Fighting Her Father's War: The FIghting Tomcats

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Fighting Her Father's War: The FIghting Tomcats Page 32

by M. L. Maki

  “Oh, Sam, if you move out, there goes most of my entertainment. Besides, I get to have a private chat with the boss every night. I think I can hack it for a while.”

  Sam laughs, “I’m our entertainment?”

  Gloria feigns offense, “Of course, you are. I can’t gossip with the boys, they haven’t the knack. Besides, you’re about the only one around here not trying to get into my knickers. Well, besides Byron, and maybe Thud, who’s too shy to try.”

  “There’s that.”

  “Are you going to be okay, Sam? I mean, really, okay?”

  “Yeah, I guess. I guess I have to be. It’s been a hell of a roller coaster ride.”

  “Let’s get your jacket on,” and Gloria grabs the dress blue jacket. “Shit, Sam, you’ve got a lot of medals. What’s this one?”

  “The Navy Expeditionary Medal, got that in the Gulf during Praying Mantis.”

  “You got the NAM there, too?”

  “Yeah, and another one for end of tour.”

  “I see the sea service and expert pistol, but where did you get the expert rifle?”

  “NROTC, Gloria, I grew up hunting.”

  “I know, skinning squirrels for dinner and making coon skin hats. You look sharp, Danielle Boone. Now, go knock ‘em dead. I’ll be hooting from the crowd.”

  Sam realizes she feels calm and alright, “I love you, too, baby,” giving Gloria a big hug.


  Except for watch standers, the entire crew is gathered on the flight deck. When Hunt and Hoolihan arrive, the captains and XOs of the battle group are walking to a stage through the center aisle and being announced by Master Chief Benjamin. When they get to back of their squadron, Holtz intercepts them, “Admiral Nimitz, Admiral Ren, and Admiral Halsey are on their way up. It seems like a lot of brass just to turn over a squadron and CAG. Know anything, Spike?”

  “No, sir. Maybe it’s about the brain trust people leaving. Thanks for the heads up, sir.” As they move to the back of the formation, the admirals walk out of a water tight door on the island, followed by Captain Johnson, Captain Klindt, Captain Murray, and Captain Lee. Instead of walking up the aisle, Ren leads them to Holtz, Hunt, and Hoolihan, who salute.

  Lee says, “Admiral Halsey, Captain Murray, I would like to introduce Commander Holtz, commander of the Black Knights, and my relief, and Lieutenant Commander Hunt. She’ll be relieving Holtz, and Lieutenant Hoolihan. Commander Holtz, Commander Hunt, Lieutenant Hoolihan, this is Admiral Halsey, commander of carrier group 2, and Captain Murray, commanding officer of the Enterprise.” As Spike takes her turn shaking Captain Murray’s hand, she struggles to keep a stupid grin off her face.

  Captain Murray, a stern-faced man, asks, “Is something funny, Commander?”

  “Sorry, sir, it’s just that you’re a legend. I studied your tactics during the island-hopping campaign. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

  Murray says, “I’m still attempting to understand this whole thing.”

  “Us, too, sir,” and turns to shake Halsey’s hand, and freezes.

  Halsey aske, “Are you alright, Commander?” shaking her hand.

  “Ub, um, yes, sir. Sorry, sir, it’s just…this is amazing, sir.”

  “Halsey smiles, “Why? I don’t see why I’m so special, Commander.”

  “I know my history, sir, and you are.”

  Still holding her hand, he says, “Not yet, I’m not. Please keep that in mind.”

  Nimitz laughs, “Well, I’ll be, Will. She seems more taken with you than she was with me. I’m almost jealous. We have folks waiting. Shall we begin?”

  Spike says, “Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” She can’t stop smiling, feeling like she’s in a Ford movie.

  The admirals walk up the aisle as Command Master Chief Benjamin announces them from the corner of an ad hoc stage made on several tow tractors. Next, each captain goes up, followed by the commanders, Holtz, Hunt, and the reactor electrical assistant, Commander Tucker. As Holtz walks up the aisle, the CMC announces, “Black Knight Squadron, arriving,” then for Hunt, “Lt. CDR United States Navy, arriving.” When the get on the stage, they all sit.

