Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs Book 1)

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Coldhearted Heir (The Heirs Book 1) Page 15

by Michelle Heard

Hana lets out a sigh and glancing at me with a trembling chin, she gives in and goes to sit down again. I take the chair next to hers and pull her into a hug. “I’m sorry, Hana. I had too much to drink that night, and I know it’s no excuse. I feel like shit.”

  “It doesn’t matter how you feel,” she mutters. When her eyes meet mine, there’s a world of pain in them I didn’t expect to see. “It only matters how you made Jade feel. She was supposed to be safe with you, and she wasn’t.”

  My heart begins to beat harder. “I get a feeling we’re not talking about Jade and me.”

  Hana quickly drops her gaze from mine and whispers, “We are talking about you.”

  Anger ripples over my body, and breathing speeds up. “What happened, Hana?”

  She keeps staring down, and then her eyes drift close. The distraught look on her face knocks the air from my lungs.

  Jase’s eyes are glued to Hana, worry darkening his features.

  Fallon wraps an arm around Hana’s shoulders, and pressing her head to Hana’s, she whispers, “Did something happen?”

  Hana just nods.

  I’m going to kill someone.

  “Tell us,” Jase demands, his voice as dark as the emotions wreaking hell inside of me.

  “I can’t.” Hana looks up at us, a pleading look on her face. “I’m dealing with it. Things are just hard right now.”

  “Did something happen with Tristan?” Fallon asks.

  Hana quickly shakes her head. “No! No, he has nothing to do with this. You can’t tell him anything.”

  “Did someone hurt you?” Jase asks, still on the warpath.

  “No.” Hana shakes her head, then lets out a miserable sigh. “Forget about it, please.” She brings her eyes to me. “Did you apologize to Jade?”

  Deciding to back down for now and to not push Hana to open up, I nod. “We made peace after it.”

  “At least something good came from it.” Hana tries to smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

  I pull her to my chest and giving her a hug, I whisper, “I’m here whenever you need to talk. But please tell me if someone is hurting you.”

  “No one’s hurting me,” she murmurs against my ear. I just got upset on Jade’s behalf.”

  I know she’s lying to me, and it’s something I’m not used to. The four of us don’t keep any secrets from each other.

  Suddenly Jase shouts, “The show is fucking over, everyone! Fucking nosy fuckers.”

  It’s seldom Jase gets angry, but when he does, it might as well be pouring fire and fucking brimstone.

  “Why are you yelling?” Mila suddenly asks.

  Jase gets up and giving her a dark scowl, he snaps, “Fuck, not you, too.”

  “What did I do?” she gives him a shocked look.

  Knowing things are about to get totally out of control, I dart up and wrapping my arm around Jase’s shoulders, I drag him out of the restaurant.

  “Calm down,” I whisper as I steer him toward the trail behind the restaurant, so we’ll have privacy.

  He shoves me away from him, and then his angry gaze burns on me. “Hold up.” Tilting his head, he asks, “You forced yourself on Jade?”

  Oh. Fuck.

  I’m about to get that beating I begged for after it happened. Not about to shy away from the mistake I made, I nod.

  Jase’s punch to the corner of my mouth makes me stagger backward, but before I lose my balance, he grabs hold of my arm and pulls me into a hug.

  Our breaths rushing mixes with the birds chirping around us for a couple of seconds, then Jase whispers, “Don’t ever do that to Jade again.”

  I nod, actually feeling a bit better because I deserved the punch and so much more.

  When we pull free from the hug, I ask, “So we’re good?”

  Jase grins, and the sight chases away the last of the lingering worry. “We’re good.”

  “Wanna take a walk?” I ask.


  Shoving our hands in our pockets, we stroll down the path.

  “Do you think someone hurt Hana?” Jase asks.

  I shrug, not sure. “She said no one hurt her. Maybe she just got into a fight with someone?”

  Jase lets out a sigh of relief. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He chuckles, “I was scared there for a moment.”

  “Me too.”

  He bumps his shoulder against mine. “Getting back to our discussion before the shit hit the fan…” Glancing at me with a smirk, he continues, “So you and Jade, huh?”

