Deceiving the Bandit Lord

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Deceiving the Bandit Lord Page 15

by Elle Clouse

  “Nice trick elf but not good enough.” With a step forward and a shove of force, he knocked Ardhor back against a tree. His body slid to the ground, as if lifeless.

  “Aisling,” Brogan brushed her cheek. “Get out of here. He’s gone mad.”

  “No—“ Her words cut off, her throat closing as if hands grasped her neck. The force pulled her to her feet, compelling her to step toward Declan. He had his hands held out to match like directing a marionette. Her arms and legs wouldn’t obey her commands.

  “You’ll learn to mind, woman, or you’ll find your marriage bed a treacherous place.” Declan’s hands flicked with each step.

  Her airway cleared and she sucked in a cold desperate breath. She scanned the surrounding forest for an escape or a weapon. She had to figure out how to regain control of her body first.

  Streaks of fur rushed past her, wolkfin leapt onto Declan. He stumbled back, his arms bogged down by fangs and claws. Aisling dropped to the ground, her limps suddenly free of the spell. Aisling glanced back, Brogan had gotten to his feet and a pile of clothing where Valko had disrobed sat beside him.

  Aisling wanted to get in there, the pack called to her but then Brogan would know. If he hadn’t guessed already. Turning back, he took labored steps toward her.

  “I can’t protect you.” He spat blood then wiped his chin. “Leave while you can. Please.”

  A resounding boom knocked them all to the ground again, the wolfkin who had been biting and tearing at Declan were all knocked back. How was he doing all this? Aisling leaned up onto her elbows and squinted at Declan. His fingers glistened with rinds, more than she’d ever seen him wear.

  Reliquaries, as Brogan had said. She’d have to get close and try to remove them. Brogan stirred beside her, staggering to his feet. Before she could ask what he was doing, he stumbled away.

  “Oh Aisling.” Declan held out his hands again, her limbs once again betraying her. Her steps were clumsy, but he marched her close to him until she felt his breath on her face. “There’s a good girl. I’ve got more than one way to make you compliant.”

  Bile rose in her throat but she fought it down. All the wolves lay motionless, Arhdor hadn’t stirred. And Brogan...

  “Hey jackass!” Brogan lobbed a snowball at Declan and it smacked the back of his head. “It’s me you came her for, let her go.”

  Declan’s eye twitched.

  Brogan hit him with another snowball.

  Declan released her, this time she remained on her feet. He stepped away, his attention undivided on Brogan. Declan didn’t think she was a threat.

  “Come on, simpleton. That’s it, one foot in front of another.” Brogan’s motioned for her to flee, a subtle gesture that Declan didn’t seem to see.

  Aisling glanced back, the forest lay open behind her. She could turn and run but she couldn’t leave Brogan to die. And Declan was in a killing mind, his crazed eyes left no doubt.

  Aisling straightened, she knew what to do. For herself, Brogan, and anyone else that had been harmed by Declan.

  She drew the strings on her dress, the garment falling to the ground. Brogan’s eyes grew wide, his stare halting Declan midstride. She mentally beckoned her wolf, the creature seizing her call. She bolted forward whilst her body shifted around her. Her paws hit snow, she crouched then leapt.

  Chapter 25

  Every fiber of his being ached but he lobbed his hastily formed snowball at Declan. He had to get the madman’s attention off Aisling.

  Brogan never anticipated she’d disrobe, shift into a wolf and attack. She never hesitated. His surprise had given away her element of surprise but the madman was just as taken aback as Brogan.

  Declan fell under her weight, her fangs sinking into the soft skin of his throat.

  Brogan averted his eyes. Not from the fear of gore but it was Aisling’s retribution, he didn’t want to intrude. He’d seen red when Declan talked to her, and if Brogan hadn’t been more concerned with her safety, he would have attacked.

  Instead he drew his attention away.

  He took a step back, his foot slipped on the snow and he fell back. The wind rushed from his lungs and his vision flashed for a moment. He groaned and sat up on his elbows. He rubbed his eyes for a moment, the light threatening to give him a headache.

  Aisling, silver and white, sat a few paces away. She whined and rested her head on the ground, wiping blood from her snout and mouth. Declan lay lifeless behind her.

  “Please don’t be afraid.” She’d shifted back and knelt in the snow.

  He knit his brows, confused for a moment, then realized his raised hand must look like a hand to keep her back.

  “I wanted to tell you I was wolfin, but the longer I held it in—“

  “The harder it was to tell the truth.” He knew all too well how that worked. Brogan sat up and crawled over to her. Her absence had only made his existence worse. He had his title and his lands but they meant nothing without her. “I don’t care. I had a guess but it doesn’t matter. Doesn’t change the woman I fell in love with.”

