Fair Lakes Series Box Set

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Fair Lakes Series Box Set Page 74

by Kaylee Ryan, Lacey Black

  With my small box in my hand, I watch as Milo opens his first gift. I spy Colton’s phone sitting on the couch, so I quickly grab it to take a few pictures. He should definitely have his son’s first Christmas documented with photos. When I slide my finger across the screen and enter his passcode, my eyes instantly start to water when I see the photo he has as his home screen. It’s Milo sitting in the bath, a little baby mohawk with bubbles, and me. I’m kneeling beside the tub, laughing at the boy who has completely stolen my heart. The joy and love are written all over my face.

  When I look up, Colton is watching me, that same look on his face that I have in the picture. His hands have stopped ripping open the box in his hand, and Milo isn’t too happy about it. We both glance at him and smile.

  We spend the next fifteen minutes slowly helping Milo open gift after gift. New clothes, some bath toys that squirt water, and a bunch of little toys for his young age. He seems completely fascinated with the red tractor I found. When you pull it back, it rolls forward. Every time his dad pulls it back and lets it go, he laughs.

  I realize I’m still holding onto my gift, and Colton does too. One eyebrow rises as he glances my way and down at the box. “Are you going to open it?”

  Nodding, I reply, “Yes, I just wanted to see Milo open his stuff first.” Then, I quickly get up and pull the three gifts I stuffed behind the tree out for Colton.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says when he spies the presents.

  “I could have told you the same thing.”

  “Fine, but you have to open yours first.”

  With a smile, I slowly pull the ribbon off the small box and lift the lid. It’s hard to see the necklace through my watery eyes, but I manage. There, nestled against the ivory lining, is the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen. “Colt—” I start but can’t seem to get anymore words out.

  He’s moving, kneeling beside me, and takes the box from my shaking hands. “This is a dual gift from both Milo and me.” He holds up the piece of jewelry, giving me a closer look at the two items dangling from the white gold chain. “This heart, that’s for Milo. When we went shopping, he picked it out because he said he loves you with all his heart.”

  There’s no stopping the tears as they slide down my cheeks now. The heart is small but surrounded in gorgeous diamonds that shimmer under the sunlight filtering through the window. “I don’t know what to say,” I whisper, my hand covering his as I clutch onto that tiny little heart as if I were clutching the one in Milo’s chest.

  He moves my hand and carefully clasps the necklace around my neck, kissing the tender skin behind my ear. “Well, there’s more to this necklace,” he starts, holding up the other charm. It’s a key in white gold, a single heart diamond in the middle. “This key represents me. My heart. And I give you the key.” He smirks just a little as he adds, “Hell, I think you’ve owned it since I opened the door and found you standing on my porch.”

  My arms wrap around his neck as I hold on tighter than I may ever have before. “It’s amazing. It’s the best gift I’ve ever received,” I whisper.

  He turns me and places his lips against mine. “I mean it, Hollis. You own me.”

  “I love you,” I murmur, right before he starts to deepen the kiss. His tongue slides in my mouth as his hands move to my back and then up to the back of my neck. Prickles of awareness slide up my skin with each stroke of his tongue, every touch of his hand.

  We’re unable to take the kiss further, though. Milo can’t reach his new toys and takes the opportunity to tell us about it. Colton and I laugh as we separate and retrieve all the new goodies that fell just out of reach for Milo’s short arms.

  “Oh! It’s your turn to open your gifts,” I tell him, wiping the remaining tears from my face as my right hand touches the necklace around my neck once more.

  Colton settles back on the floor and reaches for the first box. It’s a shirt-box-shaped gift, so I’m pretty sure he already knows what’s inside. He pulls out the gray Henley and smiles. “Thank you.”

  Shrugging, I tell him, “It’s not anything really personal. I just saw it and thought the gray would look amazing with your eyes.”

  Those hypnotic orbs are focused solely on me as he smiles. “Thank you.”

  “There’s more,” I say, brushing off the compliment and pushing the smaller package his way. I watch as he opens the travel coffee mug that reads Best Daddy Ever and offers me the biggest grin.

