Once Upon a Christmas Wedding

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Once Upon a Christmas Wedding Page 239

by Scarlett Scott

  “If anyone is getting ahead of themselves, Pastor, it is you. Clinton has promised to be here by Christmas and I intend to plan accordingly. If you do not wish to perform the ceremony, then I am sure I can make other arrangements.” She looked up at the cross hanging above the altar then back at the nervous pastor. “Where’s your faith, Preacher? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Or do you not remember that verse of the Bible?”

  Pastor Ellis’ face went pale. “Of course, my child, I have faith, but I was just—”

  “There’s no but in faith, Pastor Ellis.” Josie’s eyes flashed. “Now, are you going to read those banns this Sunday or not?”

  Pastor Ellis swallowed hard and regarded his parishioner. “Yes, Josie. I will. And I will include prayers for Clinton’s safe return in my nightly devotions.”

  Josie turned to leave and pulled up short. Travis and Millie stood in the doorway, and it was apparent they had overheard at least the last part of her discussion with Pastor Ellis. Regardless, Josie played it off as a regular occurrence.

  “Travis.” She smiled up at him. “What a nice surprise. What brings you here?”

  Travis nodded to the pastor and then tipped his head down to look at Josie. “Weather’s getting bad. I came to make sure you and Millie get home safe.”

  “That’s mighty kind of you, Travis,” Josie said, observing Travis’ firm grip on Millie’s upper arm.

  “I promised Clinton I’d keep an eye on you.” He assisted the two of them with their coats and escorted them outside.

  “Thank you, Travis.” Josie noted Millie had been unusually quiet as they exited the church. “But you probably ought to get back to Windy River Ranch. Millie and I can see ourselves home just fine.” Any other time, Josie would never suggest cutting short the time Travis and Millie spent together, but something told her Millie would be glad to put some distance between herself and Travis. At least until that stern glint wasn’t in his eye anymore.

  “Don’t you worry none about me, Josie.” Travis gripped on her upper arm, too, and she could feel the tension in his touch. “From what I have heard and seen, you two need a bit more watching than you’ve been getting lately. For that, I am to blame. But I mean to remedy that.

  Chapter 8

  A small squeal escaped Millie’s lips. Though they were walking into a strong winter wind, the sound carried to Josie, and she glanced at her cousin. Millie’s mouth was drawn into a firm line and, when her eyes met Josie’s, she could see worry there.

  She thought about what Clinton would do to her behind if he’d heard the way she’d talked to Pastor Ellis. But shouldn’t he be proud of her for standing up for Clinton’s character? Yes, but you could have done it without getting huffy with the pastor of all people.

  “I understand you had some words with Miss Ryan today, Millie,” Travis said, his voice ominous.

  “Y-yes, bu-but, she insulted Josie.”

  They were within sight of the general store when Travis halted their progress. “You go on ahead, Josie.” He nodded toward the store. “We’ll wait here to make sure you get inside safe.”

  “Bu-but what about Millie?” she asked, though she had a pretty good idea. The town livery stable was down a side street. Clinton had tanned her hide in there more than once when they needed a bit of privacy for a discussion of her attitude. Her heart went out to Millie.

  “I’ll bring her home shortly. We need to have a discussion in private.”

  Yep, Millie’s backside was going to feel it. Josie thought about stalling or objecting, but Millie spoke up finally. “You go on, Josie. Better to get this done sooner rather than later.”

  With an encouraging glance over her shoulder, Josie rushed to the store and let herself in. Much as she didn’t envy Millie the spanking she had coming, Josie knew she’d give about anything to have Clinton by her side, even if he was busting her rump.

  Aunt Joyce responded to the bell over the door and smiled when she saw Josie. “I’m glad you made it home safely,” she said. “The weather is turning bad.” She glanced out the window.

  “Where’s Millie?” she asked. “It’s not like you two girls to not come home together, especially with the weather like it is.”

  Josie flushed but strove to keep her voice even. “Travis came by the church to walk us home,” she said. “He and Millie wanted to talk in private for a few minutes. You know how engaged people can be.”

