Daughter of Ethos

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Daughter of Ethos Page 43

by L M Lacee

  ‘Eve- meal?’

  ‘Yep.’ As she turned to leave, Melody said. ‘Hey Darby, Peyton fixed him and lied about it?’

  Darby came to an abrupt halt. ‘She did not!’ Her voice was serious as she turned and faced Melody, a ferocious look on her face.

  Heather said. ‘She so did!’

  Darby stood there with her foot tapping as Dinas watched her with amusement. She looked like an annoyed doll. While his concentration was on Darby and Melody, Hawk quickly passed the injector to Heather who plunged it into Dinas’s upper arm, before he could protest, he passed out.

  Hawk breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Thank you my friends, he can be obnoxious sometimes about what goes in his body. It saved a large argument.’

  Darby walked back and told him. ‘This is a new download. I am sorry, but all the others only partially worked. I am hoping he will accept the whole of this download and if he does, we will have a working application for the other Warriors if not maybe he can help with a new one.’

  Heather said. ‘I think we should leave the rest of the sleepers in stasis until we are planet side. We are just not equipped to handle all of them in medical and Hawk cannot be here every min.’

  Darby sighed in agreement. ‘I know, what do you think, Hawk?’

  ‘Leave them as Heather advises, Dinas will be able to help regardless of his manner now, he is from what I recall a brilliant healer.’

  ‘Oh, he is!’ Darby said. ‘Heather you should read his case notes, he is an excellent healer. In fact you two should work well together. He will at least not be working off only notes.’

  Heather sighed with pleasure as she said. ‘That is true and seriously anyone that can help, is gold in my book.’ She smiled at Hawk saying. ‘It’s okay Hawk, he will be fine. Go take a walk, stretch your legs. Darby how long until he wakes up?’

  ‘An hour, I will sit with him, until you are back Hawk.’

  ‘Thank you Heather.’ Hawk stood and stretched. ‘I will take your advice and Darby if he wakes before I return, do not let him flirt with you.’ He watched as a delightful flush of pink appeared on her face and she ducked her head.

  Melody smiled. ‘Come on old man, I will buy you a drink of tea. Esther will need to be told about Dinas and we can let it slip that Peyton used her power. That should be good for a laugh.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘Your humor escapes me, but I will come with you. Esther will need to be brought up to date. She does not like to be left out of the loop, whatever that means?’

  They wandered off with Melody explaining the term to Hawk as Heather said to Darby. ‘What aren’t you saying?’

  Darby took Hawk’s seat and held Dinas’s hand, like she had seen Peyton and Melody do. ‘I think that Hawk’s brothers were with Dinas when he was taken and they aren’t here. In a report he uploaded it says he believes four Elites were killed by a missile of some kind. They could not find the bodies but they found fragments of bones. Dinas was unable to test them but he presumed they all perished. I think they were Hawk’s brothers. How do we tell him?’

  ‘We don’t, until we know for sure, we hope for him and I will ask Dinas before Hawk does.’

  ‘Alright Heather, thank you, I could not say it. I know I should be able to but…’

  ‘Sweetie, until we know for sure we know nothing. Remember that okay?’

  ‘I will.’

  ‘Well, I will leave you. I’ll be back.’

  ‘Okay, hey did Peyton really lie?’

  ‘You know Peyton.’

  ‘Yeah, enough of the truth to be truthful.’

  ‘Yep, that’s our girl.’

  An hour later to the minute, Dinas opened his eyes slowly and spied Darby, her head bent over a tablet.

  ‘Lady Darby.’

  She grinned as she raised her eyes to the handsome male. ‘Hawk said you are not allowed to flirt with me.’

  ‘He has always been a spoilsport.’ He replied making Darby laugh, then ask. ‘How do you feel now?’

  Dinas answered. ‘I feel more orientated, not so displaced.’

  ‘Good, can you please look at the download? I designed it to release information as you need it. We found the Warriors have a very literal mind and structured thinking pattern. Designed I would assume?’

  ‘You would assume right, I do not frighten you Lady Darby?’

  ‘It is just Darby, and no, did you want to?’

  ‘No, dearle lady, I do not.’

