Daughter of Ethos

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Daughter of Ethos Page 24

by L M Lacee

  Cheers erupted throughout the ships as the women of Earth agreed and chanted over and over. ‘Bring them home! Bring them home!’

  Heather told the Warriors in the room. ‘They mean it; you are ours now, part of what makes up our home and our families. So when one is missing, we will all feel it, until they are returned.’

  Peyton continued when the noise had decreased in volume. ‘This is one of several promises I made to the Warriors. As is the hope that matches between male and females will happen and believe me when I tell you it is only a hope.’

  Silence greeted her words and instantly her voice took on a soft warm, almost dreamy tone as she said.

  ‘We all hope that love will come to us, that we will find that special someone who is just for us, so we can make a family if we wish. We all want to believe the heart of someone special will beat in time with ours, and most of all that we will never be alone again. I was told once that we walk this life in search of our other half, because what is life without love and hope. This I have come to realize is something all races and species have in common.’

  Peyton stopped talking as she heard sighs and a few sobs come through the comms. A few breaths later and her voice returned to normal as she continued.

  ‘As I said it is just a hope, a dream you will find the other part of your soul. So onto other things that until now have been a dream. As you can imagine, our new home will not be like what we are used to. The grass may be colored differently, the skies will differ greatly from Earth’s. The Warriors tell me that the time line may be different to what we are used to. This means years could be longer or shorter than three hundred and sixty-five days, and there may be more hours in a day than twenty-four. We have many, many changes to adjust to. It is what we are capable of, all of us have reasons for being on this journey. They are as varied as we are, that is what will make this work. We all want to make a new life and are hungry for change, for more experiences other than just survival, for determination over our own lives.

  Ladies, on your tablets you will learn about the Warriors and other races. Warriors on your tablets you will learn about the humans, please read the information so each of us will have a better understanding of who makes up our society. Do not fear, we understand that we will stumble and fall but we have each other, so the pain of mistakes will be lessened. I would like this to be the last time we refer to each other with a division. From now on we will forever be known as citizens of Maikonia, granted that may be teamed up with Warriors of Maikonia or humans of Maikonia… you get the idea! As we develop our own identity, we will probably find a better description, but for now we go with those.

  Thankfully with the help of our Warriors, we were able to download a huge amount of data on other races and species we may encounter. Also as you are aware, I am speaking in English. Darby Kline and her specialists assure me they will have a working translator as Coalition General is the universal language spoken and written in the Indorino Universe. Coalition General, I am assured is surprisingly not so different from English. So we should be able to grasp it in no time, some more easily than others I am sure.

  Which brings me to another point, ladies please remember that when you are speaking to the Warriors, you need to make sure they understand what you are saying. They are so damn polite, they won’t tell you they have no idea what you said or meant. They are a literal race of beings, and we all know what that means. Well okay some of us do… Oh please, Commander Roeah, you know what I am saying is true.’

  ‘It is because they are Warriors,’ Esther said, ‘they say and mean the same thing, honest like a sword going through a body, sharp and to the point.’

  Horrified at the images her description provoked, Peyton swallowed and said. ‘Well, that was graphic but probably accurate.’

  More laughter as Darby had not paused the comm` ensued. The new Warriors who had arrived with the ships and had not mixed with the humans as much as the others stared at Peyton with confusion. She winked at them saying. ‘You will get used to us.’

  They looked at Hawk who gave a small smile as he said. ‘Truly, you will!’

  ‘That’s the spirit!’ Helen called from where she sat with Brenda they both now had tea. Peyton gave them a look, wondering if they had laced their cups with anything, they both seemed exceedingly happy.

