Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation

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Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation Page 2

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I guess, but I’m picking your trainer.” He pointed at his chest.

  “So that means it’ll be you.” I laughed.

  “What’s wrong with me?” Dad’s face morphed from triumphant to confused.

  “Nothing, just remember… I’m a hard head.” I laughed as I turned to leave the room.

  “You’re just like your mother,” he called after me. I heard Mom say something, but her words turned into a giggle and I did my best to tune them out. I didn’t want to know what they were doing, or what she said to my dad. I’d had enough run-ins over the years. I caught them once when I was ten in the gym. I learned really quickly to knock or leave if kissing ensued. I’m still trying to burn that image from my brain eight years later.

  Chapter 3


  “Rise and shine, pumpkin.” Dad knocked on my door way too early. I yawned before blinking a few times, and then rolling in the direction of my alarm clock. It was still dark in my room, so I knew it had to be early. Four a.m. shone in red back at me.

  “It’s way too early to be awake during summer vacation,” I muttered as I sighed, rolled onto my back, and began staring at the ceiling. This was some kind of punishment, it had to be.

  “Truck’s running. You’ve got five minutes,” Dad called as his feet thundered down the stairs.

  “Ugh!” I groaned as I flung the covers back. This wasn’t what I had in mind when I asked to come with him. I flicked on the light, squinting in the process against the brightness, as I grabbed a pair of shorts. After searching for and putting on a sports bra, I grabbed a tank and flip flops. I could hear Dad downstairs, and I knew my time was quickly running out. He didn’t wait, ever.

  “Rils!” he called again.

  “I’m coming!” I opened my door so fast it almost bounced off the wall. Arms loaded with gear, I rushed down the steps and almost right into my father’s chest.

  “’Bout time.” He laughed. “Coffee?” He held out a Tervis in my direction.

  “Thanks,” I grumbled as I took it from him. “Why are we up before the sun?”

  “We’re opening today.” He smiled.

  “Don’t you have people to do that for you? I mean, you own the place.” I rolled my eyes. His chipper mood in the mornings made me even grumpier. He wasn’t lying when he said I was just like Mom. At the time, I wondered if I got anything from him. Everyone says I look like Mom, and act like her. No one ever tells me that I’m like him.

  “Today, we’re the people. You wanted to train. I have time now. Once we get busy, I won’t.” He shrugged as we stepped outside and into the crisp morning air.


  The ride to the gym took a while, and for the first half it was quiet. “You know you can tell me anything,” Dad murmured as we turned into the city.

  “Uh huh.” I sipped the last of my coffee.

  “Even the stuff with Dean.” He pressed. “I’ll listen.”

  “I don’t want to talk about that stuff with you, Dad.” I sighed as I stared out the window. I thought maybe if I didn’t look at him, he’d stop.

  “Why? I’m a guy. Who better to help you out?” He reached over and squeezed my arm.

  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then turned in his direction. “Really? You wanna talk about sex with me? Your daughter? You want me to tell you how Dean wanted to have sex, and I said no. How now, all the people that I know think I’m a prude. Is that what you mean?” I was almost yelling at him now, and I felt bad, but he asked.

  “Dean’s a little punk, and I hope you broke his jaw.” His hands tightened on the steering wheel as he clenched his teeth.

  “This is why I don’t tell you stuff. Trust that you did a good job, and let me deal with it.” I crossed my arms over my chest and flopped back against the seat.

  “Not all guys are like him. I hope you know that.” Dad sounded sad. “There are a lot like that, but some actually listen to the girl and like her for reasons other than sex.”

  “Like you?” I glanced over at him, and he jerked the wheel at the same time. We were approaching the parking lot for the gym, and he seemed urgent to get in there. “You didn’t want to have sex with Mom when you met her?”

  “Your mom was five the first time I met her, so no.” He laughed. “We grew up together, so we were friends first.”

  “What about when she was older?” I don’t know what I was trying to prove here, but I wasn’t going to let him out of this one.