  Then Admiral Ren steps up to the mike, “I don’t have quite the Master Chief’s volume,” and the crew laughs. “I gathered all of you here for a series of changes of command, and I would like you to meet your new boss, Commander Pacific Fleet, Admiral Chester Nimitz.” He pauses for the murmuring to die down, “We’ll start with the Black Knights. Commander Holtz has served the Black Knights well. He’s prepared you all for a routine deployment that has become anything but routine. He’s adjusted to a world at war, and helped you all adjust. It is because of this leadership and our confidence in him that we are asking him to step up and assume the duties of Commander Air Wing 9. Captain Lee will be leaving us, putting on stars, and representing the jet community in Washington, D.C., explaining our presence and capabilities. He will lead the new jet aviation branch. He will be sorely missed, but what he will be doing is vital if we are to succeed.

  “As Commander Holtz leaves the Black Knights, it gives us an historic opportunity. Lieutenant Commander Hunt will be the first female commander of a combat squadron, an opportunity she has earned. Her outstanding performance, in and out of the cockpit, has prepared her for the trials ahead. I ask that you all give her the same support and respect you have given Commander Holtz, and I know you will.

  “Captain Klindt will also be leaving us, putting on stars and leading the effort to bring 1990 technology to our country and our military. Captain Klindt, your wisdom, expertise, and knowledge will be sorely missed. He will be relieved by Commander Tucker, the reactor electrical assistant.” He pauses and looks over the crew. “Lastly, I will be leaving as well.” Again, he pauses for the murmuring to subside, “I must report to Washington with the others. The Navy Department needs to know what all of you are capable of, and also, what each of you warfighters need in order to do your jobs. I will be relieved by Admiral William Halsey, Commander Carrier Group 2. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to serve with each of you. I will remember fondly my experiences with the Gold Eagle, and the battle group as a whole. To all of you, I say, thank you. Admiral Nimitz, did you want to say a few words before we begin?”

  Nimitz steps up to the microphone, “I just want to say that I am, frankly, impressed by the dedication, discipline, and commitment I see here before me. I am more than pleased that the legacy we, of my generation, created has borne fine fruit in each of you. I have much to get used to. Female sailors, it cuts against the grain, but I see in front of me how well it works. This old dog can learn new tricks, and I know I have much to learn from all of you.

  “Many of your fathers and grandfathers are fighting alongside us. I know CDR Hunt’s father is a marine. Now, she’ll be fighting her father’s war, as will all of you. The technology you brought to us from the future changes everything. I believe, however, that it is your presence here, with that technology, and your expertise in how to use it, that is even more important. This is why we need a group of your best and brightest to give our industry an enormous leap forward. I’m looking forward to your success, CDR Hunt, as I am looking forward to the success of everyone here. We all are.”

  Spike flushes, looking over the crowd. In a corner, she sees Lt. Carleton and he meets her gaze, drawing a finger across his throat.

  Admiral Ren reads his orders, “From Commander Pacific Fleet, to Richard Ren, Commander Carrier Group 3. Admiral Ren is to detach, when relieved, from the USS Carl Vinson task force to report to the staff of Commander Pacific Fleet.”

  Admiral Halsey reads his orders, “From Commander Pacific Fleet, to William Halsey, Commander Carrier Group 2. Vice Admiral Halsey is to assume command of Carrier Group 3, incorporating it into Carrier Group 2. He is to shift his flag to USS Carl Vinson and continue carrying out missions as assigned.”

  Halsey turns and salutes Ren, “I relieve you.”

  Ren retu
rns the salute, “I stand relieved.” At that point, Ren’s blue flag with two white stars is hauled down from the signal yard, and Halsey’s three-star flag is hoisted up.

  Captain Klindt steps up and reads his orders, “From Commander Pacific Fleet to Craig Klindt, Reactor Office, USS Carl Vinson. Captain Klindt is to detach, when relieved, from USS Carl Vinson to report to the staff of Commander Pacific Fleet. With this assignment, Captain Klindt is to receive promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral Lower Half.”

  Commander Tuck reads his orders, “From Commander Pacific Fleet to Dwight Tucker, Reactor Electrical Assistant, USS Carl Vinson. Commander Tucker is to relieve Captain Klindt as Reactor Officer USS Carl Vinson. With this assignment, Commander Tucker is to receive promotion to the rank of Captain.”

  Commander Tucker salutes Captain Klindt, “I relieve you.”

