Hold Me Cose: Ryker Falls Series

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Hold Me Cose: Ryker Falls Series Page 12

by Vella, Wendy

  “It’ll be great.” Mandy looked excited, her man resigned. “Really.”

  “So what’s the era? Do we have to dress up?” Luke asked.

  “So far, the sixties has the most votes with the staff.” Ted looked like his shorts were too tight. “We’ll put up the details next week, as the night is two weeks from Saturday.”

  Ted sighed.

  “It will be great, you’ll see.” Mandy patted her man’s hand. He turned his over and grabbed hers, closing her fingers inside.

  “We’ll see” was all he said.

  “Lola’s here, Fin, and has her friends with her.”

  Fin straightened. His eyes shot to where three women approached, then to Maggie.

  “Who is Lola?” Bailey asked.

  “Fin and Lola enjoy each other’s company whenever she’s in town,” Jack said with a smirk.

  “Yes, thanks, Jack, I’m sure everyone needed to know that.” Fin glared at his friend.

  Two blondes and a brunette were heading their way. The brunette looked familiar to Maggie.

  Long dark hair framed a pretty oval face, and she wore a dress that hugged her curves. Maggie disliked her on sight and hated herself because she was jealous of the look the woman who she now believed was Lola, was throwing Fin.

  “Are they joining us?” Piper asked with a sour look on her face.

  “Play nice, sweetheart,” Dylan said.

  “What? I didn’t do anything.”

  Pip wore a silky white top tucked into black jeans. Her hair was up on top of her head, and she looked stunning. Genes, Maggs thought. The woman and her cousins were lookers.

  “Hi, Fin.”

  “Lola.” He shuffled sideways as she and her friends joined their group.

  Everyone was introduced, and Nash, Maggs noticed, had stopped slumping and was now standing upright, shoulders back.

  “You’re pathetic.”

  He flashed her a smile. “I always look better at my full height.”

  Moving around the table, she put some distance between herself and the single people, squeezing in next to Joe and Bailey.

  “Hey, baby girl, looking hot as always.” Joe slung an arm around her shoulders.

  “I don’t think I was ever like that,” Rory whispered to Jack, loud enough for her to hear. She was looking at Lola and her friends, who were now flirting right alongside Luke and Nash. Fin was frowning.

  “Sexy, forceful, and someone who goes after what they want?” Jack asked her. “Sounds exactly like you, honey.”

  Rory gave him a blinding smile.

  “Nash seems happy.”

  “She’s likely stroking his ego,” Maggs said to Bailey. “I’ve never watched him in action before. It’s intriguing to see the large, usually unemotive man transform. I’m sure he just smiled.”

  “As long as that’s all she strokes in public.”

  “Ewww, Jack, that’s gross!”

  When the music got louder, it signaled time for Luke to ask one of the women to dance. Nash looked like he’d rather walk through fire but asked the woman next to him too.

  “I’m not sure why he hates dancing so much,” Maggs mused to Bailey. “I taught him, and he’s not bad at it. I mean, how hard is it to shuffle from side to side while avoiding your partner’s feet?”

  “Show him how it’s done then.”

  “What?” Fin had come around the table and was standing behind Maggs.

  “Dance with me.”

  Her eyes shot to Lola, who looked seriously pissed off.

  “You should dance with—”

  “You.” He grabbed her hand and tugged. Maggs had to follow or she’d end up facedown on the floor.

  “Do I get a say in this?”

  “No. Now move your feet.” Fin placed her before him on the dance floor.

  She did as he said, but only because she wanted to. Maggs loved music and dancing.

  Fin moved well and even heard the beat, which a few of her friends couldn’t. He wasn’t one for big arm movements, but he looked good doing what he was.

  This has to stop. Whatever awareness she’d always had for this man had amplified big-time. Maggie had no clue what to do about that.

  They were soon joined by the others. Joe swung Bailey into his arms and held her close even though the music didn’t call for that. Dylan and Pip shimmied about holding hands. Ted and Mandy did the same.

