Defiant (The Clans Book 6)

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Defiant (The Clans Book 6) Page 3

by Elizabeth Knox

  I’m truly shocked, so shocked in fact that I don’t have a response for him. He snickers while grabbing my right leg and locking me in and then grabs my left and does the same. “I’m sure you realize that you’re about to get an exam by a physician to make sure you don’t have any diseases before we sell you. Buyers don’t like it if the girls are pregnant or have an STD. No matter, if you’re pregnant, we’ll handle the problem before we send you their way.”

  Handle the problem. I’m sure that means they abort them. The thought of it turns my stomach. I want to ask him questions, but I know that the moment I talk I will be hit again. I’m exhausted, feeling weaker than I ever have before. I don’t even know how many days I’ve been on this boat, or if it’s only been a few hours.

  “Now comes the fun part,” he mutters, grabbing the dress I’ve been wearing. He takes a knife and cuts from the area where it turns into a v and brings the blade lower until my breasts are exposed and the only thing covering my body is a small G-string thong.

  Thomas places his hands under my thong and rips it away from me, burning into my flesh at the friction. He takes a couple steps back, and I see him unbuckle his pants, pulling his half-hard cock free. He presses a button on the side of the chair and brings me down lower. “I was told not to touch your cunt with my cock. No one ever said anything about your mouth or ass.”

  “You wouldn’t dare defy your boss. How would he like it when he finds out that you violated his product?” I hiss out, trying to intimidate him in another way. It’s obvious that I have nothing to do with ransom, so if I’m product, he may be fearful, depending on what would happen to his job.

  “I have violated his product many times before. I doubt that he will care,” Thomas retorts. Taking his hand, he plunges it inside my pussy, going in and out. “He never said anything about fucking you with my fists, either.” I try not to tense up, knowing that it will just hurt me more, but I can’t help it. This isn’t some hot porn video that I’m taking part in. I’m in some sort of hell. My own personal form of hell.

  Normally, I don’t mind being tied up, but these aren’t circumstances that I appreciate. I want consent, and he most certainly doesn’t have it from me.

  He places his left hand in my mouth, keeping it in a circle while he aligns his hips with my mouth. Suddenly, his balls are resting on my forehead and I have a glorious view of his hairy ass. He thrusts his hips over my face again and again while moving his hand in a very uncomfortable way inside my pussy. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing, deciding not to make a sound because I won’t have this idiot think that he’s going to get me off in any way whatsoever.

  After a few minutes I feel the warmth of his semen hitting the back of my throat and cough, wanting to spit this shit up, but he removes his cock and hand, shutting my mouth firmly. “You’re going to swallow that, bitch, and know that you’re nothing here. You’re only a cum dumpster, one that I might just use again.” Thomas removes his hands, and the door comes open, revealing a woman who narrows her eyes on him.

  “What did you do to her?” she questions, glaring with all her might.

  “Oh, nothing. She got a bit rough with me, so I made her pay.”

  “You expect me to believe that a girl who can’t be more than a hundred and twenty-five pounds got rough with your two-hundred-pound arse? Plus, your cock is still out.”

  “Why you lookin’, sweetheart? You want a round of this?” He grabs his cock and strokes it in front of her, causing me to gag, and luckily, he’s removed his hand so I can spit his semen out of my mouth.

  “Get the fuck out of here before I cut your cock off.” At that, he’s quick to get out of her hair, leaving the two of us be.

  “Listen, I’m here to do a job and only to do a job. I won’t save you from whatever is coming your way. I will not be your friend, ally, or escape strategist. I am a doctor and here to make sure that you are as healthy as possible before you move onto the next phase of your life. I will give you a rundown of what I’m doing. I am going to examine you, take a blood test, and ask you a series of questions. All of which you will answer without hesitation. If you hesitate, I will be forced to bring in men like Thomas who will do whatever they please, and personally, I do not want to give that order. I will if I have to, though. So, let’s get on with it, shall we?”

  If I’ve learned anything in my time here, it’s that it’s better to not ask questions and just to go along with it. If I’m being sold, then it means I won’t have a plan to escape until I’m out of this place. I just have to put up with whatever will happen until then, and believe me, I will escape. I refuse to be a fucking victim in this scenario.

  Chapter 4


  I spent far too long in that medical room, if you ask me. It felt like hours as I stayed strapped there, poked and prodded, completely naked. When the doctor left, she had another man just like Thomas come into the room and watch me. He ogled over my body with his eyes, and for a while, I was fearful that he’d rape me too.

  I closed my eyes the entire time, trying to think of other situations, but it was hard, especially when I was living in this form of hell.

  She came back, and I thought she might be somewhat human, give me a gown or some sort of blanket to cover up. Instead, she just told her goon to take me back to my cage. He did, but boy did he get every feel that he could while he was doing it.

  I sat at the bottom of my lovely cage until I counted that over three hours had passed.