  Captain Klindt returns the salute, “I stand relieved.”

  Captain Lee steps forward and reads his orders, “From Commander Pacific Fleet to Richard Lee, Commander Carrier Air Wing 9. Captain Lee is to detach, when relieved, from Carrier Air Wing 9 to report to the staff of Commander Pacific Fleet. With this transfer comes a promotion to Rear Admiral Lower Half.”

  Commander Holtz steps forward, “From Commander Pacific Fleet to James Holtz, Commander VF-154. Commander Holtz is to relieve Captain Lee as Commander of Carrier Air Wing 9. With this transfer comes a promotion to Captain.”

  LCDR Hunt steps forward, “From Commander Pacific Fleet to Samantha Hunt. Lieutenant Commander Hunt is to relieve Commander Holtz as Commander VF-154.” She turns to Holtz and salutes, “I relieve you, sir.”

  Holtz returns the salute, “I stand relieved.” Then he does an about face and salutes Lee, “I relieve you, sir.”

  Lee returns the salute, “I stand relieved.”

  Nimitz steps back to the microphone, “We now have some promotions to attend to. Commander Tucker, Commander Holtz, Captain Lee, and Captain Klindt, would you please step forward. It’s customary in naval service for an officer’s wife to pin on his promotion rank. The Navy recognizes the importance a spouse will play in their career. Unfortunately, these four officers are separated by both time and distance from their loved ones. Captain Klindt, I understand Commander Tucker has asked you to pin on his eagles. Captain Lee, Commander Holtz would like you to pin his on. Commander Hunt, could you step forward, please?” Spike steps forward and Nimitz hands her two pair of stars, “Captain Lee and Captain Klindt have asked that you pin these on.”

  Captain Klindt takes off his eagles and pins them on Tucker, “These brought me good fortune. I hope they do as well for you.”

  Captain Lee removes his eagles, and pins them on Holtz, “Congratulations, Captain. You’ve wanted these for a long time. See that they don’t weigh you down.”

  Sam steps in front of Lee, and pins on his stars, smiling through her tears, “Congratulations, Admiral.”

  “Hey, bright smiles, dear. I’m not dying.”

  Then she steps in front of Klindt, and pins his stars on, still fighting tears, “Congratulations, Admiral.”

  “I’ll miss you, too. I learned a lot from you.”

  “Thank you, sir,” and returns to her seat.

  Admiral Halsey steps up to the microphone, “Thank you,” his booming voice startling all. “Sorry about that. They said to talk normally into this thing. I’m normally loud. Thank you for what you’ve already done in the Philippines. One Jap carrier sunk and almost three hundred aircraft destroyed. I know from that alone, I am assuming command of some serious warfighters. Most of Admiral Ren’s staff will be sticking around to help me adjust to this new technology. I’ll be doing a walk around the Carl Vinson, and the other ships in the battle group to learn your capabilities. I have much to learn and must learn it quickly. The enemy is out there, and will not wait. I am calling an all captains meeting to determine how the fleet will be organized. Meanwhile, the new ships will fold into carrier group 2. I want every man…and woman here to keep sharp. Tojo has forces out here somewhere. I want to find them first and send them to hell. Thank you.” He looks startled as the crew in front of him stomp their feet, clapping, and cheering.

  Nimitz walks up to the mike, smiling, “Thank you for your attention. Perhaps a brief word as to your orders, once my new staff and I leave, you are to head west. I want you to let Tojo know what Pearl Harbor felt like by bombing strategic targets around Tokyo, destroying fuel storage sights, dry docks, and shipping. If you find their carriers, sink ‘em. Make Japan’s war machine bleed.” He has to stop for the cheering to die down. “I will get you the fuel you need as soon as I can. Thank you. Commanders, take charge and carry out the plan of the day.”


  03 LEVEL, PORT SIDE AFT, 1558, 4 JANUARY, 1942

  As the crowd streams down off the flight deck, Lt. Hughes walks up behind Hunt, “Hey, Samantha.”

  She looks back, “Hey, Shawn, just a sec.” She keeps walking with the crowd until she steps into a dead-end passageway leading toward her stateroom and turns around, “That’s better.”

  Shawn says, “We’re leaving in a bit. I couldn’t go without saying…well, without telling you goodbye.”

  “It’s hard. I get it. You know my address, Shawn.”

