The Black Guard: Book III: The Black Mamba (Black Guard series 3)

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The Black Guard: Book III: The Black Mamba (Black Guard series 3) Page 13

by CR Daems

  "We should just kill him, " Amandor said, his face tight and voice angry. "He's preaching treason against the queen.

  "In hindsight maybe. But in the beginning he was careful, suggesting the queen should leave to save her people. It wasn't until he began attracting a large following that he changed to removing her by force," Murdus said. "At that point, killing him could have resulted in a revolution."

  "He claims to have proof," Santos said into the silence.

  "What proof?" Murdus asked, frowning at his son. Santos shrugged.

  "I would like to hold an audience tomorrow to hear what the nobles and merchants think we should do?" Estelle said to shocked faces all around. I leaned close to Estelle.

  "You may want to invite Flamur." I didn't normally give clients advice but why not hear his proof? Couldn't hurt and may clear things up. Estelle nodded.

  "Ma'am that would be suicidal," Dritan said rising out of his chair. "How could we protect you?"

  "Yes, invite Flamur," Estelle said. "Captain Sapir will tell you that she is totally responsible for my wellbeing. You are responsible for the duke, his family, and his residence. And I concur. I'm sure the Black Guard can handle Flamur. I'm interested in his proof. I would certainly abdicate if I were the cause of the plague." She smiled. "He will abdicate if I'm not."

  * * *

  I had four Black Guards at the gate the next afternoon to monitor the guests being admitted to the audience with the queen. Flamur was allowed five guests to make sure this wasn't an attempt to arrest him. Ironically, neither Flamur nor his followers objected to being searched.

  At two o'clock exactly, Estelle entered the hall and surveyed the fifty guests. Everyone knelt including Flamur.

  "All rise," Timoteh said as Estelle sat. "Queen Estelle will hear petitions now. Flamur, you may approach and present your petition." Flamur strode to the red carpet leading to the queen's platform and carefully stopped, a small smile on his lips.

  "Your Majesty, I formally request you abdicate your title as queen and leave Adalok for the good of your subjects," he said to gasps and muttering in the crowd. "I have proof that your family is the cause of the plagues over the centuries."

  "May I see your proof, Flamur?" Estelle asked. Flamur slowly reached inside his jacket and removed a scroll, which he handed Senior Sergeant Zinn, who had stepped next to him and had stretched out her hand. It was obvious that Flamur knew of the Black Guard and was being very careful not to make any gesture that would appear the least bit threatening. Estelle took the scroll from Zinn, read it, and then handed it to Timoteh."

  "Your Majesty, I beg speak. I am retired physician Bardhyl, my father was an apprentice to the King Rosario's head physician. I have knowledge of the plague in King Rosario's time."

  "I object," Flamur said. "That is nothing but hearsay."

  "Flamur, I have promised to hear your petition and I have. To give it a fair hearing, I must consider all sides. For example, I don't know who wrote this scroll or where the author got the information. Do you know? If you do, can I speak to him?" Estelle asked. Flamur shook his head.

  "He is long dead, judging by the age of that scroll."

  "So, you want me to believe an unknown dead man's writing, without knowing who he was, who he wrote this scroll to or for, and where he got his information without some form of corroboration?" When Flamur said nothing, she waved to Bardhyl.

  "You may approach, Lord Bardhyl"

  Bardhyl looked ancient and walked slowly to the end of the red carpet, then knelt. He rose with the help of a cane when she gestured for him to stand. "Thank you, Your Majesty. May I see that scroll?"

  Timoteh, walked over and handed the scroll to Bardhyl. It read:

  In the year 978 in the reign of King Rosario there was a great plague.

  It was like the previous plague in 881 under the great, great grandfather of King Rosario.

  During the course of the plague, it was determined that Prince Vasco was the disease carrier.

  The Prince chose to take his life to stop the plague.

  And the plague did stop a short time later.

  The decedents of King Rosario carry the disease in their blood and could cause another plague.

  In that case they should for the sake of their subjects, sacrifice themselves as did Prince Vasco.

