Hold Me Cose: Ryker Falls Series

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Hold Me Cose: Ryker Falls Series Page 23

by Vella, Wendy

  “About what?”

  “Affairs, wild parties, that kind of thing. Never substantiated though.”

  “Affairs with who?”

  “Linda liked the young men.” Miss Marla winked. “But you keep that to yourself, Maggie.”

  “Of course, and I was just curious. See you at the musical chairs.”

  Why had Linda told Maggie she didn’t know the Linbars? This is just getting weirder.

  Remembering her brother’s caution about getting involved in this, she said goodbye to Miss Marla and hurried back to Nash—and ran straight into Noel Linbar.

  “Hi, Maggie.”

  “Hi, Noel. Y-you entering the musical chairs?” She felt jittery suddenly looking up at him. Was he A.J., or maybe Simon? Was she being ridiculous even thinking that?

  “It’s not something I’d enjoy. Are you all right, Maggie?”

  “Of course. I need to go, bye.” Running with her head full of questions, she headed to where Nash waited for her. She’d find Chief Blake as soon as the musical chairs was done and tell him everything she knew.

  Chapter 35

  “You should all go and find a place to stand where you want to watch now, because soon it will be packed. Any festivity in this town is usually one hell of a spectacle,” Fin said to his family.

  “Will do, son, and maybe we could have a meal after?” His father looked happy, and Fin had to say he was pleased about that.

  They’d talked over the last two days. It was still tentative, but something was growing between them, and Fin could feel some of those cold dark places inside him getting lighter.

  “Sounds good.” He tugged Mallory’s braid.

  “And maybe Maggie could come?”

  “I’ll ask her,” he told his father. But I need to find her first.

  As if he’d conjured her up, suddenly there she was with Nash. Nerves in every line of her face as she looked around her.

  “Maggie!” Bailey called to her. Fin stayed where he was, letting his heart settle back into his chest. He needed her, he realized. Needed her to be part of his life; he just had to figure out how to convince Maggie she felt the same way.

  “I wasn’t sure you were coming.” Bailey gave her a gentle hug.

  “I—ah, I just got back.” She shot Fin a look.

  “Did you have a nice visit with your family?”

  She’d been with her family. When he’d asked no one had known where she’d gone.

  “I did, yes.”

  “Ready for the battle to commence?” Luke said, wandering up. “Those chairs aren’t wide, and the ground beneath icy. I foresee bruises in my future.”

  Around them, people talked, but all he had eyes for was her. She wore a silver scarf, no hat, her hair in a long tail, and the green duffle coat. Boots and jeans, and at least she had the sense to wear gloves. Her cheeks were pink, and she looked like a ripe apple he wanted to take a large bite out of.

  Someone nudged her in his direction. Nash, he thought, meeting the guy’s eyes.

  “Hi,” he said, his eyes running over her face.


  “How are you?” She was uncomfortable, all that lovely familiarity they’d always shared gone now. Before they were lovers, they were friends, and he’d never wanted to lose that. He wanted it back.


  “Entertaining though this is, I think some grass needs me to watch it grow,” Nash drawled from over her left shoulder. “I’ll be cheering you on, Tigger, but right now I need a coffee.”

  Fin watched Nash kiss his sister on the forehead. As he passed Fin, he stopped to whisper in his ear.

  “Hurt her and I’ll kill you.” Nash then walked away.

  “Maggie, we need—”

  “If I may have your attention, please!” Mayor Gripper interrupted Fin, much to his frustration. They all winced as he yelled into Miss Marla’s megaphone.

  “Hearing you just fine, Mayor Gripper,” Dylan called. “No need to yell.”

  “Today we have a new and exciting event planned that we hope will be an annual thing here in Ryker Falls.” He’d climbed into the bucket of Bas’s digger, and it was raised. Once again, Buzz sat beside him in a knitted vest with a Santa on the front.

  “Absolute recipe for disaster. He has no balance,” Jack said.

  “He’s done it before,” Luke said.

