Lunchtime Chronicles: Served

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Lunchtime Chronicles: Served Page 7

by Brooklyn Knight

  “A good evenin’ to you too, officer,” the driver chirped.

  The officer gave the driver a nod and immediately turned back to me. “Ma’am.”

  I didn’t respond.

  “Are you Savannah Morgan?”

  My mouth was tight. I had a fake ID in my purse, but if I used it, it might interfere with whatever Colt was supposed to be doing. It didn’t make sense lying. If anything, it would be the worst move to make.

  “Yeah, that’s me,” I admitted. I reached into my bag and handed the officer my proper ID, since I knew it would be the next request.

  He shone a flashlight over my license and hummed. “Miss Morgan, we have reason to believe you’re wanted for questionin’ at the station.”

  “Really?” I bit out. “And what gives you reason to believe that?”

  The officer whipped out his phone and held it up, so I could see my picture plastered on the screen. Underneath it was other information, like my name, height, eye color... and the fact that I was, as he’d suggested, wanted for questioning.

  “I’m gonna need you to exit the vehicle, ma’am.”

  A huge part of me wanted to fight, but instead I sighed and pushed my door open. Immediately, the cop gathered my wrists behind my back and snapped a pair of rubber cuffs around them. I winced as he adjusted them.

  Was all of this shit necessary?

  “I get a phone call, don’t I?” I asked as he guided me to the waiting police car.

  The lights were still flashing.

  “Yes ma’am. Once we get you to the station, we’ll get you processed and settled. Hopefully, whatever the issue is, it’ll be sorted out and you’ll get to go... home.”

  I fucking doubted it.

  This was it: the moment I’d been trying to escape for the last four years, ever since I’d taken Candy on as a project. Now, she was free, and I was going to pay both my debts and hers.

  Damn you, Colton Wright!

  Chapter Eleven


  I watched my driver pull off from the front of the house taking Savvy with him, and something wrenched my heart like it had it in a vice grip. I was hurting – hadn’t felt this kinda’ pain in a real long time. Since everything that had happened in college, I’d erected a barricade around my heart like a fortress; but then I set my eyes on Savvy and let her back in without a second thought.

  And she ripped me to shreds, once again.

  I stumbled over to the bed and fell on it, taking my hair in my hands.

  She’d run off without listening. Again.

  Damn woman...

  Perhaps she thought I’d been joking when she said I wasn’t gonna let her get away again. Mama knew I was a man of my word, even though I’d fucked up in the past and wounded her, but if she thought, for a minute, that after having her next to me, I was gonna let her leave me again, she had another thing coming.

  I grabbed my phone and rung Trigg.

  He answered on the first ring. “Colt, I can explain.”

  “Then you’d better get to doing it,” I growled. “The hell you doin’ taking that woman from her job? You got my mama back on the run. She’s on her way back to Atlanta right now, and I swear to God, when she finds you, she’s gonna kick your ass!”

  “You shoulda’ talked to her, Colt. Candy is with me and she’s safe.”

  “I tried talking to her. Weren’t no use,” I said. “Take Candy to work, Trigg. Whatever the two of you got going on, sort that shit out when her fuckin’ shift ends.”

  “Sorry, Colt. No can do.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “I mean, she ain’t doin’ that kinda’ work no more,” he answered. “I ain’t allowin’ it. Besides, she’s right where she wanna be, and that’s with me.”

  I sighed and scrubbed my hand over my face. I already knew it didn’t make sense trying to talk Trigger out of this. The man was in love – had been saying it from the minute he met Candy in person. “You aren’t gonna take her in, are you?”

  “Hell no,” he almost bellowed. “I got that under control, just like I assume you got the situation with your woman handled.”

  I rubbed my brow. “Trigg, Savvy is on her way to Atlanta, and she’s looking for you,” I informed him.

  He laughed, and I knew what he was thinking. Mama was a petite thing, but a woman like her on a mission weren’t nothing to skylark about.

  “I’ll handle it,” he assured me.

  I nodded. “Good.”

  After a few more details were shared, I hung up, got dressed and hopped into my Hummer without delay. When my phone rang with the police station’s number on it, I let it go to voicemail and smiled.

  I told you, you needed me. I’m coming.

  I HADN’T BEEN TO THE station in a real long time. Didn’t have a need to show up there. Whenever me or my team apprehended someone, the cops would do the job of taking them in and processing their papers.

  Just like what had happened tonight.

  Only difference was, the one they had in custody this time was my woman, and like I’d told her, I wasn’t gonna let anyone put her behind bars.

  At least not for too long.... Just long enough to give her a gottdamn wake-up call; a short, sharp shock.

  The minute I walked into the station, the clerk at the desk summoned the police chief and he came scurrying out to meet me.

  “Mr. Wright.” He extended his firm arm and I shook his hand.

  “You collected my package?” I asked. My mouth barely moved, but the chief grinned.

