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Fighting Her Father's War: The FIghting Tomcats

Page 36

by M. L. Maki

“I know it’s hard. I really miss my brother, but it’s not the same.”

  “You know, there are thousands of guys on this boat who are now single, and I won’t touch any of them. It would just confirm the rumors. Guess, I’m stuck with batteries.”

  Sam laughs.


  Lt. Koizumi sits in a meeting of his new squadron, twenty-four hand-picked pilots, some from the future. Time travel, he can’t understand it, but he loves his F-15 fighter. It flies like a dream, with power beyond anything he could have conceived. He soaked up the information about his new aircraft, wanting more, but today is an intelligence brief. His thoughts wander until the intelligence officer, Major Miyamoto, says, “We have intelligence from Oahu that indicates Admiral Nimitz has seen the new American aircraft carrier. The Enterprise task force has sortied from Hawaii for an unscheduled trip, and we have a report of several large jet aircraft flying into Hickam Field. The jet carrier has not pulled into Hawaii yet, so it’s whereabouts are unknown.”

  Colonel Nagasawa asks, “What type of jets landed at Hickam?”

  “Two were the large fighters, and two were personnel transports.”

  “Then at that time, the carrier had to be within about 500 miles of Hickam.”

  “Sir, we understand from previous briefings, that the aircraft have well over a 1,000 mile range.”

  “And does Hickam have jet fuel to refuel them?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then, 500 miles, no pilot flies at the edge of his range. You plan a safety margin.” He counts on his fingers, “We know it isn’t Pearl. We know the Enterprise has made an unscheduled movement. We know the carrier is either undamaged, or only lightly damaged, in our last attack. It is also very unlikely they know about this base. We know the United States launched a carrier attack with medium bombers against Tokyo this year. I conclude that Admiral Nimitz has ordered an attack on our home islands. We must prepare him a surprise.”

  Major Miyamoto says, “Colonel, you assume much. We cannot know the intentions of Admiral Nimitz. Risking an attack of the home islands would be bold. Everything we know about him indicates he is cautious.”

  Nagasawa continues, “Cautious, yes, but intelligent. He may worry that some amount of technology in Japan has also come back in time. The Japan I know in 1990 was very pacifistic. He would assume we would not have war fighting capability, and should we have it, those brought back in time, would refuse to use it. We outnumber the Americans two to one. Still to be victorious, we have much to plan. This must be an all-out effort to sink the carrier. We sink the carrier and the Americans are lost.”

  03 LEVEL PORT SIDE, 1210, 10 JANUARY, 1942

  Gloria and Sam are walking toward the ship’s library, “Sam, why did Thud want to see us?”

  “I don’t know. It’s a mystery to me.” They meet Swede and Gandhi at the athwartship passageway and Swede asks, “Thud?”

  Sam says, “Yep,” and they walk into the library together. Thud waves at them from the study area where he’s sitting with Puck, GQ, and Speedy. He has Jane’s ‘All the World’s Aircraft’ open to Japan.

  Thud says, “Thank you all for coming. It means a lot, really.”

  Swede says, “Thud, can you get to the point?”

  “Yeah, um, Puck and I have been talking, you know, so we’re studying the Japanese Air Self Defense Force, you know, just in case. I tried to share what I found with intel, but they wouldn’t listen. I hope that, well, maybe you guys would want to know what Japan brings to the fight if an airfield came back in time.”

  Sam says, “You have our undivided attention, Thud. Continue.”

  “Well, they have five major bases. Their main fighters are the F-4E and the F-15J. They have a total of two hundred seventy-eight F-4s, and two hundred twenty-three F-15s. That is a potential of five hundred aircraft, but we know the planes are spread out among five airbases. Not all the bases are the same, so if an air base came back in time, we would be facing anywhere from sixty to one hundred twenty-five Japanese F-4 Phantoms and F-15 Eagles. I think the air wing needs to know.”

  Sam asks, “You spoke to intel. Did you talk to Captain Holtz?”

  “No, Spike, that would be jumping the chain.”

  “Thank you.”

  Swede says, “It’s a long shot, but seeing as we’re here, they may be as well. Is the Japanese F-15 the same as ours?”

  Thud says, “No, they are the same airframe and engines, but congress didn’t let the avionics and targeting systems be sold with them.”

