Stolen By The Cursed Alien

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Stolen By The Cursed Alien Page 18

by Roxie Ray

  “So you're saying I don't have to die after all?” From the sound of it, Zark couldn't believe his own ears. “I can still be your mate?”

  “If that's what you want, then yes, Zark. Absolutely.”

  “Miranda, it's all I want.”

  I smiled. “Good. First, we'll need to form the blood bond.”

  He nodded, and then moved the sheet aside, revealing his bare chest. Even sick, even injured, I couldn't help but notice his magnificent chiseled physique as he used one of his sharp fingernails to slice a straight line just beneath his collarbone. His blood was dark and thick, reminding me that he hadn't consumed any fresh blood in a long while.

  “You must start by drinking from me,” he said. “I am sorry if that idea doesn't seem particularly appetizing for you.”

  “Nope, it suits me just fine.”

  I leaned over and put my lips over the wound carefully, taking his blood into my mouth. It was coppery, but oddly sweet, as well. I could almost feel it nourishing my own blood cells, saturating them, making me stronger.

  The sensation seemed pleasant for him, as well. He closed his eyes for a few moments, moaning happily. When I'd had enough, he said, “Now it is my turn. I shall do my best not to hurt you, my darling.”

  “Do whatever you need to do, Zark. I'm not afraid at all. I trust you.”

  He took my wrist gently and carefully drew his nail across it. There was a brief spark of pain, but when he put his lips over the cut, the skin went numb and tingly. As he drank from me, I wondered whether Valkredians' saliva had natural anesthetic properties, like when a mosquito numbs the flesh before inserting its proboscis and feeding on the lifeblood it needs to survive.

  His face flushed pink for a few moments, and when he withdrew, he grinned, licking the blood from his teeth. “I can feel it already – it's working! The pain is going away!”

  I threw myself into his arms and kissed him, tasting my own blood on his mouth. I never would have thought something like that would fill me with such relief and exhilaration – but as it turned out, it was a damn strange galaxy I was living in, and I was sure it had many more surprises in store for me.

  “So that's it, then?” I asked. “The bond is complete?”

  He pulled me even closer to him, stroking my hair with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. “Well, there is one more component to it. I mean, technically it's something of a formality, but…”

  “Oh? Well, I'm all about formalities.”

  “Excellent. I knew you wouldn't mind.”

  I yanked the sheet off him completely and threw it on the floor of the medical bay, revealing every line and curve of his perfect alabaster body. He pulled my shirt up over my head, cupping my left breast and eagerly caressing it with his lips. My nipples hardened immediately, and I ran my fingers through his hair. God, I was already so wet for him that I could barely stand it.

  And when I looked down, I could tell how badly he wanted me, too.

  His cock was stiff and quivering. I could practically see my blood pumping through the veins of it, energizing him, filling him with renewed vitality. I reached down and touched it lightly, delicately, relishing the way it throbbed in my grasp.

  I paused long enough to kick off my shoes and slide out of my pants. Now we were naked together, exposed, vulnerable. I had never trusted a human man the way I trusted this gorgeous alien – I'd never wanted to give myself over to someone so completely, to merge with them. But now that his blood was inside me and mine was in him, it felt like our heartbeats were sharing a rhythm.

  For all I knew, they were. Maybe that was part of the Valkredian mating process. There was still so much for me to find out about this exquisite race, and many others, as well.

  But that would have to wait. I had far more important matters to attend to first.

  His fingertips brushed the slick surface of my pussy, making small circles around my clit as his teeth tenderly nipped at my tit. My breath quickened – I was literally panting, desperate for him to take me. He knew it, too, the smug bastard. He was taking his time, teasing me until I couldn't stand it anymore.

  Well, two could play that game.

  I grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away. Then I scooted forward on the bed until my pubic hair was close enough to brush against his erect cock. I moved my hips in a circle, letting my labia rub against his shaft until he was glistening with my juices. He kept trying to thrust forward, but I kept myself just out of reach, maintaining eye contact the entire time.

