Once Upon a Christmas Wedding

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Once Upon a Christmas Wedding Page 18

by Scarlett Scott

  He did not keep a valet and so she’d tied his cravat earlier that morning. She blinked at the illogical notion that each day he did, indeed, appear even more handsome to her than he had the day before.

  More lovable.

  “Lord Oakley is willing to sell me the sheep on credit.” He appeared quite satisfied with himself. She’d requested a subscription to The Observer and the first of the papers had arrived two days ago. He’d been quite right in that there was more profit in sheep than potatoes. “Come here and perhaps we can celebrate.” His smile hinted at his lusty intent.

  And without fail, her body was his to command.

  A few suggestive words from him and her thighs turned to what felt like liquid jelly and her breasts ached with a need she’d never realized she had.

  Debt paid in full.

  For the first time, she wondered if she might be an imposter—his wife under false pretenses.

  And yet her legs carried her to where he stood, and she daringly reached out to cover his manhood. The hardness she discovered there, almost without fail, had her tilting her head back for his kiss. “Did you lock the door?” she mumbled against his lips.

  “Always,” he answered back.

  He walked her backward to the long settee where they’d already created a myriad of wicked memories and went to push her down to sit.

  “No.” She spun them around instead and pressed upon his shoulders.

  He did not resist, and in the next instant sat sprawled in the middle of the settee, legs spread as he watched her with patient curiosity.

  Lila had heard of such an act, and after he’d pleasured her so many times with his own mouth, wanted to see if she could achieve similar results.

  She also wanted to know it more intimately— that piece of him that connected them together and had seemingly touched the deepest part of her.

  She dropped her gaze to the fasteners on his breeches and at the same time, lowered herself to her knees. Before she could even reach for the buttons, his hands were already assisting her with the task.

  “You don’t have to.” Married barely just over a fortnight and it seemed he could already read her mind.

  “I know.”

  He tugged at his shirt and lowered the flap of his falls.

  She’d caught glimpses of it before. She’d even held it in her hand a time or two. But this…

  With silken skin, it was almost hot to the touch. He groaned when she placed her hand at the base, her fingers not quite capable of wrapping all the way around it.

  It jumped. Almost of its own accord.

  It was the most fascinating thing she’d ever laid eyes upon.

  She leaned forward and—

  “Your Grace!” There was a loud knocking on the door. “Are you in there? You have visitors!”

  At this, Pemberth groaned, drawing a laugh from Lila. This was the first time since her arrival that anyone other than the steward or one of the local tradesmen had deigned to come visiting. Impeccable timing!

  With a grimace, she rose and smoothed her skirts.

  “One moment!” She moved slowly to the door in order to allow Pemberth a chance to… rearrange himself. It wouldn’t do for his breeches to be standing at attention to receive their guest. Lila stifled a grin at the image. Poor man.

  After a glance over her shoulder to ascertain he was presentable, Lila opened the door with what she hoped appeared to be a cool smile.

  “Thought you were alone, Your Grace.” Mrs. Smith peeked around her with a sly smile. “I’ve put Mr. and Mrs. Kemp as well as Miss Kemp in the front drawing-room. They’re expecting you shortly.”

  Lila wished she’d been able to do something to improve the room, but it had not been high on her list of priorities.

  Besides, she’d far preferred the coziness of Pemberth’s study. She reached a hand out for her husband, who approached from across the room.

  “In that case, we mustn’t keep them waiting, must we? Pemberth?”

  Three minutes later, Lila and Pemberth sat across from two of the nearby village’s most elite citizens—and their daughter.

  “Well, we never thought to send invitations up here before, it’s been so long since Glenn Abby has had a duchess in residence. But I told Mr. Kemp I’d wager that a dignified young woman such as yourself, Your Grace, might be finding herself in need of some socializing.” Mrs. Kemp was apparently in charge of the local charity and was heading up an assembly dance in two days’ time. “I know it’s late notice, but we aren’t overly formal all the way up here, now are we, Lavinia?”