  “It’s nice.” Fin stepped closer so Maggs could hear him.

  “What’s nice?”

  “Them all being loved up. Joe is my closest friend, and I like that he and Bailey found each other again. Like that Jack is no longer lost and Pip has a man in her life who values her. Mandy, too. She was vulnerable, as was the big bear in his own way. They kinda complete each other, don’t you think?”

  As if she needed more of a reason to find this man disturbing. Those words were so sweet and honest and mirrored her thoughts.

  “Yeah, it’s really nice. It makes me happy, looking at them all.”

  “You want that?”

  She looked into his blue eyes and had to admit that shirt really did amazing things for them.

  “Not for a while, and even then I’m not sure.” Maybe it was the wine that had loosened her tongue. But right then, she wanted to tell Fin the truth.


  “I guess I need to get myself together before I think about committing to anyone. Then there’s the fact that I’m not dating, which could be a serious drawback.”

  “There is that,” he said. “What do you need to get together?” He passed his eyes down her front. “You seem well put together to me.”

  Maggie refused to acknowledge the heat that traveled through her at his words.

  “Very amusing, and you know I don’t mean physically.”

  “So it’s what’s going on in here then.” He tapped her forehead. “What’s the deal, Maggs? What happened?”

  “Something did happen.” She looked at him. “But—”

  “Mind if I cut in?” Lola appeared at their side, interrupting Maggie.


  “It’s okay, Fin.” Maggs stepped away from him. “He’s all yours.”

  Walking back to the table, Maggie decided she didn’t want to watch Fin dancing with another woman, so she went to get a coffee from the bar. Chances were Nash wouldn’t stop at a single beer, so she’d need to drive them back to her place.

  “What the hell is taking so long? Man wants a beer here!”

  Great, Mackie Heath and his idiot friend Leyland Ritchie were there, and clearly causing trouble. Not much had changed since school, it seemed.

  “Hey Mackie, Leyland.” Maybe if she talked to them, they’d settle down until it was their turn to order.

  “Well now, hello, sweetheart.” Mackie grabbed her into a bear hug that made her ribs creak. “How the hell are you, Maggie?”

  He wasn’t a bad guy, just a dumb one. He drank too much and had a loud mouth. Leyland was different, smarter, and usually the one who stirred his friend up until he started trouble.

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  “I heard you were in England,” Leyland said, looking suspicious. “Not sure why anyone would want to go to that godforsaken place.”

  “Well now, Leyland, I guess we’re all different.”

  “You want a drink? If ever we get close to the bar, I’ll get you one,” he snarled. She smelled the fumes on his breath that told her he’d had enough. “Tourists.” He spat out the word like it tasted bad. “Taking their damn time ordering a simple thing like a drink.”

  “I’m all good, but thanks. I was just about to order a coffee, but I think I’ll leave it. See you guys around.”

  “Come on now, Maggie. Let’s get reacquainted just like old times.” His hand gripped her arm and turned her back to face him.

  It didn’t bother her. Maggs had dealt with worse than Leyland. Maybe she was changing, being home, because all she felt now was mild amusement looking at these two
idiots. Before, she would have panicked.

  “Not now, Leyland. I’m tired. Now let me go or—”

  “We not good enough for you now you’ve done some traveling?” He pulled her closer.

  “Leyland, we’ve been down this road. I’m not interested in you, and I never have been. We’re friends, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  “Awww, come on, Maggie, you know you want more of me.” His smile was lopsided. He then pitched forward, almost landing on Maggs. She leapt to the side, avoiding being stomped on.

  “Who pushed me!” Leyland demanded staggering upright.

  “It was an accident, man,” the guy behind him said. “Sorry.”

  “It was deliberate!”

  Maggie knew the signs. Leyland liked to fight, and he’d found his target. Mackie was at his side in seconds. It was he, of course, who threw the first punch.

  Mayhem erupted.

