Mountain Delights

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Mountain Delights Page 2

by Vanessa Vale

  What the fuck?

  I sighed, let it out. Okay, so she wasn’t a hooker. She was worse. His woman? What the hell did that mean exactly? Girlfriend? Friend with benefit? Fiancée?

  I was surprisingly disappointed. I’d wanted this woman, wanted to fuck her as that was what she’d said she was here for, to find out what made her hot so her mind would go blank, so that brazenness would be spanked out of her, softened to just whimpers and moans. She’d be putty in my hands.

  I told my dick to stand down.

  Lucas had told me he’d met someone, that she was incredible, that what they had was special. I could see it. They looked good together. I could see the heat and chemistry between them from where I stood on the porch.

  Even though she belonged to my friend, I could see being with her, too. She hit every one of my hot buttons, and a few I didn’t know I had, and I didn’t even know her fucking name.

  She wasn’t so short I’d have to bend myself in half to kiss her. And I’d be able to suck on her nipples while my dick was deep inside her. But not if she belonged to Lucas.

  “Your woman wants me to fuck her. Did she tell you that?”

  Yeah, I was a fucking tattletale, but if she was coming on to me, hard, then she wasn’t the woman for him and he needed to know that. Bros before hos, although she wasn’t a ho.

  Lucas didn’t freak, only grinned. And his woman? She didn’t flinch or cower or even look guilty for propositioning her man’s best friend. Her cheeks may have gone pink, but it could have been from the cool air.

  “I sent her,” he admitted.

  He sent her. Huh?

  “To fuck me,” I repeated to make sure I understood what was going on. “I don’t need a pity fuck. That’s just wrong.”

  He closed his eyes for second, shook his head. “You’re an asshole.”

  I knew that.

  “Hailey isn’t here to pity fuck you. She’s here to get fucked by both of us. Together.”

  Holy shit. Okay, so definitely a friends with benefits thing. Benefits for me, too.

  My dick was rock hard and was pressing painfully against the zipper of my jeans.

  “Why didn’t you say so?” I asked her on a growl as leaned the rifle against the house. I wasn’t just hard as a fucking rock, I was pissed, too.

  Why? I had no idea.

  Lucas had always talked about sharing a woman. Not a random hookup out for a wild ride, but a woman who mattered. A woman for us to keep. Together.

  It had never happened, and I’d assumed it never would because it had always been fantasy.

  Until now. Until it was a reality.

  Holy fuck.

  Not only did I come after her armed with a fucking rifle, but I’d called her a prostitute.

  “I was trying to, but you wouldn’t let me,” she countered.

  I shook my head, rubbed my beard again. Fuck, I’d been a total dick. Not my usual MO with women. While Lucas might be the sweeter one of the two of us, I was definitely more protective. Ridiculously protective. If a woman was with me, then she knew I was all in.

  Not like my fuck-all father.

  “Sorry about that. Like Lucas said, I really am an asshole.” I wasn’t sure if that would cut it, but what else was there to say?

  They walked toward the house, Lucas’ arm still around her. She looked comfortable beside him. Content. Besides the fact that he wanted to share her—Hailey—with me, I was happy for him. It was one thing for him to mention her in a phone call, it was another to see them together, to see how… right they were.

  Lucas had had such a shit time for so long, he deserved something good in his life. Being deployed to Afghanistan had been hell, and while he’d come out of it alive and with his body intact, he had demons. PTSD was a bitch, and he’d been one of the lucky ones, getting counseling and learning ways to cope. He wasn’t the same guy who’d left years ago. He was damaged, but he was getting better.

  Hell, he was helping others. He knew what other vets were going through, what they needed to cope. With all his money—the Mills were the richest family in Cutthroat—he could have dicked around until he died. Instead, he’d created a non-profit that brought vets to Montana, running trips into the wilderness for therapy. Most of them left from my ranch and rode into the backcountry, using my horses. He’d started something good. Worked hard, busted his butt to give back.

  Now, Lucas had Hailey.

  He wanted to share her with me. No, she wanted to share herself with both of us. Talk about giving back.

