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Paradox Page 10

by D. L. Line

  Jen watched Terri’s face again, making special note of her eyes and the way her pupils dilated. Jen could see that Terri obviously wanted this too. She leaned in, offering a soft kiss and a hug.

  “Yes, mainframe. So what happens next? Do we—”

  She never got the rest of the question out because Terri was already moving. Jen had never before seen her in full cop mode, and was startled by the speed and power that she demonstrated. Further contemplation of the situation flew out the window as Terri jumped up from the edge of the bed, pulled Jen up by the shoulders, flipped her over, and shoved her face first back onto the bed. Jen, too surprised to react as her face hit the comforter, soon became aware of a strong hand in the middle of her back and a commanding voice in her ear.

  “Hands straight out, palms up.” Jen hesitated, a little unsure, but not for long as Terri made her demands clear. “Now!” She moved to comply.

  Jen felt a twinge in her shoulder as her right hand was pulled into the small of her back. She couldn’t see what was happening from her facedown position on the bed, but the gentle pressure of a knee on her left arm kept her sufficiently immobilized while the jingle of a pair of handcuffs provoked a rush of adrenaline, quickening her heart rate and breathing. Jen felt a second rush, considerably south of her chest, as the cuff snapped into place around her wrist and the knee was removed from her other hand, which was soon guided into place, joining its partner at the small of her back. The second cuff closed around her wrist, and Jen came to the full realization that nothing short of safe-wording was getting her out of this.

  Not that she really wanted out. It was just a little overwhelming.

  Terri evidently sensed this as Jen’s thoughts snapped back to the present. “You okay, sweetie? Do you want me to...?”

  “No. Please...”

  Jen had no idea what was coming next. Her inability to see Terri’s face was proving to be more than a little disconcerting, but the soft voice was back, close enough that Jen felt warm breath on her ear.

  “Good girl. I thought so.” The hand left the middle of her back, and Jen shuddered as it drifted lower, caressing gently downward until it came to rest on her backside. Closing her eyes, Jen attempted to rein in her anxiety as the soft touch of the hand on her butt was joined again by the voice in her ear. “You’re in a little trouble here, Dr. Rosenberg.” Jen swore she could feel the amusement that sounded from deep in Terri’s chest. “Definitely a little bit of trouble. Now what are you going to do about it?”

  Jen again attempted to struggle against the restraints, but gave up quickly as she felt the cold steel holding her hands in place.

  Yeah, like she said. Definitely a little bit of trouble.

  “I don’t think that’s going to help you here. Maybe I should try to come up with something.” Jen became aware of motion again as Terri’s hand drifted down her right leg, back up her left, all the while teasing around her inner thighs. She groaned when the hand finally worked its way back up, stopping at the crotch of her pajama pants. Jen felt the color rise on her face as she and Terri came to the mutual realization of exactly what effect the scenario was having on Jen.

  “Jesus, Jen. I’d always suspected you’d like the cuffs, but I’m quite frankly awed by how warm things are getting down here.” Jen fought to breathe a little as she squeezed her thighs together, attempting to keep Terri’s hand snugged up against her. It didn’t work. Terri pulled her hand away and offered a small warning.

  “Dr. Rosenberg, do we need to have a little chat about the chain of command here?”

  Jen only shook her head to indicate that she was fully aware of the rules of this new game, closing her eyes against what was starting to become panic, a look that she knew Terri would be unable to see.

  “Good. Glad to hear it. But we still have a small problem.” Jen craned her neck around again to try to see Terri’s face, but the angle made that impossible. “What am I going to do with you now? Seems to me like I could pretty much do anything I want, doesn’t it?”

  In an attempt to ascertain the true depth of Terri’s commitment to their game, Jen didn’t answer right away, but changed her mind quickly as the hand returned to the middle of her back and Terri’s almost whispered words sounded in Jen’s ear.

  “I asked you a question.”

  Jen’s response amounted to only the slightest inclination of her head, indicating thatTerri could do anything she liked, and the thought provided an additional wash of anxiety for her. From their first time, Jen had almost always initiated their sexual encounters. She was the flirt, the maker of suggestions. Once things got rolling, she usually backed off and let Terri take the lead, but she still felt in control. This was different. She really needed to step back and let things unfold; it just wasn’t easy for her.