  The corner of Aunt Joyce’s mouth turned up in a smirk. “I’m sure Travis has a few ‘words’ to share with Millie.”

  Josie’s eyes went wide, and her mouth fell open.

  Aunt Joyce cocked her head to the side. “You girls think you’re so clever. What makes you think Shirley Ryan wouldn’t march herself over here as fast as she could to tell me what a pair of heathens I’ve raised.”

  “Oh, that old grouch. She started it, saying that Clinton might not come back, and Millie stood up for me.”

  “I didn’t say I believed her,” Aunt Joyce said, “but”—she got serious—“you need to remember that your uncle and I run a business here in town, and getting someone like Miss Ryan mad and talking bad about you girls reflects on the store and your uncle and me.”

  Josie deflated. What a horrible ingrate she was. After all they had done for her. “Oh, Aunt Joyce,” she said, rushing to give her aunt a hug. “I am so sorry. I never want to do anything to hurt your reputation.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” Aunt Joyce returned her hug and patted her hair. “You’re under an awful strain these days. I don’t know what got into Clinton thinking he ought to go on another drive. Men, they sure do some crazy things.”

  “Oh, Aunt Joyce, what if something’s happened to him? What will I do?”

  “Now, now, you’ll soldier on no matter what happens. What other choice do you have?”

  Josie pulled away from her aunt with a sniffle. “D-do you think I am a fool to believe he’s coming back?”

  Aunt Joyce’s visage softened. “No, Josie. True love waits. True love believes.”

  “Tha-thank you,” Josie said, her voice tight.

  “I’m sorry Millie and I got Miss Ryan mad. I hope it won’t be a problem for the store. Or for you and Uncle Carl.”

  Aunt Joyce gave her a hard look. “From what Miss Ryan said, it was just Millie behaving badly. Is there more I don’t know about?”

  The scene in the sanctuary reverberated in Josie’s brain. “Well...maybe…”

  After a stern lecture from Aunt Joyce, Josie dragged her sorry self up the stairs to the room she and Millie shared. The wind rattled the single window, and she peered out at the snow coming down. She shivered and closed the drapes to keep out the cold.

  A fair amount of time had passed since she’d parted ways with Travis and Millie. A nervous twitch skittered across the cheeks of her bottom at the thought of what might be happening to her dear cousin.

  Much as she knew Millie’s actions had been rash and wrong and unladylike, Josie couldn’t help but chuckle replaying the scene in her mind. She was lucky to have a loyal friend like Millie, even if she did sometimes offer her support in not quite the best way.

  The words of Miss Ryan and Pastor Ellis brought out her stubborn streak. “I’ll show them.” She picked up her sewing and stitched on her wedding dress with renewed vigor. As she sewed and worried about her cousin, she recalled a time when she’d been in a similar situation.

  They were strolling on a Sunday afternoon after church when Clinton pulled her into the livery stable. He led her into the darkened building, and she smiled and turned to him eagerly. She ached to be in his arms, but with all the people out strolling on a pretty spring Sunday, they’d been forced to behave. Not that Clinton was likely to flaunt the rules of society, anyway, but Josie had held out hope for at least a few stolen kisses. He worked hard all week, and she barely got a chance to see him. Now that they were engaged, Aunt Joyce allowed Clinton to sit next to her in the family pew, but t
here was no touching. Sometimes Josie thought that was actually worse. She could see his powerful thigh inches away from hers, heat emanating off it, or so it seemed. Her fingers itched to rest on the taut muscles. It didn’t help that Pastor Ellis’ sermon, or what she heard of it, was on the sin of impulsiveness.

  After church, they went for a stroll and, as they walked, Josie was nearly on fire with yearning to be alone with Clinton and, when he directed them into the stable, she assumed he thought the same.

  But it soon became clear he had something else on his mind. “I understand you and Millie got into your uncle’s whiskey the other night while your aunt and uncle were away.” The deep timbre of his voice made her lady parts heat.