  “Thank you. This is the best,” he says, glancing back down at the mug and then over to his son, who’s happily chewing on a teether shaped like a chicken drumstick.

  Finally, he looks at the last gift. The big one. My heart starts to skip a little bit in my chest. He unwraps the paper and opens the box. There’s a large envelope inside, which he sets aside. Colton moves the tissue paper and reveals the image I purchased and had framed earlier in the week.

  “Hollis.” My name is barely audible as he looks down at the picture of his son sitting with the Army jacket and smiling a big cheesy grin at the camera while holding the helmet on his head. He doesn’t say anything else, just stares down at the framed photograph.

  After what feels like minutes, I start to worry he doesn’t like it. He still hasn’t said anything. Maybe I overstepped on this gift. It’s personal, yes, but maybe he doesn’t want the reminder of his previous world clashing with his current one.

  “If you don’t like it,” I start, trying to find the right words.

  When he glances up, his eyes hold something I wasn’t expecting. Tears. “Don’t like it? It’s amazing.” He looks back down at the image and smiles.

  I swallow over the lump in my throat. “I thought maybe you could hang it with the one from Chase and Gabby,” I tell him unnecessarily.

  Colton’s gaze lands on the portrait of Milo from when he was only a month old. Before he knew the boy was his son, not his nephew. He nods and smiles. Even though the tears don’t fall, they’re there, nonetheless.

  Without saying a word, he reaches down for the envelope and pulls out the stack of photos. “There should be plenty there for your family to have,” I tell him as he thumbs through different poses and sizes. When he gets to the last one, a look of what can only be described as pure contentment passes across his handsome face. He holds it up for me to see.

  I shrug. “I hope you don’t mind. She suggested the photo, and it sounded cute, so I went with it. I bought one. For my room,” I stammer, referring to that final photo where I’m helping Milo stand, his little belly sticking out over his jeans.

  He’s moving before I realize it, hauling me up and onto my feet. Suddenly, I’m wrapped in his arms, in his familiar scent, and hugged so tightly I’m not sure I could breathe, even if I tried. “I love it. I want one for our room too.”

  Then his lips are pressed to mine in a fierce, bruising kiss that melts my bones and robs me of the ability to think of anything other than him. Thank God I’m in his arms, or I wouldn’t be able to stand.

  “And I love you,” he adds against my lips.

  “I love you too. Thank you for my necklace.”

  “Thank you for these, for everything,” he says, pointing to the stack of photos left on the floor. “Merry Christmas, Hollis,” he whispers as he swipes his lips across mine once more.

  Milo chooses that moment to yell, his bottom lip jutting out as he gets ready for a fit. I’m there, though, scooping him up and in my arms before the first tear even has a chance to fall. “Are you getting hungry?” I ask, bouncing him on my hip as the doorbell rings. “Are you expecting someone?”

  Guilt flashes through Colton’s eyes before it’s quickly replaced with excitement. “Uh, yeah. Actually,” he starts, reaching over and taking Milo from my arms, “it’s for you.”

  I give him a look of confusion. “For me?”

  “Yeah, it’s for you. The rest of your Christmas present.”

  I don’t move right away, not until I feel his hand on my back. “G
o ahead. Open the door.”

  My legs are a little wobbly as I head to the door and turn the lock. When the chain is released, I slowly open the door, not really sure what to expect. What I do know is I wasn’t expecting this.



  Chapter 17


  The smile on my girl’s face tells me that even though she doesn’t like surprises, she’s happy with this one. It took some sneaking around in her phone to find Tina’s number, and then I had to wait until I was at the gym to call her. It almost felt as if I was cheating the way I was keeping my phone on vibrate and quickly deleting our text messages. Although it was a job to sneak, I couldn’t think of a better gift for Christmas than time with her best friend. I know she’s been missing her, and now that she’s free, now that she doesn’t have the fear hanging over her head, I thought my girl could use some girl time.