  Sam says, “That’s a plus. Good job, Thud, good job. I’ll push this up the chain. Regardless, when we sortie, I want to carry the Phoenix missile. I’ll ask about having the ready 5 birds rearmed now.”

  GQ says, “Cool. With the Phoenix we can kill them before we’re in the same time zone. The design of the F-14 is based on carrying the Phoenix, and with its 100+ range, it’s a big advantage.”

  CAG’S OFFICE, 1740, 10 JANUARY, 1942

  Sam walks into Papa’s office and stands waiting, as he finishes reading a report. He looks up, “Sit down, Spike. What’s up?”

  “Packs asked to be reassigned to another pilot. Is there any way we could swap pilots around with the Tomcatters?”

  “Why does he want to change?”

  “He’s having trouble with Book’s attitude about women, especially me.”

  “I would normally entertain this, but we are only a day or two from striking Tokyo. After the strike, we can swap them around. For now, I’ve arranged for Book and Packs to fly with the Tomcatters, and a Tomcatter, Ensign Tommy “Wingnut’ Urland to fly with the Knights. Groovy isn’t thrilled, but he gets it. It’s the best I can do.”

  “Yes, sir, I understand. Sir, another thing, I’m still worried about Japan maybe having jets.”

  “I know, Hunt. The staff has decided they don’t, though, so there isn’t much we can do.”

  “I want to load two AIM-54s on each bird, in case I’m right.”

  “Don’t waste a Phoenix on a zero, Hunt.”

  “We won’t. Can I load them?”

  “Yeah, go ahead.”


  Sam, walking into her office sees a note on her desk, and reads it: Bureau number 626 has issues. Come see, soonest. P. White. As that is how Chief White always signs his papers, she walks into the squad room, “Where is 626?”

  Lt. JG John ‘Gunner’ Harden says, “That’s my bird. It’s in the hangar, port side by the RHIB sponson. Why?”

  “Thanks. It looks like there might be a problem. I just got a note from Chief White saying there are some issues. I’ll let you know when I find out.”

  “Damn, I just got the radar working again. I’ll be down when I finish this report.”

  Sam replies, “Excellent,” and heads out. The ship is steaming closer to Japan every day and the status of aircraft problems is increasingly urgent. No one wants to miss the big show because their bird is down. When she gets to the plane, she sees a tool box near the left engine, but the engine access panel is closed. Not seeing anyone near the bird, she calls out, “Chief?”

  A pillow case comes down over her head, blinding her, and strong arms grab and lift her from the deck. Shocked, all the air leaves her lungs. She feels herself being dragged. Forcing herself to remain calm, she knows she is in deadly trouble. Her assailant lets go with one arm, still holding tight with the other, keeping her feet off the deck. As he lets go, she goes limp and stomps his left instep. Growling in pain, he punches her in the right kidney. Screaming in agony, her world goes briefly gray.

  Then she hears a door shut, and he grabs her with both arms again. Pushing her face down over a metal object, she recognizes Carleton’s hate filled voice, “Go ahead and scream, bitch. We’re all alone.” Holding her down with one hand and his weight, he reaches under the pillow case for the zipper of her flight suit. The movement frees her arms a little and she lashes out,
grabbing for his hand, and stomping on his foot. She gets his hand in an Aikido wrist lock and twists his wrist. But, he manages to pull his hand out, breaking the lock. “You want it rough? Okay, bitch.”

  She feels the flat of a knife, as he cuts the back of her flight suit. As she feels the knife leaving her skin, she stomps his foot again, and tries to twist out of his grasp. He growls and punches her in the buttocks, “You’ll pay for that, bitch.” Then he tears the back of her flight suit, exposing her. She hears a door open and Chief White shout, “What the fuck? Get off her!” Then running steps and Carleton releases her.

  She tugs off the pillow case, spins around, and sees Carleton bury his knife into White’s chest. She registers the shocked look on White’s face and lunges for Carleton as he pushes White off his blade. Reaching down, she grabs his left ankle, pushes the heel of her right hand against his left heel, twists his foot, and drops him to the deck.

