Daughter of Ethos

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Daughter of Ethos Page 41

by L M Lacee

  Half-way through the meeting, Melody had sat back in her chair and turned slightly toward the brother and sister asking. ‘Have you figured it out yet?’

  Rose had nodded. ‘Yes, I would say so.’

  Frand smiled. ‘I think so and have to say I am a little jealous?’


  ‘We grew up in a family of traders and watched our parents hold morn meetings. Not once in all those yentas did we see any of them act this way, there was always something that pulled someone away or someone who needed something. Usually, only our parents or the older traders spoke, unlike here, where everyone seems to have a say.’

  Melody had smiled as she told them. ‘I see how this would be a surprise for you. Everyone is an equal here and everyone has the right to speak and offer opinions. Oh, by the way, welcome to the family!’

  That had been earlier, now Rose and Frand sat with the others watching and listening to the Star Daughter broadcast her speech. They waited for her to yell at the people for the almost constant interruptions. But as they listened, watched and heard the laughter from the listening audience, they realized there would be no reprimands.

  Heather whispered to them both as she slid into a seat next to Rose. ‘It is not the normal way to present a speech, we know. The first time Peyton did this, she was so nervous and we were all so scared. It sort of happened, the interruptions, the information, the laughter all mixed up together, and it worked. So now they all expect it and the Warriors love it, listen to the people on the other ships and watch these males.’

  Rose said. ‘It is truly amazing, she is so not what one expects, the universe has no idea what is coming for them.’ She looked at Frand and grinned when she noticed his shining eyes and smile of contentment. Already the magic of the Star Daughter was working on him, he whispered to her. ‘Rose, this is the best place to be. Our lives are going to be so much better now. I cannot wait to see where we go.’

  Walking pass and hearing the end of the conversation Helen said. ‘That’s the spirit.’

  They tuned back in to hear Peyton say. ‘Alright listen up, we also managed to acquire a new family who are joining our ships and will be coming home with us. They are the Leesungha traders, Rose and her brother Frand as well as their sister Miko. They are to be our traders for Maikonia; now information on trading in the Indorino universe is on your tablets. As time goes on and we have settled more on our worlds and if you are interested in trading or have ideas for items to be traded, you are encouraged to contact the traders. Information on how to do that will be on your tablets but please let us settle first on Maikonia.’

  Rose and Frand burst out laughing as Peyton frowned and asked. ‘What do you mean Heather, did I ask them?’ She scrunched her face up. ‘I think I did. Darby did I?...Oh I didn’t… Rose sorry... Oh good, it’s okay... see Darby it’s okay... no she didn’t just say that. No armee girl it’s not just because she is polite... she so does mean it... Keep out of this armee girl... we could ask, but then you know… What do you mean you don’t know?...You know Melody, you can just shut the hayda… Yes Esther, I know language like that is not needed, yes ma’am, I apologise.’

  Peyton shot Melody a look of retribution which she laughed at, causing Peyton’s eyes to narrow. Netta called out. ‘I am getting old here!’

  Peyton nodded to Darby and said hurriedly. ‘Soooo, that’s all about Rose and her family joining our family... really will you stop laughing Melody, I will ban you all... no Willian it is just a saying... yes it was... no, I would never... sheesh... so sensitive... Oh, they so are... no Heather not when they are bashing each other’s brains out. Okay, so people I am going to talk about something now that seemed to surprise the Warriors, why I can only imagine. Credits, so Warriors I am speaking to you now. Accounts for you and the females will be set up in your names, so we can distribute credits into those accounts. Obviously it will be a little at first but hopefully in time they will grow, as we grow… No Willian I meant the accounts will get larger with credits… No Kerol credits do not make us grow… Well yes, food does. I know Heather but we are not talking about weight are we?