  Just let go, Rosenberg. It isn’t that hard.

  Well, it shouldn’t be, so why was it?

  You want this, Rosenberg. You’ve wanted this for as long as you can remember. Right? She’ll let you go if you say the word, but you’re not gonna say the word. It’s a fantasy, doofus...what you’ve always wanted. Do it for her. She’s your cop, your fantasy come true. You’ve had dreams about this; hell, you’ve almost wrecked the car thinking about this. They’re just handcuffs and Terri has the key. It’s right there on the nightstand. That’s all it is. What you wanted. The keys are on the nightstand, aren’t they? Isn’t that where she put ’em? I hope. Fantasy. C’mon Rosenberg. This is for her. This is what you want. Breathe, Rosenberg. Do it for Terri. No, really, Rosenberg, breathe. In and out. You can do this. Do what you need to do. It’s simple. Just do it. Just take a deep breath, and—


  She almost couldn’t hear herself actually say the word, but there it was. Jen fought not to panic because it seemed to appear that Terri almost didn’t hear it as well.

  “What? Jen...Sweetie, are you okay?”

  Jen began to struggle again, fighting and pulling against the handcuffs as Terri reached over to the nightstand to get her keys. “Yes, baby, but please. Mainframe. Let me go. I can’t do it.”

  “Easy, sweetie.” Terri offered a soothing touch to the center of Jen’s back as she returned with the keys. “I’m here...” She unlocked the cuffs, much to Jen’s relief. Jen lay flat on the bed and tried to push the anxiety down, an action that was so very much easier with the handcuffs tossed aside, out of reach. She rolled over onto her back, attempting to rub away the sensation of the manacles, still very much aware of her discomfort and the way those damn cuffs felt. She relaxed a little more and closed her eyes to enjoy the touch of a soft hand to her cheek as Terri checked in.

  “Jen, are you okay?”

  “Yeah, baby, I’m okay.” She sat up, and searched Terri’s face, finding exactly what she needed. “I’m so sorry. I really wanted...”

  Terri offered a quiet “shh” and pulled Jen close for a comforting hug. “It’s all right. I don’t want you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

  Jen pulled back, extricating herself from the hug to try to process her jumbled thoughts.

  “Baby, I know, but I really thought... I mean, shit, I don’t know what I thought. I’ve thought about this for like, well, forever. Well, maybe not forever, but you know what I mean.” Terri listened, allowing Jen the opportunity to vocalize her concerns and work through her problem out loud. “We’ve talked about this, we’ve joked about this, and now here we go, and I lock up. What’s that all about?”

  Terri shrugged. Jen hoped for an answer. She could tell that Terri was thinking, trying to come up with something supportive to offer, and waited as patiently as a hyper-intelligent college professor who had just safe-worded her way out of a pair of FBI handcuffs could wait. In other words, not very patiently.

  Terri eased her from her discomfort gently, offering both words and a soft touch to Jen’s knee. “Jen, first off, you know that I’m not disappointed, right?”

  “But, Terri, you wanted to do this—”r />
  Jen was silenced again with a gentle touch to her lips. “Sweetie, I wanted to do this for you. Think about it this way. I leave this house every day with those handcuffs tucked away on my belt. Just like my gun, just like the pen in my pocket and my phone. It’s stuff for work. When I have to use the cuffs, it’s not for fun; it’s to restrain a criminal, and to protect myself. They’re not toys to me. Actually, they’re not really anything to me. Just stuff I take to work.”

  “I mean, it’s like your briefcase. You take it to work every day. It’s not like USB drives and floppy disks make you hot, right?”


  Terri could only huff with mock disgust. “What was I thinking? My mistake. But you get my point. I do this cop thing for work. It’s a huge turn on for you, and I want to give you what you want. The fantasy is fun and hot, but the reality is that handcuffs are confining and evidently a little more than you’re comfortable with.”

  Jen remembered exactly how confining and uncomfortable those handcuffs felt. Since it seemed to be time for processing feelings, she shifted enough to sit cross-legged on the bed, and took Terri by the hands. Terri pulled her feet into the same position and faced Jen , as she attempted to put her additional concerns into words.