  Bardhyl gave a squeaky cackle, which got him the attention of everyone in the great hall. "The writer got it backward. Prince Vasco did kill himself to save the people of Adalok, but not because he was a carrier of the disease and caused the outbreak–"

  "How do you know, old man. More made up rumors?" Flamur shouted.

  "Quiet Flamur, it's Lord Bardhyl's turn to speak," Estelle said and nodded to Bardhyl.

  "No, Flamur. Not rumors. My father was an apprentice to King Rosario's head physician, Agrotes, during the 881 plague. Neither the King nor the Prince got sick, and many of the nobles and ministers did, although Agrotes knew both had been exposed many times. On a whim or through a stroke of genius, Agrotes deduce they had something in their blood that prevented them–"

  "See the scroll is right!" Flamur interrupted.

  "It is not your turn, Flamur. Don't force me to have you restrained," Estelle said with a finger to her lips. "Please continue, Lord Bardhyl.

  "For whatever reason, Agrotes asked Prince Vasco for a sample of his blood, which my father said he injected into three persons with the plague. All three shows signs of recovering within a day and were back to normal, although weak, within four." Bardhyl motioned for something to drink and Estelle had water delivered to him. "Thank you, Your Majesty. When the Prince saw the results, he insisted Agrotes take more blood from him. My father said he collected pint after pint for a couple of weeks, until the Prince looked like a freshly laundered white sheet. The King was enraged when he found out and forbid Vasco and Agrotes from collecting any more blood. The next day Vasco hung himself and left a scroll telling Agrotes to drain his body of blood and use it to cure as many as he could. It wasn't enough to cure everyone, but it cured enough to stop the spread of the disease to other providences."

  "Rubbish," Flamur said. "You planned this farce to hide the truth." He waved his scroll wildly in the air. At my nod, Zinn moved close to Flamur and said something that caused him to stop the rant.

  "Ma'am, I think it will be easy to prove," I said loud enough to be heard by most in the hall.

  "How, Captain?" Estelle asked. I clicked on my Mfi and a minute later Captain Hwang's face appeared, behind him the Bridge of the War Horse.

  "Captain Sapir, what can I do for you?"

  "I have a medical emergency down here. I wondered if I could talk to your chief medical officer?" I asked. Hwang nodded and a minute later, a gray-haired man in his late forties appeared.

  "Captain Sapir, I'm Doctor Vanshon, how can I help you?"

  "We have a plague on Adalok. If we have a person with blood that contains antibodies to cure someone with the disease, can you make a vaccine?"

  "My initial response is yes, but I'd have to have a sample of the blood and the disease to be sure."

  "We'll be up in two hours." I cut the connection and looked to Estelle. "Ma'am you should go, and if Duke Murdus's physician can get a sample from someone who is sick, I think we can resolve the issue in less than a day."

  Estelle looked hesitant, but nodded. "We will resume here tomorrow at the same time."

  The duke's physician had a sample in a little over an hour, and we lifted off the landing pad a half hour later.

  "Where are we going?" Estelle asked, as she peered out the shuttle's small round window.

  "To the War Horse." I pointed to a small speck of a light. "They have a very advanced medical facility."

  "That's very high," she said looking at the ground below us which was beginning to turn the planet to a bluish ball. "That's a very large ship," she exclaimed a few minutes later as we approached the cruiser. We're going to HIT IT!" she screeched and turned away from the window as the Tige
r's tractor grabbed hold of the Black Widow and gently settled it inside one of its shuttle bays. Surprisingly, Captain Hwang was there when we exited along with Doctor Vanshon, dressed in a long white coat over navy blue slacks.

  I bowed to Hwang and Vanshon. "Queen Estelle, I would like to introduce you to Captain Hwang, who commands the War Horse, and Doctor Vanshon, who is in charge of the medical unit. Gentlemen, this is Queen Estelle of Adalok."

  Both men gave low bows.

  "Thank you for agreeing to help me. Captain Sapir is trying to save me from being killed or banished from my kingdom," she said with a small grin. "We have a plague which some are intent on blaming me for causing it while others claim I have blood to save it."