  The mischief in his eyes was gone, replaced by a frenzied lust. He licked his lips. “I must have you. Now.”

  I could feel him pulsing against me urgently, harder and harder with each movement, like a battering ram against a castle door. I loved the edge in his voice, the knowledge that I was driving him crazy with desire.

  I wanted to keep playing with him… but the truth was, I couldn't wait any longer, either. I needed him.

  So I lifted my hips, moved forward a bit more, and settled down on top of him – staking myself on him, impaling myself, letting him pierce me all the way up to my core.

  Zark cried out sharply. Maybe he meant to say my name, but it was all a string of passionate vowels. I brought myself down on him over and over, riding him hard as I kissed his mouth and neck and chest. His hips and buttocks were bucking and spasming violently beneath me, trying to set the rhythm, but I wouldn't let him. I was in control this time, and I was loving every minute of it.

  My climax roared and swept through me like a hurricane, blowing down all of my defenses, leaving me shaking and gasping and twitching. His orgasm pumped into me, and he repeated my name again and again like an apostle speaking in tongues, clutching me as tightly as he could.

  Then I picked the sheet up off the floor and wrapped it around us, so we could get some rest before we reached Valkred.

  Before we reached the planet, Akzun came to the medical bay to visit us (after making sure we were both dressed, of course). He said he was trying to decide the best way to announce our mating to the Valkredians once we got there, and he had some thoughts he wanted to run past us.

  At first, when I heard what he was planning, I was skeptical – anxious, even.

  But Zark said he thought it was a good idea, and after thinking about it for a while, I agreed. I did trust them, after all, and I was ready to embrace my new life as a citizen of Valkred. This seemed like the best way to demonstrate that, to Akzun and the entire planet.

  It didn't stop my heart from racing nervously as we got closer to Valkred, though.

  Instead of landing on the docking pad at the Ruby Stronghold, the Angel's Wrath touched down on the grounds of the capital city's central park. Akzun had sent a transmission letting the city's government officials know he intended to make an important public address upon his return, and as we stepped down the ramp and off the ship, I was amazed to see a crowd of thousands of Valkredians waiting for us, waving flags and cheering for the Blood Ruler and his brother.

  I couldn't help but notice that there was another, smaller group off to the side. I didn't need my translator to figure out that the messages on the signs they held didn't exactly read “Welcome Home.” Some jeered and shook their fists at us, while others simply stood in silence, their eyes filled with disapproval.

  “Protestors,” Zark explained. “Some of them believe Akzun was a fool for signing a treaty with the Mana, while others hate that he chose a human woman for a consort.”

  “Sounds like they've got a lot in common with Torqa,” I observed uneasily. “I'm surprised that they don't run off to join her little crusade.”

  “Some of them might. And some of them might be acting as her eyes and ears here on Valkred. That's why we do our best to keep a close eye on them. But as you can imagine, that's easier said than done. There are numerous anti-Akzun movements to keep track of, and half of them don't exactly operate out in the open.”

  “Still, I'm surprised Akzun doesn't just round them up and have them arr
ested. That's very enlightened, letting them protest freely without fear of retribution.”

  “Well, of course!” Zark laughed. “We're an extremely enlightened people, after all. I mean, what do you think we are? Earthlings?”

  I feigned a nasty look, but inwardly, I had to concede his point. For vampire warriors, the Valkredians did seem tremendously fair-minded overall.

  Then again, I supposed we were about to test that theory with this announcement.

  “Besides,” Zark added, “when it comes to rooting out spies and saboteurs, it's not the people disapproving loudly that one has to worry about… more often than not, it's the people who pretend to be on your side.”

  “Whose job is that? Finding out who the spies are, I mean.”

  Zark smirked. “Well, until recently, that was Torqa's job. Akzun appointed an interim head of espionage, but in the long term, I'd be surprised if the position wasn't offered to Dhimurs. He seems like he'd be well-suited for it.”