  She wiped her eyes of tears and her body shuttered. Gooseflesh raised on her entire body. Her dress lay across the field.

  He ripped his tunic over his head and pulled it down over her. She snaked her arms through the sleeves. He gathered her into his arms, where she belonged. “I wanted to see you again so badly. I never thought you’d be my champion against Declan.”

  She chuckled. “I couldn’t let you face him alone. I’d no idea he’d gotten so out of control.”

  Brogan stood, pulling Aisling up with him. He glanced down at her feet buried the snow. He couldn’t let her catch cold.

  “None of us did. Ardhor counted at least eleven reliquaries.” Brogan guided her back to her dress and an abandoned pair of shoes. “We must check on the others.”

  Aisling nodded and stepped into her shoes. He didn’t want his shirt back but he was certain her fur lined dress would keep her warmer. Before she could step away, he placed a kiss upon her forehead.

  Brogan marched across the field to Ardhor while Aisling stopped at the first wolf she came to. The elf lay at the base of a tree, his body laying at odd angles. Brogan knelt beside him, and sighed when he saw his chest swelling and falling.

  “Come on, not a time for a nap.” Brogan lightly slapped the elf, eliciting an eye flutter from the man. “Declan’s dead you ninny. Aisling took him out.”

  Ardhor moaned, then his eyes opened a crack. “Miss Aisling?”

  “You were right, she’s wolfkin.”

  Ardhor nodded. “Of course, I’m rarely wrong.”

  Brogan chuckled, the elf was fine. “It’s a shame Declan couldn’t beat some of that high and mighty out of you.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” Ardhor got to his feet with Brogan’s help and rested against the tree. “I’ll need a moment to mediate. That man packed a wallop. I suppose I should have taught you some healing magic too.”

  Brogan glanced back, most of the wolves were on their feet. Valko had returned to human form and returned to his clothes. Aisling sat beside a wolf who couldn’t lift its head.

  “Could you help us first?” Brogan motioned to the injured wolf.

  Ardhor nodded and wrapped an arm around Brogan’s shoulder. They walked to Aisling and Ardhor sat beside her on the ground.

  “Can you help her?” Aisling pet the wolf and implored the elf with her wide eyes.

  Ardhor nodded and stretched his hands over the wolf but didn’t touch her. He closed his eyes, a feint chant on his lips. Brogan stood at a distance but felt the power weaving around the wolf.

  “She will need plenty of rest.” Ardhor took Aisling’s hand and squeezed. “But she should be fine. Can someone carry her back to the manor?”

  “I will.” Volko stepped opposite and slipped his hands under her fur and lifted her to his chest.

  The walk back was silent. Brogan took Aisling’s hand and had to remind himself not to squeeze so hard. He feared she’d pull away.<
br />
  When the manor came into view, Connor and Bowen met them at the tree line. Disheveled and slightly battered, they smiled at the sight of Aisling.

  “I’m so glad you’re safe, Miss Cotton said you’d cast yourself into the wylderlands.” Connor embraced his sister. “What happened? Where did you go?”

  Brogan interrupted. “Where is Declan’s man?”

  “Oh that bugger? He gave us a hard time but he’s in the horse pen in the stable now. Awaiting your judgement.”

  Brogan nodded, the responsibility was his now to uphold the law on his own land. “Right, I’ll be in the stable. Ardhor?”

  The elf nodded.

  Aisling motioned them to the house, a longing glance at Brogan. “Connor, Bowen, there’s something I need to tell you about mother.”

  Chapter 26

  “As instructed, we searched him for jewelry but he wore none. No weapons either. His name is Sam Fintan. He claims to be an agent of the high prince.” Glenn stopped them at the stable door, out of earshot. Declan’s man paced in a stall designed for the rowdiest of stallions, the iron bars and reinforced wood gate kept him contained.

  Brogan nodded.

  “Remember, he only witnessed me use magic.” Ardhor placed a hand on Brogan’s shoulder. “Elves are out of the Drugai’s jurisdiction, as it were. Don’t broadcast your new skill.”

  “See what I mean about that high and mighty? Right there.” Brogan jabbed his index finger into the elves shoulder. “I’ve been playing a lord for years. I know this song and dance.”

  Ardhor brushed off his tunic where he’d been poked and frowned.

  “What’s happened to Blackling?” The prisoner approached the bars when Brogan approached.

  “Taken down by a pack of wolves, Mr. Fintan.” Brogan met the man’s gaze. Half lies were the most easily believed and he wasn’t about to betray Aisling’s truth. “He was so crazed to attack me, he didn’t see he’d stumbled into their lands.”

  “I’ll need to see the body, confirm what you say is true.” Fintan wrapped his hand around the bars, a signet ring clanking against the iron. The etching on the bore the crest of the high prince.