  “Yep. She’s right over there in the back, hollarin’ and screamin’ like someone done cut her with a switchblade.”

  “She’s an animated one, for sure,” I admitted with a small smirk, “but I trust she was made comfortable...”

  “As comfortable as you instructed,” he answered.

  I nodded in approval.

  The chief led me to the back, where my Savvy was being contained, and sure enough, she was carrying on, the way she had been in the henhouse a couple of hours ago. Just looking at her, the phrase orange is the new black popped into my mind. Mama was disheveled, but she was trying her best to hold on to her signature vixen look.

  The moment she laid eyes on me, she pushed past three other women who were also in the cell and threw herself against the bars. Her eyes sheened with unreleased emotion and her French-manicured fingers snaked through.

  “Oh my God, Colt, thank God you’re here,” she gasped.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets and sauntered up to the cell, trying my darndest to keep the grin off my mouth.

  She took to explaining. “I was on my way back to the ranch and all of a sudden, these police officers came and arrested me, and – ”

  My brows quirked up. “You were on your way back to the ranch, you say?”

  “Yes! I was about to tell the driver to turn around,” she said, too flustered to notice my entertainment. “I spoke to Trigger and Candy, and they explained everything, so I was coming back and – ”

  “You... spoke to Trigger? And Candy...”

  I took another step towards her and ran my fingertips over hers.

  She gulped back emotion.

  “What did they say?” I whispered. I dipped my face to her barred hands, and she ran her nails through the hair on my cheek.

  “They said she’s fine,” she answered, a little more subdued. “Everything is fine.”

  “Mmm,” I hummed, “like I was telling you it was, right?”

  Savvy stiffened.

  “What else did they tell you?” I asked, rubbing my face against her fingers. “Did they tell you they were going on their honeymoon?”

  “You... you knew?”

  “Of course, I knew,” I said, stepping back, bracing myself for her wrath.

  Her eyes narrowed. “And you also knew about the police arresting me, didn’t you? Colton, you set this up!” Now her eyes were quivering, but it didn’t move me none.

  “I sure as hell did,�
� I confirmed. “You’re mine, Savvy. I ain’t letting you leave me like you tried to tonight.”

  “That’s blackmail of the highest order, Colton,” she seethed.

  “Maybe,” I shrugged, “but I won’t be apologizing for loving you so much, I can’t stand the thought of you quitting on me again without trusting me; without giving me a chance to fix shit.”

  Savvy’s mouth pinched closed and then her eyes dropped to take in what she was wearing.

  “You’re right,” she admitted. “I got scared and tried to bail on you. I was trying to fix it myself.” Those brown eyes pulled up. “I’m sorry, Colt,” she whispered.

  Fuck, she knew just what to say to erase my disdain, not that I would’ve been able to hold onto it long anyway.

  Savvy chuckled and shook her head. “You know you’re a complete asshole for this, right? If you wanted me to come back, there were so many ways you could have communicated that. I said I was gonna call you, didn’t I?”

  “And I told you I didn’t want a call.” I smiled and raised my hand, summoning the warden. Instantly, he arrived with the keys to her cell.

  The lock clanked off, and Savvy ran into my arms, where I collected her with a warm embrace. That was instantly followed by hungry kisses. I hadn’t eaten as yet, so I was starving; but as long as I had this here woman, I could go without food.

  We comforted each other with our mouths, moaning and carrying on like we were in a hotel room. I cupped the fullness of her ass with my hand, pressing her into me, and her hand fell to the place on my body she loved so much – my jutting cock.

  “You gonna trust me, mama?” I whispered between kisses.

  “I’ll try. I promise,” she moaned in response.

  I hummed. That answer was good enough for me. “You gonna run from me again?”

  “Not if you’re gonna serve me some more.”

  More kissing. More groping.

  “You gonna serve me?” she asked.

  “All fuckin’ day, mama. For the rest of my life.”

  The sudden cheers from the women still behind bars was the only thing to separate us.

  I ran my thumb over Savannah’s cheek. “Let’s go home. We started something back at that ranch a few hours ago, and I’m itching to finish it.”

  She took the hat off my head and plopped it on top of her curls. “Me too, cowboy,” she agreed. “Me too.”

  Note from Brooklyn

  Thank you for reading SERVED.

  I hope you enjoyed Colt and Savvy.

  Please leave an Amazon and Goodreads review to share your thoughts!

  Missed some of Season 2?

  Read Prime Ripped now!


  The Maid’s Daughter

  Oui: The French Connection Series, Book 1

  Coup: The French Connection Series, Book 2

  Trois: The French Connection Series, Book 3

  Torn: The Alpha Series, Book 1

  Loveless: The Alpha Series, Book 2


  Five Years








  Chapter One


  Chills, body aches, nausea, headaches, and sick to my stomach. I looked at the attendant as if she lost her damn mind.

  “Here is my insurance card.” I tried to give it to her for the third time.