  She and Tina are sitting on the couch, with Milo between them. My little man has been soaking up all the attention like a sponge. He’s been flashing that new bottom tooth and his dimple of his all afternoon. As for me, I’ve just been sitting here, listening to the two of them catch up. The way Hollis smiles makes me happy to see her this way. She’s so relaxed and carefree. I wasn’t certain that bringing Tina here was the best move, but within seconds of her opening the door, I knew it was the right choice. There was a long hug, and lots of tears, but the good kind of tears. Happiness, relief, and joy of getting to see each other again.

  Milo squirms and begins to fuss. Hollis stands and pats his back, swaying from side to side, never missing a beat in her conversation with Tina. It’s as if taking care of my son comes second nature to her. “I’ll take him, babe,” I say, standing and taking Milo from her arms. “You ready for a bottle and a nap, little man?” I ask my son, kissing his head.

  “Have a good nap, sweet boy,” Hollis says, waving at him.

  In the kitchen, I make him a bottle, and instead of going back and sitting with Hollis and Tina, I opt for the rocking chair in his room. That will give the ladies some time to catch up without me looming around them. I feel like an outsider as I sit and listen to them talk about old times and people they know. There is a jealousy that comes to life when I think about her life before Milo and me. It’s irrational, but I can’t seem to stop it.

  “We have her future, buddy,” I whisper to my son as he sucks down his bottle. “The three of us, we’re going to make some new memories. And maybe if we’re lucky, give you a brother or sister. Maybe both,” I muse. He reaches up and rests his hand on my chin, capturing my heart.

  I can’t believe I could have missed all of this. I stayed away for so long, giving my life to the Army that I missed these connections. Sure, I had them with my parents and Chase, but this. This feeling of my son’s tiny fist wrapped around my heart. Every man should experience this. There is nothing like the love you have for your child. I never could have dreamed I’d get excited over a grin, a wave, a first word. It’s all magical, witnessing all of his firsts.

  Then there’s Hollis. She’s everything I never knew I wanted. To know that she loves me makes me feel ten feet tall and bulletproof. Even more to know that she loves my son, as if he were hers, that shit goes deep. Soul capturing. Life-changing.

  “We’re going to make her ours, buddy. Daddy just needs to find the right time.” I’ve been carrying her ring in my pocket. I almost wrapped it and gave it to her for Christmas, but I don’t want it to be a gift for a holiday. I want it to be its own occasion. A moment we will never forget.

  Milo sighs heavily as the bottle falls from his mouth. He’s getting so big so fast. It won’t be long, and I won’t be able to hold him like this. It’s sad, but at the same time thrilling. I can’t wait until he’s walking and talking more. I’m excited to watch him grow up and see the man that he will become. Moving him to rest on my shoulder, I close my eyes and rock for a while. Life is sometimes fast, and especially these past few weeks, with the holidays and finding out the truth about what Hollis witnessed. It’s good to slow down and enjoy life. That’s exactly what I am planning to do today.

  “Shh, let’s not wake Daddy.” I hear Hollis whisper.

  “Mmmom,” Milo says in his soft baby voice.

  “Oh, my sweet boy. I love you. You know that?” she whispers to him as I feel his weight lifted from my arms. “You and your daddy, you mean the world to me,” she murmurs.

  Slowly, I open my eyes to see her standing with Milo held close to her chest. Her eyes are closed, and my son is clutching her like he never wants her to let go.

  This is it.

  This is my moment.

  “Marry me.” My voice is gruff from sleep, but her eyes pop open and lock on mine, telling me she heard me just fine.

  “Colt,” she whispers.

  “We love you, Hollis,” I say, standing. I wrap my arms around both of them, and Milo just lays his head against her shoulder. He’s watching me closely as if he knows that this is a profound moment for us, and he doesn’t want to miss it.

  She blinks hard, trying to keep her tears at bay. “This is just a formality,” I tell her. “You’re already a part of our lives. There is nothing that is going to change that. But we want you to be a Callahan. I want you to know that when you lay your head down at night, you’re home. I want you to know that when you walk through that door, this is your home, and we are your family.”

  “I-I can’t believe this is happening.” She manages to pull the hand that’s not holding Milo free and wipe at her cheeks.