  There was nothing worse than horrible people hiding behind the name of a nobleman. Fintan was no different but with no reason to hold him, Brogan had to let him go. Treat him as a guest even. It was Declan alone who was the aggressor.

  “And what will you report back to your lord?” There was no need to bring more attention to Armanta Hill than the mad count already had.

  “Declan was tasked with returning a special artifact. He failed. His lands and title will be forfeit to the crown to pay his debt so my job here is done. I’ll be taking my leave as soon as I confirm Declan’s demise.”

  No mention of Brogan’s confession. Like Connor, Fintan must have thought it a jest. All the more reason to get the man on the road lest he find otherwise.

  “Glenn, release Mr. Fintan, take him to the pyre for the cremation, then be sure to get him whatever provisions he needs to make it back to Talisin.” Brogan turned to his steward. “Also, send word do Dubhan, the count is dead.”

  Brogan strode out the stable. Ardhor awaited him at the gate, he tilted his head a bit. “The king was buried, does not the count deserve such consideration?”

  “Were the ground tillable, perhaps. But we cannot risk the spread of disease to wait until the ground thaws. Cremation is the best we can do.” Brogan walked a few steps toward the manor with Ardhor then asked. “Will the fire destroy the reliquaries? Or should we find another way of destroying them?”

  Ardhor rubbed his chin. “The lessor ones will be rendered useless if not destroyed.”

  “And if he had something... greater?”

  “Then it would take an equal magic to destroy and a specific expertise. Which I lack.”

  Brogan thought back to his thieving days, his best client who requested the magical objects claimed to destroy them. Brogan never questioned him because he paid well and got them off the street. “If any remain, I may know someone who can help.”

  But that wasn’t where Brogan’s mind dwelled. He returned to the house through the kitchen. Corinna nodded as he passed, his destination the great hall and the three blond Murphys there.

  “I’M TELLING YOU, WE can go now.” Valko pointed to the door. “Brogan’ll take care of those that need it, right my friend?”

  Brogan strode into the great hall, his eyes wide when Valko addressed him. “Of course.”

  Aisling gave him a sympathetic look and smiled. He couldn’t know he’d walked into a plan to visit her mother. Once Connor and Bowen learned of her secret, they wanted nothing more than to see her again.

  “You’ll be gone but a day and miss nothing here. The enemy has been vanquished. Nothing remains but the winter idle.”

  “Go,” she said. “I’ll not go anywhere. Mother will be happy to see you.” Aisling smiled as sweetly as she could manage.

  Connor quirked his lips as if considering then nodded. “Alright. I don’t see why no, Brogan can host my sister a wee bit longer.”

  Bowen let out a whoop and leapt up.

  Valko laughed and lead them both to door.

  “You’ll keep her safe Brogan?” Connor spared a last glance back.

  “Of course he will, now go.” Aisling waved them out. She didn’t relax until she heard the door latch closed.

  “You hardly need my protection.”

  Her shoulders slumped, she didn’t’ need to be reminded. She’d let her wolf lose and it defended her by removing the threat. Aisling didn’t want to dwell more on it.

  Brogan brushed an errant curl from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. “I’m so glad you are safe. I feared I may never see you again.”

  Her chest tightened and she looked up. She let herself believe he was indifferent, but tangible ache in his eyes told her otherwise. It’s had been easier to leave if she lied to herself.

  “I thought...” She bit her lip, time to let go of the lie. “I’m not the demure young lady I lead you to be.”

  Brogan snorted. “I figured that out weeks ago. And I don’t care. I love you as you are, Aisling.”

  She closed her eyes, the rush of elation almost too much. She’d never known she yearned to hear those words. Too many years trying to meet everyone else’s expectations, no one had ever loved her for her.

  “Can you love an old rogue like me?”

  She met his gaze again and smiled. “I came back didn’t I?”

  He leaned in and captured her lips, a promise of passion later. Brogan stole her breath away and she knew that he would do so for the rest of her life.

  He paused between kisses to declare: “I’d follow you anywhere.”

  Also by Elle Clouse

  Chaos Factor Series




  Tales of Northam

  Cost of a Kiss


  Wylderland Chronicles

  Stealing the Wolf Prince

  Deceiving the Bandit Lord (Coming Soon)

  Watch for more at Elle Clouse’s site.

  About the Author

  Elle has been writing fantasy and science fiction romance for years and an avid participant in the NaNoWriMo. Her first novel, Stealing the Wolf Prince, is a 2016 RONE Award Winner for Fantasy & Science Fiction. Elle is happily married to a martial arts instructor. She’s also the mother of two small boys and is constantly talking her husband out of adopting a new pet. She knits and stamps in her spare time as well as feeds a latte addiction.

  Read more at Elle Clouse’s site.



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