Fair Lakes Series Box Set

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Fair Lakes Series Box Set Page 6

by Kaylee Ryan, Lacey Black

  “It doesn’t work like that, Harrison,” she murmurs.

  “This is our story, baby. We can write it however we want. I want to raise this baby with you.”

  “Of course you will. You’re the father,” she scoffs.

  “With you and me in the same house, sleeping in the same bed, working on siblings for Peanut. That’s what I want. I want the life we planned but pushed to the side.”

  “How do we do that? How do we get that back? Can we get it back?” she asks.

  “We can,” I say adamantly.

  “We signed the papers,” she reminds me.

  “I know that. We also signed our marriage license, something that can easily be repeated,” I say, looking into her eyes.

  She drops her head and traces my tattoo when suddenly her fingers stop moving. “Your ring,” she whispers. “You’re still wearing your ring.”

  “I made a promise to you when you gave me that ring. We lost our way, and I’m to blame for that, but we can make it back. I never for one second stopped loving you.”

  “Love was never the issue,” she counters.

  “I know that. I let myself get carried away with work. All the while I thought it was for us. To make the gym a success, so when we decided to start a family, we would be set financially so you could stay home if you chose to do so.” I pause, letting my confession sink in. “I was an idiot.”

  “All right,” a nurse says, barging in on us. “We’ve got your room set up. Here are her things. You want to follow me?” the nurse asks.

  “Oh, you don’t—”

  “Lead the way,” I say, reaching out to grab the bag of personal items from her. I step back and watch as they help Winnie into a wheelchair and drape a blanket over her lap. When they start to move, so do I. The nurse gets her settled in her new room, with a promise to come back and check in on her soon.

  “Where do you want this stuff?” I ask her.

  She points to the cabinet. “I guess just throw it in there for now. I hope no one messes with it in there.”

  “I won’t let them,” I tell her.

  “What do you mean?”

  I finish placing her bag of personal items in the small cabinet and make my way back to her bedside, sitting in the chair and pulling it closer. Reaching out, I take her hand in mine. “I’m not leaving you here all alone.”

  “That’s crazy,” she says, pulling her hand from mine.

  “My wife and unborn child were in a car accident, and are staying in the hospital overnight. Why is it crazy that I want to be here with you?”

  “I’m not your wife.”

  “Not yet. But this…” I place my hand over her belly. I can’t seem to stop touching her. “This little peanut is a part of both of us. It’s my job to be there for both of you, and I plan to do just that.”

  “Harrison, you should go home, sleep in your bed, get a good night’s sleep.”

  “Funny,” I say, except I’m far from laughing. “I’ve not had a good night’s sleep since I moved out.” It’s the truth, the bed is cold and empty without her.

  “Don’t do that.” She points her finger at me. “Don’t you dare try to make me feel guilty.”

  “Never,” I assure her. “I’m just giving you the facts.” Never again will I let her think she’s not the most important person in my life. She and this baby mean everything to me, and I’ll make damn sure they know it.

  Her eyes close and she exhales. That’s when I know I’ve won. She can act tough all she wants, but she’s scared. Our situation is not ideal, and who wants to spend the night in the hospital on their own? “I need to call my family.”

  “I can call them for you.” I start to reach for my cell phone in my pocket.

  “Wait! It’s late, and there’s no need wake them up, making them worry. I can call them tomorrow when I’m released. I’ll need a ride home.”

  “I can take you home.”


  “Gwendolyn,” I counter.

  “Fine,” she concedes.

  That was much easier than I thought it would be. I can only assume she didn’t want me calling her family, because then she would have to explain to them why I’m here. “Do they know?” I ask her.

  “No. We had dinner at Twist of Lime, and I’ve been sick. Gabby made a comment about if she didn’t know any better, she would think I was pregnant. That’s when it hit me. I told them I wasn’t feeling well, so I could leave to buy a test. That’s where I was headed when the accident happened.”

  Lifting her hand to my lips, I kiss her knuckles. “That had to be scary. I’m glad it turned out all right. That you and the baby are both okay.”

