by Virgil
arma Iouis fugiens et regnis exsul ademptis. 320
Fleeing the war of Jupiter and kingdom overthrown:
is genus indocile ac dispersum montibus altis
He laid in peace the rugged folk amid the mountains steep
composuit legesque dedit, Latiumque uocari
Scattered about, and gave them laws, and willed them well to keep
maluit, his quoniam latuisset tutus in oris.
The name of Latium, since he lay safe hidden on that shore.
aurea quae perhibent illo sub rege fuere
They call the days the Golden Days that ‘neath that king outwore,
saecula: sic placida populos in pace regebat, 325
Amid such happiness of peace o’er men-folk did he reign.
deterior donec paulatim ac decolor aetas
But worsened time as on it wore, and gathered many a stain;
et belli rabies et amor successit habendi.
And then the battle-rage was born, and lust of gain outbroke:
tum manus Ausonia et gentes uenere Sicanae,
Then came the host Ausonian; then came Sicanian folk;
saepius et nomen posuit Saturnia tellus;
And oft and o’er again the land of Saturn cast its name.
tum reges asperque immani corpore Thybris, 330
Then kings there were, and Thybris fierce, of monstrous body came,
a quo post Itali fluuium cognomine Thybrim
From whom the Tiber flood is named by us of Italy,
diximus; amisit uerum uetus Albula nomen.
Its old true name of Albula being perished and gone by.
me pulsum patria pelagique extrema sequentem
Me, driven from my land, and strayed about the ocean’s ends,
Fortuna omnipotens et ineluctabile fatum
Almighty Fortune and the Fate no struggling ever bends
his posuere locis, matrisque egere tremenda 335
Set in these steads; my mother’s word well worshipped hither drave,
Carmentis nymphae monita et deus auctor Apollo.’
The nymph Carmentis; and a god, Apollo, wayfare gave.”
Vix ea dicta, dehinc progressus monstrat et aram
Now, as he spake, hard thereunto the altar-stead doth show,
et Carmentalem Romani nomine portam
And gate that by Carmentis’ name the Roman people know;
quam memorant, nymphae priscum Carmentis honorem,
An honour of the olden time to nymph Carmentis, she,
uatis fatidicae, cecinit quae prima futuros 340
The faithful seer, who first foretold what mighty men should be
Aeneadas magnos et nobile Pallanteum.
Æneas’ sons; how great a name from Pallanteum should come.
hinc lucum ingentem, quem Romulus acer asylum
Then the great grove that Romulus hallowed the fleer’s home
rettulit, et gelida monstrat sub rupe Lupercal
He showeth, and Lupercal set beneath the cliff acold,
Parrhasio dictum Panos de more Lycaei.
Called of Lycæan Pan in wise Parrhasia used of old.
nec non et sacri monstrat nemus Argileti 345
Thereafter Argiletum’s grove he shows and bids it tell,
testaturque locum et letum docet hospitis Argi.
A very witness, where and how the guesting Argus fell.
hinc ad Tarpeiam sedem et Capitolia ducit
Next, then, to the Tarpeian stead and Capitol they went,
aurea nunc, olim siluestribus horrida dumis.
All golden now, but wild of yore with thickets’ tanglement:
iam tum religio pauidos terrebat agrestis
E’en then at its dread holiness the folk afield would quake
dira loci, iam tum siluam saxumque tremebant. 350
And tremble sore to look upon its cliff-besetting brake.
‘hoc nemus, hunc’ inquit ‘frondoso uertice collem
“This grove,” saith he, “this hill thou seest with thicket-covered brow,
(quis deus incertum est) habitat deus; Arcades ipsum
Some godhead haunts, we know not who: indeed Arcadians trow
credunt se uidisse Iouem, cum saepe nigrantem
That very Jove they there have seen, when he his blackening shield
aegida concuteret dextra nimbosque cieret.
Hath shaken whiles and stirred the storm amidst the heavenly field.
haec duo praeterea disiectis oppida muris, 355
Look therewithal on those two burgs with broken walls foredone!
reliquias ueterumque uides monimenta uirorum.
