Fair Lakes Series Box Set

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Fair Lakes Series Box Set Page 40

by Kaylee Ryan, Lacey Black


  “Thank you. For today, for taking care of him, for getting what he needs, for taking care of me.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m going to cancel the rest of my day. I only have one client later. I’m going to move him to Jack’s schedule. I want to go get him whatever else he needs, clothes, or whatever. Then I want to go home and just… be with you.”

  “I told you I’m not leaving. We’re going to figure this out. Together.”

  “I know that, but it’s more than that. I just got you and now all of this, and you jump in without a moment’s hesitation and take care of things. I want to get him what he needs and take my family home.” The more I let the idea simmer in my mind, the three of us being a family, the more it takes root. I want to build a life with her. And if Milo is my son, then we have a head start but are by no means done.

  “Okay.” Her eyes well with tears, and a small smile tilts her lips.

  “Okay,” I agree. I expected a fight, or at least some reluctance. I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I focus back on the baby in my arms while he sucks down his bottle. Gabby makes me stop to burp him, which I hate doing even with Sophia. They get pissed because they just want their food. “Come on, buddy,” I whisper to Milo. “Just one big one for me, and you can have the rest.” I do what Gabby showed me starting at the bottom of his back and I’m rewarded with a loud burp.

  “There you go,” Gabby coos at him.

  “Come here,” I say.


  “Please?” She relents and bends down toward me. “A little closer.” She does as I ask and leans in closer. I press my lips to hers. “I love you.” When she pulls back, her eyes are sparkling with happiness.

  After Milo finishes his bottle, I move my last client and tell Harrison I’m out for the day. We stop to grab him a few outfits before heading home. I put together the Pack ’n Play with the bassinet, and we place Milo in it. He sighs, which I take as a sign that he likes it. Pulling Gabby to the couch, I sit first and tug her down onto my lap. I snuggle her close, breathing her in.

  “Thank you for today, for last night, for being you.”

  “You don’t have to keep thanking me, Chase.”

  “I do. I need you to know that I appreciate all that you’ve done. I don’t know many others who would do the same in your position.”

  “I’m not the others. I’m just me.”

  “You’re not like them. You’re mine.” I bury my face in her neck, relishing the feel of her in my arms. I don’t know what the future holds for us, or for Milo, but I do know that no matter what happens, my life is better with her in it.

  Chapter 11


  A loud wail startles me from a deep sleep. The heaviest sleep I’ve been able to steal tonight, in fact. Or maybe that’s just exhaustion.

  “I got him,” Chase mumbles, jumping out of bed beside me and racing for the kitchen to make a bottle. I hear his heavy footfalls on the hardwood as he makes quick work of going downstairs and grabbing what he needs. Since I’m awake, I hop up and check on Milo, noticing he’s fussing and squirming around in the bassinet. It’s not a full-fledged tantrum yet, but I know it’s only a matter of time. Since my bladder is screaming in pain, I run to the restroom to relieve myself while Chase gets what he needs.

  From inside the bathroom, I can hear Chase’s return. He starts talking softly to Milo, words I cannot quite hear, and a smile instantly spreads to my face. Instead of racing back to the bedroom to help, I opt to take my time, listening in as a father changes his son’s diaper and prepares to feed him a bottle. This is the first time since Milo’s arrival where Chase has really taken the lead, and I’m interested in seeing how he does.

  I’ll admit, I think he’s got this. Even if I weren’t living here with him, I have no doubt Chase would figure it all out. He’s been around Sophia enough, even at a very young age, to know a thing or two about babies. I believe his problem was the shock factor of this whole surprise-baby gig. I mean, of course he’d be a little freaked out when finding out he’s a father to an infant. Especially when you don’t exactly recall the conception part.

  But you can’t argue with the timeline.

  Chase keeps looking at me like I’m going to run screaming from the house. Okay, so part of me is a little concerned with the turn of events from the last twenty-seven hours, but who wouldn’t be? I just figured, right now, Chase doesn’t need more drama. So I push aside all my concern and worry over the fact that the guy I really, really like has a little baby-mama drama going on in his life. That needs to be his focus, his first priority. That’s why I can’t—and won’t—dissect his L-word declaration from yesterday. It’s probably just the emotions. Lack of sleep. The giddiness from helping him figure out this whole thing.

