Slow Hands
Page 12
Since he held her steady, the belt firm around her pelvis, she couldn’t move very much, but she tried to push herself back against him. When she couldn’t, she widened her legs even more.
Still he only stroked along her length.
She swallowed, threw her head back. ‘For pity’s sake, Logan. You read the damned instructions...’
‘Don’t have a freaking condom,’ he said. ‘Shit.’
April couldn’t believe she’d virtually instructed him to take her without thought of protection. So bloody desperate was she to have him inside her.
‘In the bag,’ she grated, already reaching for the holdall. ‘I ordered some flavoured ones.’
‘Holy shit,’ he said. ‘I love an organised woman.’
They both scrambled around in the bag until April located the box at the bottom of the holdall and pulled it out. Her fingers felt clunky as she undid the lid and then tipped the condoms onto the counter.
‘Hold the strap,’ he ordered, and she placed her palms over the fabric, keeping it in place around her hips while Logan pounced on the closest packet, tore it open and slid the rubber over his erection.
Seconds later he’d taken the strap again, placing one hand on her lower back, encouraging her forward.
April dropped her hands on the counter again, her body jerking forward as Logan tightened the softly padded strap. He nudged her entrance, and this time he didn’t stop but pushed inside her. It felt amazing, the pull of the belt seeming to squeeze her intimate muscles and provide a tighter sensation.
When Logan pulled up on the belt again it pushed her ass so snugly against him that he managed to get even deeper. Unable to move, April could only take what he gave her, and she clenched around him as he continued to pump. He filled her completely, length and breadth, and there didn’t seem to be a whisper of space between them.
She wanted it to last, but there was no way it would because she was already on the edge of orgasm.
Their joint breathing—thick and heavy—echoed through the air, accompanied by Logan’s groan each time he shoved inside her.
April tried hard to hold back, to prolong this amazing sensation, but the experience proved too much. She squeezed her eyes shut and beneath her closed lids colours flashed and shapes exploded. She was hurtling upwards, flying around in some kaleidoscope of exquisite turmoil, and then all too soon she floated down again.
Still Logan thrust, his pull on the belt unrelenting, his hips driving forward, and with each push April found it harder to stay on her feet as he edged her towards the counter.
Then he gave a guttural shout and exploded inside her.
April kept her eyes closed as he came, loving the sensation of him pulsing inside her, the heady moment of intense connection as he filled her so thoroughly.
His hold on the belt lessened and she felt his muscles relax in the same way hers had. She leaned forward, half collapsing over the counter, and his body was a heavy weight as he relaxed over her. His chest rose and fell against her back as he pulled in air, and the chill of the marble countertop pressed against her nipples.
Logan kissed her neck. ‘Okay?’
Oh, how she loved that raspy, sexy deep voice of his in the aftermath of orgasm. ‘Mmm... Yes. You?’
‘I don’t think I have the words.’
She gave a breathy laugh as he lifted his body from hers, dropped the belt to the floor and pushed his hands up under the opened shirt to slide them over her back. She shivered a little, wondering if there’d ever come a time when she didn’t respond so easily to him.
The thought made her a little sad. They weren’t in this for the long haul, which meant she’d never have the chance to find out.
Thankfully, Logan stopped her from heading further down that particular road of thought. Grabbing her arms, he encouraged her to stand up and turned her to face him.
‘You look too damn sexy in my shirt,’ he said, glancing down to where her breasts were on full display. ‘But, then again, you look even better out of it.’
He slid it from her shoulders and it slipped to the floor next to the discarded belt. Before she knew what he’d planned, he’d placed his hands around her hips and popped her up on the counter-top. He stepped between her legs and placed his hands on either side of her face.
‘That was bloody amazing.’
She could only agree—especially when he was looking at her as if he meant it.
‘I think I might put those on special promotion,’ she said, glancing down to the belt on the floor. ‘And for once I can give a personal recommendation as to their effectiveness.’
Still holding her face, he dropped a kiss to her mouth. ‘For once?’
Damn. She hadn’t meant to say that. But something told her the time for keeping her secrets close to her chest had run its course—at least perhaps for some of them.
‘My ex,’ she explained, touching her hands to his waist. ‘No way would he have tried that out.’
It might have been her imagination, but she was almost certain he looked smug right then.
‘He wasn’t the adventurous type. He preferred straight missionary—although, I think we did doggie once, in the dark.’
‘Are you fucking kidding me? Was the guy all there?’
April laughed. ‘He was a workaholic. Sex didn’t seem to be a priority for him.’
Logan looked genuinely shocked. ‘He must have needed his brain tested. How the hell did he manage to keep his hands off you?’
April shrugged, as if it hadn’t mattered. But it had. And for a long time she’d thought it must have been her inability to turn Richard on. Her inability to turn any man on. But then, after Richard had done the dirty, she’d slowly reasoned that his mind had been on other more lucrative goals than having sex with her.