  ‘Oh good! So can you look please?’

  ‘Of course, what shall I look for?’

  ‘Something that is annoying you?’

  ‘How long was I in stasis?’ He asked out loud, but Darby could see he was searching for the information in his mind. He sat up and held his head in his hands, when he lifted his eyes to hers, they held desperation and sadness. ‘So long, I have been gone a very long time.’

  She nodded and said quietly. ‘Hawk mourned you, he lost his brothers and his best friend all at the same time. I am sorry so much life has passed you by, but another way of looking at it is you woke up at the right time.’

  ‘I have?’

  ‘Yes, we are here!’

  He smiled a slow smile and said. ‘This is very true Darby, and I am thinking it is a very good time to be alive and back in the world.’

  Darby nodded as he shook his head and rubbed his eyes with the balls of his hands. ‘Still, it was very cruel, to do that, rip us from him. He must have been so alone.’

  ‘He probably was, he made friends with others and he had Kerol and now he has us. We try real hard to fill all the lonely places in him, in them all. We hope we can anyway.’

  ‘What do you fill them with?’ He asked, his voice going even softer with hope.

  Darby leaned nearer and said. ‘With hope, love and protection.’

  He frowned confused. ‘You protect what?’

  ‘Your hearts, all your hearts.’

  ‘I do not understand?’

  ‘I know, you will in time, now,’ she said briskly, ‘look please at the design of the kill switch, do you recognize it?’

  He looked and then in a swift move threw himself from the bed. Thankfully he was wearing pants Darby thought as she breathed out in surprise.

  Danger and rage engulfed Dinas as it never had before. He braced his hands on his hips, tipped his head to the ceiling and yelled, the walls flexed with the force of his power. Darby was impressed at the control he exerted, even though the suddenness of it scared her. She watched in amazement as he pulsed power again. Heather came running but stopped when she saw Darby sitting calmly where she had left her.

  Several Warriors moved in from the corridor at a sign from Heather and with one last look at the raging male they left. Heather placed a hand on her shoulder, with a trembling hand Darby held it, as she explained. ‘He just found out about the kill switch.’

  ‘Oh, that would do it.’

  Dinas grabbed hunks of his long black hair as he murmured random words.

  ‘What is he saying?’ Heather asked Darby, who shrugged. ‘I think he is cussing but in languages I do not know, he is very good at it.’ She said admiringly. Heather grinned at her tone. ‘Yep, he has good rhythm.’

  ‘Huh! Maybe that is what I am missing in my cussing.’

  Heather nodded with a soft smile. ‘Maybe!’

  Hawk walked in just as Dinas came to a stop, every motion stilled as his breathing became shallow and his eyes searched Hawks. Then a smile broke out on his face, and he hugged his brother and whispered. ‘We have a home. You did it my brother.’

  Darby and Heather walked from the room, leaving them to their joy as the brothers discussed more of the information Dinas accessed from the download. When he had showered and dressed, Hawk took his brother and best friend to meet one of his new best friends. Esther, who waited with her best friends to meet Dinas.


  Rose and Frand’s Parta Savo, was nothing like Peyton had pictured, she thought he would be an older ver
sion of Frand, tall and lean of frame with muscle.

  Wiry, Melody called him, Peyton also assumed he would be similar to the siblings and have the same black hair and amber eyes. He was not; he was tall yes, thin no. Although he did have the same soft lemon coloring as Frand, who had explained when Peyton commented on this, that the Leesungha males always bred true.

  Meaning, Rose explained, all males were the color of their fathers. Females more often than not resembled their mothers, as she and Miko did. Her cousin Teenarlo was a shade lighter than her own mother Teelu, who was nothing like the members of the Leesungha family. She was a very beautiful beige color. Her hair was a darker beige compared to her skin tone and her eyes were chocolate brown as were her eyebrows and eyelashes. Truthfully, all Peyton could think of when she had been introduced to Rose’s unta and cousin, was waffles and cream.

  Savo had deep blue eyes and a hearty laugh that belied his shrewd eyes, he looked fifty and was probably far older. He took the news of Rose and Frand’s crash and subsequent rescue with a small shake of his head. His eyes revealed an understanding that confirmed Peyton’s suspicions but that was for later. Right now she greeted him and his mate Teelu and all three of his children with pleasure.