  “We were friends.” Dad swallowed and his face started to redden. He was thinking about something, but he wouldn’t tell me. “Kinda like you and Caleb used to be.”

  Checkmate, Dad. He made his point. He knew I didn’t want to talk about Caleb. Growing up we were friends; it was almost like a brother/ sister relationship. I never saw him as more. “I’m not even sure we’re friends now.” I opened my door and climbed out. “The last time we talked, he acted like he couldn’t stand me, and then last week he acted like he didn’t know who I was.”

  “Give it time. Things change.” He smiled before climbing out of the truck, and leaving me there. I stared out the windshield as he unlocked the front doors, and pushed them open. He turned, gave a come here motion, and then went inside. After climbing out, I followed.


  It was quiet inside, and dark. “You wanna put your stuff in the back, and I’ll get the lights for us?” Dad motioned to the area where we used to work out. There was a heavy bag, and some mats stacked up. I always thought that he used that area because it was out of the way.

  “Sure.” I shrugged as I ambled back to the spot I considered ours.

  “You seem like you don’t want to be here.” He startled me when he approached from behind.

  “I don’t at five in the morning.” I rolled my eyes as I slipped out of my flip flops, and tossed my bag against the wall. I dug out a pair of gloves and began strapping them on. “Can we work on form today? My hand is still sore.”

  “It’s not broken. Don’t be a baby.” Dad knew exactly how to get to me.

  “Hope you’re ready, old man,” I teased.

  “Bring it.” He laughed as he held up a pad and braced his feet. I spun, and connected with the pad, causing him to step back slightly. “Nice. Have you been working without me?” He seemed impressed.

  “Not really. I’m just kinda pissed off right now.” I shrugged as I switched it up and went for a one two punch.

  “Come here.” He tossed the pad down, and grabbed head gear. “Put this on.”

  “Why?” I never suited up before, and wasn’t really ready for what he had planned.

  “You’re pissed. I’m gonna let you loose. I wanna see what you’ve got.” He slipped the helmet on my head, and then tossed me a mouth guard from my bag. “Stay away from my face. Your mom will kill me,” he mumbled as he slipped his own mouth guard in, and grabbed some gloves.

  “I’m not gonna hit you, Dad.” I shook my head at the idea.

  “Oh yes, you are.” He pointed to the sparring ring in the center of the gym. “Go!” I took a few deep breaths before I felt him behind me. “Get up there.” He pointed with a gloved hand.

  “I’m not doing this.” I dropped my hands at my sides.

  “Yep, you are. Your mom used to tell me the same thing. I’d let her whale on me, and she felt better after. I’m not going to let you hurt me. I’m not that crazy.” He laughed as he climbed through the ropes. “Now, come on, hit me!”

  I stood there, staring at him. He placed his hands in the ready position, and bent his knees. I’d always seen my dad as this giant in the ring. He was untouchable in my eyes, but this morning he seemed different. He wasn’t this protector anymore, he seemed like my dad.

  I advanced on him, and took a half-hearted swing. He blocked me, and rolled his eyes.

  “That sucked. You want me to piss you off, Rils? You want me to tell you to think about Dean?” He bounced on his toes.

  “I don’t want to talk about t
hat,” I growled as the anger I’d been pushing down started to simmer below the surface.

  “I don’t care. Picture Dean, right here.” He pointed at his face. “Now show me what you got.”

  I took a few shuttered breaths before I launched myself at him. Arms swinging, I delivered a one two before sweeping my right leg out, trying to take him down. “Nice.” He chuckled. “I see we’re starting to remember how to fight. Too bad your old man was an expert on the floor. Try again, Princess.” He gave me a smug look before bouncing again. “Take a swing. I’m wide open.” He held his arms out to the side as I wound up and delivered a blow right to his chest. With an ‘ump’ he stepped back and rubbed where I’d connected. “Princess has some muscle now.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I growled. “You know I don’t like it.”