  “Yeah.” She yawns.

  “Get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” She gives me a subtle nod as her eyes drift shut.

  I sit here next to her bed, her hand held in mine watching her sleep. I could have lost them both. If that’s not a wake-up call, I don’t know what is. “I love you, both of you so much,” I whisper. Resting my head next to our joined hands, I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 6


  My head is a little heavy as I rouse from a deep sleep. Hair hangs in my face, but when I try to lift my hand to move it aside, it’s restricted. I can’t lift my hand. Panic starts to set in, when the reason I’m being held down moves.


  He’s sleeping in a chair beside me, his head resting on one of his arms, while the other shifts to hold my hand tighter. He doesn’t wake though, and it gives me a moment to just watch him sleep. His hair is a little longer and his five o’clock shadow more pronounced. I always loved his scruffiness, especially when it would slide along my thighs.

  No. Not going there now.

  His handsome face is completely relaxed, but I can see the worry lines that mar his eyes and brow. His mouth is slightly agape and his breathing is even and steady. I used to love resting my cheek on his chest and listening to his strong heartbeat and level breathing while he slept. I miss everything about sharing a bed with him.

  He hasn’t moved much since we both fell asleep the last time. Once I was settled in my bed and the nurses got me hooked up to their machines, I fell asleep quickly. However, every two hours, someone came in to check my vitals or replace my fluids. Each time, Harrison was wide awake, watching closely as they monitored both the baby and me. A mild cramp started overnight in my lower abdomen, which caused me to freak out a little. The nurse informed me that some cramping during pregnancy was normal, as ligaments and muscles were beginning to stretch. And since the spotting hadn’t gotten any worse, she felt that was a good sign that Peanut was still safe and snug inside me.


  From the moment the doctor informed me that I was pregnant, I fell in love. But the moment Harrison referred to our baby as Peanut? I fell even more in love with him.

  My bladder takes the opportunity to remind me that I’ve had an IV hooked up to me all night, pushing fluids. Gently, I pull my hand from my ex-husband’s and gingerly start to move. He doesn’t wake but stirs a little until he gets more comfortable. The fact that he didn’t wake this time is a testament to how little sleep he’s actually been getting. Carefully, I slide out of bed, cautious to make sure my legs will support me, and start to shuffle toward the small bathroom, pulling the IV pole behind me as I go.

  Inside the room, I quietly pull the door closed and turn on the light. I get my first glance at the damage to my face. No, not necessarily damage, but I definitely look like I’ve been in a car accident. There are a few scratches that are already scabbed up, and there’s no missing the bruised lump on the side of my head. Part of my forehead is a light purple color, reminding me that it definitely could have been much worse.

  My bladder cries for help, which has me scurrying for the toilet. Relief washes over me, not only to finally be peeing but because there’s very little blood. I was terrified that I’d glance down and find more, that I was losing the baby. After fi
nishing my business, I carefully stand and go to wash my hands. The moment I do, my stomach lurches and the cold sweats start. I know exactly what’s about to happen.

  I barely make it back to the toilet before I’m throwing up. I’m not even sure what I’m throwing up, considering I haven’t eaten anything since the party last night, and I already purged that from my gut afterward. Paying no attention to anything but my miserable puking, I don’t hear the door open or the man enter. I only notice he’s here when I feel my hair being swept from my neck and pulled back. Harrison sets his big hand on my back and rubs gentle circles. As soon as the heaving has subsided, I find instant comfort in his touch, even if I shouldn’t.

  “Are you finished?” he whispers, his voice pulling me from the fog in my brain.

  I take a quick moment to make sure, and nod.

  Harrison helps me stand at the sink while I brush my teeth. The moment I’ve finished, he takes the brush from my hand and sets it on the sink. “Come on, Winnie,” he gently replies, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me from the bathroom.

  I hold on tight around his neck, considering he’s got me with one arm and is dragging the IV behind us in the other. “Put me down, Harrison. I can walk.”