  “What about Surge?”

  Zark shook his head. “He'd never accept a job like that. Too much thinking, not enough killing.”

  “And what about you?”

  He seemed taken aback by the question. “What? Me? As head of espionage for the whole planet? I'd much rather stick to diplomacy, and hanging around the Stronghold cracking jokes. Especially now that I've got a fabulous mate like you to spend the rest of my life with.”

  “Zark, you'd be perfect for it. You did all that sneaking around and investigating. You successfully tracked Torqa down and foiled her plans for the book. And besides, you're Akzun's brother! Who else could he possibly trust with such an important position, especially after Torqa stabbed him in the back?”

  Zark appeared to think this over carefully. Before he could answer, though, Akzun stepped forward and put his hands behind his back, addressing the crowd.

  “Proud people of Valkred! As you've no doubt heard by now, my brother and trusted advisor Zark recently went in search of Torqa, in an attempt to dismantle her terrorist organization and bring her to justice for her vile betrayal.”

  A lone voice from among the protestors called out: “You're the real betrayer, fish-lover!”

  Akzun took a moment to glower in the direction of the one who'd spoken, then went on. “Zark was able to locate Torqa. He neutralized the members of her private army. He prevented her from stealing the flagship of the Valkredian fleet. He stopped her from harnessing a weapon of terrible power and unleashing its devastating effects on the rest of the galaxy. Thanks to his tireless and heroic efforts, our empire remains safe and strong.”

  The crowd cheered – all except for the grim-faced protestors.

  “Regrettably, Torqa herself remains at large,” Akzun continued, “but not for long. We have every confidence that she will be captured or killed in the very near future, thus eliminating one more threat to the peace our planet currently treasures so deeply.”

  No cheering this time. If anything, even Akzun's supporters looked disappointed. Not a good sign.

  Zark squeezed my hand encouragingly, and I tried to remain hopeful that this would go well.

  It wasn't easy.

  “I have more news to share with you,” Akzun announced. “News which I hope will fill your hearts with joy, as it has my own. Zark has chosen a mate. It is my greatest privilege to introduce her to you now: Miranda Barnes.”

  He gestured to me.

  Again, no cheering. The people looked dumbfounded, not to mention let down.

  “Don't worry,” Zark whispered. “We expected this reaction at first, remember? He's not done yet.”

  I nodded. I appreciated his attempt to comfort me, but I was still having a difficult time trying to picture what would happen if this went badly. Dreadful and bloody images of the French Revolution and the assassination of the Romanovs kept running through my mind.

  And could I really blame them? It must be difficult, seeing not just one but two outsiders marry into the ruling family. Especially in such a short span of time.

  “I can understand your trepidation,” Akzun said. “Particularly in light of my own recent decision regarding my consort. However, I wish to assure you that although Miranda Barnes appears human, and Earth is indeed her point of origin, her appearance is quite deceiving… for she is, in fact, not human. Rather, she is a very special hybrid, unique to all the galaxy. She is the direct result of a mating between a human and a Lunian.”

  A murmur of shock and wonderment traveled through the crowd.

  “Because of this,” Akzun pressed on, “she was born with incredible powers, including psychic abilities that far surpass those of any Valkredian… and even many Lunians, for that matter. And now that she has chosen to live among us, she has dedicated herself to using those gifts to guard our empire, and to defend us from any who would dare to rise against us and threaten our way of life. Let our allies rejoice, and our enemies beware!”

  The crowd erupted into thunderous cheering and applause – even the protestors. Zark put his arm around me and smiled, waving at them as they began to chant my name.

  I couldn't believe it. It had worked. The people of Valkred were willing to accept me after all. More than that – Zark accepted me, and I'd never have to hide my abilities from anyone ever again. I could use them openly, in a place where I felt safe and content. I'd found the love of my life, and a home where I could be myself without fear. I had an entire cosmos of new wonders and delights to explore with the man I adored. I had finally found my place in the universe – I had found true freedom.