  “Mackie! You idiot!” Maggs waded in and grabbed an arm. She was pushed away and landed on her ass, which just made her spitting mad. Leaping to her feet, she grabbed his arm again and tugged. “Mackie, stop!” She hung on to it as he struggled to shake her off. Seconds later, she was off her feet.

  “Let me go!” She couldn’t see who held her.

  “Are you insane!” Fin dropped her to her feet away from the fight.

  “I was trying to stop it!”

  The muscles in his jaw bounced. “How? You’re half their size. The only thing you could have achieved was getting hurt. “Now stay!” he roared. She then watched as he ran back to the bar.

  He grabbed Leyland from behind with practiced ease that told her he’d done it before. The Trainers and Ted were there. Nash too. He had Mackie. It was over not long after, with the men involved being marched away.

  “What the hell were you doing?” Nash found her back at the table.

  “When?” Maggs was sipping coffee one of the staff had gotten her. She, Pip, Bailey, and Rory, were discussing the fact that Leyland and Mackie struggled to form a reasonable working brain between them.

  “Getting involved in that fight. Christ, Tigger, you could have been hurt.” His face was set, jaw clenched, and he had a good glare going on. Not dissimilar to Fin’s, actually.

  Maggs waved a hand, dismissing his words, and realized how good she felt. Not because of the fight, but because she hadn’t been terrified when it started. She’d felt her old self instead and strong enough to try and stop it.

  “I’ve stopped you and Ford from fighting many times.”

  “Those men had been drinking. You could have caught a fist in the face.”

  “And yet here I stand, my beauty unmarred.”

  “You’re bloody reckless!” Fin joined the conversation. He stood beside Nash, glaring at her. Clearly, they were united in their condemnation of her. “I thought you had more brains than to do something like that.”

  “I could outthink both of you using only the left side of my brain!” Maggs felt her own anger climb.

  “Oh, leave off, you two. Maggs never takes a step back; you both should know that by now,” Pip said, winking at her. “It’s good to see she still has that spark in there.”

  “We’re going,” Nash snarled. “Get your things.”

  “But what about your little friend? I was sure you had more plans for the night.” Maggs smiled at her brother. It was sickly sweet. “I can always get a lift home if she gave you her key.”

  Nash growled. Fin was still glaring, and strangely Maggs felt lighter inside. What did that say about her?

  “I’m going to the bathroom. Wait here,” she said, walking from the room. Like everything else in the place, the bathrooms were scrupulously clean and decorated elegantly. She was heading back when she saw Mallory Hudson ahead of her. The girl turned right, then opened a door. Maggs followed.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Someone brought them another round of drinks, and slowly the red mist eased from his eyes. When he’d seen Maggs grab that idiot Mackie’s arm to try and stop him, his heart had nearly stopped. He’d reached her seconds later, carrying her to safety.

  What did that say about him, that all he’d seen was her and the need to reach her?

  She’d worn a dress tonight. Midnight blue, it didn’t show off vast amounts of flesh like Lola’s but it looked good on her, better than good. It fitted her lovely body, enhancing all those lush curves and stopping midthigh. Her heels were black and sky-high. He’d wanted his hands on her. Wanted to simply slide his hand down her back and pull her close as they’d stood at the table. It had been primal, the urge to stake his claim. Primal and terrifying. Whatever he felt for Maggie Winter was growing in a big way. Some of that was because she had a new vulnerability about her.

  “Thanks for the help, Fin.” Ted interrupted his thoughts.

  “All good, bud. No damage done?”

  “No, thankfully. You all stepped in just in time. I just saw your sister Mallory, by the way. She’s talking to Maggs.”

  He straightened. “Where did you see them?”

  “In that seated area near reception.”

  “Be back soon.”

  He found Mallory and Maggs exactly where Ted had said they were, seated together. His sister was waving her hands about as she talked. Her hair was in a single braid again, and she wore jeans and a red sweater with a white heart on the front. Looking at her tugged at something inside his chest. Looking at both of them did that, if he was honest.