  It can’t be real.

  Recognizing that I’ve been in the bathroom too long, I finish washing my hands and quietly slip out the door. What I see before me stops my heart. Chase is sitting on the bed, shirtless. His hard body looks so big compared to the tiny human he holds in the crook of his arm. He’s smiling down at Milo, blowing little raspberries every so often, and I swear you can hear my ovaries weep for joy.

  When he turns those eyes my way, there’s a shift in the room. It’s harder to breathe when he looks at me like he wants to strip me naked and do wicked things to my body. Of course, this isn’t exactly the right time or place, considering he’s feeding a baby. His baby.

  Slowly, I make my way to the bed and carefully climb back in. The only sound in the room is the frantic suckling noise coming from the infant who eats like he’s afraid you’ll steal the food away if he doesn’t inhale it all in the first few seconds of feeding. But even with no other sound, I can feel his gaze like a caress to my bare skin.

  Propping myself on my side, I lightly stroke the softness of his little cheek. He falters a bit when I touch him, but he keeps eating. Milo’s blue eyes are focused on me, his stare reminding me of his dad. When I glance up, I see the same intensity coming from Chase. “He has your eyes,” I whisper, moving my hand down to hold the baby’s.

  Chase glances down at Milo, his features softening, and the slightest smile plays on his lips. “I guess he does. My whole family has those blue eyes. Colton and I both get them from my dad’s side of the family.”

  “I like them,” I confess, moving my fingers to Chase’s bicep as I start to lazily trace the dark lines of his tattoos. “The color matches the blue here,” I add, lightly tapping my finger on the place where a few darker colors swirl together.

  “I never really thought about it,” he says, his voice sounding a little husky and gravelly.

  “That the color matches your eyes? You should. It’s a great color,” I tell him, the tips of my fingers dancing up his arm and rounding his shoulder. There’s more black ink here, snaking around to his collarbone and down and around to his back, and I can’t help but want to trace that too.

  Chase growls beside me. “You keep touching me like that, and you’ll get an up-close look at some of it very soon.”

  My eyes fly to his as I leisurely pull the pad of my thumb down to his pec, circling his nipple. Choosing to ignore his comment, and the impact it has on my lady parts, I opt with, “I’ve always wanted a tattoo.”

  He glances down at his son before returning those blue orbs to me. “I’m honestly surprised you don’t have any. You’ve always been the risk-taker. I would have thought a tattoo or two would have been right up your alley.”

  I shrug. Well, as best as I can with my head propped on my hand. “I guess needles really aren’t my thing. And the pain. I don’t really like to hurt.”

  “No one does, Gabs. But it’s a temporary pain that’s actually a bit addictive. Most people say they only want one and end up getting more. There’s an adrenaline rush that comes with getting a tattoo. If you want one, I’ll go with you.”

  “Maybe,” I whisper, noticing Milo’
s eyes are closed and he’s no longer eating. “I think he’s out.”

  Chase glances down and grins. “I think so. I wonder if I’ll get a burp out of him,” he whispers, setting the empty bottle on the nightstand and adjusting the baby so he’s positioned on his shoulder. Milo barely makes a sound as Chase starts to tap his back, evoking a loud burp from deep in his gut. The sweet sound of Chase’s chuckle never gets old. “I love it when he does that. Such a loud noise for such a little guy.”

  Then, because my panties are practically useless already, he turns his head and places a tender kiss on the crown of his son’s head. My heart starts to gallop and the familiar wetness between my legs returns. There’s nothing better than a gorgeous man, loving on and adoring a baby.

  Without needing direction, Chase slowly gets up from the bed and takes Milo to the playpen on the far wall. The moonlight through the shades reflects just enough light that I can watch his movements in the dark. He gingerly places a second kiss on his face and lowers him into the bed. I watch as he swaddles him in a soft receiving blanket, wrapping him nice and tight, just the way I showed him, before positioning the baby in the middle of the bassinet.