  The younger woman had not even the decency to drag her gaze away from Pemberth when she nodded. Lila would have liked to reach across the small space between them. Drool needed wiping off of Miss Lavinia Kemp’s chin.

  Pemberth seemed oblivious to the young woman’s attention.

  But a dance! And other ladies and gentlemen with which to converse. It wasn’t that Lila did not appreciate her husband’s rather stimulating company, but it had been months since she’d been afforded such an opportunity.

  “Would you care to attend?” Pemberth turned to her. “I know—”

  “I’d love to!” She turned back to Mrs. Kemp. “And thank you so much for making the drive to invite us. Would you care for some tea?”

  Chapter 9

  An Evening Out

  “Oh, my lady,” Fran gushed. “I’ve never seen you looking so beautiful.”

  Lila studied her reflection in the mirror of her very own chamber.

  Although the manor wasn’t exactly teeming with servants, Lila and Fran had managed to oversee a thorough cleaning and refurbishing of the master’s chambers and finally, Fran had been able to unpack all of her trunks.

  She’d moved Pemberth into his larger chamber, and that night they’d share it together for the first time.

  After the dance.

  Feeling far too pleased with life than a lady ought, Lila twirled around in a circle, causing the gown to swirl around her.

  She’d worn the gown before, and Fran had done her hair up with equal flair in the past. But she had to agree with her maid… she had a different look to her then before she’d married.

  In the short time she’d spent with Pemberth, she’d changed.

  If only Arianna could be here with here as well.

  Lila had made casual mention a few times to Pemberth that she wished her sister could come and visit her, but it seemed he thought she meant next summer, or even later.

  Meanwhile, Lila had no idea what new hell her father might be putting her sister through—without Lila to take the bulk of his criticism.

  She jumped when a knock sounded on the adjoining door, suddenly feeling more than a little guilty for… being happy?

  How could she be happy until her sister was safe?

  “Come in,” she beckoned.

  Seeing her husband peer in made her feel better, and yet added to her guilt.

  “I hadn’t realized you were so far along with this project.” He seemed hesitant to enter so she crossed the room to take his hand. He wore a black jacket and a ruby waistcoat embroidered with gold thread. His cravat hung untied around his neck and so Lila reached up to perform the task for him. She’d take any excuse to touch this man.

  Fran disappeared into the dressing room.

  “Of course, some of the furnishings are a little shabby, but they look rather lovely since we’ve had them painted.” She looped off the knot and then gestured toward a cozy loveseat. “This was reupholstered.”

  With a somewhat curious but dazed expression, he released her hand to explore her chamber slowly, on his own.

  “This is your sister?” He’d stopped before a small miniature she had standing on her bureau.

  “Arianna.” She nodded, that guilt returning to settle quite comfortably around her heart again. “I miss her.”

  He nodded and then moved along to the large box where she’d always kept her jewelry.

  “May I?” he aske
d before opening it.

  “Of course.” She had nothing of real value. Her father had raided it before Fran could pack it up. Otherwise, she’d have told Pemberth to sell them in order to purchase the stocks he needed. “They’re all fakes.”

  He opened the box and lifted a necklace and then a pendant. She found it oddly sweet that he thought her personal items interesting. Almost as though he might lo—

  “Lila? What is this?” She peered around him. He was holding the vial her mother had given her just before their wedding. So much had changed since then that she’d forgotten all about the strange gesture.

  “A sleeping draught. My mother gave it to me.” Although they had grown closer over the past few weeks, she dared not reveal to him that the potion had been given with him in mind.

  His gaze flickered to her bed. “Do you find yourself missing your sleep? Have I kept you awake too often?”

  “No!” That was the last thing in the world that she wanted. “I mean, no, you have not kept me up too often. I like sleeping with you. That is, I am not missing my sleep.” By this time, she realized she must be blushing to the roots of her hair.

