Complete Works of Virgil

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Complete Works of Virgil Page 107

by Virgil

  (Unknown from whence they took their airy flight,)

  Upon the topmost branch in clouds alight;

  There with their clasping feet together clung,

  And a long cluster from the laurel hung.

  An ancient augur prophesied from hence:

  “Behold on Latian shores a foreign prince!

  From the same parts of heav’n his navy stands,

  To the same parts on earth; his army lands;

  The town he conquers, and the tow’r commands.”

  Yet more, when fair Lavinia fed the fire

  Before the gods, and stood beside her sire,

  (Strange to relate!) the flames, involv’d in smoke

  Of incense, from the sacred altar broke,

  Caught her dishevel’d hair and rich attire;

  Her crown and jewels crackled in the fire:

  From thence the fuming trail began to spread

  And lambent glories danc’d about her head.

  This new portent the seer with wonder views,

  Then pausing, thus his prophecy renews:

  “The nymph, who scatters flaming fires around,

  Shall shine with honor, shall herself be crown’d;

  But, caus’d by her irrevocable fate,

  War shall the country waste, and change the state.”

  Latinus, frighted with this dire ostent,

  For counsel to his father Faunus went,

  And sought the shades renown’d for prophecy

  Which near Albunea’s sulph’rous fountain lie.

  To these the Latian and the Sabine land

  Fly, when distress’d, and thence relief demand.

  The priest on skins of off’rings takes his ease,

  And nightly visions in his slumber sees;

  A swarm of thin aerial shapes appears,

  And, flutt’ring round his temples, deafs his ears:

  These he consults, the future fates to know,

  From pow’rs above, and from the fiends below.

  Here, for the gods’ advice, Latinus flies,

  Off’ring a hundred sheep for sacrifice:

  Their woolly fleeces, as the rites requir’d,

  He laid beneath him, and to rest retir’d.

  No sooner were his eyes in slumber bound,

  When, from above, a more than mortal sound

  Invades his ears; and thus the vision spoke:

  “Seek not, my seed, in Latian bands to yoke

  Our fair Lavinia, nor the gods provoke.

  A foreign son upon thy shore descends,

  Whose martial fame from pole to pole extends.

  His race, in arms and arts of peace renown’d,

  Not Latium shall contain, nor Europe bound:

  ‘T is theirs whate’er the sun surveys around.”

  These answers, in the silent night receiv’d,

  The king himself divulg’d, the land believ’d:

  The fame thro’ all the neighb’ring nations flew,

  When now the Trojan navy was in view.

  Beneath a shady tree, the hero spread

  His table on the turf, with cakes of bread;

  And, with his chiefs, on forest fruits he fed.

  They sate; and, (not without the god’s command,)

  Their homely fare dispatch’d, the hungry band

  Invade their trenchers next, and soon devour,

  To mend the scanty meal, their cakes of flour.

  Ascanius this observ’d, and smiling said:

  “See, we devour the plates on which we fed.”

  The speech had omen, that the Trojan race

  Should find repose, and this the time and place.

  Aeneas took the word, and thus replies,

  Confessing fate with wonder in his eyes:

  “All hail, O earth! all hail, my household gods!

  Behold the destin’d place of your abodes!

  For thus Anchises prophesied of old,

  And this our fatal place of rest foretold:

  ‘When, on a foreign shore, instead of meat,

  By famine forc’d, your trenchers you shall eat,

  Then ease your weary Trojans will attend,

  And the long labors of your voyage end.

  Remember on that happy coast to build,

  And with a trench inclose the fruitful field.’

  This was that famine, this the fatal place

  Which ends the wand’ring of our exil’d race.

  Then, on to-morrow’s dawn, your care employ,

  To search the land, and where the cities lie,

  And what the men; but give this day to joy.

  Now pour to Jove; and, after Jove is blest,

  Call great Anchises to the genial feast:

  Crown high the goblets with a cheerful draught;

  Enjoy the present hour; adjourn the future thought.”

  Thus having said, the hero bound his brows

  With leafy branches, then perform’d his vows;

  Adoring first the genius of the place,

  Then Earth, the mother of the heav’nly race,

  The nymphs, and native godheads yet unknown,

  And Night, and all the stars that gild her sable throne,

  And ancient Cybel, and Idaean Jove,

  And last his sire below, and mother queen above.

  Then heav’n’s high monarch thunder’d thrice aloud,

  And thrice he shook aloft a golden cloud.

  Soon thro’ the joyful camp a rumor flew,

  The time was come their city to renew.

  Then ev’ry brow with cheerful green is crown’d,

  The feasts are doubled, and the bowls go round.

  When next the rosy morn disclos’d the day,

  The scouts to sev’ral parts divide their way,

  To learn the natives’ names, their towns explore,

  The coasts and trendings of the crooked shore:

  Here Tiber flows, and here Numicus stands;

  Here warlike Latins hold the happy lands.