  When the laughing in the room and around the ships finished. Peyton continued. ‘Well, as you know, we are in a flotilla of ships on the screens you will see the ships carrying us. The four very large ones are Warships, the next six are Battleships. Then there are six transporters, four cargo ships and between one or two hundred, one man fighter jets... Yes, I know Melody; they don’t look like jets... just go with it. We are carrying just over seventy thousand women and children, with just under ten thousand Warriors with more to come. Here I would like to remind you all about water. I am sure you are all aware water on board a ship is at a premium, as you can imagine there are no shops to go buy more from. Our water is reclaimed and filtered I am told even for advanced societies, water on ships is a delicate balance of acquiring and using it. So please use the sonic showers, remember that water is precious and we should manage well enough. Oh yeah, another thing, shoes! You must wear the ship shoes that are provided, as you will have noticed the replicators have several styles to choose from, please one pair per person. The replicators need material to replicate from, so remember they are not an inexhaustibly resource.

  All children and babies must wear the shoes as well. The reason for this is the ships make their own gravity. If for any reason this falters, goes out or goes down whatever they call it. You will fly all over the place and hurt yourselves. Now, if this does happen and you are wearing the shoes, they will automatically engage and hold you to the floor or walls or your bed. Again you get the idea! Of course you can still walk around you just won’t fly or roll or thump. When the gravity is reinstated, they will automatically disengage, it is that easy. So keep them on and hope it doesn’t happen when you are in the shower… what Heather, oh, they are gravity fed… I knew you meant the showers, sheesh!

  Commander Roeah just told me that there is an anti-gravity section on level twelve if you would like seeing what it is like not to have gravity… so going to try that… yes Melody with you.

  So now comes the time to unveil a little more information about the worlds we are to inhabit. One of the nine is a planet called Huntaway. This planet will be dedicated to the Warriors, are you happy Melody? I hadn’t forgotten… I was going to tell them first.’

  She looked at the stunned Warriors with a smile and said. ‘Well, I named it Huntaway but you of course can name it whatever you want, it is yours after all.’

  When they said nothing she became a little nervous, with a look at Melody, who nodded encouragement she cleared her throat and said. ‘Anyway, it is teeming with beasts for hunting, this is a planet for the Warriors and anyone else wishing to test themselves against wild beasts and the environment. Which I am told is unpredictable at best. The terrain is mountainous with large rivers, and there are lakes surrounded by forests and that is the nice part of the planet. Apparently there are also jungles with dangerous beasts hiding in them. So lots of hunting that will test the skills of our Warriors and hopefully produce meat for our tables.’

  She watched as absolute stillness came over the Warriors, she had to assume it was the same everywhere. Melody said quietly. ‘I think you broke them.’

  Kerol looked at her, his eyes wide and bright. ‘Star Daughter, you gave us a planet to hunt on?’

  Hawk cleared his throat, his voice rough as he asked. ‘Is that correct Madam Peyton?’

  Peyton smiled softly. ‘It is, the planet is of medium size, with three small moons which all have beasts for hunting. I was told they are overfed with no predators and have run wild, culling themselves when they can be bothered. The planet and moons are teaming with edible beasts called Cabu. These ladies are a type of beef, there is an animal called a Roment, which a
pparently resembles a hog. There is also something called a Humera, which is like venison. I have no idea how many other kinds of beasts there are but I am assured that all the beasts are edible, so good for us.’

  Every Warrior dropped to one knee and placed an arm over their hearts in a salute. Peyton looked at her friends and asked. ‘Was it something I said?’

  Hawk rose and took her hand in his and brought it to his forehead in benediction, it was the first time he had ever touch her. ‘Star Daughter… Madam Peyton, you have given us freedom and now a world to hunt on. When we agreed to leave everything we knew, to hopefully realize a life we had only ever dreamed of we never believed we could hunt. We are honored that you would know what it means to a Warrior to test himself in a hunt. To give us a planet from the nine, for all who wish to do so. This Madam, is far more than we dreamed of.’

  ‘As well as moons.’ Darby was sure to remind him.

  Hawk inclined his head to her. ‘As well as the moons, now we can finally have Warrior tests as we should. We... I thank you. Our loyalty is yours forever!’