  He turned to face her, feet shoulders’ distance apart. “Good.” Intensity flared from those silver-blue eyes of his. “We can use this bed, or we can use the one through the doorway. We will not require both.”

  Lila felt a grin tugging at her lips. “On the same night,” she added.

  “Just so we understand one another.” That intensity of his had turned to wicked intent.

  “Only we haven’t time now, if we’re to arrive at the assembly in time. How long did you say it would take us to get to the village? I’m so excited! I told you when I last mingled with society of any sort, have I not?” And then she found herself babbling. She was nervous.

  Pemberth tugged her up against him and bent so that his lips nearly touched hers. “Everyone is going to love you. Even if you weren’t easy to love, they would have to.” And then his lips dropped the softest of kisses upon hers. “Remember, Lila. You are a duchess.”

  She tilted her head back to gaze up at him. “And you are a duke.” And then, feeling warmth spread through her limbs, she added, “My duke.”

  Vincent had not attended a village assembly since before he’d reached his majority, and he’d been pleasantly surprised to discover that he’d enjoyed himself. Not because of the lukewarm watered-down lemonade, nor the rock-like biscuits, nor the slightly out of tune music.

  But because of the woman on his arm.

  She’d been a vision and he hadn’t been the only one to think thusly. Gentlemen and ladies alike, upon being presented to her, approached her warily—but only for an instant. She’d enquire sweetly about their families, their homes, and have them eating out of her hand in no time at all.

  Much later that night, Lila burrowed deeper into his body as he cradled her from behind. They’d chosen to utilize his chamber, after all. But despite a rigorous bout of lovemaking, her muscles tensed beside him.

  “You enjoyed yourself this evening?” he whispered in her ear.

  She nodded. “I did, but I cannot help but feel guilty that I have spent a most delightful evening, making friends, enjoying new challenges, and my sister is yet trapped at my father’s home.”

  She’d mentioned her concerns a few times before. “Surely, your father will find her a husband as well? And then she can be free of him?”

  Instead of soothing her, his words did the opposite. She twisted around and he could see her frowning in the moonlight from the window. She was none too happy with his response.

  “As he did for me? Did my father vet you at all? He’d have just as well that I marry your brother! He knew nothing of you, only that you were a duke and that marrying you would make his daughter into a duchess.”

  “Are you not happy with the result?” Vincent didn’t like the sting he felt at her words.

  “That has nothing to do with it! I got lucky! There is no guarantee my father won’t marry my sister off to some depraved lord, or worse!”

  “What can be worse than a depraved lord?” He chuckled. She really was becoming overly dramatic about all of this.

  Scowling even deeper now, she pushed herself to a sitting position. “You do not know my father as I do! You haven’t had to live with the rumors of what he’s done. He’s tried to kill people. I’m not certain he’s never succeeded.”

  “Lila.” He pushed himself up on one elbow. This discussion was getting out of hand all too quickly. “Lie down. I doubt your father has killed anyone.”

  She resisted him when he tried to drag her down beside him, instead drawing back even farther. “You met him. Tell me you are convinced he would not hurt my sister.”

  Vincent rubbed his chin, remembering the way the man had torn the shawl from her shoulders and ruthlessly removed the pins from her hair. Vincent had been more concerned with his own problems at the time and only wanted to be on the road back home. But now that he remembered, the esteemed Earl of Quimbly had had something of a depraved look in his eyes.

  “I will see what I can do.”

  But she was not to be calmed down. She sat on the bed facing him, her arms hugging her knees to her chest. “Pemberth.” She shifted her gaze away guiltily. “I’m not certain your brother’s debt to my father was not paid. I found a notation made by him that he’d paid it off in full. This estate is not destitute, as you believe. Keenan made some excellent investments. You did not have to marry me. My father took advantage of your brother’s death by forcing—“

  “Quimbly showed me the signed contract.” What was she saying? “Why have you not told me this before?” He’d trusted her with all of the estate books. He’d trusted she’d share anything of particular interest with him.