  "A very interesting problem, Queen Estelle. If you will follow me, we will try to ascertain which, if either, is true," Vanshon said in a soft deep bass voice. Estelle swiveled left and right as Vanshon navigated the halls and stairs to the medical unit, which was larger than the duke's grand hall. "If you would sit, I need to draw some blood from you. Only a few small vials, I promise. I will need an hour or so to compare the two samples and run a few tests."

  To kill the time and get Estelle to relax, I took her on a tour of the ship. I showed her my quarters which were officer’s quarters. She watched marines working out, visited the firing range, looked at the fighter and shuttle bays, and Hwang even gave her a tour of the Bridge.

  My Mfi buzzed as Hwang was showing Estelle the view of Adalok through the ship's optics. I clicked on Receive and Vanshon’s face appeared. "Sapir, I have the results. Your queen can stay on the throne." He smiled.

  I waited for Hwang to finish, and then headed for the dispensary. "Ma'am, Doctor Vanshon has the results. We were quiet for the rest of the way. Vanshon was smiling when we entered his office. "Queen Estelle, you will be pleased to find that you do, in fact, have antibodies that can fight the plague, and that we have the facilities on the Tiger to manufacture a vaccine to combat the disease. If you will wait an hour, we can send you back with a sample large enough to treat a thousand people, and tomorrow enough to treat a hundred thousand."

  Estelle jumped up and hugged Vanshon, who produced a smile that touched both ears.

  * * *

  Estelle spoke as soon as she sat. "The Jax's chief physician examined my blood and confirmed Lord Bardhyl’s assertion that my blood line contains antibodies that can cure the plague, and that I am not a plague carrier. The proof is in the vaccine they produced from my blood. I brought back enough for one thousand vaccinations. I am told another hundred thousand will be coming tomorrow. Physicians are waiting to give it to anyone who wants one, and other physicians are in Zamara preparing to treat the ill." Estelle pointed a finger at Flamur and then the floor in front of her. Hesitantly, he obeyed while watching the Guards as he approached. "Flamur, I should have you shot for encouraging my subjects to kill me." She held up a hand. "You were careful with the wording but there was no doubt as to the intent. I want you back here in three days, which will give you and everyone else a chance to observe the effects of the vaccine. If you run, I will take that as an admission you meant me harm and were not acting in what you thought was my best interest. If that is the case, you and I will spend the rest of our lives in Adalok. Me on the throne and you in my dungeon. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, Your Highness. What if I don't run," he asked, sweat dotting his forehead and his armpits showing sweat stains.

  "That is what we will discuss in three days."

  "What do you think, Captain?" she asked as we entered her wing.

  "That you will soon be able to end the contract and get rid of the heartless bitch who is in command," I said.

  "I have to admit you aren't as expensive as I had thought. Considering everything, you are actually cheap, and I've become fond of you. Do you think Colonel Mathaz will be adequate for my protection?"

  "He's not up to heartless bastard status and may never be, but I think he has learned a lot and will be more than adequate with your help," I said, at her puzzled expression.

  "Yes, you can order him to give you greater freedom which you can't do with the Black Guard. So, you will set the level of security he can provide you. You are well liked, but it only takes one unhappy person to kill you."

  Estelle nodded. "Yes, you have taught Mathaz and me a lot about security. We are both responsible for my security." She laughed. "Thank you."

  * * *

  "Well, Mr. Flamur? What do you think now that you've observed the results of the vaccine?" Estelle began her audience three days later. Flamur stood before her, head bent and looking pale.

  "Your Majesty, I was wrong to believe the scroll and to wish you…harm. Lord Bardhyl was right. Your blood protects the subjects of Adalok, and you are the rightful heir to the throne."

  "I should punish you severely, but I am afraid too many people would think I was doing it to silence you and that you were right. So, in the interest of the people of Adalok, I am setting you free. To do what, Mr. Flamur?"