  When he turns toward the bed, I can feel the instant change in the room. There’s an electricity that zips through the air, alive and full of fire, striking every single one of my nerve endings. He moves my way like a lion stalking to his prey. Air thickens in my throat, making it hard to breathe. I can see the whites of his eyes as he approaches the bed, their laser-like focus solely on me. When at the foot of the bed, he grabs the comforter and yanks. Goose bumps tickle my heated flesh as he devours my bare legs with his eyes.

  “So, Miss Gabrielle, if you could get this tattoo anywhere on your body, where would it be?” he asks, his voice low and husky, as he slowly crawls onto the bed. My nipples tingle as he reaches for my ankle. “Would it be here?” he whispers, wrapping one warm, large palm around my foot and lightly caressing my ankle with his finger.

  “I don’t know,” I confess, my mind barely able to process words when he’s touching me like this.

  “Hmmm,” he hums, bringing my foot up to his mouth and grazing his lips over the sensitive flesh above my ankle bone. “Not a bad choice, but not where I’d picture your first tattoo.”

  I don’t respond. Frankly, I can’t. Air refuses to push from my lungs and all I can think about is the fact that his hands are now pushing up my legs and stroking my outer thighs.

  Gently, he pushes my legs apart and lazily glides a finger against my right inner thigh. I practically levitate off the bed. “What about here?” He strokes lightly over the flesh and bends down, running his nose along the skin.

  “Chase,” I groan, closing my eyes and reveling in the touch.

  “No, not here. This is a little too bold, even for my Gabrielle.” As he’s saying the words, his fingers inch closer and closer to my center. I try to suck in a breath, but it’s not working. The air is thick and heady as I wait for him to touch me more. My body aches, my nipples are hard, and my core is practically pulsating with need.

  “I like these shorts,” he whispers, running his thick finger along the hem, which just so happens to be right at the apex of my legs. I’m certain he can feel the heat coming from my body, the wetness that he’s aroused. Chase grabs my shorts and slowly starts to lower them down my legs. I adjust my positioning for easy removal, and before I know it, I’m bare from the waist down. He returns his hands to my thighs and gently pushes them upward, caressing me in a way I’ve never been touched before, that leaves me panting with desire.

  But then his hands move and I whimper a protest. “So needy,” he says, moving up my body to my waist. “This tank top? I’ve been hard since you came out of the bathroom in it last night. All I could think about was pulling it down and sucking on your hard, little nipples.”

  I gasp, practically begging for it. I need him to touch me, to lick and suck, just as he stated.

  Warm air kisses my skin as he slides my top up my torso, the heat from his hands burning my flesh as he exposes my body. He helps me sit up, pulling the tank up and over my head, before grabbing my hands and forcing me to lie back down.

  “Now, let’s see if we can find the perfect spot for your tattoo, shall we?” Chase bends down and licks just above my groin. “Something here would be kinda cute,” he whispers, nuzzling the flesh with his nose. “Then it would be only for me to see, Gabrielle.”

  I mumble a response, but I don’t think it’s an actual word. All I can do is feel the way his hands continue their upward trek to my chest.

  “Or maybe a delicate bird or a heart right here.” His lips kiss right over my heart, his chin grazing roughly over my nipple. The sensation is almost too much as he runs his stubble across one hard peak, then the other.

  “Chase.” His name is a plea on my lips.

  “Not now, Gabby. I’m busy trying to find the perfect spot for your tattoo.”

  He moves to my collarbones, and I swear I’m coming out of my skin. While touching me everywhere, he refuses to touch me in the places I need.

  “I know. Let’s turn over,” he directs quietly, moving from between my legs so I can flip to my stomach. Honestly, I don’t want to, but the anticipation of his next move has me adjusting my position, even though I’d much rather scream Get on with it!

  “On your hands and knees, Gabrielle,” he demands, grabbing my hips and helping me.