  The pious chief, who sought by peaceful ways

  To found his empire, and his town to raise,

  A hundred youths from all his train selects,

  And to the Latian court their course directs,

  (The spacious palace where their prince resides,)

  And all their heads with wreaths of olive hides.

  They go commission’d to require a peace,

  And carry presents to procure access.

  Thus while they speed their pace, the prince designs

  His new-elected seat, and draws the lines.

  The Trojans round the place a rampire cast,

  And palisades about the trenches plac’d.

  Meantime the train, proceeding on their way,

  From far the town and lofty tow’rs survey;

  At length approach the walls. Without the gate,

  They see the boys and Latian youth debate

  The martial prizes on the dusty plain:

  Some drive the cars, and some the coursers rein;

  Some bend the stubborn bow for victory,

  And some with darts their active sinews try.

  A posting messenger, dispatch’d from hence,

  Of this fair troop advis’d their aged prince,

  That foreign men of mighty stature came;

  Uncouth their habit, and unknown their name.

  The king ordains their entrance, and ascends

  His regal seat, surrounded by his friends.

  The palace built by Picus, vast and proud,

  Supported by a hundred pillars stood,

  And round incompass’d with a rising wood.

  The pile o’erlook’d the town, and drew the sight;

  Surpris’d at once with reverence and delight.

  There kings receiv’d the marks of sov’reign pow’r;

  In state the monarchs march’d; the lictors bore

  Their awful axes and the rods before.

  Here the tribunal stood, the house
of pray’r,

  And here the sacred senators repair;

  All at large tables, in long order set,

  A ram their off’ring, and a ram their meat.

  Above the portal, carv’d in cedar wood,

  Plac’d in their ranks, their godlike grandsires stood;

  Old Saturn, with his crooked scythe, on high;

  And Italus, that led the colony;

  And ancient Janus, with his double face,

  And bunch of keys, the porter of the place.

  There good Sabinus, planter of the vines,

  On a short pruning hook his head reclines,

  And studiously surveys his gen’rous wines;

  Then warlike kings, who for their country fought,

  And honorable wounds from battle brought.

  Around the posts hung helmets, darts, and spears,

  And captive chariots, axes, shields, and bars,

  And broken beaks of ships, the trophies of their wars.

  Above the rest, as chief of all the band,

  Was Picus plac’d, a buckler in his hand;

  His other wav’d a long divining wand.

  Girt in his Gabin gown the hero sate,

  Yet could not with his art avoid his fate:

  For Circe long had lov’d the youth in vain,

  Till love, refus’d, converted to disdain:

  Then, mixing pow’rful herbs, with magic art,

  She chang’d his form, who could not change his heart;

  Constrain’d him in a bird, and made him fly,

  With party-color’d plumes, a chatt’ring pie.

  In this high temple, on a chair of state,

  The seat of audience, old Latinus sate;

  Then gave admission to the Trojan train;

  And thus with pleasing accents he began:

  “Tell me, ye Trojans, for that name you own,

  Nor is your course upon our coasts unknown-

  Say what you seek, and whither were you bound:

  Were you by stress of weather cast aground?

  (Such dangers as on seas are often seen,

  And oft befall to miserable men,)

  Or come, your shipping in our ports to lay,

  Spent and disabled in so long a way?

  Say what you want: the Latians you shall find

  Not forc’d to goodness, but by will inclin’d;

  For, since the time of Saturn’s holy reign,

  His hospitable customs we retain.

  I call to mind (but time the tale has worn)

  Th’ Arunci told, that Dardanus, tho’ born

  On Latian plains, yet sought the Phrygian shore,

  And Samothracia, Samos call’d before.

  From Tuscan Coritum he claim’d his birth;

  But after, when exempt from mortal earth,

  From thence ascended to his kindred skies,

  A god, and, as a god, augments their sacrifice,”

  He said. Ilioneus made this reply:

  “O king, of Faunus’ royal family!

  Nor wintry winds to Latium forc’d our way,

  Nor did the stars our wand’ring course betray.

  Willing we sought your shores; and, hither bound,

  The port, so long desir’d, at length we found;

  From our sweet homes and ancient realms expell’d;

  Great as the greatest that the sun beheld.

  The god began our line, who rules above;

  And, as our race, our king descends from Jove:

  And hither are we come, by his command,

  To crave admission in your happy land.

  How dire a tempest, from Mycenae pour’d,

  Our plains, our temples, and our town devour’d;

  What was the waste of war, what fierce alarms

  Shook Asia’s crown with European arms;

  Ev’n such have heard, if any such there be,

  Whose earth is bounded by the frozen sea;

  And such as, born beneath the burning sky

  And sultry sun, betwixt the tropics lie.

  From that dire deluge, thro’ the wat’ry waste,

  Such length of years, such various perils past,

  At last escap’d, to Latium we repair,

  To beg what you without your want may spare:

  The common water, and the common air;

  Sheds which ourselves will build, and mean abodes,

  Fit to receive and serve our banish’d gods.

  Nor our admission shall your realm disgrace,

  Nor length of time our gratitude efface.