  “You’ve had a tough time lately,” she said, breaking me from my thoughts. “I can see why you’d be wary of people showing up.”

  No shit. “It’s been difficult,” I agreed. “For Lucas especially.”

  He might not have gotten along with his sister, or with his parents for that matter, but he definitely hadn’t wished Erin dead. I glanced at my friend. A muscle ticked in his jaw, but he said nothing, only leaned down and kissed Hailey’s forehead.

  “We didn’t come here to stand on your porch,” Lucas said. “Unless you want us to bend you over that railing, doll.” He glanced down at Hailey, and she definitely did blush.

  “Maybe later.”

  Holy fuck. I glanced at my porch railing, envisioned Hailey leaning over it, jeans and panties down around her thighs, my handprint on her ass from spanking her as I took her hard. Yeah, I had a thing for spanking.

  I adjusted my dick so there wouldn’t be a zipper imprinted on it, then stepped back to let them go into the house first.

  “I like this place. Cozy,” Hailey said as she looked around.

  “Thanks,” I replied, closing the door. “My grandfather started the ranch. He built the house a year after he married my grandmother. My mother’s parents,” I clarified, so she’d know this wasn’t Seaborn property. “They handed it down to my mom and now it’s mine.”

  Some of the furniture had been my grandparents’, like the dining room table and chairs, some my mom bought back in the eighties. I hadn’t updated much since she died except for a new recliner that fit my large size and a flat screen TV. I didn’t give a shit about curtains or wall color and most furniture these days was built like crap.

  “Want… um, something to drink?” I questioned, but I wanted to ask if she wanted some dick.

  “Look, Cy, I’m sorry we told you like this, but I didn’t want you to say no over the phone,” Lucas said.

  I glanced at Hailey, who was tugging down the zipper on her jacket, clearly intent on staying and getting comfortable. My gaze followed the motion, but flicked to Lucas when I processed what he said.

  “You thought I’d say no?” No man still breathing would say no to Hailey. “I am not saying no.”

  Hailey smiled at me, tossing the jacket onto the sofa. “Good, because I’ve been fantasizing about this for a long time.”

  “You want two dicks, sweetheart?” I asked. She’d been bold from the beginning. I wasn’t going to change that now.



  I watched Hailey closely. Hell, I always watched her closely. Just… looked. When she slept, when she didn’t know. When she did. I couldn’t help it. She was so fucking beautiful. Intense, fierce. Insanely brave. She was like the strongest warrior in battle, pushing past demons, focusing on the end result. Driven. Failure for her was not an option. She did shit only a few had the balls to try. Absolutely fearless.

  I could ski. I could hit the black diamonds and back bowls for hours, loving the new powder, the feel of being on top of the world. But I never wanted to race down the steepest of slopes faster than a car on the highway.

  Fuck no.

  Perhaps it was this intensity for life that I was drawn to. Besides that incredible ass, the one that a quarter would bounce off of. The sassy mouth. The salty attitude.

  The silky hair. The full lips. The wet, tight pussy.

  It had been all of five seconds after meeting her that I got hard. Six hours later, we’d gotten naked. And
once we got in bed… fuck me. She’d been on fire. I’d never had sex like that before. Never knew being with someone so bold could be wild and intense, like it had been the first time. We’d done things together I’d only fantasized about. I was the one who called the shots between the sheets, but she pushed our boundaries.

  And that was why we were here now. Getting Cy in on our relationship. Hell, that wasn’t the right word. We weren’t in a relationship, we just were. It was Lucas and Hailey, as if I couldn’t remember a time without her. She was mine and I was hers, although we’d never said anything to make it official. We hadn’t dated, where I took her to the movies and held her hand, kissed her at her front door. Fuck that.

  Sure, we’d gone to the movies once, but an empty matinee, and she’d tugged me into the back row, dropped to her knees and sucked the cum from my balls better than a five-dollar hooker. After I got my brain cells back and dragged her out of there, I’d tied her to my bed and ate her pussy until she’d come three times. Only then did I give her the dick pounding she’d writhed and begged for.