If sex with Logan was any indication, she certainly didn’t seem to be lacking in the ability-to-turn-a-man-on stakes. He’d proved it over and over. Hadn’t he said he couldn’t seem to get enough of her? She had no doubt he meant it, at least temporarily, until they burned themselves out and decided it was time to call it a day.
Although there didn’t seem to be much sign of that at the moment.
‘I think we were both too focused on building our businesses,’ she explained, while Logan watched her with that expression of disbelief on his face. ‘The lack of focus on sex suited us both.’
‘That’s bullshit,’ he said, and dropped his hands to her shoulders. ‘You light up like wildfire whenever I touch you. I can’t believe you were prepared to stuff that part of yourself down just to accommodate some dickhead who didn’t have a freaking cock, by the sound of it.’
He sounded so fierce that she squeezed his waist. ‘Some people have a stronger sex drive than others. Richard’s was low.’ She grinned, probably because he still looked so fierce. ‘I’m glad yours isn’t.’
‘Fucking right.’
He stroked down her arms, then pulled her close and kissed her, deep and long. When he released her, he hiked her up into his arms and strode with her out of the kitchen.
‘And right now I’m taking you back to bed, so I can prove it some more.’
THEY FINALLY GOT around to ordering pizza just as the light faded over the harbour. From Logan’s bed they had a stunning view of the reflected light from houses, apartments and moored boats.
‘You can finish the last of it,’ April said, sitting cross-legged next to Logan, who was leaning back against the headboard. ‘I’m stuffed.’
Never one to pass up the opportunity for more good pizza, especially when he considered his energy levels could do with a boost after a particularly energetic afternoon, Logan grabbed the slice, grinned, and then bit down on it.
April laughed. ‘I don’t know where you manage to put it. You must have
a cast-iron stomach.’
‘A short while ago I seem to recall you telling me I had a six-pack and that you loved running your hands over it. Of course, I was giving you one of the many orgasms you’ve enjoyed this afternoon at the time.’
He watched her spare a glance at the diminishing supply of condoms he’d brought from the kitchen. ‘I’ve given you almost as many. Or have they slipped your mind?’
He licked his fingers. ‘That’d be hard. Especially since you’re sitting there naked, with everything you have to offer on display, and I’m wondering when you might be ready to add to my tally.’
April glanced down at his own impressive offering. ‘Please... Already?’
He tossed the last of the pizza into the cardboard tray and brushed off his hands. ‘Like I told you,’ he said, reaching out to grab her and pull her across his lap. ‘Can’t seem to get enough of you.’
And as Logan kissed her he knew they weren’t just words meant to tease or persuade. He meant them. No matter how many times they were together, it wasn’t long before he wanted her again. Wanted to run his hands over every part of her, to feel her soft and supple skin warm beneath his fingers. He wanted to kiss her, taste her. He wanted to be inside her.
No doubt the attraction would fade soon enough, but until then he planned to have April every way possible. And she certainly seemed to be thinking along the same lines. She was up for pretty much anything, and he gloried in her adventurous nature and her infectious desire to try whatever was on offer.
Earlier, when they’d taken a closer look at the new stock in her holdall, and at his prompting she’d told him about some of the other items she had for sale on her website, he’d teased her that he intended to place an order for one of everything.
She hadn’t so much as batted an eyelid at his suggestion that they try out every one of his purchases. In fact, she’d tilted that sexy chin, given him a butt-wiggle, and told him to make sure to leave a website review after each erotic sampling.
She was something else.
Which made him wonder about the dickless idiot who’d basically ignored April’s sensual side. What kind of man could have a relationship with her and not want to explore that essential part of her nature?
Only a bloody idiot.
No wonder she’d admitted to getting bored with the guy. What red-blooded woman wouldn’t?
As for him? He couldn’t remember a time when he’d enjoyed being with a woman quite so much—and not just for the sex, although that was exceptional and plentiful. He liked the layers of her. The way she could switch between caution and adventure. Between strength and vulnerability. The way she questioned him and challenged him.
Complementing her incredible body was a sharp brain and a quick wit. It was quite a combination, and one he found himself admiring more with each moment they spent together.
From the bureau across the room came the sound of his phone ringing. Enjoying the taste of April’s mouth too much to end the kiss, he decided to ignore it. When it persisted, April broke the kiss and drew away from him.
‘You should get that. I feel guilty about keeping you away from the office today, and it might be important.’
Logan couldn’t think about anything as important to him right then as getting April back in his arms, but since she was scrambling away from him he knew that wasn’t about to happen until he’d answered the call.
As he padded across the room he cursed whoever was on the phone—until he picked it up to hear his sister’s voice. Then all his instincts went on full alert and his brain switched into gear.