  I shake my head and let out a heavy breath. “I have no idea what’s going on between us. For the longest time, all we did was fight, and now that there’s nothing to fight about, things are awkward. It’s like we don’t know how to communicate with each other.”

  Jase makes kissing sounds, puckering his lips at me.

  Shoving him away from me, I chuckle. “Stop your shit.”

  Jase comes to stand next to me again, and we stare out over the landscape.

  “Okay, I’m serious now,” he says. Giving me a somber look, he places his hand on my shoulder. “I know it’s been a while since you’ve gotten laid, so just remember to stick her with the pointy end.”

  Laughter bursts from me. “You’re quoting Game of Thrones to me right now?” I shove him away again. “Fucker.”

  He throws his arm around my shoulders and smiles at me. “Whether you and Jade just remain friends, or decide there’s more, I’ll be here rooting for you.”

  He keeps bringing it up, and it has me asking, “You really think there’s more between us?”

  Nodding, he lets out a sigh. “The tension is there, like a huge-ass elephant, you can’t help but notice.”

  “What tension?” I ask, and when he grins at me, I already regret the question.

  “The good kind.” Turning his gaze back to the landscape in front of us, he continues, “The kind that leads to mindblowing orgasms.”

  I can only shake my head at him, and as we stand, each drawn into our own thoughts, one stands out for me — Are Jade and I falling for each other?

  Chapter 18


  When my last lecture for the day ends and I get back to the suite, the girls decide to spend the rest of our Friday afternoon doing facials and just chilling.

  Hana brings the skin products and masks to the living room, while Fallon and I grab some drinks and snacks. Mila switches on the TV and gets the movie ready we’ll be watching during our pamper and pig out session.

  “What movie are you putting on?” Fallon asks Mila as she dumps candy into a bowl.

  “Midnight Sun. Are you okay with that one?”

  “Oooh… I love it,” I reply, picking up the tray of cokes, and carrying over to the table. Sitting down on the ground, I add, “We should watch The Fault In Our Stars after that one.”

  “Yeah, I’m in need of a good ugly cry,” Hana says as she plops down on the carpet next to me.

  “Why?” I ask, my eyes searching her face.

  “Ugh, it’s nothing,” she sighs. “Tristan’s just under a lot of pressure with a business deal he’s working on.”

  “Is that all?” Fallon asks as she places the bowls of candy next to the cokes.


  Mila and I just stare at them, then Hana says, “I blew my top at Hunter earlier today and got them worried over nothing.”

  “Why did you get angry with Hunter?” Mila asks.

  Hana gives me a regretful smile. “Because he forced a kiss on Jade.”

  My mouth drops open on a gasp. “He told you?”

  “It just kinda came out,” Fallon quickly stands up for him. “But seriously, it’s not cool, and I hate that you didn’t tell us, and I still want to kick Hunter’s ass.”

  “It was nothing,” I mumble, and not wanting Hunter to get shit from Fallon and Hana, I explain, “It’s actually my fault because I stripped in front of him.”

  “You did what?” Fallon asks, her eyes widening.

  My s
houlders slump, and I let out a huff of air. “Hunter was all angry about the dress you had me wear to the club, and I lost my shit and stripped out of it. He then totally lost it, and that’s when the kiss happened. But he regretted it instantly, and I’m okay, so it’s all settled.”

  My eyes dart between my friends as I pull an awkward face.

  Hana grins at me. “I can actually picture you ripping the dress off. It’s so like you.”

  “And totally explains why Hunter kissed you,” Fallon agrees.

  “Hold up,” Mila says, throwing a hand in the air. “Did I miss something? Are you and Hunter a couple now?”

  I let out a burst of laughter. “No!”

  She throws both her hands in the air. “Well, shit, then I’m lost.”

  Fallon looks to Mila and scoots closer to the table. “They kissed twice, but they’re still in denial.”

  “That’s for sure,” Hana sighs before she pops an M&M in her mouth.

  “We aren’t in denial,” I huff.

  “Yeah?” Fallon says, lifting an eyebrow at me. “You sure about that?”

  Am I?

  I let out a miserable sigh. “No.”