  Their first son Reeico and second son Savna were just younger versions of their father although they all had their mothers chocolate brown eyes. They were all a few yentas older than Rose, Frand and Miko. Who Peyton was amused to see was an almost carbon copy of Rose, except she had longer hair and was quite shy.

  Minutes after they had been introduced to each other and at Savo’s request. Peyton led them to the cargo holds where Savo and his entire family including Rose, Frand and Miko compared inventory and priced the hoard which is what Darby called the cargo. When they finished, everyone retired to Helen’s dining room where they met the rest of Peyton’s family.

  Rose took an enormous amount of enjoyment introducing her family to her new friends, including Dinas who was as polite and amusing as Hawk said he would be. Even Melody was seen laughing and talking to him, without a weapon in sight.

  After a fabulous meal, thanks to the three ladies, they got down to business. The contract was brought out and Rose’s Unta Teelu who was a Lalorla or the equivalent of a lawyer, proceeded to scrutinize each paragraph of the contract, much to Rose’s horror and Peyton’s delight.

  Darby asked Savo if he would know where she could obtain a copy of the law they were using. He delighted in gifting it to her. She was very pleased, and quickly downloaded it into the data stream making it available to their Lalorlas on board the ships. Darby then set the computer to search for all law pertaining to the Indorino universe. Now she had an idea what to look for, their Lalorlas would be drowning in laws.

  Once the contract had been dissected added to and altered until it was almost changed beyond what was originally written. Darby, Rose and her Unta Teelu seemed happy with what they decided on. Peyton just said whatever Rose and Darby were pleased with, pleased her. The Leesungha family all looked at her like she had made the worse statement in history. Rose and Darby assured them she meant it.

  Then came the signing of the contract, Hawk was amused and humbled to be drafted into signing as well. ‘You are my First Commander.’ Peyton told him. ‘So you should get used to signing things like this.’

  Hawk’s response made her smile in understanding and feel saddened at the same time. ‘I have never signed my name to a document that was not to issue an order, it is just as well, I have practiced.’

  Once they had the document signed, it would be recorded with the trader’s guild. The guild, it seemed was situated on a planet that housed the trader councilors who presided over all trading disputes. Peyton was amazed to learn they had their own court as well as Ambassadors.

  Savo and Teelu said once the contract was registered, Rose, Frand and Miko would be recognized as a legitimate trading house. Savo also told Peyton, that once every yenta the traders all gathered together on the trader’s planet. Whereby all disputes and offenses were heard and judged. He issued an invitation to her on behalf of the guild for her to attend their next gathering, she gracefully accepted.

  Teelu told her it was a lunera long affair, at Peyton’s horrified look, she had laughed and said she would not be required to attend the whole lunera. Although Rose, Miko and Frand would be.

  Peyton had sighed her relief and then turned to Rose and said formerly. ‘Rose Leesungha, chief trader for Maikonia, trade our goods please. We need those items we discussed, and we need credits.’

  Rose bowed in formal acknowledgment of the title and order. ‘As the Star Daughter requests. Trading will commence.’

  They all went to the war room which had the most screens and a comm` was established with several prominent traders, negotiations for the goods was fast and furious. Peyton and those not of the trader family just watched fascinated as Rose and Savo traded via screens. The language they used was incomprehensible, unless it seemed you were a trader. Occasionally a trader on screen would say something and the whole Leesungha family broke out in laughter, then something else would be said and a screen would go dark.

  Apparently they were uninterested or their trade was completed, instantly another person would appear, and the talk would commence again. It was amazing and reverting and held Peyton enthralled.

  Sometime later when it appeared that there was a lull in trading. Reeico, Savo and Teelu’s first son and Rose’s older cousin took the opportunity while his parents were involved in a discussion with Rose. To ask Peyton if he may speak with her. She consented, and he, Netta and Hawk moved away from the group surrounding the table.

  He looked at the other two and with a nod said in his quiet way. ‘I apologize, I should have realized.’

