Tangled Up in Tinsel

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Tangled Up in Tinsel Page 2

by Emma Lark

  “Blaire,” she smiles coyly at me. “You know, you are like my new best, favorite friend of all time, right?”

  “Ummm,” I say with a raised eyebrow.

  “I need to you close up tonight.”

  “Wait, what? Close up? The store?”

  “Yeah, it’s just for tonight. Please, please, please. ”

  “Kari, with all due respect,” I say to her. “You’re the assistant manager. That’s your job. Besides, I already have plans to meet my mom for dinner and a movie. But, even if I didn’t have plans, I wouldn’t know how to lock up.”

  “Oh, it’s easy! Here are my keys. Just lock up all the cases and the cash register. I’ll count up the money tomorrow, so you don’t have to worry about that. And then just lock the main entrance when you leave. Easy peasy!”

  “I really don’t think—”

  “Thank you SO much, I owe you big time.”

  And before I have time to further protest, she has shoved the keys into my hands and is backpedaling away from me.

  Three hours later, I’m making a sweep through the store. I notice a half-empty cup of coffee someone left in the dressing room and attempt to cradle it in my arms along with the shirts that were thrown on the ground. Just as I go to set the shirts back on the rack, the coffee tumbles out of my grasp and spills all over me.

  Of course. What an end to an ultra-terrible day.

  After locking up the register and the jewelry cases, I go ahead and lock the main entrance, but then head back to the locker room to rinse off and change clothes. I may have missed dinner, but I still plan on meeting my mom for a late movie.

  I peel off the elf costume and wad the coffee-stained outfit up and wrap it inside a plastic bag. Taking off my panties and bra, I turn on the shower and step under the steaming water.


  I’m halfway home when I realize I left my wallet at work. I flip my truck back around and head back to Blakely’s. Kari has probably already locked up and left for the night, so I’m glad Gary gave me a spare key a few weeks ago.

  After I unlock the main entrance, I walk over to the maintenance closet, but my wallet isn’t there. That’s when I remember I left my wallet in my jacket pocket after lunch, so it must be hanging up in the locker room.

  I’m already around the corner of the last row of lockers when I realize I hear the shower is on. Before I can even register what’s happening, I’m standing in front of Blaire as she's turning the shower off.

  “Oh my god!” I shout out. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know anyone was—”

  She whips around and screams so loud, I’m afraid she’ll shatter the glass mirrors.

  “What are you doing?! Get out of here!”

  But I can’t move. My eyes are frozen on her body as she stands there naked, dripping wet. She quickly wraps her arms in front of her chest and below her waist, but it doesn’t cover up much. I see every inch of her like I’ve never seen before. She's so damn sexy. I take in every curve as quickly as I can before I look away. Her skin is so slick, I want to run over and lick every last drop. I can feel the bulge in my pants begin to throb before she starts screaming at me again and I snap out of it.

  “Blaire, shit, I’m so sorry,” I say, finally whipping around. “I didn’t see anything! I didn’t look! I was just getting my wallet and I didn’t know...Wait, where’s Kari, why are you the one locking up—”

  “Just please, just leave, okay? Just leave and we’ll forget this ever happened…please. Let’s just forget this happened and never talk about it ever again. Just forget about it, okay?”

  I nod my head in agreement and mumble out more apologies, but I already know there’s no way in hell I’ll ever be forgetting this moment.

  Chapter Four


  “Look over here! Over here, sweetie! Aww, please don’t cry—look, Mr. Reindeer says ‘Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!’” I shake an overstuffed reindeer at the screaming toddler sitting on Harold’s lap. Harold tries his best to calm the child with a hardy “Ho! Ho! Ho!”, but this just seems to scare her even more. Harold really is a sweet man. Even though I’m still frustrated I’m not getting commission working behind the jewelry counter, I’m glad I got to work with Harold. And he makes a great Santa despite what this screaming toddler seems to think.