  Besides, what endless honor you shall gain,

  To save and shelter Troy’s unhappy train!

  Now, by my sov’reign, and his fate, I swear,

  Renown’d for faith in peace, for force in war;

  Oft our alliance other lands desir’d,

  And, what we seek of you, of us requir’d.

  Despite not then, that in our hands we bear

  These holy boughs, sue with words of pray’r.

  Fate and the gods, by their supreme command,

  Have doom’d our ships to seek the Latian land.

  To these abodes our fleet Apollo sends;

  Here Dardanus was born, and hither tends;

  Where Tuscan Tiber rolls with rapid force,

  And where Numicus opes his holy source.

  Besides, our prince presents, with his request,

  Some small remains of what his sire possess’d.

  This golden charger, snatch’d from burning Troy,

  Anchises did in sacrifice employ;

  This royal robe and this tiara wore

  Old Priam, and this golden scepter bore

  In full assemblies, and in solemn games;

  These purple vests were weav’d by Dardan dames.”

  Thus while he spoke, Latinus roll’d around

  His eyes, and fix’d a while upon the ground.

  Intent he seem’d, and anxious in his breast;

  Not by the scepter mov’d, or kingly vest,

  But pond’ring future things of wondrous weight;

  Succession, empire, and his daughter’s fate.

  On these he mus’d within his thoughtful mind,

  And then revolv’d what Faunus had divin’d.

  This was the foreign prince, by fate decreed

  To share his scepter, and Lavinia’s bed;

  This was the race that sure portents foreshew

  To sway the world, and land and sea subdue.

  At length he rais’d his cheerful head, and spoke:

  “The pow’rs,” said he, “the pow’rs we both invoke,

  To you, and yours, and mine, propitious be,

  And firm our purpose with their augury!

  Have what you ask; your presents I receive;

  Land, where and when you please, with ample leave;

  Partake and use my kingdom as your own;

  All shall be yours, while I command the crown:

  And, if my wish’d alliance please your king,

  Tell him he should not send the peace, but bring.

  Then let him not a friend’s embraces fear;

  The peace is made when I behold him here.

  Besides this answer, tell my royal guest,

  I add to his commands my own request:

  One only daughter heirs my crown and state,

  Whom not our oracles, nor Heav’n, nor fate,

  Nor frequent prodigies, permit to join

  With any native of th’ Ausonian line.

  A foreign son-in-law shall come from far

  (Such is our doom), a chief renown’d in war,

  Whose race shall bear aloft the Latian name,

  And thro’ the conquer’d world diffuse our fame.

  Himself to be the man the fates require,

  I firmly judge, and, what I judge, desire.”

  He said, and then on each bestow’d a steed.

  Three hundred horses, in high stables fed,

  Stood ready, shin
ing all, and smoothly dress’d:

  Of these he chose the fairest and the best,

  To mount the Trojan troop. At his command

  The steeds caparison’d with purple stand,

  With golden trappings, glorious to behold,

  And champ betwixt their teeth the foaming gold.

  Then to his absent guest the king decreed

  A pair of coursers born of heav’nly breed,

  Who from their nostrils breath’d ethereal fire;

  Whom Circe stole from her celestial sire,

  By substituting mares produc’d on earth,

  Whose wombs conceiv’d a more than mortal birth.

  These draw the chariot which Latinus sends,

  And the rich present to the prince commends.

  Sublime on stately steeds the Trojans borne,

  To their expecting lord with peace return.

  But jealous Juno, from Pachynus’ height,

  As she from Argos took her airy flight,

  Beheld with envious eyes this hateful sight.

  She saw the Trojan and his joyful train

  Descend upon the shore, desert the main,

  Design a town, and, with unhop’d success,

  Th’ embassadors return with promis’d peace.

  Then, pierc’d with pain, she shook her haughty head,

  Sigh’d from her inward soul, and thus she said:

  “O hated offspring of my Phrygian foes!

  O fates of Troy, which Juno’s fates oppose!

  Could they not fall unpitied on the plain,

  But slain revive, and, taken, scape again?

  When execrable Troy in ashes lay,

  Thro’ fires and swords and seas they forc’d their way.

  Then vanquish’d Juno must in vain contend,

  Her rage disarm’d, her empire at an end.

  Breathless and tir’d, is all my fury spent?

  Or does my glutted spleen at length relent?

  As if ‘t were little from their town to chase,

  I thro’ the seas pursued their exil’d race;

  Ingag’d the heav’ns, oppos’d the stormy main;

  But billows roar’d, and tempests rag’d in vain.

  What have my Scyllas and my Syrtes done,

  When these they overpass, and those they shun?

  On Tiber’s shores they land, secure of fate,

  Triumphant o’er the storms and Juno’s hate.

  Mars could in mutual blood the Centaurs bathe,

  And Jove himself gave way to Cynthia’s wrath,

  Who sent the tusky boar to Calydon;

  (What great offense had either people done?)

  But I, the consort of the Thunderer,

  Have wag’d a long and unsuccessful war,


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