  “I swear, this is just getting more confusing by the minute,” Mila grumbles. Pinning me with her eyes, she asks, “Do you and Hunter like each other?”

  “Of course, we like each other.” I frown at her. “At least I like him. I’m not so sure where he stands after all the fighting.”

  “No! Ugh,” Mila scowls at me. “Are you in love?”

  “Oh… ahh…” My mouth snaps shut, and I shrug, not knowing what to answer.

  Mila relaxes, and a smile spreads over her face. “Finally, I know what’s going on as well.”

  “People don’t just fall in love,” I grumble. “That shit takes time.”

  Fallon shakes her head at me. “I’m afraid not. It usually slaps you upside the head. It’s staying in love that takes time and effort.”

  “Nah… we just like each other as friends,” I try to stop this conversation from derailing.

  “Picture Hunter dressed in just his sweatpants, all sweaty and muscles hard,” Mila says, her voice low.

  “Ewww,” Hana pulls a traumatized face where Fallon instantly starts shaking her head.

  Me, on the other hand, lights up like a damn Christmas tree. The thought of Hunter’s bare chest on full display sends a burst of heat ricocheting through my body like fireworks.

  As the realization settles in my heart, I cover my face with my hands and let out a groan.

  Shit, somewhere… somehow… I’ve fallen in love with Hunter.

  “How did it happen?” I groan out in misery.

  “How did it not happen sooner?” Mila counters my question. I drop my hands and push my bottom lip out, giving her my most pitiful facial expression, but she continues, “Hunter put up with your shit for two years. Honestly, he’s a damn saint if you ask me.”

  Fallon nods in agreement.

  I just have to face the truth. “Yeah, Hunter’s an amazing person,” I admit.

  “And?” Hana spurs me on to continue.

  “And…” A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth, “Isn’t it weird that I’ve fallen in love with him? We’ve been friends since forever.”

  “Love is love,” Fallon gives her opinion. “You can’t choose who you’re going to love, Jade. You can only hope the person will love you back.”

  “Yeah. That will never happen.” I pick up a glass of coke and take a huge sip.

  “Don’t be too sure of that,” Hana murmurs as she begins to hand out the facial masks.

  “What do you mean?” I ask as I tear mine open.

  While I struggle to keep the wet fabric from twisting into a mess, Hana answers, “Hunter doesn’t go around just kissing girls.”

  “What she said,” Fallon confirms as she splats her mask onto her face.

  Hana chuckles and climbing to her knees, she reaches over to help Fallon straighten the mask out over her skin.

  Hunter doesn’t go around just kissing girls.

  And he’s kissed me twice. My eyes dart to Mila’s, and she gives me an encouraging smile. “If you love Hunter, then just go for it, Jade.”

  “Yep,” Fallon mutters so she won’t wrinkle the mask.

  I slide my own mask on and point to the TV. “Press play.”

  As the movie starts, my thoughts are consumed with Hunter, and what the new emotions creeping into my heart means.

  “Don’t forget, tomorrow is the fun day,” Hana says. “Jase will be at the kissing booth, so make sure to stop by there.”

  “I totally forgot,” I admit. “A fun day is just what I need.”

  “It starts at eight,” Fallon reminds me. “And wear a bathing suit under your clothes because we’ll probably play some volleyball in the pool.”

  “Awesome.” I turn my gaze back to the TV, and we all settle in to watch the movie.


  Standing by the kissing booth, I burst out in laughter when Jase grabs hold of a girl and proceeds to kiss the living hell out of her.

  When he lets go of her shoulders, she stumbles backward, totally dazed.

  “Slow down, heartbreaker,” I call out to him.

  “Jase looks like he's having fun,” Fallon suddenly says behind me.

  Glancing over my shoulder, my eyes connect with Jade’s, and a smile instantly spreads over my face.

  Fallon comes to stand next to me, glancing over the long line of girls who bought tickets to kiss Jase. “At least Trinity is making a ton of money for charity.”

  “Yeah,” Glancing behind me again, I ask, “Who’s doing the three-legged race?”

  “I’m doing it with Kao,” Fallon answer.