  “Hey little dude, here, look at this,” Logan appears from behind a display of stocking stuffers and grabs a squeaking dog toy from one of the shelves. He squeaks the toy out in front of the toddler and she quickly calms down, grabbing the plastic squirrel chirping in Logan’s hand. A big smile spreads across her face, so I am fast to take the picture.

  “Why, thank you, kind maintenance Elf! What a nice boy you have been this year!” Harold says to Logan and gives a good laugh.

  “No problem, Santa,” Logan smiles back at him and then walks over to me. He places a hand on my arm and the touch is like lightning through my body. I try my best to fight the feelings swelling inside of me when he says, “Hey, I wanted to apologize again for last night. I feel like a real creep—please know I didn’t mean to just walk in on—”

  “Logan,” I snap at him. “I thought we said we weren’t going to talk about it, okay? Just forget it. It’s fine.”

  He withdraws his hand from my arm, but the brief touch feels seared into my arm like a branding iron. And I desperately want more. He gives me an understanding smile and nods his head, and then he walks away.

  “Hey, dear,” Harold says after getting up out of his chair and walking over to me. “I’m going to take a five minute break now, okay?”

  “Huh?” I spit out still reeling from Logan’s touch. “Oh, yes, yes, of course, Harold. Take as long as you need. I’ll keep these crazy children waiting in line entertained until you get back.”

  “Thank you, dear,” he nods. “Oh, and, I know it’s probably none of my business, but you shouldn’t be so cold to the boy.”

  I look up at him and appear confused, but I know exactly who he is talking about.

  “Logan,” he confirms. “He may appear like a tough guy, but I’ve known him for a couple years now, and he’s actually a very nice young man. I see the way he looks at you.”

  “Oh, um, what? I um—” I mumble. Harold gives me a wink and then walks off.

  After he walks away, I try my best to take my own advice:

  Just forget it. It never happened. Just forget it. Just forget him. Don’t think about him. Don’t look at him. Just erase him from your mind, Blaire.

  But…it’s pointless. I can’t forget it. I can’t forget him. I can’t forget last night. The way he looked at me as I stood there completely naked and vulnerable. His eyes were devouring me, and I could see it inside of him that he was feeling what I was feeling. I wanted to pull him into the shower with me and run my fingers through his hair as the water rushed over our bodies. I wanted to bury my lips into his neck and breathe him in. I wanted to—


  I shake my head and look over at the children standing in line. Then, grabbing a handful of candy canes from the basket, I start handing them out down the line.

  Focus. No Logan. Just focus.

  But, it’s no use. I can’t focus. My mind is once again pulled back to last night, but not even to what happened in the locker room, but what happened after. After I changed and turned out all of the lights. I walked out the main entrance, locking the door behind me. As I started to walk to my car, I realized there was still one other car in the parking lot, and it was parked right next to mine. A blue pickup truck. At first glance, I was startled, but then Logan stepped out of the driver’s seat and waved.

  “Just wanted to make sure you got to your car alright since it’s so late,” he said to me.

  “God dammit, Logan” I huffed at him. “I don't need you to protect me. I’m fine on my own. I don’t need you.”

  He put his hands up and got back in his car, but he didn’t drive off until I was in my car and speeding out of the parking lot. As I was dri
ving home, I couldn’t help but think back to high school, before we kissed, when we were just friends. This—making sure I got to my car safely—was something he would have done back then. He may have acted tough, but he was always looking out for me.

  Maybe he still is.


  The next hour drags on and by the time my lunch break comes, I’m so hungry, I’m practically jogging to the food court.

  Hmm…Chinese, pizza, or sub sandwich…or all three?

  I get in line at Papa’s Pizza when I suddenly feel someone grab my arm, hard. Before I realize it, I’m being pulled out of line and at first I am hoping it is Logan, but…it's not.

  “Hey sexy elf, you ready to sit on my lap and tell me what you want for Christmas?” the man is a foot from my face and he reeks of alcohol. “You can’t be strutting around in this sexy-ass skirt and expect me to stay away for too long…”

  “Get your hands off of me—” I start to say through gritted teeth as I feel his calloused hand start reaching up my thigh.