  “You know, the part I don’t get is why I reacted the way I did.”

  “You mean the claustrophobia?”

  “No, baby, I mean the fact that I’m still sitting here in wet underpants.” Jen offered a lopsided grin as she tried to piece together the odd mix of sensations. “As totally uncomfortable as it was to freak out like that, parts further south are trying to tell me that I liked it. So what’s that about?”

  Terri shrugged. “You still like the fantasy, right?” Jen nodded vigorously in response. “Maybe it’s just that.” Jen grinned knowingly as she watched the expression on Terri’s face change from concern to flirtation. “Or maybe since you have your hot cop right here, you couldn’t stand the thought of not touching me. I’m pretty partial to that theory.”

  Jen took Terri’s hands and pulled her close, whispering, teasing in that special way that she knew that Terri always responded to. “Or maybe you smell like gunpowder and you used your hot G-man mojo to addle my brain into submission.”

  Terri laughed, an easy sound that made Jen feel like everything was all right again. “Yeah, that’s it. I did that so I could get your hands out of the cuffs and over your head...” Jen followed Terri’s instructions and found herself in a compromising, if not restrained, position, “...lay all over you and say really naughty things in your ear.”

  Discussions of discomfort appeared to be over, so Jen finally let go of the last of her anxiety. “I like that plan. So, Agent McKinnon, what kind of naughty things were you thinking of?” She watched Terri’s eyes shift to the right, toward the top drawer of the nightstand, and understood exactly what she had in mind.

  “Again, I say good plan, Agent McKinnon. Why don’t you strap that bad boy on and see what kind of trouble we can get into?”

  Terri rolled over onto her back, and sat up on the side of the bed. Jen watched Terri intently as she pulled the drawer open and started removing items, arranging them on the bed with her usual sense of organization. Jen shuddered as the green silicone dildo hit the comforter, feeling her nipples harden in response. She could see that Terri was studying her reaction. Jen’s suspicions were confirmed as Terri said, “So, Dr. Rosenberg, I can tell that you see something you like.”

  “Well, you are an FBI Agent, after all. How did you deduce that?”

  “Actually, it hardly takes a detective to see that. If your nipples were any harder, they’d poke holes in your shirt.”

  As she raised her hands to cover her own breasts, Jen cursed softly, “Dammit. Busted by my own traitorous nipples, huh?”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much it.” Terri pushed Jen gently back into the comforter, applying slight pressure with a hand in the center of her chest. “But you mentioned something else. Something about wet underpants. Is that still a problem?”

  Jen scooched her butt around on the bed, attempting to ascertain the actual condition of her underpants. “That’s an affirmative, Agent McKinnon.”

  Jen shuddered a little as Terri opted to let her fingers do the walking, sliding them slowly up the outside of Jen’s legs, up to the waistband of her pajama pants. Jen shuddered again as strong hands grabbed at the elastic, pulling both jammies and underpants off in one smooth motion.

  There were times, lots of times actually, when Jen could tease and play around like this for hours. This was not one of those times. “You know, Agent McKinnon, I think you might need to do a little more investigation here.”

  “Oh, do you now?” Terri’s hands were back, this time creeping slowly up the insides of Jen’s thighs, applying a gentle pressure to move her legs just a little wider. “What do you suppose...oh my God, Jen.” Terri stopped as her fingers located the cause of the wet underpants. “You really weren’t kidding.”

  “Nope, I wasn’t. And I think since you are to blame for this condition, that you should take immediate action to fix it.”

  So she did. Terri flopped onto her belly, arranging herself strategically to bury her face into all that wet, stopping long enough to nibble her way up the inside of Jen’s thighs, adding just that little element of torture to Jen’s already heightened arousal. Jen groaned, offering a small warning, “Terri...”

  “What? Need something, sweetie?”

  “Please, baby...don’t tease... I need you.”

  Please don’t make me beg. I need you. I can feel your hot breath on my pussy, and it’s driving me crazy. Just a little to the right...little more...yeah, right there.