There thou beholdest tokens left by folk of long agone:
hanc Ianus pater, hanc Saturnus condidit arcem;
For one did Father Janus old, and one did Saturn raise,
Ianiculum huic, illi fuerat Saturnia nomen.’
Janiculum, Saturnia, they hight in ancient days.”
talibus inter se dictis ad tecta subibant
Amid such talk they reach the roofs whereunder did abide
pauperis Euandri, passimque armenta uidebant 360
Unrich Evander; and they see the herd-beasts feeding wide
Romanoque foro et lautis mugire Carinis.
And lowing through the Roman Courts amid Carinæ’s shine.
ut uentum ad sedes, ‘haec’ inquit ‘limina uictor
But when they came unto the house, “Beneath these doors of mine
Alcides subiit, haec illum regia cepit.
Conquering Alcides went,” he said; “this king’s house took him in.
aude, hospes, contemnere opes et te quoque dignum
Have heart to scorn world’s wealth, O guest, and strive thou too to win
finge deo, rebusque ueni non asper egenis.’ 365
A godhead’s worth: take thou no scorn of our unrich estate.”
dixit, et angusti subter fastigia tecti
He spake, and ‘neath the narrow roof Æneas’ body great
ingentem Aenean duxit stratisque locauit
He led withal, and set him down; and such a bed was there
effultum foliis et pelle Libystidis ursae:
As ’twas of leaves, and overlaid with skin of Libyan bear.
nox ruit et fuscis tellurem amplectitur alis.
Night falleth, and its dusky wings spreads o’er the face of earth,
At Venus haud animo nequiquam exterrita mater 370
When Venus, fearful in her soul (nor less than fear ’twas worth),
Laurentumque minis et duro mota tumultu
Sore troubled by Laurentine threats and all the tumult dread,
Volcanum adloquitur, thalamoque haec coniugis aureo
Bespeaketh Vulcan, as she lay upon his golden bed,
incipit et dictis diuinum aspirat amorem:
And holiness of very love amidst her words she bore:
‘dum bello Argolici uastabant Pergama reges
“When Argive kings were wasting Troy predestined with their war,
debita casurasque inimicis ignibus arces, 375
Were wracking towers foredoomed to fall mid flames of hating men,
non ullum auxilium miseris, non arma rogaui
No help of thine for hapless ones, no arms I asked for then,
artis opisque tuae, nec te, carissime coniunx,
Wrought by thy craft and mastery: nor would I have thee spend
incassumue tuos uolui exercere labores,
Thy labour, O beloved spouse, to win no happy end;
quamuis et Priami deberem plurima natis,
Though many things to Priam’s house meseemeth did I owe,
et durum Aeneae fleuissem saepe laborem. 380
And oftentimes I needs must weep Æneas’ pain and woe.
nunc Iouis imperiis Rutulorum constitit oris:
But now that he by Jove’s command Rutulian shores hath won,
ergo eadem supplex uenio et sanctum mihi numen
sp; I am thy suppliant, asking arms, a mother for her son,
arma rogo, genetrix nato. te filia Nerei,
Praying thy godhead’s holiness: time was when Nereus’ seed,
te potuit lacrimis Tithonia flectere coniunx.
Tithonus’ wife, with many tears could bend thee to thy need.
aspice qui coeant populi, quae moenia clausis 385
Look round, what peoples gather now; what cities shut within
ferrum acuant portis in me excidiumque meorum.’
Their barrèd gates are whetting sword to slay me and my kin.”
dixerat et niueis hinc atque hinc diua lacertis
She spake: with snowy arms of God she fondled him about,
cunctantem amplexu molli fouet. ille repente
And wound him in her soft embrace, while yet he hung in doubt:
accepit solitam flammam, notusque medullas
Sudden the wonted fire struck home; unto his inmost drew
intrauit calor et labefacta per ossa cucurrit, 390
The old familiar heat, and all his melting bones ran through:
non secus atque olim tonitru cum rupta corusco
No otherwise than whiles it is when rolls the thunder loud,
ignea rima micans percurrit lumine nimbos;
And gleaming of the fiery rent breaks up the world of cloud.
sensit laeta dolis et formae conscia coniunx.