  Then suddenly, his entire body is jerked backwards. I watch in shock as he is thrown up against the wall with a tight hand around his neck.

  “Don’t you fucking touch her,” Logan growls at the man who is choking for air beneath his grip.

  “Oh, come on, man,” the guy struggles to spit out. “You know how these fucking sluts are. She’s asking for it.”


  Logan has socked him so hard, the guy is on his hands and knees, clutching a hand to his face.

  “Get the fuck out of here before I really hurt you,” Logan bellows as the guy quickly stands up and stumbles out of the food court. He then turns to me. I’m still just standing there with my mouth open. “You okay?”

  “Um, yeah, I think so,” I say so softly, it almost comes out as a whisper. “Um, thank you…for that.”

  “Don’t worry about it...And, I know you don’t want me bothering you, so…” Logan says and starts walking away from me.

  “Wait, Logan,” I say reaching out to him.

  He turns around and stares at me with those eyes.

  “Um," my heart sinks. "Never mind.”

  Chapter Five


  It’s close to closing when I realize I still have to run down to Tech Buy and pick up a new cable for my guitar amp. All day, I’ve been wondering if I should just go ahead and quit my job. She’s made it really clear that she doesn’t want me around; I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. And I don’t know if I can stand being around her and not be able to talk to her…to touch her. So, maybe I should just walk away now before it hurts even worse.

  “Hey, man, what aisle for amp cables?” I ask a guy wearing a red Tech Buy shirt as I walk through the doors.

  “Aisle 15 back there by the repair counter,” he says to me with a nod.


  I’m browsing the row of cables and that’s when I hear her.

  “How much?” she says, sounding upset. I peek around the aisle and see Blaire standing there with a camera in her hands at the repair counter.

  “Yeah, sorry,” the guy behind the counter says, shrugging his shoulders. “You’re probably better off just buying a new one.”

  “A new camera?” I can hear her choking back the tears as the guy shrugs his shoulders again.

  “Next,” the guy says and moves on to another customer, leaving her standing there alone with her broken camera. She draws a quick hand up to her cheek and wipes it briefly.

  I know she doesn’t want me to bother her, but I can’t just stand here watching her cry.

  “Hey,” I say gently and approach her. “You okay?”

  She wipes her hands across her face again and says, “Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m fine . . . Are you done for the night at Blakely's? I thought Gary broke the lights again.”

  “Yeah,” I roll my eyes thinking about our stupid manager. “I still have to fix them, but I had to buy an amp cord before the store closes . . . Hey, Blaire, are you sure you’re okay? You don’t like fine.”

  She puts her camera back into her bag and sets it on the ground. Then, she slowly lifts her eyes up in my direction. The moment her eyes meet mine, I feel like I’ve been sucker punched. Her eyes are glistening from the tears, and all I want to do is scoop her up into my arms and carry her out of here.

  “No, I guess I’m not,” she says. It’s the first time she has spoken to me without a coldness in her voice. She swallows hard and looks away from me. I take a step closer to her, and she turns her eyes back to me again. “It’s just…it’s my final year at Aspen State. Next semester, I have to complete my senior thesis exhibition, but my camera broke on me a few weeks ago. I took this job to pay for repairs, but I had no idea the repairs would be so…”

  She sighs before continuing, “I can’t ask my mom—she’s already working two jobs to pay my tuition and—”

  She stops abruptly and bends over to grab her camera bag. I reach out to help her with it as she stumbles on her words, “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you this. I’m fine. I’ll be just fine. It’s just a stupid camera.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but the words don’t come out. I reach out and touch her arm. She looks down at my hand and then shoves it away. When she looks up, her eyes are filled with tears again. She looks angry.

  “Why did you leave me that night? Why did you do it? How could you kiss me like you did, kiss me like…like…and then just leave me and go fuck someone else? How could you do that to me, Logan?”

  I’m in shock.

  “What?” I can barely form the word.

