our kisses and trying to slow the frantic thundering of my heart. I was going to ask Monty to try something I’d never done before. This idea, I’d also gotten from Majka’s book. Had my grandmother really known what she was giving to me? The entire text was in Seraphim, the language of the angels, so I couldn’t imagine that she could read it?

  Or could she?

  Either way, she’d given me quite an explicit instruction manual on what to do with seven men.

  ‘Come,’ I told Monty, lifting up just slightly and tilting my ass in his direction, encouraging him to slide his shaft between my cheeks and tease my second opening. I might hate sex like this; some people did. It wasn’t necessarily a feel-good moment for everyone, but I wanted to at least try it. I knew Monty would be gentle, too. He’d take his time and warm me up to it, unlike Che or Jax. I wasn’t sure if they were ready for something as delicate as this.

  Montgomery teased me with a few, slow strokes, the head of his shaft sliding between my folds and lightly bumping against Tidus before he pulled back and switched his cock out for his fingers. He slipped one inside of me and just waited there while I gasped and readjusted myself. New sensations trickled through my body, feelings of pleasure I couldn’t put a name to, that I’d never experienced before. Pretty sure I wagged my tail a little. Monty chuckled at that and waited for me to start moving again, working myself against Tidus and enjoying the sensation of feeling two men inside of me. When he added that second finger, I was ready, throwing my head back and letting my hair tickle my ass.

  “Do you like that, Alpha?” he whispered, working his fingers slowly inside of me, matching the pace of my rolling hips.

  I couldn’t answer with my mouth—I was too busy kissing Tidus—but I sent out this message of pure pleasure in wolfspeak, taking advantage of our unique form of communication to convey how good this really felt, and how much more I wanted. Monty chuckled lightly, this low, soft sound of confidence as he replaced his fingers with his shaft, pushing just the tip inside of me and waiting as I slowed, getting used to the feeling of fullness, of having him inside of me in a place where nobody else had ever been.

  Once I was used to it, I encouraged him with a small moan and a little wiggle, and he finished sliding into me, stretching my body to its limits, but blessing me with this feeling of fullness that was so intense, I had to fight to keep from climaxing right then and there. Instead, I waited for the pleasure to settle down a bit before I started to move. Monty stayed pressed up tight against me, not thrusting but just using the undulation of my own hips to draw pleasure from our joining. His breathing became rough and wild, the tightness of my ass around his shaft bringing him close to his own orgasm in just a few minutes.

  Tidus was warm and hot and hard beneath me, letting me control the moment but thrusting his hips up every now and again in a way that made me wonder what it’d be like if I let him take control, got a peek of some of that alpha blood running through his veins. I focused on him for a moment, ran my palms up his chest and teased the hard points of his nipples. The sound I got in response was more than satisfying, making my own muscles clench and squeeze.

  Montgomery was the first to come, his hands locking down on my hips as he moaned and gave one deep thrust that totally threw me over the edge, magic swirling through the room so hot and sharp that I was afraid for a moment there that it might cut. The curtains billowed into the room, the blankets rippled around us like waves, and the boxes we’d stacked in the corner spilled over and crashed to the floor.

  My vision was white-hot, and for a moment there, I almost swore I could feel all those different shapes inside of me—and not just my wolf. I could feel the stretch of my wings as the owl and the light prance of hooves as the deer. I clutched Tidus to me as I came, my body locking down on his. He wasn’t experienced enough to keep himself from coming with me—not that he needed to.

  After a few messy moments, we were all untangled and lying panting in a row at the end of the bed. There were vines and leaves and roses everywhere, but I ignored them. Whatever magic they were made of would fade into ash eventually.

  With my left hand, I curled my fingers around Tidus’, and with my right, I did the same to Monty. That was how we fell asleep, clutching at each other like that.

  What was strange about it all though, was that when I woke up the next morning … I found the crushed red and black petals of two roses in our sheets …

  Unless I'm dead, maimed, or otherwise detained, I promise we'll be there.

  That’s what I’d told Faith about our double date, and the White—or Silver—Wolf always keeps her promises. I sighed and pulled the long, red length of my braid over one shoulder, adjusting myself on the hard surface of the stool and wondering why I was so damn sore and why I liked it so much. If I were someone else, I might’ve blushed.