  It was the happiest day of my life.



  The celebration of Zark's mating lasted for days. He encouraged me to join in the festivities, and I did – for the first day, anyway.

  It wasn't that I wasn't happy for him. Of course I was. I could see how much joy Miranda brought him – and even though I inwardly questioned the wisdom of both the Blood Ruler and his brother choosing human consorts, it wasn't exactly a situation that demanded my approval, and I was content to remain silent on the matter. I'd lusted after my share of human women on display at The Vein, after all. Who was I to begrudge a lifelong friend his contentment?

  No, it was a persistent feeling at the back of my mind, nagging me like some insect chewing on the nape of my neck. A feeling that something was wrong. Specifically, that I'd left unfinished business on Macur.

  But how could that be?

  I'd saved Zark and Miranda from Torqa, and from being scorched to death in the desert (without getting any credit for doing so in Akzun's grand speech, by the way, not that I was prepared to voice my displeasure at that little injustice). I'd left weapons and supplies with the Macurian tribal leaders, and promised them a lot more for helping us dispatch Torqa's army.

  So what was I missing?

  Whatever it was, it had kept me from getting any sleep since, or from fully focusing on my duties to the empire now that I was returned to Valkred. It wouldn't let me rest. Not until I returned to Macur, retraced my steps, and verified for myself that nothing else was wrong.

  I requested a few days’ leave from Akzun so I could take care of some personal business. I didn't try to explain my feelings to him. I didn't want him to think a member of his inner circle was starting to crack up or succumb to vague paranoia. He granted my petition, and I took my private shuttle, the Stellina, on a journey to Macur.

  When I reached orbit, I scanned for life signs, expecting to find the clusters that would indicate the various tribal settlements. I figured I'd have to ignore those, to try to isolate humanoid patterns that didn't necessarily belong.

  Instead, I was shocked to discover that there were hardly any sentient life signs on the surface at all.

  But where were all of the damn Macurians? What could possibly have happened to them?

  As I strapped on my armor, checked the batteries of my blasters, and prepared the shuttle for landing, I began to have a sinking feeling that I knew exact
ly what had become of them. Still, I prayed to all the Succubi that I was wrong.

  As it turned out, I wasn't.

  I went from village to village, and everywhere I looked, the same sights greeted me. The Macurians had been slaughtered… men, women, even children. Their bodies were heaped in piles, bleeding and broken and smoldering.

  I'd known Torqa my entire adult life. Even before she went bad, I'd always known she had a darkness within her, that she was capable of horrific acts in the name of her pride and her beliefs.

  But even I couldn't have imagined her capable of something so needlessly savage.

  When I reached the last village, I heard something rustling in one of the huts. The kills here were the freshest. Could Torqa still be on the planet?

  My question was answered almost immediately. Torqa emerged from the hut – her arm around the neck of a beautiful human female with white-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She was dressed in Macurian clothes made from leaves and vines – and she was terrified.

  I recognized her immediately.


  It had been years since I'd brought her to Macur as a girl, to be raised by the rulers of its largest and most powerful tribe. She was a woman now, and the sight of her set every nerve in my body on edge. I hadn't thought about her in so long, but now that I was seeing her again, I knew with every fiber of my being that she was destined to be my mate.

  Which meant I couldn't let Torqa harm her. I would sooner lay down my own life for her.

  Torqa bared her teeth in an insane smile. “The Macurians paid the price for standing in my way, Dhimurs. So will Akzun and Zark. And so will you.”

  I lunged forward to save Judy, but Torqa touched a small device strapped to her upper arm – and shimmered, disappearing along with the human woman. I ended up groping at thin air.

  A teleportation device.

  The bitch actually had a portable teleportation device.

  I looked up at the sky, howling with fury as I saw a small ship leave orbit and blast away at faster-than-light speeds.


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