by Peter Watt
Peter Watt can be contacted at
Author Photo: Shawn Peene
Also by Peter Watt
The Duffy/Macintosh Series
Cry of the Curlew
Shadow of the Osprey
Flight of the Eagle
To Chase the Storm
To Touch the Clouds
To Ride the Wind
Beyond the Horizon
War Clouds Gather
And Fire Falls
Beneath a Rising Sun
While the Moon Burns
From the Stars Above
The Papua Series
The Pacific
The Silent Frontier
The Stone Dragon
The Frozen Circle
Excerpts from emails sent to Peter Watt
‘I have been enthralled with your books since I was given a copy of Cry of the Curlew; your storytelling comes alive in my mind when I read your books. Thank you for taking me on amazing adventures.’
‘I have, with a saddened heart, just finished the last of the Duffy/Macintosh saga. I cannot express how I have loved this series. I waited and waited for the last one . . . Please tell me you are going to write another historical family saga! Thank you for the many hours of reading pleasure and please keep writing.’
‘Thank you for the hours of taking me back to our early history. You are a master storyteller.’
‘Have just finished From the Stars Above. Brilliant. Couldn’t put it down . . . what an ending!’
‘Bugger! It’s over. I have just finished reading From the Stars Above. It seems I have been reading your books forever . . . the only problem, as some of your other readers have said, is that once you start it’s hard to put them down to do other things . . . Thank you for the hours of enjoyment reading all your books. I look forward to your new characters in the next book.’
‘You have obviously done your research well, particularly in the various theatres of battle. You are also able to throw in a lot of hope and Australian humour throughout some of the sadness, which is life itself. Thank you and keep writing.’
‘Just to let you know that we are still reading your books and love them all . . . Keep them coming.’
‘I have just read Beneath a Rising Sun and I am in tears. My uncle was a coast watcher during the Second World War in the Pacific and was shot twice. I only found out at his funeral. When I was a child, we used to play games in the bush . . . I only realised that he was teaching me jungle warfare when I was in the Infantry during the Vietnam War. I will be reading more of your books. I have had my cataracts done so I can start reading again.’
‘I have just finished While the Moon Burns. Another excellent read. My wife gave me the book last Christmas and I deliberately resisted reading it until now, knowing it’s almost at the end.’
‘Well, Pete, I finished From the Stars Above at 3.20 am this morning . . . curse you. It was a great read and a fitting end to the saga.’
‘Every Christmas I buy books to place under the Christmas tree. Many years ago, I placed Cry of the Curlew there for my husband as to me it sounded like a good read. All these years later we have all of Peter’s books. Looking forward to the next book.’
‘Once I get started on your books I just can’t put them down. They are so entertaining and full of Australian history. Please keep writing.’
This is a work of fiction. Characters, institutions and organisations
mentioned in this novel are either the product of the author’s
imagination or, if real, used fictitiously without any intent to describe
actual conduct.
First published 2018 in Macmillan by Pan Macmillan Australia Pty Ltd
1 Market Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2000
Copyright © Peter Watt 2018
The moral right of the author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted.
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This ebook may not include illustrations and/or photographs that may have been in the print edition.
The author and the publisher have made every effort to contact copyright holders for material used in this book. Any person or organisation that may have been overlooked should contact the publisher.
Cataloguing-in-Publication entry is available
from the National Library of Australia
EPUB format: 9781760783440
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