* * *
April stretched contentedly as she watched Logan’s splendid back view from across the bedroom. While what she’d told him was true, and she did feel guilty about keeping him from his work, she really loved being with him. The sex was amazing—that went without saying—and she had certainly been given first-hand confirmation that she’d been missing out for all these years. But, more than that, she loved the way they talked. The way he made her feel her own value, made her feel as if she had something to contribute with her opinions. That he was as interested in what she had to offer between her ears as well as between her legs.
Though he’d teased her about the items she sold on her website, and told her how he planned to try them all out with her, they’d also talked about the financial and operational aspects of her business. She’d told him about profit margins, loss leaders, and various other facts relating to the running of her business.
Of course, it could have been because he needed the information in order to represent her, but April thought it was more than that. He was genuinely interested, and seemed impressed by her knowledge, and also by her determination to take the business to the top. He made her feel valued more than anyone else ever had, and while his admiration was subtle, and could be easily missed, she never missed it.
Logan made her feel she was worth something.
Both in and out of bed.
‘You need to do what I just told you, Colleen. I’ll sort it. It’ll be okay.’
April hadn’t realised she’d drifted into a kind of reverie, thinking about her relationship with Logan, until she heard that last statement before he ended the call.
‘My sister,’ he explained, coming back to the bed. ‘She’s booked a holiday for the end of the semester next week and she can’t find her passport.’
Although there was a hint of exasperation on his face, his expression was mostly indulgent. April remembered when she’d first met him how he’d spoken of his siblings with such warmth and tenderness. And how much she’d always wished for that kind of loving connection.
‘What will she do? She won’t be able to get a duplicate that quickly, will she?
‘I told her I’ll sort it,’ he said, lying down and pulling April beside him. ‘I know someone who’ll help.’
April cuddled close, loving the heat that came from his muscular body, the scent of him that seemed to penetrate every part of her. ‘I should have known,’ she said with a smile.
‘Should have known what?’ Logan’s arm tightened around her, drawing her closer to his side.
‘That you’d know someone. That you’d sort it.’ She tilted her head to look up at him. ‘You take such pleasure in that. Being in control.’
‘I’ve done it so long maybe it’s second nature. Is that a problem?’
She waited for the tightness in her chest, that feeling of panic that knocked against her ribcage when old memories came calling.
All she felt was a softening, a warmth.
The unfamiliarity of that response caught her by surprise, but she didn’t want to explore it right then. She was enjoying being with Logan too much.
‘What about your parents?’ she asked, wanting to know more about his family.
‘Like yours, they’re no longer on the scene. They died a while ago.’
April sensed he didn’t want to talk about them. He looked so bleak right then. His eyes had gone flat and expressionless.
It made her push. ‘Do you miss them?’
Logan huffed out a humourless laugh. ‘Like a fucking hole in the head.’
She stroked her hand lightly across his taut stomach. She didn’t want to make him miserable by asking him to talk about it, but she really did want to know more about him. More about his past.
‘I’m sorry, Logan.’
She sensed a relaxing of his muscles and shifted closer to wrap her arm around his waist, offering support. She was rewarded with a hand over hers, a gentle kiss to her forehead.
‘The old man was a waster. Eventually drank himself to an early death.’
For some reason that didn’t come as a shock to April, although she hurt for Logan having had to experience it. ‘And your mother?’
‘Every time my father took off—which was often—she became more and more un
stable. Couldn’t have been easy for her...not with five young kids to feed and clothe. But then she left, too.’
Now April was shocked. She hiked herself up to look at him. ‘Where did she go?’
‘Went to look for my father, apparently. Not sure what happened. My mother eventually came back. But by then the authorities had placed us all in foster homes and that’s where we stayed. The three little ones were kept together, but it was hard on Connor. He was sent to live with a couple who were experienced in dealing with “problem children”.’
Logan’s eyes had lost their bleakness, and it had been replaced by red-hot anger.
‘What about you?’ April asked softly. ‘Where did you go?’
His shoulder jerked up in a careless shrug. ‘I was fifteen. I looked after myself.’
He was silent for a while, as if he was lost back in that time. Then he took a deep inhalation, let it out on a ragged sigh. ‘Got lucky.’ Another deep breath. ‘And when I was old enough, and I had the means to look after them, I went to get them back.’
She had a vision of a young, cocky Logan, marching up to some official and demanding to have his younger siblings. Something warm and incredibly tender washed through her. She had some insight now into why he always needed to take control, to sort things, to make things right for everyone. It was because it was what he’d always done. What he’d been forced to do by circumstances.
She bent forward and kissed him, soft and slow, hoping to ease some of the pain she knew simmered beneath the surface as he relived those painful memories. Then she tucked herself tight into his side, dropped her head against his chest and listened as his heart beat steadily against her.
The light had faded, plunging the room into semi-darkness, cocooning them in this momentary haven. His arms drew tight around her, holding her to him, and he tugged up the cover to wrap it around her shoulders.