  I was so bored that it was all I was doing, until I fell asleep, because what else could I do in this place? Calling out and pleading for help wouldn’t benefit me. I heard another girl screaming, which gave me hope because I realized that I was no longer alone. But my hope was quickly taken away when I heard a man enter her room and the unmistakable sounds of her screaming for another reason. She wanted help, and, in return, she was raped.

  I swear, whenever I get out of this hell hole, I’m going to make these people pay for what they’ve done.

  The creaking sound of the metal door opening causes me to be on alert, every primal defense coming straight to my mind. I don’t know how I’ll defend myself against this man, but I’ll figure it out. He throws something in my cage and stares at me, arms crossed in the doorway.

  “Eat it, girl, or else I’ll give it to someone else, and you won’t get food for another day.” I calculate what he’s saying, looking for the round object and find it on the side of my cage that’s still dark. Bringing it to my nose, I think it’s bread. It smells like it, yet I’m so unsure. I’m afraid to eat what he’s given me, however, if I don’t eat, I’ll lose my strength, and I can’t afford to do that right now. I bring the bread to my mouth and take a bite, chewing quickly. At any given moment, he could choose to tear it from my grasps. Within a matter of moments, I’ve eaten the entire thing.

  I can’t make out the man’s face, but the moment he realizes that I’m done eating, he comes towards me, unlocking my cage, and grabs me by the back of the neck. He takes me into the hallway down the opposite side from which I came, and I see other women in rooms with their doors open. Some are sitting around, relaxing, from the looks of it, while others seem to be a bit agitated. I wonder how women could even be relaxing in a place such as this. Don’t they want to get out?

  The henchmen grabs a door, opens it ,and tosses me in the room. He stands in front of the door so I can’t try and get out.

  It’s not like the exam room that I was in before. It’s much different. There’s a regal looking carpet on the floor with built-in dressers along the wall. They have small buttons on them that must open and lock them, since we’re on a ship.

  For a moment, I think that the doctor might be coming back in this room to give me the results of my test, but as I see things on the wall . . . I don’t think I’m right. Fabric hangs down from some sort of hook in various colors. Vibrant greens, purples, and reds in the finest material. It kind of reminds me of the dress shops my mother would
take my sisters, Riley and Tenly, and I, to, when we were younger. We’d go for a fitted gown every year whenever the Richards’ Energy gala was being held.

  The door opens, and in comes a dark-skinned man who looks as if he’s in his early thirties. He has an emerald green scarf on with a matching paisley shirt and tight fitted black pants. He screams fashion wherever you look at him. If things were different, I’d probably be friends with him.

  A tape measure hangs around his neck, and he yanks it off quickly, wrapping it around my bust, mid-section, hips, and then mid-thigh. Every time he gets a measurement, he’s quick to write it down on a notepad in his pocket. This only confuses me more with every moment that passes us by.

  “A lovely girl like you will look so beautiful in a pale pink. Yes, we’ll curl your hair a bit, put a lip color that matches the gorgeous gown I’ll make for you, and I’ll make sure your eyeliner is on thick. You have eyes that just . . . beg for every man to look at you.” He speaks with a Brazilian accent; thick through every word.

  The more I’m here, the more I’m seeing that my daddy called it. Brazil is the worst for sex trafficking, from the looks of it. I’m being dolled up to be sold to the highest bidder.

  I want to take the pencil right out of his pocket and shove it in his eyeball, the same way I threatened Paulo not too long ago. However, I know that if I act, I won’t get out of this place. I’m severely outnumbered, even with only seeing the few people that I have. If anything, I have to make it to this auction, get purchased, and then I can make my master plan on how to escape the evil clutches of whomever is so determined to buy me. Whoever he is, he’ll come to realize that I’m not a prized pony. I’m his worst nightmare.

  The fashionable man steps away and smirks widely at me. “Sweetie, I’ll have a dress for you soon. Don’t worry. You have spirit, and you’ll get out of this place soon.” He turns on his heel and exits the room.

  At his exit, the henchman grabs me by the forearm yet again and takes me further down the hall. We go down three short steps and walk into a tiled room. I hear water running and see women in various areas. It looks like a community shower, something you would see in a prison or dorm, without curtains.

  I glance to the left and see a few girls, separated by maybe six or seven inches, from the looks of it. They’re each under the water, and I head towards them, figuring maybe I can get some answers or there will be some strength in numbers. I get over to the remaining showerhead that isn’t on and turn the knob, causing freezing cold water to come out of it.

  The girl to the left of me laughs but is sure to keep her voice low. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “I highly doubt that. I’m Presley,” I say quietly.

  “You must be the defiant one,” she mutters, her Australian accent coming out thick. I’ve been to Australia a few times over the years and miss it so much.

  “I suppose that’s me,” I comment, grabbing the bar of soap and lathering it over my body. It smells like something you’d buy at a discount store that expired and you’re wondering if it’ll harm your body or not. I wash myself off, my body finally getting used to the ice-cold water that’s coming out of the head.