In glory of her loveliness she felt her guile had gained.
tum pater aeterno fatur deuinctus amore:
Then spake the Father, overcome by Love that ne’er hath waned:
‘quid causas petis ex alto? fiducia cessit 395
“Why fish thy reasons from the deep? where is thy trust in me,
quo tibi, diua, mei? similis si cura fuisset,
I prithee, O my God and Love? Had such wish weighed on thee,
tum quoque fas nobis Teucros armare fuisset;
Then, also, had it been my part to arm the Teucrian hand,
nec pater omnipotens Troiam nec fata uetabant
Nor had the Almighty Sire nor Fate forbidden Troy to stand,
stare decemque alios Priamum superesse per annos.
And Priam might have held it out another ten years yet.
et nunc, si bellare paras atque haec tibi mens est, 400
And now if thou wouldst wage the war, if thus thy soul is set,
quidquid in arte mea possum promittere curae,
Thy longing shall have whatsoe’er this craft of mine may lend;
quod fieri ferro liquidoue potest electro,
Whatever in iron may be done, or silver-golden blend;
quantum ignes animaeque ualent, absiste precando
Whatever wind and fire may do: I prithee pray no more,
uiribus indubitare tuis.’ ea uerba locutus
But trust the glory of thy might.” So when his words wore o’er
optatos dedit amplexus placidumque petiuit 405
He gave the enfolding that she would, and shed upon her breast
coniugis infusus gremio per membra soporem.
He lay, and over all his limbs he drew the sleepy rest.
Inde ubi prima quies medio iam noctis abactae
But when the midmost night was worn, and slumber, past its prime,
curriculo expulerat somnum, cum femina primum,
Had faded out, in sooth it was that woman’s rising-time,
cui tolerare colo uitam tenuique Minerua
Who needs must prop her life with rock and slender mastery
impositum, cinerem et sopitos suscitat ignis 410
That Pallas gives: she wakes the ash and flames that smouldering lie,
noctem addens operi, famulasque ad lumina longo
And, adding night unto her toil, driveth her maids to win
exercet penso, castum ut seruare cubile
Long task before its kindled light, that she may keep from sin
coniugis et possit paruos educere natos:
Her bride-bed; that her little ones well waxen-up may be.
haud secus ignipotens nec tempore segnior illo
Not otherwise that Might of Fire, no sluggard more than she,
mollibus e stratis opera ad fabrilia surgit. 415
To win his art and handicraft from that soft bed arose.
insula Sicanium iuxta latus Aeoliamque
Upon the flank of Sicily there hangs an island close
erigitur Liparen fumantibus ardua saxis,
To Lipari of Æolus, with shear-hewn smoky steep;
quam subter specus et Cyclopum exesa caminis
Beneath it thunder caves and dens Ætnæan, eaten deep
antra Aetnaea tonant, ualidique incudibus ictus
With forges of the Cyclops: thence men hear the anvils cry
auditi referunt gemitus, striduntque cauernis 420
‘Neath mighty strokes, and through the cave the hissing sparkles fly
stricturae Chalybum et fornacibus ignis anhelat,
From iron of the Chalybes, and pants the forge with flame.
Volcani domus et Volcania nomine tellus.
The house is Vulcan’s, and the land Vulcania hath to name.
hoc tunc ignipotens caelo descendit ab alto.
Thither the Master of the Fire went down from upper air,
ferrum exercebant uasto Cyclopes in antro,
Where Cyclop folk in mighty den were forging iron gear;
Brontesque Steropesque et nudus membra Pyragmon. 425
Pyracmon of the naked limbs, Brontes and Steropes.
his informatum manibus iam parte polita
A thunderbolt half-fashioned yet was in the hands of these,
fulmen erat, toto genitor quae plurima caelo
Part-wrought, suchwise as many an one the Father casts on earth
deicit in terras, pars imperfecta manebat.