  ‘It is understandable, we do not take offense.’ Hawk assured him. ‘Our Star Daughter is very new to our universe. She is easily confused on some matters.’

  Peyton secretly grinned, this was untrue but it let the male off the hook. Protocol dictated he should have made the request through Hawk or Netta. Hawk was also allowing his mistake to slide, but making him aware the blunder was noted and they were unoffended.

  Reeico apologized with a bow and an uneasy expression. ‘Forgive my forwardness. I truly did not mean any disrespect.’

  Peyton gave his arm a pat. ‘Be at ease, I forget things all the time. I am not offended. Now before Darby realizes she is missing out on something, what can I do for you?’

  With a nod from Hawk, he said. ‘Madam Peyton, I wondered if you and your worlds would be interested in having inventors join you?’

  Netta asked. ‘What do you invent?’

  He smiled with a mixture of pride and enjoyment. ‘I and my sister Teenarlo and three of our cousins invented the floating trunks and beds that Rose showed you. We also have updated remodelled a regeneration tube. We also have several medical projects under development and are working on a storage cube, triggered to lock and unlock by a person’s breath. They will be small enough to slip inside a pocket or large enough to accommodate the contents of a dwelling. We are modifying them to interlock; this will allow them to remain stable, so they can be used in cargo holds. Soon there will be no need for containment fields or tie downs.’

  Hawk was impressed as he said. ‘That is amazing, shipping cargo would be changed forever.’

  Reeico grinned with pride as he told them. ‘This is so. We will revolutionize cargo transportation. We also have developed water that cleans but not in the normal way. It will strip the dirt and other soils off a body without the use of an agent and leaves the skin, soft and clean. I can give you a demonstration of its use, we call it schrouse water. It is very experimental, but we are well on the way to completion.’

  Netta asked. ‘So, you can’t drink it?’

  ‘No Captain, it is purely for cleaning a body.’

  ‘Why is it not completed?’ Jean asked as she arrived.

  Netta made the introductions. ‘This is Jean, our an
alyst and all around systems expert.’

  They shook hands as Jean stepped back next to Netta. Reeico spread his hands wide as he smiled and answered her question. ‘What all inventors and scientists as well as engineers need. Credits, labor and a place to work.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Jean comm` Engineer Kolin please.’ She then addressed Reeico. ‘With your parent’s permission. I would like to welcome you to Maikonia as our Chief Inventor, Reeico Leesungha.’ He beamed a smile, as she said. ‘As for your unasked question. Yes, we will gladly accept your people and fund your company.’

  He raised an eyebrow. ‘That easy!’

  Peyton laughed, then said, ‘Oh my stars, did he just say easy!’

  Netta shook her head and said. ‘I know.’

  Peyton shook her head as well, saying. ‘This will not be easy, you have to negotiate with our new chief trader and Lady Darby.’ She laughed again as she and Netta moved away.

  Reeico scratched his head and said to Hawk. ‘I do not understand.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘It happens when talking to Madam at times. I am sure when you think on it you will realize why they laugh, if not, tomorrow should give you some understanding.’ He turned from the puzzled male to Jean and asked. ‘Specialist Jean, when Kolin arrives, could you sit with him and chief Reeico and obtain understanding on what it is he and his people do and need? Then tomorrow meet with chief trader Rose and Lady Darby please?’

  ‘You betcha!’

  They heard groaning as Reeico realized what Hawk meant and why Peyton and Netta had laughed. Jean grinned at the sound as Hawk asked her again as he was unsure she had understood him. ‘I can leave this with you?’

  She nodded as she agreed. ‘You sure can. I gotcha Commander Hawk.’

  He looked at Netta who had returned, she grinned and told the two bewildered males. ‘She has it.’

  Hawk sighed and said, ‘Good.’

  He walked away, shaking his head just as Kolin arrived. Netta grinned and high-fived Jean and together they said. ‘So cool.’

  The saying was becoming very catchy. After Netta had introduced Reeico to Warrior Kolin, they walked over to a corner where seating had been placed. Reeico was joined by his sister Teenarlo. Once the introductions had been made they got down to explaining what their fledgling company was doing and what they would need.


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