  “That was a fluke.”

  They watched as the bucket moved and he stumbled, but managed to right himself by grabbing Buzz. Dressed in a natty red suit with white pinstripes, the man was all class.

  “The rules are as follows. Each chair will be occupied by a man and a woman, and that couple will stay together until the end. The last three couples,” the mayor had a pained expression as he looked down at Mrs. Howard, who stood below, nodding, “will all win a meal at the lodge.”

  “She’s going to be seriously pissed if her daughters don’t end up on the laps of the men of her choosing,” Dylan said. “And I’m not sure how even she can manage that.”

  Rory moved closer to Dylan. “I saw her slipping some money to Seymour Barraclough earlier.”

  “Tell me that’s a lie?” Dylan looked in pain. “That weasel stole my lunch when we were in the same class.”

  “Not lying. Sorry, Dylan.”

  “And now if all entrants will take their places, please!”

  The chairs had been set in a circle, and they all moved into position. Maggs, he noted, was a few feet away. Looking at the other men, he saw Calvin Harding eyeing her up and down. He’d made it a point to seek the man out and be rude to him so he’d leave town. It hadn’t worked, so clearly he needed to try harder. The man would never lay a hand on Maggie; he’d make sure of that.

  The rest of the townspeople and tourists circled the chairs, three deep now.

  “Welcome to the octagon,” Joe muttered.

  “How do we constantly allow ourselves to get roped into this shit?” Fin asked.

  “Beats me,” Pip said, looking determined. “But I want that dinner.”

  “Now, honey, turn your mean down a bit. No need to draw blood to get it,” Dylan said.

  “Before we start, I would like to add that this is a friendly event, and we are all civilized people.”

  “My ass, we are,” Jack said.

  “I shall now count down,” Mayor Gripper said. “Five, four, three, two, one!”

  The Christmas carols started, and the contestants walked in a circle slowly. All very sedate and well behaved for now. Fin knew that would change any minute now. He kept his eyes on Maggie, making sure he could reach her when the music stopped.

  “Do what you need to, Fin!”

  “On it, Mrs. L,” he replied. She stood at the front of the crowd with a banner in her hands that stated Fin For The Win! Shaking his head, he focused on Maggs again.

  “Do you think that’s written in lipstick? Looks like that orange color she uses,” Rory said from behind him.

  The music stopped, and they all lunged. Fin saw Calvin Harding sit in a chair, then reach for Maggie.

  “Not happening.” Fin grabbed her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he lifted Maggie off her feet and onto his lap as he fell into a chair. “He can’t have you; you’re taken.”

  Breathless, she looked over her shoulder, brown eyes wide.

  “I’m so sorry, Fin.” Her eyes were desperate. “What I did was wrong. I betrayed your trust.”

  “It’s okay and I forgive you, sweetheart.”

  “You do?”

  “I do. I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt me. Just don’t do it again, ok.” He kissed her, hard and fast. “Now hold on, sweet cheeks, we have a dinner to win.”

  For now, that was enough. They’d talk and work out what was going on between them. Looking at her again, he felt that heavy weight in his chest and knew exactly what it was.

  The music started, and he lifted her off his lap.

  “No hand holding!” Mayor Gripper called.

was descending into carnage. Joe took Jack out on the next pass with an elbow so he and Bailey could get to a seat. Bas from the garage sat on Calvin Harding, who was partnered with Ava, Mary Howard’s youngest daughter. He was helped away, declared unfit to continue, by Aunt Jess and Mr. Goldhirsh. Mary Howard was furious.

  Christmas carols rang out cheerfully, people heckled and encouraged, and in usual Ryker Falls fashion, the entire event went from harmless to survival of the fittest.

  “Go, Fin!” Mallory yelled her encouragement. His father and stepmother were laughing, arms around their daughter. His family, he thought. They would work on that.

  Jack, who was now out, stuck out his leg as Lenny from the lodge passed, sending him flying, which allowed Fin and Maggie to take the seat he’d wanted.