  “Here,” Monty said, putting a plate in front of me that looked like it belonged in some sort of fancy restaurant. Chicken and waffles, very Southern … even though he was from Canada. I grinned and picked at the crispy skinned chicken, thoroughly impressed with his cooking skills. The boys around me were awfully interested, sniffing the air and then redirecting their attention back to Monty as he placed a few more pieces of chicken in the fryer.

  “We can’t go play mini golf,” Nic said, dark eyes narrowed as he stared at the surface of the countertop, teasing some old marks in the butcherblock surface. It’d been freshly sanded and stained, but there were little imperfections there that promised this place was rife with history. “There’s too much else going on. And anyway, it’s too dangerous. Who’s to say we won’t be attacked while we’re there?”

  “I made a promise,” I said, picking up my fork and ignoring my wolf’s aching belly that told me to ditch the cutlery and just tear into the food with my mouth. Carefully, I cut a bite of waffle and chicken, stabbed them with my fork, and swirled them around in the maple syrup on my plate. As soon as I took a bite, my eyes closed and I reveled in the simple pleasure of taste.

  Speaking of taste … I couldn’t bring myself to forget that I’d mated all my men last night.

  All of them.

  They were all most definitely mine now. Marked. Mated. Bonded.

  “Are you trying to get out of it because Owen Tiaffay is going to be there?” I asked, turning to my left and finding his dark stare focused on me instead. I loved it, having him look at me like that, like I was his as much as he was mine. I liked it even better when Nic reached out and curled his fingers around my knee.

  “He’s a douche canoe, Zara.”

  “Total douche canoe,” Tidus echoed from behind me. His amber and sunshine smell cut through the scent of the food as he leaned in close to me and put his chin on my shoulder. Butterflies exploded in my stomach as I reached up my left hand to touch the side of his face. “But it might be fun, right? To tease him a little?”

  “What if I destroyed his ass during mini golf?” Che asked, yawning and flashing tiny canines. He was shirtless and stunning in a pair of purple sweats and nothing else. I stared mesmerized as he scratched at his rock-hard lower abs.

  “Are you a mini golf expert?” Anubis asked, leaning against one counter with his sketchbook in his arms. I couldn’t wait to see the silver pieces he’d draw for the rest of the boys. Asking him to make the designs up was a good choice, and he seemed to enjoy it, too.

  “I’m a werewolf,” Che scoffed as Montgomery served up a second plate to …
Tidus. Jax let out a low growl, but nobody else seemed to mind. It was pretty clear that Tidus Hahn was not the most dominant person in this room. Probably why Monty had chosen to serve his food second.

  “Doesn’t mean you’ll automatically kick ass at mini golf,” Anubis said, lifting his crimson eyes up from the paper and flicking his pencil back and forth in the air in a teasing sort of way. “In fact, you’ll probably suck. There’s an art to it.”

  “There’s an art to hitting colored ball into a hole? Please,” Che said, grabbing a glass container of chocolate milk from the fridge. He screwed the cap off and tipped it to his lips, not even bothering to go for a glass. He passed it to Silas next. The Obsidian Gold Alpha-Son took the bottle and drank from it. He was acting normal, seemed okay. But I knew his mother’s death was hanging heavily over his shoulders. How could it not?

  “It’s not disrespectful to have a date when so many wolves are missing?” Tidus asked, like it was a genuine question he’d been thinking about for some time.

  “No.” Silas answered for me, passing the chocolate milk down our line of stools. Jax took a tiny sip before giving it to Tidus. “It’s not wrong to take pleasure where life’s willing to give it. Aren’t we waiting on the Convocation anyway?”

  “In a way,” I said with a small sigh. But the Contribution wasn’t over just yet. We needed to push forward, find the rest of the wolves … and punish those responsible. Besides, the Forest Spirit had taken the cauldron, but like Whitney had said, that didn’t mean the spell on our people was broken. They could still drain us; we could still lose. “My mother wants us to hold back for a few days. I’ll be training with Majka and … trying to decide if I should stay in school.”

  I took another bite of my food and tried to imagine how Faith would react if she knew I was considering dropping out of college. Let’s just say, it wouldn’t be good.


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