  Each Warrior roared their agreement across twenty ships and all the one manned fighters. The cheer was loud and long enough to bring tears to every woman’s eyes.

  Peyton smiled as she handed a cloth to Melody who growled as she pushed her hand away saying. ‘On my last nerve, Star girl!’

  Laughing, Peyton stated to the Warriors. ‘A Warrior deserves to hunt and test themselves against the environment and beasts, but know this my Warriors. I will be quite distraught if you get yourselves killed, so no dying, agreed?’

  ‘So dramatic.’ Melody mumbled to Netta who ginned her agreement.

  Hawk laughed, actually laughed taking him from a serious male to a startling handsome light-hearted man. It was fascinating to Peyton, who secretly vowed to try to make him laugh or at least be lighter of heart more often. He said. ‘All I can promise is we will do our best not to perish!’

  Peyton hugged him tightly and whispered, using his first name. Which, if he was honest, startled him more than the hug did. Instinct had his body stiffening at her touch, sadly, it was a natural reaction to any contact, but one he and his males were trying to conquer.

  ‘Do not die Hawk. I need you… we need you. We cannot do this without you. I cannot do this without you?’

  At her words he pulled back and looked down into her upturned face and saw she was indeed serious. He inclined his head as he softly said. ‘I will endeavor to survive and stay with you Madam.’

  Peyton smiled and released him, then cleared her throat and nodded to Darby, who un-paused the comms.

  ‘Okay then, another planet is ready and waiting to be the jewel of the nine. I see a resort, many years ago there were places on Earth that catered to the rich and famous, everyone wanted to go there. I am sure you all have seen vids and pictures of them. So think of the French Riviera, Macau and Zürich, in the past these were some of the most luxurious destinations on our world. Reportedly these places had luxury hotels and eating establishments as well as the best shopping. There was nothing they could not provide to their guests. This planet I am speaking of could become something like that.

  The must-go-to destination, of the universe! A dream place. We can make that happen. We need to name it as we do to some of the other worlds. So on your tablet you will find a page, for you to make suggestions for names, the best ones will be voted on before we land.

  Now we are fortunate to have a world we can dedicate to horticulture and agriculture, we will be able to feed all the other worlds from this one. Of course other worlds will grow things as well… Yes, Heather like vegetables and fruit, thank you for that! Now from what Commander Hawk and Botanist Nina tell me, we may in the future be traders for exotic items not seen outside of Earth... Not coffee that will have to be discussed. I mean it Darby, do not, we will see me! Trade the tea we brought with us... no Lukkas, not the chocolate or coffee.’

  Laughter ensued, even the Warriors smiled at her vehement tone. ‘The largest planet will be our base or home world known as Maikonia Prime. This planet has always being known as such, so while we can name some of the others, this one will remain as it is, Maikonia Prime or just Prime. It will be dedicated entirely to housing the military. There will be residents and shops but primary it is a military planet. We will train Warriors, build all types of ships and this is where we will invent and develop new ways to protect our mates and young. As well as discover new ways to protect and serve the universe. Missions will be deployed from there. Prime will be the planet that will oversee all the other worlds, it will protect our solar system.

  Our worlds will be run on a military structure that will be outlined later. We are as I have already said, but it is worth stating again. A Warrior society, our mates will no doubt be Warriors of some type. Now ladies, I would like you to think of what that means to these Warriors. Men who have never had a place to call home or indeed a home world. So we will give these brave Warriors a home to be proud of and a place they will want to come back too.

  Now to return to what I was saying before… yes Heather, I know I forgot… you can hear I am about to make it right… yes there is tone! Now ladies, like you these wonderful males are genuinely searching for that elusive dream we have all read and seen vids about, love and acceptance. Let us hope you are it for them, and they are it for you. So remember when one of these brave men takes his courage in his hands and approaches you, he may be your mate. Now as Heather reminded me. On your tablets are ways for you to tell if that Warrior is your mate or should I say if you are the lucky mate for him. There will be indicators, please learn them so you will recognize them. My wish for us all, is that we are able to find love and friendship in each other. I know you ladies will protect these wonderful men’s hearts and souls and in return they will give us devotion, love, and undying loyalty.