  “You want to make noise, girl?” The Australian girl is grabbed from the back of her hair and dragged out a few feet away. She’s thrown on her knees, and I see three men come from around her. One strips naked and gets on the floor below her, sinking his cock into her cunt. While one stays behind her, unbuttons his pants, and pulls out his cock. I don’t know why I’m watching, but I can’t help it. I have to watch whatever is going on. The one behind her dips his cock with the other, going in behind her. I’ve heard about women getting double penetration like this, one cock from below and another from the top, stretching their pussy to the extreme.

  I hear a slight sniffling sound and see there’s a girl who can’t be older than fourteen or fifteen across the room, standing under the cold water. It makes me sick to think that someone this young is in this horrid place.

  I think that’s the worst of it, when I remember there’s another man standing there. He pulls his dick free and shoves it in her mouth, so far that I can hear her gagging, screaming as they all move around.

  I turn back to the shower head and stare at the wall, trying not to tune out what is happening from behind me. “If you speak, they will do that to you. Best not to let them hear you,” the woman tells me who is at the next showerhead.

  I give her a curt nod as I feel nothing but guilt from what I just did. I spoke to the other girl, and because of me, she’s being raped right now.

  Grabbing the bottle from the small metal stand, I pour some of it out on my hand and lather it through my hair. Footsteps approach, growing closer by the moment. An eerie feeling washes over me as I turn, and the moment I see Thomas behind me, I’m being shocked with some electric sort of prod. The water continues to come over top of me, and I fall straight onto the tile floor.

  “Look at those erect nipples of yours. You get turned on watching my friends fuck your friend? You want a round of that?”

  “Enough!” I hear a man’s voice boom from where I entered the room. He’s a little shorter than Thomas, obviously Brazilian, based on his accent, and he glares at Thomas. “I told all of you she’s off limits. If you can’t follow orders, I will throw you overboard into shark infested waters. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir. I apologize, I was only having a little fun with her.”

  “Have fun with the next one. There will be plenty more defiant creatures like this one who board our ship. You can dump your load in them however much you want but not this one.”

  Courage rises up within me, and I do something I never thought I would; I speak up and tell this man what Thomas did. “I’m not supposed to be touched ,and yet he tried to fist me and shot his cum down my throat? Or was that allowed too?”

  The man standing in the doorway comes down into the shower area, looking at Thomas as he speaks. “Is this true?”

  “She’s just a cunt. Why would you believe her over me?”

  “What does she have to gain over lying to me? Her life is over as she knows it,” his boss tells him.

  Thomas glares at me. “I gave the cunt what she deserved after talking back to me.” Before I even realize what’s happened, I hear a loud sound and see Thomas drop to the floor. Blood oozes out of his head, and the boss looks to the others in the room.

  “This girl is not to be touched by anyone. If you do, you will be like Thomas. Is everyone clear?”

  The man shoving his cock into the girl’s mouth pulls it free, tucks it back in his pants, and heads towards me. “I’m going to put her back in her cell.” He tells his boss, who shakes his head.

  “No, put her in the room with her.” He points to the girl who’s still getting fucked violently and nods at his boss’ command. I don’t know why, but something about being in a room with this girl is making me incredibly nervous. “And the crying one.”

  Chapter 5


  My phone buzzes again on the desk in my study. I curse at myself, wondering if it is my father yet again. He’s called me twenty-three times in the last day and a half. I can’t fathom why he’s still calling. Surely, he knows that I won’t answer. I’ve ignored him thus far, and I’ll continue to do so. My mother, on the other hand, called once, and I answered, apologizing for leaving the way I did. However, I need her to understand that I have a limit when it comes to my father.

  She loves him unconditionally, something that I should hope for as a child, for my parents to care that much about the other. Only, I see their marriage for what it is; an arrangement that was made for them all those years ago. I refuse to have my father do the same to me, to put me in a marriage with a woman I could hate, or one like my mother where she’d love me and I wouldn’t want a damn thing to do with her. Any of these options are feasible when families like ours stick to the old ways. It’s why I’m so adamant about doing my own thing.

sp; Isabella is a good option, but she’s not my type. The girl has so many secrets. Ones that her own brother doesn’t know about, and I wonder what they think she’s really been doing in New York for the last month. I have friends in high places, and I have ones in low ones. In this case, my friends from the higher parts gave me a little intel on little Miss Isabella. If I know about what she’s been up to, then I’m sure others do as well. I wonder how long she’ll live when the others find out she’s an operative for the government, going covert under mission.

  It’s hysterical for me imagining a girl like her in a situation like that. A quiet, timid, little girl somehow growing brass balls. It doesn’t take an idiot to figure out they had something on her, and that’s the information I don’t have yet. I’ll get it, but I’m sure it will take me quite a while. Depending on what it is, I might just have to use it against her and tell our lovely King and Queen. Although, if I can use her being an operative as a way to gain information, I’ll use her to my advantage.

  My phone buzzes away again. This time, I’m unable to ignore the loud vibrating sound of it against the wood. I pick it up, unleashing my aggravation on my father. “Do you realize how many times you have called me? This marks twenty-four, and I’m over it. Stop fucking calling me. If and when I want to call you, I will reach out,” I hiss, ready to hang up the phone when I realize that my father isn’t the one who called me.


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