  Now remember every time any female or Warrior works for another world, whether they are guarding, defending, accounting or trading, our world will receive payment as do all of you. We will be charging for your services as well as bonuses... What do you mean what for? To spend Willian... I don’t know, shoot... no Lukkas it is an expression put your blaster away… Melody we talked about that, no weapons in the war room... I do not care that it is called a war room. See this face, it is frowning... no not at you Lukkas… Yes Helen, I was talking about credits. Now Warriors you can buy flowers for your mate, because Kerol it is a nice thing to do... You know what. I do not care that you don’t know what to spend your credits on. Save the friggin’ things... no William I am not upset... yes Kerol, females like flowers... yes, I am sure Nina is going to grow flowers... really, other worlds. Oh yes, sorry Commander Hawk.

  Now to my next order of business, I have some requests to make. We need accountants, lawyers, designers and tradespeople. Do you have the program done Darby?…Oh, it will be finished tonight, okay so when the program is finished... no, there was no tone... I swear I know how hard you all work... I swear I do. Okaay! So tomorrow morn... because I thought that would ease the pressure on you... Yes, most definitely there is tone now... No Willian don’t look for it hon’ it is a saying... yes another one... See this is why I don’t... Yes Darby, there is still tone. So tomorrow there will be a program installed on your tablets, it is for everyone to enter an occupation... Yes, preferably their own, thank you Melody. This is not set in stone we just need an idea of what you all can do, to get things rolling on our worlds once we arrive. One of the things I would like to have started now is a formal union, marriage or mating ceremony, whatever we wish to call it. So celebrants if we have any, I realize we may not have. Oh, we do... really Brenda, you are a celebrant... that is so nice... yes thank you. So if all the celebrants could get in contact with Brenda, contact information on your tablets.

  Seriously ladies, wait until I am finished, quick aren’t they? As I was saying, get with Brenda and come up with a ceremony. We have couples who have found each other, so it would be nice to formalize their joining... Oh no I never did... Helen just asked if you all want that.’

  A resounding yes came back to them, through the ships comms.

  ‘Alright then.’ Peyton said pleased. ‘Oh… Oh! No Commander I am okay, the Star Child just informed me they will be blessing each mating with a symbol and I am a little worried… because the couples may not like it... Yes it is from the Star Child... yes, you are right Commander Hawk; everyone will feel proud, I am sure to wear their symbol... Are you sure ladies... okay, the ladies on the council agree with Commander Hawk.

  Hopefully, you will all like what it is, so a drawing of the symbol will be on your tablet when Jean uploads it. As you all know Maikonia is a system designed by the Star Child for the Star Daughter and the people who live there. Apparently the symbol is like the name of our system, non-negotiable and remember when you see the markings they are a blessing from the Star Child. Only people of our worlds will ever wear them.

  Just to give you an idea, it is a marking that will encircle each wrists about half an inch wide it will be in the script of the stars. On the left will be the name of Maikonia and the name of your mate. On the right will be the name of Maikonia and your name. Both mates will have them, and they will appear at the consummation of the mating... Eww! I will not explain that ... seriously no… work it out for yourselves. Well, I believe that is everything I have to tell you for now. If there is anything else. We will talk about it just before we land... No Commander Hawk, landing is an expression. Seriously, we are going to have a talk about these terms. So I will say goodbye for now, use your tablets and contact who you need to. Oh, just a thought here, Warriors do not forget to tell us what your occupation is... yes thank you Willian. I do know it is Warrio
r, but some if not all the Warriors know other things as well... what do you mean Melody… like what? Like computers and plumbing. Communications and healing, building, work like that… because people talk... yes, they do… sometimes around me... I am not exaggerating healer girl... fine, Helen and the ladies tell me... Oh, wait a min, Warrior Kolin, he is an engineer, and he told me that himself! Okay everyone we are done. Talk soon.’

  Darby closed the transmission as Peyton slumped into her chair asking the others. ‘So, what did you think?’

  Esther told her. ‘Same as before, got all the information out.’

  ‘Squashed some ugly rumors.’ Helen stated.

  ‘Made everyone know to use their tablets more, so they do not keep asking me stupid questions.’ Netta grumbled.

  ‘Okay, Netta. I think you need mat time. Go beat someone up.’ Peyton grinned at her.