  Seriously what more could either of you want?...Yes Lukkas sex... yes, there will be sex... no Willian... I am sure Heather and her healers can hold classes on sex for the ladies. No Lukkas, I don’t think they would want you to go to their classes... No Kerol, you cannot teach the classes. Heather stop laughing and deal with this... frigging sex maniacs.’

  It took some time for the laughter to quieten down, this time. Eventually, it subsided enough for her to continue. ‘My word, this speech was longer than I thought it would be, but there was so much to tell you and we have to learn and understand. As I have already stated we are so very much behind in our understanding and education of technology and other races in this universe. But we will continue to grow, learn, and we will adapt. Read and learn as much as you can from the information on your tablets as well as from the vids on the screens and ask questions. We are all here to help each other and make our new lives happy and safe.

  Okay that is all for now, a lot said and a lot for you to take in, so good traveling and enjoy learning and helping each other. We will make this new life great. Talk soon!’

  Darby cut the connection and Peyton swayed on her feet. Heather helped her to a chair and Helen placed a cup of coffee in her hands. ‘Thank you, I am glad that is over, what did you think?’

  Everyone took seats again as Brenda passed out drinks and plates of sandwiches, the Warriors dove in scooping up the tasty offerings as though they had never been fed before.

  Peyton could feel the nerves she had held at bay come back full force as she sipped her coffee, helping to thaw the lumps of ice in her stomach.

  Helen shrugged. ‘Seemed okay to me.’

  Brenda agreed. ‘Got all the points in and said everything valid.’

  Heather nodded. ‘Talked about the water and shoes.’

  Netta said. ‘I think they mostly understood.’

  Esther murmured. ‘The Warriors are happy.’

  Peyton snorted before she said. ‘Oh well, we are okay then?’

  ‘Sarcastic much?’ Melody asked, taking a sandwich.

  Heather stated as she helped herself to the plate of food.
‘Because she’s a big shot now, being a vid star!’

  Darby said. ‘No, it’s because they laughed.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘So, alright then?’

  ‘Yep!’ Melody assured her.

  Peyton sipped her coffee, loving where she was right now.


  Seven days into their journey and Peyton was not loving where she was right now. She sat at what had become her favorite dining table in the shipteen otherwise known as Helen’s dining room.

  Helen, Brenda and Esther had coordinated the cooks as well as a meal plan for all the ships. So nobody went without healthy food. Helen and her cooks were really appreciated, especially by the Warriors who were eating consistently well, some for the first time that they could remember.

  When the sisters Nina and Fern had discovered the unused hydroponic sections on the ships. They immediately created teams of scientists, gardeners and anyone else interested in cultivating food to help get them operational. Now a hive of industry was well under way, bringing them all back to life.

  Peyton sat looking out of the large floor to ceiling window at the passing view of space. Which she supposed was why she liked this table’s position so much. She sighed as she considered once again the last few days, and especially the speech she had given, had she imparted enough information, had she said too much? She did not know and truthfully was to chicken to ask anyone to find out.

  Heather, Melody and Darby slid into seats around the table. They could all see she was upset but as far as they knew nothing had happened to make her so. At least no one had told them if anyone had said something to upset her and they would have heard. The three ladies would have told them. Heather asked. ‘Hey girl, what’s up?’

  Peyton looked confused as she asked. ‘Why would you think something was up?’

  ‘Oh defensive, a sure sign.’ Melody said as Helen walked over to where they sat, just as Darby asked while she wiggled in her seat. ‘Who moved the table? Its long ways now as opposed to being jammed sideways up against the window, like last time we sat here?’


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