  “Y-yes. Ho-how did you know about that?” She asked the question, but she had a pretty good idea of the answer. Travis had stopped by that evening to check on them because he knew the girls would be alone. He was as bad as Clinton with his protectiveness.

  “You know darn well Travis told me all about it. Said you two smelled like a whiskey barrel.”

  “It’s not illegal for us to have a drink,” she replied, hackles raised.

  “No, but if it was an acceptable thing to do, why did you wait to do it until just you and Millie were at home?”

  Dang. She didn’t have much of an answer for that. Trying to distract him, she rested her hand on his chest and stepped closer. “It’s nice to be alone, don’t you think?” She raised her face to his, inviting his kiss.

  “It is nice to be alone, Josie. It’s a shame you behaved badly because, now, we’ll have to spend these few stolen moments seeing to your discipline instead of more pleasurable things.”

  Josie pulled back, her hand falling to her side. “D-discipline? What are you talking about, Clinton?”

  He took her hand and walked over to a stack of hay bales, sat down, and drew her to sit on his knee. “Now, Josie, you know good and well that I won’t put up with nonsense and disobedience in my wife. Might as well make that clear to you now so you know what to expect once you’re legally mine.”

  “B-but, you never said I couldn’t drink.”

  “No, I didn’t. But I have told you to be careful of your reputation and Millie’s, too. What if someone had stopped by the store in an emergency and found the two of you tipsy?”

  Josie sighed. She hadn’t thought of that. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s a good step. Now, let’s get on with this before some other man has to bring his naughty girl in here for a lecture and correction.” He positioned her over his lap and rested his hand on the small of her back. “When we are married, you’ll get your punishment on the bare.”

  Josie gasped at his scandalous words. His hand slipped over the cheeks of her bottom, and even through the layers of her skirt she could feel the heat of his palm. Nerves skittered through her, and her womanly parts came awake in a most determined manner. She sighed and enjoyed the closeness of his body.

  And then the spanking began. Despite her skirts, his hand landed with firm swats all over her backside.

  “Clinton, it hurts.”

  “You didn’t think I’d do this by half measures, now, did you?” He chuckled and continued heating up her backside until it felt like she was sitting on top of Aunt Joyce’s stove.

  “There.” Clinton raised her up and held her against his chest. “That’s my good girl.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a crisp handkerchief, and wiped away the tears on her cheeks. When he was done, he kissed her temple and then her cheek and finally her lips, in a tender kiss full of the promise of things to come.

  Josie’s reverie was interrupted when Millie returned to the room, subdued.

  “What happened?” she whispered.

  “He spanked me! Can you believe it?” Millie was indignant.

  “What I can’t believe is that he hasn’t done it before.” Josie laughed, set a pillow on the chair next to her, and patted it. “Sit down.”

  Millie moved gingerly across the small room and lowered herself onto the chair.

  “Has Clinton, um, you know...sp-spanked you?” Millie whispered the words.

  “A couple of times. I would imagine that if he was in town now, I’d have been right next to you in the stable getting my bottom warmed.”

  Millie looked at her for a moment and then started to laugh. Josie joined her.

  “I have a feeling we are both in for plenty of spankings in the years to come.”

  “I hope so.” Josie turned melancholy. “Oh, Millie. What if …what if…” She couldn’t even say the words. Her throat tightened up, and she leaned into her cousin, resting her head on her shoulder.

  Millie patted Josie’s back. “I’m sorry for the things those others have said. But they don’t know Clinton like you do. If ever there was a man of his word, it’s Clinton. He’ll be here.”

  The storm lasted all that night, but, by Sunday, the weather had cleared, and Josie felt optimistic as she sat in the family pew. Now that they were officially engaged, Travis was permitted to sit with the family, though Uncle Carl kept a close eye on the couple. Based on the glances the two of them exchanged, it was clear whatever had transpired in the stable earlier in the week had cleared the air. They were a couple in love and, though she was thrilled for them, Josie couldn’t help wishing Clinton was there, too.