  White slumps to the deck, his back against the RHIB lifting arm. The knife goes flying, as Carleton fights to keep from falling. She continues to lift his leg, twisting and pulling back until his right leg comes off the deck, causing his face to hit the non-skid. She lets go and drops onto the small of his back with her right knee, forcing the wind out of him. Then she grabs his left hand and locks it up in san-kojo, applying pressure until his shoulder begins to dislocate.

  Chief Gellar and two master at arms run onto the sponson, and she shouts, “Chief’s been stabbed!”

  Gellar runs to him, putting his hand on his wound, trying to stanch the blood pouring out. White is gasping for breath, bloody foam running off his lips. “Chief, hang in there, we’ve got you.”

  MA3 Anderson says, “Ma’am. Ma’am, let him go. We have this.”

  MA2 Pickering on his radio, “Whiskey Golf Niner has a medical emergency in the aft port sponson.”

  Sam says, “Cuff him first.”

  Carleton shouts, “She attacked the chief and me, arrest her!”

  Gellar says, “Bullshit! See her flight suit? The mother fucker tried to rape her!”

  Sam nods, “Bobby is right. His prints are on the knife.”

  On the radio, the security officer asks, “What is the nature of the emergency, Whisky Golf Niner?”

  Carleton, gasping in pain, “She’s lying.”

  “Whiskey Golf Niner has a medical emergency.”

  Bells start ringing, followed by “medical emergency on the aft port sponson. Now lay the medical emergency response team to the aft port sponson.”

  MA3 Anderson surveys the scene. Sam’s cut and torn flight suit, exposing her underwear, the stabbed chief, and her holding down an otherwise uninjured officer, and pulls out his hand cuffs. He bends over and cuffs Carleton, saying, “You have the right to remain silent…”

  When the cuffs are on, Sam moves to White. Gellar is applying pressure to the wound with his now blood-soaked flight deck jersey. Tears run down his cheeks, “Stay with me, Chief. God damn it, Chief, stay with me.”

  Sam puts her hand on White’s cheek, “Stay with us, Paul, stay with us.”

  White coughs up more blood, struggling, “You’re a good one, Spike.”

  Gellar, “The medics are on their way, stay with us.”

  He coughs again, pain ravaging his face. “Take care…of…her…Bobby.”

  Sam, “No, Chief. Chief…I love you.”

  Paul smiles at her and his eyes go blank. Gellar shouts, “No! No! No! Damn it, no!” Wrapping his arms around his friend and mentor, Bobby sobs. Sam puts her arm across his shoulders, her head bowed. The only sound on the sponson is Bobby crying.

  Corpsman run onto the sponson as Anderson and Pickering lift Carleton to his feet, his hands cuffed behind him. They watch, not wanting to leave. An HM1 leans between Bobby and Sam, placing two fingers against Chief White’s throat. After a moment, he says, “I’m sorry.”

  Then on the 1MC, “Pilots, man your planes. Pilots, man your planes. Now launch the strike package.” They can hear the sound of big guns from the escort cruisers firing.

  Gellar says, “Ma’am. Ma’am, go. Make his death worth something.”

  Sam nods, “Yes, Bobby, take care of him for me.” As Carleton is lead away, she runs for her stateroom, the back of her flight suit flapping open.


  Sam hastily changes into a clean flight suit, her hands shaking so bad, she can barely pull up the zipper. She squeezes her fists, trying to control the shaking, and manages to tie her boots. As she shoves the torn flight suit into her locker, all her gear tumbles out of the pockets onto the floor. Then she grabs her helmet, G-suit, gun and vest, and snags the utility tool, combat knife, panties and diaper off the floor, finding only one of the granola bars with her shaking fingers. She runs out the door, leaving the rest of the granola bars she normally brings along on long flights.


  MA3 Anderson and MA2 Pickering guide Carleton through the door to medical. Book is quiet, cooperative, and solemn. Pickering yells at the nearest corpsman, “Get a doctor. The lieutenant is going to the brig.”

  A few minutes later, Dr. Hastings walks out, “Okay, what do we have?”

  “The Lieutenant is under arrest and we’re taking him to the brig. We need you to do the physical.”

  Dr. Hastings looks at a relaxed Carleton, “Take the handcuffs off, son. He looks harmless enough, and he’s an officer. It’s not like he can get away.”

  Pickering shakes his head, “He’s dangerous, sir. He knifed a Chief.”