  My body is humming and I’m on the verge of flat-out begging for more. More touches. More kisses. More Chase.

  “Now this is a gorgeous view,” he whispers, kneeling between my legs and stroking his palms from the top of my ass to the middle of my back. “Your lower back is the perfect canvas for some ink, baby. I could totally get on board with a little color… here.” As he says the words, his hands grip my hips and his thumbs stroke the base of my spine. “Sexy as fuck,” he growls, pushing himself closer to my body, my legs spreading even farther.

  I can feel the tip of his cock nudging between my legs. It’s exactly where I want him, yet he doesn’t seem to be on the same page, so I push back, taking the big head into my body. I groan in both pleasure and frustration.

  “Is this what you want, Gabrielle?” he whispers, pushing just a little bit more of his cock inside my body.

  “Yes,” I beg. I don’t even care that it’s a beg. I just want more.

  “But I was busy trying to find where to place your tattoo. I thought that’s what you wanted.” He slowly starts to inch back out, his hand caressing my lower back.

  “I want both. I need both, Chase. Please.”

  “My girl wants it all, huh?” he asks, the humor evident in his voice, but I don’t care. I can’t seem to find the right smartass comeback, so instead, I keep my mouth shut. “Well, if that’s what you want,” he starts, thrusting his hips forward and filling me completely. “That’s what my girl gets.”

  I smother my groan in the pillow as my body stretches to the max to accommodate him. He grunts and stills completely, both of us listening for any sound in the room. Yes, Milo is sleeping on the opposite side of the room, but as long as we’re quiet, we should be able to do this without waking him.

  Satisfied that the baby remains sleeping, Chase slowly pulls out to the tip and thrusts in again. I keep my face planted in the pillow, trying to remain as silent as possible. “You’re going to have to be quiet, babe. If you can do that, I’ll fuck you hard and fast, okay?”

  I hear his words, but with his cock buried so far inside me, I can only moan a reply.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Hold on, naughty girl. This is going to be a rough ride,” he says, adjusting his hands to my shoulders and thrusting his hips.

  I can feel him everywhere, filling me completely. With each jerk of his powerful hips, I’m pushed closer to the orgasm he’s been teasing. My body is so taut with need that I know I’ll be coming within seconds. He’s hitting just the right spot, over and over again.

  But then he

  “I think I found it, Gabrielle.”

  “What?” I gasp, turning my head from the pillow. I’m about to beg him to finish me off when he slowly rocks back inside and swirls his hips.

  I see stars.

  “Right here,” he whispers, caressing my right shoulder blade. “This is the perfect spot for your tattoo, babe. I can stare at it while I’m fucking you from behind,” he says, thrusting hard, “like this.”


  “I can see it when you turn and look at me over your shoulder.” Thrust. Moan. “It drives me wild.”

  Thrust. Hard.

  I barely have time to turn my head to muffle my scream. His thumb strokes my upper back while his cock strokes my G-spot, sending me straight into orgasmic bliss. I’m flying high, soaring above the white clouds of euphoria, as I hear him find his own release. His body pumps into me until there’s nothing left but the afterglow of sweet release.

  Falling forward, my body is engulfed in heat as Chase lies on top of me, his heavy breathing tickling the shell of my ear. His weight is welcome, his large frame pressing me into the mattress. I can feel him everywhere, including his cock, which is still buried inside me, pulsing.

  “Chase?” I whisper, turning my head to find oxygen.

  “Yeah?” he grumbles, his own voice heavy with exhaustion. “Oh, shit, sorry,” he mumbles, moving from my body and turning to his side, taking me with him as he goes.

  “No, you were fine.” I adjust my position in his side, pressing my butt back against his groin. “I just wanted to make sure you were still alive.”

  His chuckle teases my neck, sending those familiar goose bumps across my skin. “Yeah, I’m alive. Barely. I think you tried to kill me.”

  “I think you were the one doing all the work, mister. Therefore, you were the attempted murderer, not me.”

  Warm lips caress my neck. “But what a way to go,” he whispers, hugging me against his furnace-like body. “Let me go dispose of the condom.”


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