  “I owe you,” Fin said to Jack.

  “I’ll take a ride on Harriet!”

  They were down to the last four couples. Only one wouldn’t get a meal at the lodge. Joe and Bailey, Fin and Maggie, plus Pearl and a young man who looked extremely uncomfortable with a lady considerably older than him on his lap. Especially as she had her arms around his neck. There were also two tourists.

  “Your girlfriend has found someone else,” Joe said from beside them.

  “I’ll always be her first love,” Fin said.

  “Last round. Please follow the rules and keep it clean. Please!” He heard the desperation in Mayor Gripper’s voice as another entrant was led away with a bloody nose.

  “Bas’s eye is already going black.” Fin looked at Joe. “He’s going to make you pay for that.”

  “Payback for that cracked rib he gave me in school.”

  The music started, “Jingle Bells” this time, and they started circling the chairs.

  “Move your feet, Fin! You’re a slug,” Ted heckled him. “I thought you had to be fit in your job.”

  Fin bared his teeth.

  “Be ready, Maggie,” Nash called as they passed. “You win this, ranger boy!”

  “Maybe it’s just about having fun,” she yelled back.

  “It’s about winning, Tigger. Now shut up and concentrate!”

  She followed him as they circled. Joe passed him, attempted a hip bounce. Fin blocked the move with an elbow that had Joe gasping for air.

  When the music stopped, he bodily moved someone out of a seat and sat. Maggie lunged at him, he caught her, and the chair tipped, throwing them backward. He ended with his legs in the air, but still in the chair. Around them, the others jostled for the last chairs. Shrieks and roars filled the air.

  He sucked in a deep breath to fill his abused lungs. Maggs braced her hands on his shoulders and did the same as she tried to push herself upright but ended up seated on his stomach.

  Her hair was a wild red cloud around her face, cheeks flushed, eyes bright with humor, and suddenly everything fell into place for him.

  “I love you.” The words were there so he said them… needed to say them.

  “What?” Her mouth fell open.

  His hands cupped cold cheeks as Mayor Gripper called for order. “I love you, Maggie Winter. I’m crazy about you.”

  She stared at him like he had a large triple X on his forehead.

  “Say something.” One hand slid around her neck, tugging her closer until their faces were inches apart. “Please say something.”

  “I love you back.” The words were whispered.



  “I am so sorry that I behaved as I did that day. I was angry, but I could have handled it better. Especially considering I’ve pushed and harangued you since you returned, sweetheart.”

  “That’s a fancy word for annoyed.” She smiled at him.

  “I’m good with big words. I’ve got a whole heap more that I use to describe other things too.” He waggled his brows.

  “Looking forward to hearing those, but I think now we need to probably get upright, Fin.”

  “I like this position. You sitting on me, me looking up at your pretty face.”

  “With the entire town of Ryker Falls watching on?”

  “Are they? I can’t see anyone but you.”

  “Nice answer.”

  He lifted her off him reluctantly and managed to get out of the chair. Mayhem was the only word for what was happening around them.

  “It never stated they had to be sitting upright on a chair!” Jack and Nash were eyeballing Mary Howard.

  “The rules state to be one of the three, you must be sitting in a chair!” Mary Howard’s chins wobbled as she glared at them.

  “Mary Howard, if you don’t give Fin and Maggie that prize, I’ll refuse to allow you into my shop!” Mrs. L said.

  “What’s the deal?” Fin grabbed Maggie’s hand and towed her to where they stood.

  “Mrs. Howard says because you weren’t in an upright position you don’t get a placing, even though the third couple didn’t end up sitting,” Nash said.

  “It’s okay.” Maggie touched her brother’s arm.

  “Mom,” Dylan joined them, “you need to give the dinner to Maggs and Fin. If you don’t, it won’t be pretty. Plus, your daughters didn’t win, so your plans are toast anyway.”

  Mary Howard spluttered, protested, but gave in ungracefully.