  Hastings draws a deep breath, “You listen to me, MA2, this is my medical. I’m the officer and you’re the petty officer. You damn well do what I tell you, or you’ll get arrested. Do you understand me?”

  Pickering turns to Anderson, “Go get the legal officer.” He turns back, “Sign the order, sir, and he’s all yours.”

  Dr. Hastings signs the order sheet, and Pickering removes Carleton’s cuffs. Carleton swings his right fist, punching Pickering square in the face. As the petty officer staggers, he backhands Hastings, knocking him to the floor. Pickering reaches for his gun, but before it can clear the holster, Carleton grabs his gun hand, forcing it down, and with his right hand, chokes the petty officer, crushing him against the bulkhead. Pickering’s head makes a dull thud against the bulkhead and he slides down into a heap on the deck. Carleton turns, kicks Hastings in the head, and runs for the flight deck.



  520 MILES EAST OF TOKYO, 1132, 14 JANUARY, 1942

  The A-6s are launching as Spike runs toward her plane. Shrugging into her vest, carrying her helmet and G-suit in one hand, her flight suit is still partially unzipped, showing her green t-shirt flecked with blood. Puck sees her run up, a red mark and more blood on her face. “Here let me help you,” and pulls up her flight suit zipper, and takes her helmet so she can get her G-suit on. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine,” refusing to look him in the eyes.

  Puck nods, “Just like Doolittle, we’ve been discovered by a fishing boat.”


  By the time they’re settled in the cockpit, Thud’s plane is moving. A yellow shirt motions her to start her engines. She flexes her hands a few times, and starts into the familiar check list with Puck. Once the engines are running, the yellow shirt motions them forward to one of the catapults. In ten minutes, they’re in the air.

  On radio, “Tomcatters to assembly point Whiskey. Black Knights to assembly point Viceroy. Night Riders to assembly point Viceroy…”

  Puck says, Okay, Spike, it’s on. Guess they’re sticking with the plan and we’ll escort the A-6s. Let’s keep our eyes peeled for traffic.”

  On radio, “Puck, Speedy, I’m with you.”

  “Roger, Speedy.”


  Packs is waiting impatiently as Book comes running up, “Where were you? We have a war to fight. Bird is pre-flighted, so let’s go.” As Boo
k climbs into the cockpit, he sticks his head down below the seat, and Packs asks, “What now, man? Let’s go!”

  Book disconnects Packs from the intercom and radio by cutting a wire under the radio access panel, then sits upright, saying, “I dropped my pen. Okay, I’m ready.” They strap in, start their engines, and are moved to a catapult.

  Packs asks, “How did you get the shiner?” But, there’s no reply. He tries again, “Great, the biggest fight of my life and the damn bird is glitchy.” They launch and head to assembly point Whiskey.


  “Are you okay, Spike?” She’s silent. “Spike, talk to me. You have blood on your t-shirt. I know you didn’t cut yourself shaving. What happened?”

  “Not now, Eric.”

  “It has to be now. We’re flying toward Japan. What happened?”

  “Chief White is dead.”

  Puck digests that news, “What happened? Are you hurt?”

  Spike, in a flat voice, “I’m fine.”

  The sixty miles to assembly point Viceroy are chewed up pretty fast. As they approach, there are already six F-14s and eight A-6s orbiting. Lizard, Pappa’s RIO, on radio, “Knight 1, Eagle 1, you have Knight Flight with Thud, Swede, Hot Pants, Gunner, and Wingnut.”

  Puck answers, “Roger, Eagle 1,” then on intercom, “What happened, Samantha? We need to be talking?”

  Eagle 1 continues, “I’m leading them in, and I want you above and behind to pounce where we need you. You are Knight Flight, I am Eagle Flight. Felix will be doing a fighter sweep up forward of us to draw off attackers.”

  Puck says, “Roger, Eagle 1,” then on intercom, “Hot Pants and Swede just showed up. They are outside, high and behind.”

  “Thanks, Puck.”

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  On radio, the A-6 commander, LCDR Carl ‘Booby’ Johnson says, “Viceroy flight, this is Viceroy 1, sound off,” and all twelve planes report in. Booby says, “Gold Eagle, Viceroy 1, Viceroy Flight is assembled.”

  “Viceroy 1, Gold Eagle, roger.”


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