  “Ma’am, please use the kiosk, as it’s set up to take your information,” she said with that fake ass smile.

  I rolled my eyes at her, though they felt like they might fall out of my head. Especially with all the imaginary banging against my skull. I lumbered over to the kiosk for the third time and tried again. It kept asking to take a picture of my identification and insurance card. I put in all of the required information, but then something popped on the screen that read system error.

  What in thee fuck?

  “Lady,” I yelled back without looking at her. “This is not working.”

  My fucks were going out of the window, along with my patience and my eyeballs. Everything in my face felt like it was about to blow up as my body began to heat up like a bonfire that was just doused with kerosene. In the next moment, it would be the chills, like the faint Philly weather that was doomed as soon as I walked through the glass doors.

  “You had to put in your identification.” She called from her chair, and that was when I had had enough.

  “I did,” I yelled and jerked my head around so I could glare at her.

  One of her colleagues must have seen that I was on ten. I mean, a literal ten, because she got up and said, “Ma’am, I’ll help you.” I did not feel well, and I swear on everything, that would not be good for this Urgent Care Facility. I was a calm and cool woman, but when I was hungry or sick is when another side would come out.

  The woman took my papers and cards, tried the same thing I did, and when she received the errors, she called back, “Yeah, this machine is acting funny again.”

  If I had the energy, I would have screamed. The fact that the receptionist said again meant that the machine had been down before. Meaning that that other chick knew that, meaning I just needed to see the damn doctor, before I pulled one of those broads over the counter and they would need to see a doctor.

  “Look, I think I have the flu, I need to see a doctor now,” I demanded.

  I was done with formalities, niceties, and filling out stupid paperwork or the dumb ass kiosk that didn’t work. It was unsanitary anyway because you had sick people tapping on these screens after one another. If they had Ebola, then I would have it too.

  This Urgent Care facility is not to be admired, and truth be told, the place was lacking. I didn’t have many options at eleven at night, but what was a woman to do in the city of Brotherly Love. This was such a lie, let me tell you. I don’t think I’ve met a friendly person in the last three years of my being here. It was a culture shock.

  I’m from Maryland, and we spoke to each other. In Philly, ha. They won’t even look at you. It’s like New York. Hear no evil, see no evil. Just be evil.

  “I’ll get you signed in.” The lady took my stuff as I went to go sit down.

  I was done.

  A few minutes later, she returned my stuff and a woman with a white coat on with white sneakers that had handwriting on the sides, called my name.

  “Ivory Nash,” She called again because I was slow to get up.

  Once I moved towards her, she gestured my hand for me to follow, so I did.

  I explained why I was there, she took my vitals and then she stepped out, as she shared the doctor would be with me soon.

  The next person opened the door, and before me stood a tall, dark-headed man, chiseled jaw, black-rimmed glasses, and spiky hair. Well, he was cute, but the surly look on his face did not match.

  “What brings you in here today?” He said without looking at me and going straight to the computer.

  “Think I have the flu,” I murmured.

  “That so?” He asked. “You take the flu shot.”

  I shook my head and didn’t answer.

  This caused him to turn to me, then it was his turn to shake his head. Like he couldn’t believe it.

  I scoffed at his outrage, and this had him standing up and finally facing me.

  “Something funny?” He asked, with his arms crossed over his expansive chest.

  He had on a blue button-up shirt, a white doctor’s jacket over it with dark slacks and sharp shoes. There was no ring on his finger, and he could pass for my age or probably older with that grey streak at the top of his head.

  “Yeah, the nasty and rude ways of this Urgent Care Facility,” I answered as I stared him down. “This place is, by far, bar zero.”

  My words must have cut him, because he looked at me, then took one step. If I wasn’t from the streets of
Prince George’s County, I might have taken that as a threat, but if I had to, I would use my knuck if you buck on his ass.

  “You come in here, the Urgent Care Facility, because you didn’t want to go to the hospital to see if you have a contagious virus wreaking havoc in your body. Yet, you didn’t get your vaccine, you might be spreading it as we speak, but you want a top-notch facility to cater to your lack of planning and preparation. You are welcome to go elsewhere and get treatment if we are not meeting your expectations, my queen.” He snapped back, and I think my head actually exploded.

  “Who the fuck are you talking to?” I snapped and jumped in his face.

  Now I was in knuck if you buck mode.

  “Nobody talks to me that way.” I was visually seeing red and in this man’s face.

  Sick and all. I’m sure spittle was present, and I cared not one bit.

  “We’re the only two in here, your highness.” He taunted. “I must be talking to you.”

  “Fuck you,” I seethed as our noses grazed each other, but I had to get on my toes. “Fuck you, Doctor Asshole.”

  “I’m a doctor with an asshole, and you’re...” He started to say something, but I must have expended all of my energy because suddenly the heat was too much and I went crashing.

  My head finally exploded.




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