  This week’s sermon was about faith, and she couldn’t help but wonder if her words to Pastor Ellis had had an effect on his choice of topic. Regardless, his words this morning were a balm to her soul, and she set aside her worries and focused on the future.

  The sanctuary had been decorated for Christmas with pine boughs, and the scent filled the small church. She had finished her wedding dress Saturday afternoon then modeled it for Millie and Aunt Joyce, both of whom declared it to be the most beautiful dress they had ever seen.

  Deep in her heart, she knew it was only a matter of time before Clinton returned home. Maybe next Sunday he would be joining them in the family pew. Her mind had wandered to happy thoughts of her reunion with Clinton when Aunt Joyce elbowed her to refocus her attention on Pastor Ellis.

  “I now publish the banns of marriage between Josie Lawson and Clinton Ramsey of Juniper Junction. If anyone knows of any cause or impediment to their marriage, speak now. This is the first reading of this request.”

  Josie’s face flushed hot, and her pulse pounded. She’d never had her name announced in church, and hearing the words declaring she and Clinton were to be married filled her with awe. She really was going to be married. And soon. She smiled and held her head high.

  “Clinton Ramsey? Ain’t he missing?” a little boy’s voice carried through the entire church, and Josie’s face went from hot to cold.

  The boy’s mother shushed him, but the words had been spoken and heard by everyone in town. Pastor Ellis cleared his throat and then continued with the service.

  Later, on their way out of church, it seemed that no one wanted to make eye contact with her, although she caught several people whispering behind their hands while looking at her, like that made it any less obvious.

  She touched the star necklace around her neck. Oh, Clinton, where are you?

  Chapter 9

  Twice more the banns were read in church. Still no Clinton. At least, after the first reading, Josie knew what to expect and had braced herself when the announcement was made. Although there were no additional outbursts, by the final reading, Josie’s nerves were raw. The whispers around town had increased. More than anything, she hated the pitying looks people gave her. Like she was the village fool.

  It was three days until Christmas—and her wedding. The general store bustled with people picking up Christmas gifts. Aunt Joyce, as well as Millie and Josie when they had time, had been baking like crazy. The whole general store smelled of gingerbread.

  Usually, Christmas was Josie’s favorite holiday, and she could hardly wait until it was time to start the baking and decorating that signified the beginning of the most wonderful time
of the year. But this year, with Clinton out there somewhere—she refused to use the M word—missing—she just couldn’t find the same joy she had every other year.

  Though she went through the motions and smiled and did her best to appear cheerful and full of holiday spirit, she knew her worry brought a pall over the general store and even extended to some customers.

  This morning, it had gotten so bad, Aunt Joyce suggested Josie stay in the kitchen and tend to the baking rather than waiting on customers.

  As Christmas drew nearer, the whole town took on a festive feel. People snuck into the general store to pick up gifts they’d ordered weeks before. Though she had finished all the dresses she’d promised for holiday parties, Josie kept herself busy by making small purses and hair bands that had proven popular with customers.

  She’d set aside a tidy sum over the past few weeks. If only Clinton would return, the little house would be theirs.

  In addition to her worries about her beloved, she hated the idea of missing out on the house. Josie refused to consider the possibility that Clinton would never return, though she had begun to believe—much to her annoyance—that Miss Ryan might be correct. If the pass was snowed shut, Clinton might not return to Juniper Junction until spring.

  Oh lord. How would she ever survive that long not knowing his fate?

  Where could he be? Was he safe and warm?

  Her nightmares about him had continued, and even Uncle Carl had looked at her with concern, asking about the dark circles under her eyes.

  Josie was falling apart at the seams.

  There was still the matter of the food for her wedding celebration. Nothing fancy, at least a cake and some hot beverages for folks after the ceremony. Neither Aunt Joyce nor Millie had mentioned those tasks. Josie knew they didn’t wish to upset her. Besides, though it had been a prosperous few months at the general store, there was no point in wasting money on all that frippery, as nasty Miss Ryan would say, if there would be no wedding.


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