  "To make sure the people know the truth. The writer of the scroll had the facts wrong; you are not a carrier of the plague, but a carrier of the cure, and that you are a wise and just ruler, and I'm your loyal servant."

  * * *

  We stopped at each providence on the way back to Adalok to drop off the vaccines Doctor Vanshou had produced.

  "Do you think my Flamur decision was good or bad?" Estelle asked, surprising me at our farewell meeting.

  "I think it was the right decision for Adalok, which is all that matters," I said.


  Sassor Mountain: New Contract

  I was disappointed when, after a month at Sasser Mountain, my adopted sister, Hada, had a new assignment although back less time than I was, and I didn't.

  "Don't be disappointed, Rivka," Hada shouted, shaking my arm as we sat at our favorite spot. It had rained the previous two days and the torrent of water poring over the cliff roared as it fought through the narrow gorge, making it hard to talk. "You didn't get this assignment because it's pretty traditional. Commander Wexler is saving you for one of those non-traditional contracts the Jax Contract Committee has been prone to approve, because my crazy sister manages to complete them successfully, and they tend to be very lucrative."

  I nodded, thinking she was probably right. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad. It was a good thing for the Jax, as much of our income came from contracts, but could be bad for the Black Guard, as those types of contracts were potentially more dangerous. Even our traditional contracts produced five to eight deaths yearly, which was only a few less than the yearly number of qualified recruits. Numerically that was good, but it meant replacing experienced Black Guards with inexperienced ones, slowly lowering the overall experience of the Guard and resulting in more deaths. A very troubling trend made worse by taking on non-traditional contracts that could result in four or more deaths on any one of those contracts.

  "I suppose you're right," I said with mixed emotions. I liked the challenge and they were more interesting than the more traditional body-guard duty. But like Hada, each Guard's death weighed heavily on me. One death was tragic but multiple deaths was a nightmare scenario which loomed on every non-traditional assignment. Like command, a two-edged sword. You could control the response, and were therefore were responsible for the outcome.

  Fortunately, I didn't have long to wait. A week later, Corporal Yardon appeared while I was eating breakfast.

  Captain Sapir, Commander Wexler would like to talk with you," Corporal Yardon said, after a low bow.

  "Good timing, Yardon," I said, having just finished my breakfast and had nothing on my schedule until after lunch, when I planned to instruct several captains on the use of the whip. Now that everyone was interested, the stories of incidents where the whip had proved an advantage were growing, creating even more interest than before. I walked back with Yardon in silence, wondering if it were an assignment and whether it was traditional or not.
br />   I bowed low when I entered Wexler's office. "Sir, Corporal Yardon said you wanted to see me."

  "Yes, Sapir, sit," he said, and took a sip of coffee. "The Jax Committee has another contract for us to write. In a way, I prefer them letting us create the contract and them determining the price, especially for non-traditional contracts. I can't make up my mind whether this is a traditional contract or not. On the surface it is, but it has the potential to turn very non-traditional." He took another sip of his coffee. "The King of Uster, on the planet Franks, in the Hydra Federation, died a little over a month ago. He had three heirs, a daughter and two sons. The daughter is the oldest and is now Queen Liserli. The oldest son is the head of Uster military, and the second son is head of the Uster Airforce. The queen has appointed a number of women to important positions which has earned her the ire of someone or some group. She has survived two assassination attempts but was wounded during the last one. I would say it was a normal contract except for the two sons. They are each in positions of power, have unique access to the queen and to personal information, and are the heirs if she dies."

  I nodded. "Hiring us is a good defense for either son or both," I said. "We hired the best to protect her."

  "Exactly," Wexler said. "So, Sapir, how many Black Guard will you need to keep one of the sons from becoming king?"

  I asked Wexler for a day to think about the potential problems, if one or both sons were involved, and to meditate at Hada's and my favorite spot. I've found over the years that meditating helped the mind sort through the issues and focus on problems that needed addressing.

  I met with Wexler the next morning. "I would like the usual condition, I'm in charge of her security including palace security, and two teams of nine, which I will consider three teams of six," I said to begin the negotiations with Wexler as he had the final approval authority.


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