  Stepping away from them, I guide her to sit in the rocking chair. Milo lifts his head and smiles at her before resting back against her shoulder. “I told you, buddy. We’re going to make her ours.”

  “Oh my God,” she breathes.

  I drop to one knee, pulling the ring out of my pocket. Milo takes notices of the sparkle and sits up to reach for it. “This is for Mommy,” I tell him, gently moving the ring out of his reach.

  “Mama,” he says and tries again.

  “That’s right. This ring is the one that’s going to keep Mommy with us forever and ever,” I tell my son. I move my gaze to Hollis, and the tears are now a heavy flow running unchecked across her cheeks. “Hollis Taylor, will you do us the incredible honor of becoming a Callahan? Will you be my wife and Milo’s mommy? Will you help me fill this house with the pitter-patter of more tiny feet, fill it with love, and with laughter? Will you marry us?” I ask her.

  She nods as more tears flood her cheeks. “Y-Yes,” she says, her words breaking on a sob.

  Milo sits up and tilts his head to look at her. He glances at me, giving me a “what the hell, Dad” look before looking back at Hollis. “Mama,” he says, his bottom lip jutting out.

  “Oh, no.” She smiles through her tears. “I’m happy.” A laugh bubbles up. “I’m so happy.” She hugs him tight, wiggling around, making him laugh as well.

  “Mommy agreed to be ours, Milo. We get to keep her,” I say, sliding the ring onto her finger.

  “Colt, it’s gorgeous.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” I climb to my feet and press my lips to hers. Milo reaches for me, and I take him, pulling out of the kiss. “I’m going to change his diaper, and then I’ll start dinner. I should have planned better for this, like a turkey or ham or something.” I make a mental note to do better next Christmas.

  “Lucky for you, I did. We have a spiral ham out in the fridge in the garage. I bought everything we need to have a nice family dinner. Another tradition.” She smiles widely.

  I lean in for another kiss because I can. “I love that. Let me get our little man changed, and we’ll be out to help.”

  “We’re doing this? We’re really getting married?”

  “You already said yes, and you’re wearing my ring. No backing out now.”

  “Never. When?”

  “I’ll leave that up to you. As long as you’re my wife, at the end of the day, I don’t really care.”

��I want my mom and Tina there, but other than that, I’ve never really had big, elaborate wedding dreams.”

  “Take some time to think about it. I want it to be a day you will never forget.”

  “We’re getting married!” she shouts. Milo squeals because she does, and his baby giggles fill the air.

  “What?” I hear Tina cry out and footsteps race down the hall. She stops in the doorway of Milo’s room. “Did I hear that right?” she inquires.

  Hollis juts her arm out, wiggling her fingers. “Yes! We’re getting married.”

  “Eep!” Tina cheers and rushes into the room, pulling Hollis into a hug.

  Milo wiggles to get down, wanting in on the excitement. “It’s best we let them do their thing, bud. Trust me on this,” I tell him.

  “Congratulations.” Tina smiles at me once she releases Hollis.

  “We’re going to go get started on dinner.” Hollis rises to her tiptoes and kisses my cheek, then Milo’s. I watch her as she links arms with her best friend, both of them wearing smiles a mile wide as they head to the kitchen to make Christmas dinner.

  “She’s all ours, Milo. Daddy didn’t plan to ask her like that, but when an opportunity presents itself in life, you have to take it. Don’t let the fear of the unknown or, in this case, rejection keep you from reaching for your dreams. Hollis is my dream, aside from you, of course,” I say, tickling his belly, making him laugh. “Let’s get that diaper changed.”

  “Wow, I’m stuffed,” I say, pushing my empty plate that I filled and emptied twice from the table. “You two outdid yourselves.”

  “We know,” Tina says, pretending to brush off her shoulder. The two of them break out into laughter.

  “You cooked, so I’ll clean up.”

  “There’s not a lot to clean up. We did dishes as we went.”

  “Regardless, I’ll clean up.” I stand from the table and start gathering plates. I take Milo’s from the high chair, and he grins lazily at me. “Bud, I think those mashed potatoes did you in,” I tell him. He just looks at me kind of dazed.


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