  ‘I am out of here, see you all in two hours. I have booked the room, do not forget.’ She told Peyton, as she waved goodbye. They all watched her go as Melody noted. ‘Got the Star Child involved, which is good, it helps everyone to normalize them.’

  Kerol agreed with her. ‘This is true, the more the ladies think of them as a reality, the more of a presence they will become in their lives.’

  ‘So a success!’ High-fived Esther and Heather as everyone moved off, leaving Rose, Frand and Peyton together.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Peyton asked them both as Frand kept looking at her strangely.

  He finally croaked out. ‘I think I am not.’

  ‘Oh, do you need Heather?’

  He smiled. ‘No Madam Peyton, I just need a strong… very strong drink.’

  He then wandered off, and she watched him speak to Hawk, then together they walked out the room. She asked Rose. ‘So, he has a drinking problem?’

  Before Rose could repute that, Helen came back handed Peyton’s cup to her and said. ‘No, he is in shock at how you could be so disorganized when you give a speech.’

  ‘Hey, I thought you liked it?’

  ‘Really! That was what you thought.’


  The following morning Kerol paced back and forth along the passageway outside Helen, Brenda and Esther’s cabins. He had swapped his early morn duty with Sarn, so he and his brother Lukkas could hopefully talk to the ladies before their day started.

  It never occurred to them to just knock on one of the cabin doors and announce themselves. Instead, they, in Kerol’s case paced the passageway as they waited for one of the females to open a door. Lukkas leaned against the wall and watched his brother while amusement played around his mouth.

  Kerol growled as he paced. ‘Do not find too much enjoyment in my dilemma brother of mine. Your turn will come, and I will be the one amused.’

  Lukkas straightened as he heard movement inside the room across from him. ‘Until then brother of mine, I will stay very amused. It is not often I have been witness to the hard calculating, precise Captain Kerol Nahail, being whacked upside the head as Madam says. Allow me to enjoy this momentous occasion!’

  ‘Stop teasing your brother, he looks like he is going to bust a valve.’ Esther said coming along the hall, they both turned quickly, neither of them had heard her cabin door open or her approach.

  ‘Lady Esther,’ Kerol said relieved, ‘I am very glad to see you?’

  Concerned at his desperate tone, Esther banged on Brenda and Helen’s doors. ‘Get out here, one of the boys needs us.’

  The doors flew open. ‘Kerol, Lukkas what is it?’ Brenda asked as Helen demanded. ‘Has someone been hurt, is it Peyton?’

  Brenda asked sharply. ‘What is it Esther?’

  ‘I do not know, I just found them lurking in the hall.’

  ‘Lurking! We were not lurking Lady Esther. I apologize, no one is hurt. We have been waiting… we were waiting. We did not want to disturb you.’ Kerol told the three females.

  ‘It doesn’t work like that?’ Brenda scolded them. ‘If you need us, you knock and we come out. Do not do that in the future.’

  ‘Now, what has happened?’ Helen demanded for the second time.

  Kerol opened his mouth but nothing came out, his shoulders slumped and his head hung down. The three ladies were instantly worried, and it showed in their expressions. Lukkas tried to hide his laughter at his brother’s predicament, finally he managed to say. ‘Ladies, Kerol has found his mate!’

  ‘Oh my!’ They chorused.

  Brenda crowed. ‘That is wonderful.’

  Helen asked. ‘Are you unhappy?’

  Esther demanded to know. ‘What is the matter boy?’

  ‘Is it Peyton?’ Brenda asked sympathetically as Helen asked her. ‘Why would it be Peyton?’

  ‘Well, you know, she loves these boys.’

  ‘Oh I see.’ Helen looked at Kerol and Lukkas thoughtfully.

  Esther grinned at her two best friends, who were as close as sisters and shook her head. ‘Really, you two are as bad as Melody and Netta.’

  Which made them both laugh, they had both witnessed and been pulled into the wild speculations Melody and Netta indulged in. Especially when they needed to explain something they did not understand or something someone did, that they did not understand.

  Esther told them. ‘Peyton loves them like brothers but that is not fixing the problem.’