  “But there’s no need, baby. I’ve got you.” He places a kiss on my forehead and lowers me back to the bed.

  Pushing up on my elbows, I reply, “I need to start gathering my things.” Then I try to swing my legs out of bed, but his hands stop my movement.

  “You can in a bit. Right now, you need to relax and get your strength back.”

  “I’m fine, Harrison. I’m pregnant, not bedridden.”

  My breathing stills in my throat when his eyes darken. Harrison leans forward until we’re nose to nose, his hands settling on the bed at my hips. “I know you’re pregnant, Winnie.” There’s a harshness to his tone that tells me something else is going on.

  I go ahead and sit back on the bed, using the remote to raise the head. As soon as I do, I exhale loudly. “Say it.”

  He continues to watch me, his arms crossed over his broad chest. The muscles in his arms flex as he shifts his weight. “Say what?”

  “Whatever it is that’s on your mind.” I grab my hands, wringing them on my lap and wait him out. He seems to be in an internal battle with himself, like I might not like the question he’s about to ask.

  Or he won’t like the answer.

  Finally, he walks over and sits down on the chair beside my bed. He doesn’t take my hand this time, which I notice right away and miss just as quickly. His gaze holds mine as he asks, “Were you going to tell me?”

  I don’t have to ask what he’s referring to. I know. “Yes, of course,” I insist, and that’s the truth. I never would have or could have held this from him. First off, it’s his right to know he’s going to be a father, and even though we’re not together anymore, there’s not a doubt in my mind that he would make an amazing dad. Also, it’s not like we live in a big city. Fair Lakes is a small town, surrounded by other small towns, in the heart of Missouri. Unless I relocated to the other side of the state, there’s no way I could avoid running into Harrison every now and again. No way our friends and families wouldn’t continue to talk. No way would it not get back to him that I was pregnant.

  He relaxes immediately. It’s like the weight of his question was weighing him down. His shoulders sag and the relief rushes through his body. “Okay, good. Not that I thought you would have held that from me, but since you’re not answering my calls or texts, I just wasn’t sure. Not talking to you hasn’t been easy, Winnie.”

  I swallow hard. “It hasn’t been easy on me either,” I confess.

  “Then why haven’t you?” he asks, the vulnerability all over his face.

  “Because I knew it would be too hard. I knew that if I talked to you once, I would want to talk to you again and again. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I would run straight back into the comfort of your arms, and I needed to prove it to myself first.”

  “Prove what?” he asks, clearing his throat.

  “That I can be me. That I was strong and independent and could do this on my own,” I whisper, tears burning my throat.

  Harrison leans forward and takes my hand. “There is no doubt in my mind that you could and would be able to do anything on your own, Winnie. You’re the strongest woman I know.” His hands around mine provide so much comfort that I want to snuggle into his chest and wrap myself in his warmth.

  “I’m not, though,” I reply, a tear slipping down my cheek. “I mean, within an hour after the divorce, I slept with you, right?” I ask, the small smile on my lips matching his.

  “Is that what you want? To do this alone?”

  Immediately, I shake my head. “No, not the pregnancy. That changes everything. It’s hard to describe, and I don’t think I’m doing a very good job of it. I guess I just wanted to prove to myself that I could stand on my own two feet again. I wanted to show the world that I’m more than just Mrs. Harrison Drake, owner of a successful gym and most sought-after trainer in the county.”

  He moves, crouching down beside my bed and bringing my hand to his lips. “You are, baby. You’ve always been so much more. You were the glue that held us together,” he says, making me roll my eyes. “It’s true. Why do you think we fell apart when you stopped trying?”

  His words hit me hard.

  “And I don’t mean that as an insult or I’m pointing fingers. I was working so hard on the gym and lost my focus. It wasn’t until you asked me to leave that I realized what I had done. And the worst part was, even though I was completely miserable, I knew you’d be okay. You are strong and independent and would have gotten up, dusted yourself off, and come out stronger on the other side. You’re amazing, Winnie,” he whispers, kissing the hand that doesn’t have the IV. “Always have been and always will be.”