  “Why do you think I said it?” He laughed. “Come on, Rils. Hit me again.” I swung, and he blocked this time. I swung again, blocked again. We went round and round until I was exhausted. “Feel better?” He removed his gloves and tossed them to the side.

  “I feel like I need a nap,” I grumbled.

  “But do you feel like you worked the anger out?” He smiled and it was the Dad smile I’d been hoping for.

  “I do. Thanks, Dad.” He opened his arms, and I fell into them. As he wrapped me in a hug, I felt that feeling I’d been missing before. He was the hero I’d always seen him as. He’d done what he needed to do to help me, even though it hurt him.

  “I have to get ready for the new class. You wanna help?” he murmured, still hugging me tight.

  “After I have some water.” I laughed as I pushed out of his grasp.

  “And you put on a shirt.” His face went stern as he pointed at me. I glanced down at my black sports bra.

  “What’s wrong with this?” I tipped my head to the side. “Mom dresses like this when she works out here.”

  “I know, and I know how I used to look at her when she was your age. Put on a shirt or leave, your choice.” The humor was gone, and he was back in full Dad mode.

  “Fine.” I sighed as I went to grab my bag. This was a fight I wouldn’t win, so I wasn’t even going to try. “I’ll wait over there.” I pointed to the mats that were set out for the self-defense class, grabbed my bag, and made a big show of putting on my tee.

  Chapter 4


  Seven a.m. comes way earlier than I’d like it to most days. Today is one of them. “Honey! Breakfast!” I can hear my mom in the hallway.

  “I’m up,” I grumbled as a yawn escaped me. Living at home had its perks, but it also had some disadvantages. I mean, who doesn’t like having their meals prepared for them? After spending a year away at college, it was nice to come home to hot meals. The negative in this living situation… having your mom open your door without knocking is the first thing that comes to mind. After that, it would probably be the fact that I can’t bring any girls home. My parents are pretty progressive when it comes to that, but what college guy wants to tell a girl he’s living at home?

  Just last week, Mom walked right in. Fortunately, I had the covers pulled up, but I’d had this dream that morning and I was trying to care of business if you know what I mean. Mom quickly stopped that. It was like having ice water tossed on me. Everything curled up, and I was miserable for the rest of the day.

  “Caleb!” she pounded on the door this time. “Don’t forget your dad wanted you to stop by training camp tonight.”

  “Sure.” I sighed. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Not only was my stepdad the manager of the gym, but my biological dad played professional football. My life has been spent avoiding the press and screening every person who wants any kind of relationship with me. I learned at a young age that some of the people in my life were only there because of my dad. As much as it hurt, I wasn’t as close to him as they thought. My stepdad raised me, and I always thought of him as my dad.

  I tossed back the covers, and swung my feet over the edge of the bed. The sun was just rising over the trees, and I could hear birds outside. It was rare, living in the city, but mornings were quiet.

  “Can I get breakfast to go?” I called down the hallway before retreating back into my room. Mom muttered something, but I knew she’d give in to me. “Thanks!” I shouted again as I opened the door. I’d managed to get my shorts on and was wrestling with my polo. When I rounded the corner to the kitchen, Mom was standing there with a to-go cup and something wrapped in a paper towel.

  “Your dad is expecting you at six tonight. He’ll meet you by the locker rooms.” She smiled and handed over my breakfast.

  “What’s so important that I can’t just talk about it over the phone?” I rolled my eyes.

  “He just wants to spend time with you. Kinda like I do.” She smiled. “We know you’re going to be on your own soon and won’t have time for us.”

  “That’s not true,” I grumbled. “I’ll see you tonight, Mom.” I waved and rushed out the door. The gym wasn’t that far away, but traffic in Boston could be a bitch if you didn’t know where you were going.


  “You’re late!” Wes called as soon as I stepped through the door.