  Maggs had those lovely legs crossed at the ankles and appeared to be focused on Mallory. He’d had her full attention before and knew how it felt. He also knew she had a way of getting people to feel comfortable and clearly had done that with his sister.

  His sister.


  Maggs gave him a smile that reached all the way to her eyes. So sweet, he thought.

  “Hi, Fin. Come and sit. Mallory is just telling me about her hobby. Did you know she loves nature like you?” Maggs patted the seat beside her, so he took it.

  “I didn’t know that.” He smiled at his sister. She was nervous.

  “I need to go to bed. Mom and Dad think I’m there.” She began to rise.

  “Don’t go,” Fin said softly. “Please.”

  She sat.

  “Tell me about this hobby you have, Mallory.”

  Her eyes shot to Maggs, who nodded her encouragement.

  “I like to go rock climbing.”

  “No way.” Fin smiled. “I love that stuff.”

  “Really?” Mallory looked hopeful.

  “Really. I don’t go inside much these days, but I climb over the mountains here all the time.”

  “He does,” Maggs said. “He’s a regular mountain man. Me,” she tapped her chest, “I’m not big on exercise.”

  Fin snorted. “Now that’s an understatement.”

  “But I’m trying to do more,” Maggie added.

  “I love the mountains here,” Mallory said.

  She’d relaxed again, and Fin knew that was because she was talking about something she loved. He understood passions, as he had his own. Art, his mountains, and the woman beside him, to name a few.

  “Would you like to go hiking with me one day, Mallory?”

  The flash of excitement in her eyes told Fin he’d said the right thing.



  Her excitement fell away. “Mom and Dad are protective of me. I don’t think they’d let me. Mom doesn’t like my hobby, and Dad thinks it’s dangerous but comes with me when I go to the rock climbing center.”

  Fin swallowed down his resentment that his father had never put the time into him that he obviously did with Mallory. He was a man now; he didn’t need his father, but Mallory did.

  “Do you want me to talk to them?” he said. He’d do this for his sister because he’d never done anything else, and maybe it was now time to step up as a big brother.

  “I’m not sure that would work,” Mallory said. “I mean�

  “I don’t have much of a relationship with them, but it’s worth a try, right?”

  “I think it could work. I mean, Fin’s a really good man. He’s the head ranger here in Ryker Falls and is always doing a lot of good stuff for others. Plus, he’s respected in the community. I think your parents will see that he’ll look after you,” Maggs said, championing him, which felt ridiculously good.

  “I’ll come by tomorrow and talk with them, Mallory,” Fin said. “Now you need to go to bed, because it’s late, and if we’re going hiking soon, you’ll need lots of energy, because I won’t go easy on you.” Fin got to his feet as his sister did.

  “Thank you, Fin.” She stepped closer, surprising him by wrapping her arms around his waist. “I like having a brother.”

  Before he could hug her back, she’d gone, long legs running away from him. Fin stood there watching her, feeling a mix of emotions.

  “Nicely done,” Maggs said.

  “You were right in what you said. She is not to blame for what happened and deserves more from me.”

  “And what you just did is a start to building a relationship with her, Fin.” He felt the warmth from Maggs’s palm as it rested on his arm.

  “I hope so, but now I have to actually speak with my father and stepmother to get them to let her go hiking with me. If they agree, then I have to find something to speak to Mallory about while we hike.”

  “You’re a natural at talking.” Maggs squeezed his arm. “Talk about school, fashion, and boys.”

  “Right, because I’m proficient in all of those.” He looked down at her. “Don’t suppose you’d come with me?”



  “I’ve been walking.” She punched him lightly as he scoffed.

  “I believe you, and now we need to get back before your big bad brother comes looking for you.”

  “Nash is a pussy cat.”

  “With claws.” He took her hand in his.

  “You remind me of him, actually.” Maggs tried to get her hand back.

  “Which I’m not entirely sure is a compliment, but considering all the others you just threw at me, I’ll let it slide.”

  “Big of you.”

  “What you did tonight was reckless, Maggie. Promise me you won’t step in the middle of something like that again.”


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