  I sniffle and wipe my eyes. I’m sure I look even worse now that you add in tears. “So what now?”

  He strokes my hand and gives me a knowing smile. “Well, I thought I wanted to remarry you,” he starts, making my heart slam against my chest.

  “And now you don’t?” I ask, the words hurting more when they’re said aloud than when I just thought them.

  “Oh, hell no, baby. My end game is to remarry you,” he says with a smirk. “But first, I’m going to date you.”

  That catches my attention. “Date me?”

  “Yep,” he says, that cocky swagger I fell in love with back and written all over his face. “I’m going to date you like we did in the beginning. I’m going to pick you up for dinner and steal kisses in the back of the movie theater. I’m going to hold your hand when I’m driving my truck, and hopefully, cop a feel in the library when no one’s looking.”

  I laugh. “The only library I’ve been to lately is the one in my classroom, and I don’t think it would be appropriate to cop a feel with preschoolers in the room.”

  “You’re probably right. I’ll have to come up with another creative way to get my hands on your amazing body,” he whispers, flipping my hand over and kissing my palm. A shiver sweeps through my body.

  I stare into his dark eyes, wishing with everything I have that things could have been different. Wishing the ending was different.

  And maybe now it is.

  In fact, something tells me this is a whole new chapter beginning.

  Harrison sets our joined hands down on my abdomen. “We still have a lot to figure out. We have a lot of talking to do, something we stopped doing there at the end. That’s my fault.”

  “That’s both our faults,” I assure him. I played a big part in that problem too. When he stopped talking because of work, I shut him out.

  “Maybe,” he says, rubbing his thumb over our baby. “I’ll still always blame myself fully for what happened. I did so much wrong.”

  “We both did.” My throat feels tight and burns a little from all the emotion rolling around in the small hospital room.

’re going to fix this, Winnie. For you and me, but for the baby too. Our baby. Peanut.”

  There’s no way to stop the tears that fall. “What if we still can’t make this work? What if we try and just can’t fix it? I don’t think my heart could go through another breakup, Harrison.”

  “Then we won’t, sweetheart. I’m not going to let us fail this time, and do you know why? Because you are my world and I won’t let us fall again. I won’t let go of us.” His words are everything I’ve wanted to hear, yet everything I fear. Because what-if?

  “Don’t be afraid, Winnie. I let you down once, but I’d rather die than do it a second time. Trust me.”

  I take a deep breath. “I want to.”

  “You can. You will. Eventually, when you’re ready, when I’ve proven it to you. I have a lot of ground to make up now, but I’m in this for the long haul. I’m going to fight for you, baby. I’m going to fight for us… our family,” he says, moments before he punctuates his statement with his lips on mine. His kiss is chaste, yet urgent and full of so much emotion. “We’re gonna take this slow, okay? We’re going to get to know each other, trust each other again.”

  “We’re going to date,” I reply, my mind swimming with uncertainty and fear, yet buried deep down is a tiny bubble of hope.

  “Exactly,” he agrees, placing his lips on mine once more. “I am so gonna love dating you, Winnie.”

  I offer a small smile, hoping I’m not making a big mistake by considering this entire plan of his. He wants us to date, to get to know each other, and hopefully, together, work through and get past our problems. Easy peasy, right? Probably not even close to easy. I have a feeling this is going to be hard.

  But I also have a choice: I could walk away. I could move forward and put my previous life behind me… but that won’t work. With this tiny life growing inside me, there’ll be no walking away. Harrison will always be there. Maybe not as my husband, but as my child’s father. He’ll be a part of my life in one way or another for the rest of my life.

  Or I could take door number two.

  I could date my ex-husband, the love of my life. The one that I let go, but have regretted doing so more than I thought possible. We could end up in worse shape than we are now. That’s the funny thing about life: it’s unpredictable as hell and just when you think you have it figured out, along comes another curveball.


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