  We were insatiable, not just in bed, but learning everything about each other. We’d met at a charity mud run in Big Sky, the large ski mountain down by Idaho. I’d been one of the organizers, with the money raised going to various veterans’ charities, including mine. Hailey had been there as one of the competitors, her fame helping to draw in race participants.

  Perhaps it was fate, or the fact that I told her planned partner I would donate a thousand dollars to the cause if I could take his spot. Best money I ever spent because not only had we slogged through a muddy-as-fuck obstacle course, but now she was mine.

  And now she was between me and Cy, ready to take things even further.

  Cy and I had talked about sharing a woman before. How it would be hot to claim one together. How it would be safe for her to know she had two men to protect her. I’d just gotten back from deployment and felt my mortality, knew I was broken. If I were going to have a girl, then I needed to ensure she’d be taken care of if anything happened to me. I wasn’t enough. Cy had understood and agreed. I needed to know Hailey would be okay, would be protected and loved if something happened to me. I had fucking PTSD. I was broken in so many ways. I wasn’t enough for her. She needed Cy to give her whatever I couldn’t. After going to war and what had happened to my sister, it was fucking important to me.

  And Cy? I had a feeling his own interest in a polyamorous relationship had to do with the way his dad had walked out on his mom. He’d watched firsthand how a woman could be destroyed by an asshole spouse. When he was a kid, she’d worked two jobs to support them. They’d had to move from town and to the ranch to live with his grandparents to get by. It was probably the best thing to have that extra family around, too. Still, he could envision how a woman with two men would never have to work herself to death.

  And, because I was a kinky fuck, I didn’t want to keep a woman to myself, which worked out perfectly. Not just any woman, but Hailey. I’d slept with women in the past to get off. Get in, get off, get out. They didn’t mean enough to remember more than their first names, and definitely not enough to share.

  The only woman before Hailey who I’d truly cared about was Kit Lancaster. I’d popped her cherry—and my own at the same time, before I went into the military. I hadn’t even realized I’d wanted to share back then. Hell, all I’d been eager to do was to finally get my dick wet. That had been years ago. Another lifetime. Pre-PTSD. I’d seen Kit at Dolly’s Diner right after Erin’s death. She’d been staying with my sister at the time and had been in the house when Erin had been killed. She was caught in the whole mess just like Cy. But, I’d heard she was with Nix Knight and Donovan Nash now and it made me happy to know she had two good guys watching her back.

  As for me, everything changed with Hailey. I changed. I wanted to show her off, let someone else see how incredible she was. How she melted at my touch, the way she looked when she climbed on my dick and took it for a wild ride. I wanted to see her like that, to watch as she gave herself to not just me, but to another man. Not just any man, but Cy.

  I had no interest in him other than as a friend; Hailey kept my dick hard and satisfied, my balls emptied. I knew he’d be there for her. Commit to her completely because he wanted to prove to himself and the world he wasn’t like his dad. He’d be able to carry her burdens, because that woman had plenty. She might not have fought the fucking enemy in a far-off sandbox, but in her own way, she came face-to-face with death. Cheated it and survived.

  I hadn’t known her last winter when she’d wiped out in that championship run. I didn’t follow ski racing, but after we met, I saw the footage online to learn what happened to her. Holy fuck, it had been horrible. It was amazing she wasn’t paralyzed. Or dead. To understand her debate about returning to the sport, how she was struggling to come to terms with her career, and ultimately her life. She’d been racing since she was a kid. Skiing was in her blood. It was all she knew. And now, it could all be over. What happened to her would haunt me, and if I had my way, I wouldn’t let her on a chair lift again.

  I was protective as fuck. I was happy to shelter her, to give her the little bubble she needed to figure her shit out.

  Not only all that, but with what happened to Erin, it made me realize life was fucking short. Shit happened. Scary shit. Things we had no control over. Erin and I hadn’t been close. Never had. She took after our parents, enjoying all the Mills’ money; big house, fancy car, fancy clothes and lifestyle. Her little event planning business had been pure amusement to help fill her otherwise boring days. We barely talked and only saw each other for the big holidays.