  Jen moaned as Terri hit the spot with one long swipe of her tongue. “Is that better?”

  “Oh God, baby. Yeah...better.” She rolled up with her hips in order to keep the lovely, talented tongue as close as possible, and fought the urge to rock harder.

  Easy, Rosenberg. Don’t break her nose. That would be a good one to explain over at the ER. Well, you see, Doc, she was licking me...going down on me just like that...oh shit... yeah like that, and it was really good... oh God it was so good... just like that...Hey!

  “Terri, what... where’dja go?”

  Through her haze of want, Jen watched Terri get up on her knees and rock back onto her heels, answering, “I’m still here, but I need a couple of minutes to take care of something that you mentioned earlier.” A look crossed Terri’s face, one that Jen knew intimately, as a potentially wicked idea struck Terri. She reached up and gently guided Jen’s right hand to her own pussy. “Take care of this for me for a second...I’ll be right back.”

  Jen groaned at the sight of the completely naughty expression on Terri’s face as she watched, for just a moment, as Jen took care of herself.

  Yeah, I see you looking at me. Oh, baby, you have such a dirty mind, and I’m the only one who knows it. Here, check this out...

  Jen applied enough pressure with her splayed fingers to open herself up fully, offering Terri a totally unobstructed view. Terri’s breath hitched once...gotcha!...just enough to let Jen know that her actions had landed for the desired effect, as she held herself open with one hand and used the fingers of the other hand to explore, easily sliding just the tip of one finger into herself.

  Look at you, Ms. Big Bad Agent. You’d better close your mouth before you start to drool and take a breath before your head explodes. Hell, I’d better slow down or I just might explode. Easy there, Rosenberg. Don’t break the nice detective.

  “ You still with me? I thought you had something to take care of.”

  “What? Yeah... oh, sorry... right. Hang on.”

  Wits apparently regained, Terri began her preparations, sliding the green silicone dildo into its appropriate place and rolling a condom down its length. She got up to remove her cargo pants and underwear, replacing them with a black leather harness. Satisfied that the straps were adequate
ly tightened, she climbed back onto the bed, removed Jen’s hand from its assigned task, sucked the juice off her fingers on the way, and pulled Jen up onto her knees. Leaning in as Terri kissed her, hard, Jen thought she just might lose it right then and there as Terri ended the kiss, pulled back and said, “I want you on top. I want to watch you.”

  I bet you do. Well, let’s just see what it’s worth to you.

  Jen pushed Terri back onto the comforter roughly enough to surprise her. Terri’s eyes widened, and Jen asked, “How bad do you want that?”


  “You heard me, Agent McKinnon. How bad do you want to watch me... watch me fuck you?”

  Ooh...that got her. You felt that everywhere, didn’t you?

  “Oh, God...Jen...please...”

  Hands on Terri’s shoulders, Jen pinned her to the mattress and leaned in, offering soft words and a nibble to her ear. “Please, what, Agent McKinnon?”

  You’re not getting off that easy, Missy...say the words.

  “Please, Jen...” Terri hesitated as Jen’s hands found her breasts, not-so-gently teasing out her nipples through the ribbed knit of her black tank top. “Climb up on me, slide down my cock, and fuck me.”

  Yeah, that’s it. Good girl.

  Jen registered the gentle pressure of hands on either side of her waist, urging her up and onto a little over seven inches of textured bright green silicone. She pushed down, taking most of it at once, eyes rolling back as she adjusted to the fullness.

  Ooh, that’s nice. Little speed bumps of joy.

  The pressure around her waist aided Jen once again, helping her to push down, urging her to take more. It got easier each time as Terri helped Jen find a rhythm, encouraging her, teasing out a moan as she released Jen’s waist to slide up under her borrowed scarlet and gray football jersey to fondle the small breasts within.

  Good shot, Agent McKinnon.

  Jen moved, up and down, as Terri rocked in counterpoint. She thrust up with her hips as Jen pushed down, increasing the tempo just a little each time. Leaning forward, Jen took Terri by the wrists, pinning them over her head, supporting herself while she rocked. Jen watched as Terri allowed her head to fall back into the pillow. “Hey...I thought you wanted to watch.”


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