  “Yeah, sure, but it ain’t the same. I’m gonna miss you. Hell, never thought I’d ever feel like that about an airdale, but there it is.”

  She smiles, “I’ll miss you, too, Shawn.”

  “I got something that might bring you some luck,” and pulls a cream silk scarf out of his pocket. “I know pilots used to wear these things.”

  She looks at the scarf, then looks into his eyes. With a rueful smile, Shawn gently puts the scarf around her neck, holding onto both ends and holding her gaze. “Thank you, Shawn. It’s beautiful. I wasn’t joking about you writing. You better, or I’m going to pretend I’m mad at you.”

  He lets go of the scarf and smiles, “I will. I don’t hardly write my own mom, but I promise I will. Take care, Samantha.”

  “Be careful, Shawn,” not wiping away her tears, too many goodbyes today.

  “I will,” and turns and joins the crowd streaming by.


  Sam stands in the middle of the empty office, fidgeting, adjusting her uniform. Noticing coffee in the pot, she pours herself a cup, lifts it, and stops. It’s a heavy mug with the Black Knights insignia, a black shield with a medieval knight, helmet on, outlined in grey. His drawn sword is tip down in his right hand, his shield grounded on his left. The Black Knight slash is across the shield, and behind him are two finger-four formations passing head to head. Above the insignia is painted her name, LCDR Samantha Hunt, and below it is ‘Spike’. She smiles and takes a sip of coffee, then sits in her chair. As she’s adjusting it, Admiral Lee walks in and shuts the door, leaning against it. “We’re flying out in a few minutes. Are you going to be alright?”

  She gets up, and steps into his arms. As he embraces her, she tears up again. After a long moment, she steps back, and wipes her eyes, “I’m going to miss you, Rick.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too, darlin’. I hate to go, but we both know I need to.”

  Grabbing a tissue off the desk, she blows her nose, “I’m a mess. I don’t think I can do this.”

  Lee takes her shoulders in his hands, looking her in the eyes, “You can, hon, you can and you will. I need you out here kicking ass, so I can brag to the boys in Washington.”

  “Is that all I am, bragging rights?”

  Lee chuckles, “You know better than that. You’re a shooting star. You’re going to blaze across the sky, making people everywhere wonder who and what you are. I’m just the lucky old fart who knows some of the answers. I’m proud of you, Sam. I’m proud of who you’ve become, but more importantly, I’m proud of who I know you can be. You can do this.”

  She rubs her eyes, “Now, you’ve got me crying, again.”

  He hugs her and kisses her on the forehead, �
��I have to go, darling,” and turns and leaves the office. As the door closes, she wipes her eyes again and blows her nose. Tossing the tissue in the trash, she squares away her jacket and sits back down, picking up some paperwork. The 1MC announces, “Flight quarters. Flight quarters…”


  Carleton sits across from Holtz sipping coffee, “You and I both know she has my spot. Why did you let them promote her?”

  “Just drop it, John. If you would have shut up about her when I told you to, none of this would have happened. You let that chip on your shoulder destroy your career, not me.”

  “You know she’s going to screw it all up. I’ve been warning everyone that she’s going to get someone killed and now we’re really going to see it. CO, it’s nuts. And why did they have to make a big production out of it?” He mimics Ren’s voice, “An historic opportunity…bull shit.”

  “It is historic. I’m not sure she’s ready, but neither are you, and it is what it is.”

  “The whole thing is just going to blow her blonde bimbo head up even further.”

  “Why can’t you let it go? You’re only hurting yourself, and she’s doing just fine. She’s a solid pilot and a decent officer. Just drop it.”

  “I thought Nimitz and Halsey would throw all the women out on their ears. There’s no way congress is going to let them fight.”

  “That’s up to congress. Meanwhile, we have a job to do.”

  “She’s in my position, Jim. All these senior officers bowing down to her like she’s special. It’s a shame none of them were fucking her. I bet they’d kick her out if she was pregnant.”

  “Damn it, John, you know she isn’t doing anything inappropriate. You just shut up about all that. Flapping your jaws like that is only going to get you in trouble. She’s a good officer and like her or not, she’s not stupid, thus, she’s not pregnant.”

  “Probably not pregnant, you know, someone ought to put her in her place. Remind her that she’s just a life support system for a vagina.”


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