  ‘Oh of course.’ Helen looked at Lukkas and asked. ‘Is she ugly, is that the problem?’

  Lukkas almost fell over he laughed so hard as Brenda and Esther tried and failed to not laugh at her question. Kerol raised tortured eyes to theirs.

  ‘She is beautiful, exceptional. Did I say beautiful?’ He waved his hand down his face. ‘I do not know what to do. I am like this.’

  He stared off into space again as they all stopped laughing, except for Lukkas, who with supreme effort managed to get himself under control and tell them.

  ‘My brother assumes, as she is a beautiful…’

  Kerol interrupted. ‘Most beautiful!’

  ‘I apologize a most beautiful female. She will not want him as he is scarred and an idiot. I told him she would want him because he is strong and loyal and a good brother, also being an idiot is temporary. He does not think that is enough.’ Lukkas smiled, and they smiled back as they tried not laughing again.

  Helen stated. ‘We need tea, Warriors, inside please.’

  They all walked into Helen’s cabin, whereby Helen sat the males down as Brenda and Esther made them tea.

  Brenda cleared her throat a few minutes later when they were all seated. ‘While all those points Lukkas made are very good and valid, a female likes a male for who he is, for what he says.’

  ‘How he behaves and how he treats her.’ Helen chipped in.

  ‘How he loves her. Not how he looks on the outside.’ Esther told them emphatically.

  ‘Mind you?’ Brenda said. ‘It does help!’

  ‘Oh, of course!’ Helen dreamily agreed with her.

  Esther declared. ‘Yes, it sure does, and you Kerol have nothing to worry about. You are a handsome male and any female would be proud to call you her mate.’

  ‘See, I told you so!’ Lukkas stated to his brother, who jumped up saying. ‘Flowers! I must have flowers.’

  Esther growled at him. ‘Stop listening to Peyton, she likes flowers. Not all females are won over by them, what you need to do first. Wait a min, what is this female’s name. Who is it?’

  Kerol ducked his head as he sat back down. ‘She is the most beautiful Penny Tonne.’

  ‘Do we know her?’ Brenda asked the other two.

  Helen squinted as she thought. ‘I do not recall meeting her.’

  Esther smiled. ‘She is teaching classes in English, remember Peyton recommended her. She was the one to help Peyton and all those females escape back on Earth.’

  Helen smiled as she remembered the female. ‘Oh yes, I remember, a wonderful female.’

  Brenda agreed. ‘Very brave.’

  ‘A good match.’ Esther murmu
red pleased for Penny and Kerol.

  ‘What you need is an old-fashioned introduction.’ Helen said thoughtfully.

  ‘In the old days, way before we were born.’ Brenda told them. ‘Females and males of Earth were introduced to each other by a third person. I think that is what is needed here.’

  Esther snapped her link off. ‘She is on her way.’

  Kerol popped right off his chair. ‘I must go and prepare; this is most unexpected. I did not know...’

  He took a step and stopped and then took one back and stopped.

  Lukkas shook his head. ‘An idiot, she will run far, far away!’

  Helen hit his arm. ‘Stop that pup, she is not going to run.’

  ‘Look at him, he is going to blow!’ Esther told Brenda who pushed Kerol into his chair and said.

  ‘Breathe Kerol breathe, all will be well, she is a beautiful strong female and just right for you.’

  He turned his worried eyes on her, just as there came a knock on the door. Without thought his head whipped around to Helen as she moved to answer the summons. Kerol felt every muscle in his body tighten and draw up into their combat ready status.

  Esther watched as his face ran through a gauntlet of expressions, finally settling on resigned. As though he knew his mate was going to take one look at him and run for the hills. She wanted to wrap him up in her arms and tell him it would be alright but she could not, she did not know if it would be.

  Although she supposed it should be, their mating as with other matings was in away fated. It seemed that when a Warrior found his mate a chemical reaction triggered at their basic genetic level. That same chemical stimulated and triggered a reaction in the females who were their match. It was as though they were calling to each other. The scientists were puzzled as to why this happened. Brenda called it love but as she said time and again, she was not a scientist.


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