From all the heaven, but otherwhere unfinished from the birth,
tris imbris torti radios, tris nubis aquosae
Three rays they wrought of writhen storm, three of the watery wrack;
addiderant, rutuli tris ignis et alitis Austri. 430
Nor do the three of ruddy flame nor windy winging lack:
fulgores nunc terrificos sonitumque metumque
And now the work of fearful flash, and roar, and dread they won,
miscebant operi flammisque sequacibus iras.
And blent amid their craftsmanship the flame that followeth on.
parte alia Marti currumque rotasque uolucris
But otherwhere they dight the wain and wingèd wheels of Mars,
instabant, quibus ille uiros, quibus excitat urbes;
Wherewith the men and walls of men he waketh up to wars.
aegidaque horriferam, turbatae Palladis arma, 435
There angry Pallas’s arms they wrought and Ægis full of fear,
certatim squamis serpentum auroque polibant
And set the gold and serpent scales, and did with mighty care
conexosque anguis ipsamque in pectore diuae
The knitted adders, and for breast of very God did deck
Gorgona desecto uertentem lumina collo.
The Gorgon rolling eyen still above her severed neck.
‘tollite cuncta’ inquit ‘coeptosque auferte labores,
“Do all away,” he said, “lay by the labour so far done;
Aetnaei Cyclopes, et huc aduertite mentem: 440
Cyclops of Ætna, turn your minds to this one thing alone:
arma acri facienda uiro. nunc uiribus usus,
Arms for a great man must be wrought; betake ye to your might;
nunc manibus rapidis, omni nunc arte magistra.
Betake ye to your nimble hands and all your mastery’s sleight,
praecipitate moras.’ nec plura effatus, at illi
And hurry tarrying into haste.” No more he spake: all they
ocius incubuere omnes pariterque laborem
Fall swift to work and portion out the
labour of the day:
sortiti. fluit aes riuis aurique metallum 445
The brazen rivers run about with metal of the gold,
uulnificusque chalybs uasta fornace liquescit.
And soft the Chalyb bane-master flows in the forges’ hold.
ingentem clipeum informant, unum omnia contra
A mighty shield they set on foot to match all weapons held
tela Latinorum, septenosque orbibus orbis
By Latin men, and sevenfold ring on ring about it weld.
impediunt. alii uentosis follibus auras
Meanwhile, in windy bellows’ womb some in the breezes take
accipiunt redduntque, alii stridentia tingunt 450
And give them forth, some dip the brass all hissing in the lake,
aera lacu; gemit impositis incudibus antrum;
And all the cavern is agroan with strokes on anvil laid.
illi inter sese multa ui bracchia tollunt
There turn and turn about betwixt, with plenteous might to aid,
in numerum, uersantque tenaci forcipe massam.
They rear their arms; with grip of tongs they turn the iron o’er.
Haec pater Aeoliis properat dum Lemnius oris,
But while the Lemnian Father thus speeds on the Æolean shore
Euandrum ex humili tecto lux suscitat alma 455
The lovely light Evander stirs amid his lowly house,
et matutini uolucrum sub culmine cantus.
And morning song of eave-dwellers from sleep the king doth rouse.
consurgit senior tunicaque inducitur artus
Riseth that ancient man of days and on his kirtle does,
et Tyrrhena pedum circumdat uincula plantis.
And both his feet he binds about with bonds of Tyrrhene shoes;
tum lateri atque umeris Tegeaeum subligat ensem
Then Tegeæan sword he girds to shoulder and to side,
demissa ab laeua pantherae terga retorquens. 460
And on the left he flings aback the cloak of panther-hide.
nec non et gemini custodes limine ab alto
Moreover, from the threshold step goes either watchful ward,
praecedunt gressumque canes comitantur erilem.
Two dogs to wit, that follow close the footsteps of their lord.
hospitis Aeneae sedem et secreta petebat
So to the chamber of his guest the hero goes his way,
sermonum memor et promissi muneris heros.
Well mindful of his spoken word and that well-promised stay.
nec minus Aeneas se matutinus agebat; 465
Nor less Æneas was afoot betimes that morning-tide,
filius huic Pallas, illi comes ibat Achates.
And Pallas and Achates went each one their lord beside.
congressi iungunt dextras mediisque residunt