  “By like thirty seconds.” I shook my head as I headed for the office. I needed to put my bag in the back since I planned to work out tonight. I wasn’t sure what my father had planned but I usually needed to burn off steam after, so I came prepared.

  “Put your things away and meet me in the back.” He shook his head like he was pissed, and then stormed off toward the back corner.

  “Great,” I grumbled under my breath. This day was sure going swell. I clocked in, grabbed a water, and made my way over to where Wes had instructed.

  “Now that my assistant is here, we can get started.” Wes smiled, but I knew the look. He was preparing for something, I just didn’t know what.

  “Is this some kind of punishment?” a female voice groaned, and when I turned in the direction it had come from, our eyes connected and recognition dawned on me.

  “What are you doing here?” I pointed at her.

  “My dad owns the place. I can come here whenever I want.” Attitude rolled off her, and she stood from her seated position, placing her hands on her hips. Her chin lifted and eyes narrowed.

  “Relax, Princess.” I brushed her off. “I meant, why are you here today?”

  “She’s helping me. You two are going to demonstrate some self-defense moves. This way I can explain it as it’s happening rather than after the fact.” Wes grinned as my face fell. He was going to let his daughter beat me up, and she seemed to be excited about it.

  “No way.” I shook my head. “The last time I took her on, she gave me a bloody nose.” I waved my finger at Riley.

  “You were twelve, and didn’t block my punch. Your fault, not mine.” She shrugged and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She looked beautiful standing there all full of fire, but I couldn’t tell her that. We were supposed to hate each other. She was the little girl who was always getting in my way. Growing up, she always thought she was better than me, stronger than me, smarter than me.

  “Grow some balls,” Wes laughed, “and get over here.” He handed me a new mouth guard, and then began strapping the padded gear on my body. “Don’t break him,” Wes warned Riley, and she just grinned.

  “I’ll try not to. Can’t promise anything though. He breaks easily from what I remember.” She giggled as she turned her back to us.

  “Alright, class.” Wes stepped back and faced the women on the floor. “The first thing you need to remember is that getting away is the most important thing. You’re not trying to beat the guy up; you’re trying to safely get away from him.” He motioned to Riley to turn so she couldn’t see me. “The first thing you want to try is stomping on his foot.” He pointed to me. “Go grab her.”

  I moved up behind Riley, and wrapped my arms around her middle. Her foot lifted, and without any warning, it came down hard on mine. “Son of a.” I g
runted and I watched her shoulders shake.

  “I’m a girl. Be a man,” she muttered under her breath. My parents had always taught me to never lay a hand on a woman, but Riley made this very hard. Part of me liked the idea of touching her, that is until she opened her mouth.

  “Nice.” Wes nodded. “Now the next thing is the elbow. You want to swing your elbow back and try to connect with your attacker’s face.” My chin dropped. I knew what was coming. “Caleb. Grab her again.”

  I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her middle. I squeezed a little tighter this time, hoping that she’d have a harder time escaping. I could almost swear that she sighed a little and rubbed her ass right on my dick, but it could be the fact that I haven’t gotten laid in six months, too. “Make sure you duck,” she warned right before she stomped on my foot again, and then swung her elbow right at my nose.

  I ducked to save my face, but my foot was throbbing once again. “How the hell do you have so much power in your legs?” I leaned forward and attempted to gain my composure.

  “Wanna try that again?” Wes looked between us.

  “I’m good.” Riley shrugged. “I think I may have broken Caleb’s foot.” She didn’t seem too worried, but Wes stopped the torture. He started pulling students from the class, and letting them try the techniques with him. It irritated me that he wasn’t wearing gear, but he managed to duck every time. Riley must have sensed my frustration because she leaned closer, “He practices with my mom all the time. He’s gotten really good about getting out of the way. She busted his nose and lip a few times too many.” She laughed lightly, and then pointed to the ring. “Wanna spar?”

  “You?” I scoffed.

  “You afraid I’ll beat the crap outta you?” She held her hands up with ‘come at me’ motion.


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