  “I know you slept with that girl that night. At that party. I know you did. Rachel told me all about it. Her brother saw you— ”

  “Woah, woah, woah, Rachel?” I have to think for a moment before I realize who she’s even talking about. “Rachel McMahon? Oh my god, that little…Blaire,” I grab her by the shoulders. “Did you tell Rachel about what happened between us before she told you I supposedly hooked up with some girl?”

  “Um,” she thinks it over. “Yeah, yeah, I guess so. I told her about you and me and how I was falling in…”

  She clears her throat, “Then she told me she was so sorry to be the one to tell me, but that you had hooked up with some girl that night.”

  “I can’t believe this,” I say. “I can’t believe this was the reason you haven’t spoken to me in five years. Blaire, that ‘friend’ of yours? Rachel? She tried so hard to get with me that year. Of course she made up some lie about me and another chick. She didn’t want you to have me.”

  “Oh,” She pauses for a moment and then suddenly gets angry again. “Well, it doesn’t even matter. I know you, Logan. I watched you crush girls over and over again. I know what you did in high school. You would sleep with them and then never talk to them again. You think I wanted to be one of those girls? One of those girls you just fucked and never talked to again?”

  I grab her hand, “Blaire, I can’t believe you would think that. Look, I know I was a real asshole in high school. Those girls didn’t deserve that, they didn’t deserve to be treated that way, but even so, you weren’t one of them. You were never just some girl to me. You were…I would never have done that to you. I never would do that to you.”

  She studies my face for a moment and looks like she’s about to say something else. But, then she falls silent. She lets go of my hand, and I watch her walk away.

  Then, I know what I have to do. I look around the store when I spot the aisle I’m looking for and walk toward it.


  I’m still shaking after my conversation with Logan. I can’t believe it wasn’t true. He really didn’t sleep with that girl that night. Well, that is, if he is telling the truth.

  Is he telling the truth? Am I really not just some girl to him?

  I’m about to walk out of the mall when I realize I left my coat in my locker, so I head back down the corridor to Blakely’s. When I walk through the doors,
I see Kari talking to a guy by the jewelry counter. He says something that makes her laugh and she swats at his arm. I’m actually surprised to see a customer is still in the store because she should be closing up by now.

  “Hey,” I say to her. “Just left my jacket in my locker.”

  “Oh, Blaire! Hey come here!” she waves at me frantically to come over. When I walk over, she introduces me to the guy. “This is Tyler.”

  “Hey, Tyler, nice to meet you,” I say and keep walking.

  “So, Blaaaire,” Kari pulls me back and gives me that look when she wants something. I already know what she’s going to ask before the words even leave her mouth. “Tyler and I are going to go see that new rom-com at the Cineplex, but it starts in ten minutes. You mind locking up?”

  “Kari, come on, I’ve locked up for you like seven nights in a row,” I say.

  And before I know it, she’s already handed me the keys and is pulling him behind her toward the exit. I holler out to her, “You know, I really should be getting your salary if you’re gonna keep doing this!”

  As she’s about to step through the main entrance, I notice Logan walking over from the maintenance closet.

  “Oh look! See, Logan’s still here!” She shouts just as the doors slam behind her.

  Oh god. He is still here...And now we’re alone. Again.

  My heart starts picking up speed like a freight train thinking about the conversation we just had. I watch him as he locks the door behind Kari and then he turns to me.

  “Hey,” he says. “Sorry, I promise I’m not staying to make sure you get to your car safely or anything like that—I just have to fix these damn lights again and then I’ll be gone.”

  I try to respond, but nothing comes out. I guess he’s done with our conversation, too. I really pushed him away this time. I just nod my head and start locking up the register. After clearing out the dressing rooms and wiping down the counters, I realize I’m taking my time on purpose. I start turning the lights out one by one, moving my way closer to Logan in Santaland. He’s on his knees with a flashlight in his mouth twisting lights back and forth on one of the strands. I’m absentmindedly switching lights off as I get closer and closer, and then I reach for the last light switch and flip it off.


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