  Yet I was riddled with guilt over not being there for her, to protect her. I wondered if we’d been closer, if I’d know about her life, could I have saved her. Now, I’d never know. The fucking killer was still out there. One, once found, I was going to beat the shit out of. Only then could he rot in a ten by ten cell for the rest of his life.

  But I couldn’t dwell on that now. I couldn’t think of Erin, of how her life had ended. Or my parents and how this mess only made them even more fucked up. I had to trust Nix Knight and the other detective to find the killer.

  I’d walked away from my family years ago, gone off to fucking war to escape their shit. I’d had counseling to work through every fucked-up portion of my head. I had something good now. I’d built a career out of helping others who struggled like I had, like I still did sometimes. I had Hailey. I was happy. Happier than I ever thought possible. I hadn’t told her how I felt, not if she were going to head back to training. She was struggling to decide what to do, to compete or quit, and I wouldn’t add any weight to that decision. I wouldn’t hold her back, no matter what we felt.

  Since she might be heading out at any time for training, I wasn’t going to waste time playing games. And thank fuck, neither was she.

  When we discovered we were both into a threesome—and not just for a few hours of fun—we didn’t wait. Hell, we didn’t wait for any kind of sex, and I warned her that Cy liked to be in charge in the bedroom even more intensely than I did. My dick hadn’t gone down since I first laid eyes on her, no matter how many times I sank into any one of her holes and filled it with cum.

  This mutual desire was why we were in Cy’s living room now.

  I wanted her. Needed her. I hoped to marry her. A ring and a piece of paper didn’t matter. I’d even said as much to Cy. But just me being with her wasn’t enough. Because we—me and Hailey—weren’t enough. I couldn’t let it be since I was so fucked up in the head. We needed Cy in on it because our happily ever after included him. We had to see how this would work. Long term? Hopefully, but for tonight, to start.

  “Two dicks? Absolutely,” Hailey said, replying to Cy’s question.

  My dick swelled at that one word. Her consent in letting both of us have her.

  She’d told me she wanted it. Had shown up at Cy’s ranch on her own. Had confronted him when he was cranky as fuck.
None of that mattered if she changed her mind. I wasn’t going to make her. Neither was Cy.

  Yet, she was in.

  And she might just be the one to get Cy out of his funk.

  “You don’t even know me,” he countered.

  “You want to take me to dinner first?”

  My lips twitched at her question.

  Her fingers grabbed the hem of her turtleneck and she lifted it up over her head, her long hair falling down her bare back.

  “Fuck,” Cy murmured, his gaze squarely on her chest. “You had that hidden under there?”

  I almost swallowed my tongue at the sight of the red lingerie. Cy might have had a rifle, but Hailey had come well-armed.

  “I want two men. We’ve talked about it,” she looked to me. “Now that I’m here, that we’re all here, I need it.”

  “Why?” Cy asked, his hands clenching into fists. I stood behind her, saw the strong line of her back, but Cy saw those perfect breasts. Not too big, they were high and full, topped with perky nipples that went hard beneath my tongue. I could only see the sexy red straps of her bra, but I could only imagine how luscious it looked from the front.

  “Why do you want to share me? Why have you and Lucas talked about it? Waited for it?”

  “Waited for you,” I clarified, sliding my hand along her neck to collect her hair. Slowly, I began to braid it, just like Hailey had said was in that Fifty Shades book. It was silky and gorgeous, but I liked it out of the way. I also liked to hold onto that tail when I took her.

  She slid a hair band off her wrist and held it up for me to tie at the end. Yeah, she liked when I took hold of it, too. Once that was done, I moved to the clasp at the back of her bra, unhooked it. I reveled in the feel of her silky skin as I helped the straps off her shoulders and down her arms.

  Cy swore again, turned away, ran his hand over his beard.

  “Give him a minute,” I whispered, then kissed behind her ear, nibbled at the spot at the juncture of her neck and shoulder.


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