  She easily could have done this earlier, before the Kemps arrived.

  She turned pleading eyes toward him. “I wanted to verify the investment income before mentioning anything. We need to meet with your brother’s London solicitors. There are accounts…”

  “And you thought I couldn’t handle the disappointment if you were wrong? You think so little of me? Is that why you are only telling me this now?”

  She squeezed her eyes tight. “I did not want you to be angry with me for something my father did. The debt had already been paid, Pemberth! Don’t you see? You may have married me under false pretenses.”

  Vincent let out a sigh. He wanted to be angry with her for keeping something of such import from him. He’d thought…

  “I think my father had something to do with your brother’s death.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Lila.” The only person he could blame for his brother’s death was buried six feet underground. Vincent got out of bed, pulling on his breeches. “Leave it be!”

  “But my father was not home at the time of Keenan’s death. He was gone on business. Is it possible that he came here? Is it—”

  “Leave it, Lila!” He’d not discuss the nature of his brother’s death with anyone. And not because of his own reputation. Keenan had been his older brother, his hero. Vincent wanted nothing to stain his brother’s life. He pulled on a shirt and then shoved his feet into his boots.

  “Where are you going?” She was up on her knees now. How had this happened? One moment he was imagining the future with her, loving her, and the next, he was questioning everything. None of this made sense. Had this been all about her sister after all? He ran one hand through his hair.

  “Were you only using me as well, Lila? To get away from him?” Of course, she had been! She’d admitted as much.

  “At first––”

  “Am I handy only until you get your sister away from him?” And then it dawned on him. “Is that why you have been so happy to please me in bed?”

  She drew back, almost as though he had slapped her. And he felt guilty but quashed it immediately. He’d been duped for his own stupidity. And then she’d kept vital financial information from him. She’d
not even hinted about it—about any of it—until he’d resisted bringing her sister to Glenn Abbey.

  The damn crux of it was he would have brought the girl here quickly enough if Lila had only batted her lashes a few times at him. He’d been utterly besotted with her.

  What kind of a fool was he?

  If only he hadn’t been so such an idiot. If only he would have read the documents rather than shove them into a drawer. He jammed his hand into his jacket.

  “Please don’t go.” He could see by the moonlight sparkling from her eyes that tears were threatening to fall. “Can we discuss this? Please?”

  “Get some sleep, Lila. Take some of that draught your mother gave you.”

  And then he strode out, feeling as much loss as abject fury. He’d been used by her father. His brother had told him nothing of any investments. And then his brother betrayed him in the worst possible way.

  And now she had used him. Stinging burned his eyes. Less than an hour ago, she’d been lying beneath him, straining for him to fill her more deeply.

  He stormed down the stairs, skipping every other one and when he found himself in the foyer entrance, he knew there was only one person to answer for any of this.

  And he was a hard day’s ride away, damnit.

  Vincent scribbled out a note in the salver and made his way to the stables. He’d have to awaken Calvin and Drake. But he’d have his answer, by God.

  Whether he liked it or not.

  Chapter 10

  With a clear sky and a full moon, Vincent and two of his most dependable employees rode through the night, stopping only to change out their horses. By the time the sun rose to the center of the sky, he surmised he’d arrive at Bryony Manor within an hour.

  He’d been rash to leave while in a temper. The thought plagued him now.

  When she’d speculated that her father had something to do with Keenan’s death, however, she’d stirred a suspicion he’d not dared to contemplate before.

  His brother was not the sort of man to kill himself over financial ruin. Their father had fought against seemingly insurmountable adversity to keep the dukedom strong, as had their grandfather before them. More than once, Keenan had shown the same strength of the men who’d preceded him as Duke of Pemberth.


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