  Fin looked around at their friends who were all reliving the game. Hands were gesturing, voices raised. Around them was noise coming from every corner. But he only saw Maggie.

  Turning her in his arms, he thought, why not? and kissed her long and slow right there in front of the entire town of Ryker Falls.

  “My heart is broken,” he heard Mrs. L cackle.

  Chapter 36

  They drank cups of mulled wine or hot spiced lattes. Ate food from the stalls and enjoyed the revelry, and Maggie did it all with Fin a few inches away.

  He loved her.

  “You okay?” Fin looked down at her.

  “How could I not be okay?”

  “True that. Just checking.” He kissed her softly. “This love stuff is new to me, so I may ask that a few more times, and it’s all good if you do the same.”

  “You okay?” She kissed him back.

  “Peachy.” He smiled. “I’ll be back soon; don’t go anywhere.”

  She watched him walk away and knew she had a silly smile on her face.

  “Remember when we used to do stuff like that in public, sweetheart?” Joe said to Bailey. In his arms was Benjamin, who was eating a candy stick. “Smile so sweetly it makes your teeth hurt just watching?”

  “I remember.” Bailey sighed. “It was when we had uninterrupted sleep, right?”

  “Right,” Joe agreed. “But seriously, you two look good together now you’ve wised up, Maggs.”

  Maggie dug about in her pockets for a tissue. Fin’s declaration of love had made her weepy. Feeling the note she’d put in there at the gallery earlier, Maggs remembered she needed to get it to Chief Blake.

  “Tell Fin I’ll be back in a minute,” she said to Joe.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I just need to give Chief Blake something.” Maggie left Joe’s bar and found Bas outside the doors.

  “Hey, Bas, nice eye.”

  “It’ll get me lots of love and care at home, so I don’t feel too bad about it, but don’t tell Joe. He’s giving me free food and drink.”

  “Your secret is safe with me. You seen Chief Blake?”

  “He muttered something about teens giving him grief and headed in that direction.” Bas pointed down the main street.

  Following the direction of his finger, she walked. She was so damned happy, she could sing, which said a great deal as her singing was at best terrible.

  Fin loved her, and for now that was enough. They had things to sort out and would, but today she could bask in the fact she’d given her heart to him, and he’d given his to her. Smiling, she did a little skip.

  Findlay Hudson was her man.

  The street had opened to cars now, but she knew there
would be celebrations long into the night. Picking up the pace so she could get back to Fin, Maggie hurried past people who wanted to stop and chat. She ran across the street. Maybe Chief Blake had returned to the station.

  The sound of a bottle smashing had her slipping between two shops. Chances were it could be teenagers, and that meant Chief Blake could be there. Slowing at the end of the alley, she walked the last few feet softly, not wanting to alert anyone she was there. If Chief Blake was dealing with unruly teens, she didn’t want to distract him. But she did want to get this information to him ASAP.

  “She knows nothing. They’re initials.”

  “She knows something, I saw it in her eyes.”

  Maggie froze at the words, sure that was Linda Foster’s voice.

  “We have to stay calm. Nothing has incriminated us so far, and that’s not changing because of your note.”

  Noel Linbar was talking to her; Maggie was sure of that too.

  “No one knows my middle initials, and my parents are too consumed with Simon’s body being found to mention it. Nothing and no one can link us to his death. Stop panicking, Linda.”

  “You said you looked for Simon’s wallet before you buried him.”

  “I did, but I was in a hurry for obvious reasons. I must have missed it. Some animal then carted it down the mountain with that femur is my guess.”

  “It’s turned into a nightmare.” Maggie could hear the panic in Linda’s voice.

  “We just act normal and it will all go away. Maggie Winter has not connected you to the handwriting and won’t.”

  Dear God! She edged back a step, slowly working her way out of the lane, looking down to make sure she didn’t tread on anything. She had to speak with Chief Blake, tell him what she’d heard. Maggie didn’t realize someone had joined her.

  “Grab her!”

  Hands gripped her arms as she looked up into the angry face of Noel Linbar.


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