  “Noah asked me to be his partner,” Hana says before she pops a fry into her mouth.

  “I’m with that idiot,” Mila grumbles, gesturing at Jase. “When he’s done slobbering on all the girls.”

  “And you?” I ask Jade.

  She shakes her head, then coming to stand on my other side, she wraps her arm around my waist and gives me a sideways hug, then she explains, “I totally forgot about the fun day.”

  “That makes two of us,” I admit. When Jade begins to pull away from me, I put my arm around her shoulders and tug her back against my side. “Jase signed me up so you can run with me.”

  “Cool.” She grins up at me, her eyes sparkling.

  “I need chapstick,” Jessica calls out from behind her booth, yanking my attention away from Jade. “My poor lips.”

  “I have some,” Hana yells back and rushing over to the stage, she gives Jessica the balm.

  “What time is the three-legged race?” Jade asks.

  “In thirty minutes.” Fallon gives the long line a skeptical look, then she glances at me. “Jase will have to take a break for the race and then come back unless you step up to help him.”

  “Me?” I ask. My eyes dart down to Jade’s and then to the line of girls before I glare at Fallon. “Hell no.”

  “Come on,” Fallon keeps going. “Go help Jase out.”

  Shaking my head, I press my lips tightly together. “Hm-uh.”

  “You’d make some dreams come true,” she teases.

  “Don’t care,” I mutter. “My lips aren’t touching some random girl’s.”

  Fallon is just about to say something when Jade places her hand on my abs and leans forward so she can see Fallon. “Stop, already. Hunter said no.” I give Jade a thankful smile and wink, which has her grinning at me. “Don’t worry. I’ve got your back.”

  Fallon smirks at us. “Just making a point.”

  “What point?” I ask.

  “Nothing,” Jade snaps, giving Fallon a look of warning. Pulling away from me, she says, “I’m going to get some water before the race.”

  “Hold up,” I call after her. “I’ll go with you.” Catching up to Jade, we walk to the stands selling drinks. I hand over the dollar bills and grab two bottles for us. Handing Jade
one, I ask, “So I guess it means you also didn’t sign up for the volleyball later?”

  She takes a huge sip, then shakes her head.

  “Good, you can be with me for that as well.”

  Jade’s wet lips curve into a smile, and it has me staring like an idiot. All I can think of is how those lips felt against mine.

  Yeah, Hunter. No use in pretending you don’t have the hots for Jade.

  Wanting to know where her mind is at with what happened to Brady, so I don’t make a stupid move she’s not ready for, I ask, “How are you handling things after Colton’s visit?”

  Jade gestures toward a tree. “Let’s get some shade.” When we sit down on the grass, she begins to pick at a blade. “I’m okay. I just hate that I didn’t know. I feel guilty for not seeing the signs.” She shrugs, a sad look washing over her face.

  “It still hurts,” I state, wondering if she’ll ever get over what happened.

  Jade brings her eyes up to mine. “I think a part of me will always grieve for Brady. He deserved so much more than what life gave him.”

  “Yeah,” I agree with her. Stretching my legs out in front of me, I lean back on my elbows and let my eyes glance over the students and all the fun they’re having.

  “But it’s in the past,” Jade surprises me by continuing. “It’s time for me to start living in the present.”

  Our eyes lock, and an intense emotion passes between us.

  It can’t just be me feeling this way, can it?

  “The present’s a pretty good place to be,” I murmur.

  “Yeah,” she breathes.

  Our eyes remain locked until Mila suddenly asks, “Are you having a staring contest?”

  We both quickly look away, and I climb to my feet. “Is it time for the race?”

  “Yeah, I came to tell you.”

  Passing the booth, I see Fallon managed to get Nate to take over from Jase. He spots us and calls out, “I hope you buy a ticket, Jade.”

  “In your dreams, Nate,” I yell back, throwing my arm around Jade’s shoulders. I yank her to my side, and when she stumbles, her hand splays out across my abs, so she doesn’t lose her balance, and she lets out a burst of laughter.

  “Mila, how about you?” Nate shouts.

  Mila sticks her hand in the air, waving a little slip of paper, and yells, “Got my ticket. See you after the race.”


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