Mercury Rising 11 - Meet Me at Sunrise

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Mercury Rising 11 - Meet Me at Sunrise Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  Lucian chuckled as his fingers rubbed over Colton’s ass. “You want that, too, don’t you?”

  A shudder tore through Colton. He wanted to feel Lucian inside him badly. It was all he could think about, all he wanted. “Make love to me.”

  He no longer cared if Lucian was a vampire. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the feel of Lucian’s hands, his kiss, and his touch. Colton burned for it. He twisted his body closer, feeling his canines elongating.

  Lucian lifted his head and gazed at Colton as if he was the most beautiful creature on earth. “I want you to bite me. I want to feel your teeth sinking into me as I fuck you.”

  Lucian rolled, placing Colton beneath his powerful body. The man’s hands were everywhere, caressing, touching, and learning every inch of him. Colton cried out when Lucian swallowed his cock. Spirals of sensation crashed through him, making his body shake as his fingers clutched into Lucian’s hair.

  Colton writhed, riding the waves of pleasure. He spread his legs farther apart. The man devoured him as Colton thrashed his head back and forth.

  And then a wet finger slid inside Colton’s ass. Pleasure centered in his very core, convulsing through his body as he teetered close to the edge. The pressure was building inside him, making his body jerk as Lucian inserted another finger.

  Lucian’s tongue was pure sensation, causing Colton’s body to arch as he fought to get closer to the incredible pleasure.

  A hard growl tore from Lucian’s lips. His fingers thrust deeper into Colton’s ass, scissoring, stretching him.

  And then Colton shattered. His body convulsed as Lucian drank him down. The man devoured him before he reared back and then drove his cock deep inside Colton’s body.

  Colton cried out. His fingers dug into Lucian’s flesh as his pleasure turned to pain.

  “I’ve waited too long for this,” Lucian said as he settled his body over Colton’s. “You will become mine tonight.”

  Colton felt something slippery at his backside and then turned his head to see a bottle of lube on the bed. He had been so lost that he hadn’t even realized what Lucian had been doing. But he fought to accommodate the man’s sheer size, panting, gritting his teeth.

  “You can take me,” Lucian whispered as his lips trailed down Colton’s neck.

  The vampire started to move his hips, and Colton’s world began to once again fall apart. Lucian lifted his head, and his red eyes were filled with hunger as he stared into Colton’s eyes.

  Colton became lost in the gaze.

  “Your body is like pure ecstasy.” Lucian’s voice was a hoarse rasp.

  Colton wrapped his legs around Lucian’s waist and lifted his ass higher. Lucian gave a low growl as his thrusts became more demanding.

  Raw need raced through Colton’s body, tightening through his balls, and tore across his nerve endings as he fought not to come. He’d already had one orgasm, and he knew another would wipe him out. He didn’t want this to end.

  “Look.” Lucian’s eyes lowered, and Colton’s gaze followed. His breath came out in a gasp as he watched Lucian’s cock slide in and out of him. “So beautiful,” Lucian said. “This could never be wrong.”

  Colton’s hand slid down Lucian’s shoulder and around his mate’s biceps. He luxuriated in touching Lucian. His mate. The man was right. Something this beautiful couldn’t be wrong.

  Heat surged inside him, built around him. Colton knew that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back. Lucian’s thrusts deepened, and white-hot, blinding pleasure exploded inside Colton as he arched hard against his mate.

  “Son of a bitch,” Lucian shouted before his fangs sank into Colton’s neck. The bite was forceful, making Colton scream out. He scented blood in the air, and his wolf howled at being claimed.

  Colton forgot about Lucian’s demand. He forgot about biting his mate, forgot about everything except the sensations bursting through him. He felt something snap into place and knew it was their bond connecting them on the deepest level.

  Lucian lifted his head and licked the wound closed. Colton saw sweat dripping down the vampire’s face as he buried his cock inside Colton to the hilt. Colton collapsed against the bed, his legs falling from Lucian’s sides.

  He was exhausted.

  “Mine,” Lucian murmured as he kissed Colton shoulder.

  Easing his cock free, Lucian stretched out and then stroked his hand down Colton’s side. “Will you stay the night?”

  Colton couldn’t stop the smile from surfacing. He rolled and then curled into his mate’s side. “I need about eight hours of sleep.”

  He was amazed at how right he felt in Lucian’s arms. Colton no longer wanted to run, no longer wanted to keep his mates at arm’s length. God, he’d missed having sex, and Lucian had just blown his mind.

  Dipping his head, Lucian placed a kiss over each of Colton’s eyelids. “Sleep for as long as you need, my love.”

  Colton had no problem following his mate’s request. He was bone-weary and mentally exhausted, as well. He closed his eyes and smiled to himself as he felt the heat of Lucian’s body surrounding him.

  He still had two more mates to contend with, but as long as they came at him one at a time, Colton was ready for them.

  * * * *

  Something was off. Way off. Corbin looked around the club at the partygoers, trying to pinpoint his uneasiness.

  Ominous. Dark. Dangerous. Those words whispered through Corbin’s mind as he slid from the stool at the bar and moved through the throng of dancers. He tried to sift through the smells, but there were too many lingering through the club.

  “What’s wrong?” Antonio asked as he appeared at Corbin’s side.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “That’s so creepy,” a guy said as he turned to face them. “You’re twins, right? You have to be because you’re exact replicas of each other.” He smiled as he brushed his sandy-blond hair from his eyes. “That’s sexy, too.” He gave Corbin a heated gaze before looking at Antonio. “I’ve never been with twins before.”

  “And you’re not starting now.” Corbin walked farther away, only to notice Antonio talking with the guy. His brother had a smile on his face, no doubt letting the human down easy. Before finding Colton, Antonio would’ve had the human in the bathroom by now, fucking his brains out. Antonio had always been a horndog and was surprised he hadn’t closed the deal on Colton when they’d first met him.

  But Colton was a hard nut to crack. He was too damn proud and stubborn for his own good. Didn’t the wolf know he would want for nothing if he just gave in and took his rightful place?

  “Colton better give up some ass soon,” Antonio said when he rejoined Corbin. “I’m getting sick and tired of turning hot guys down, and my hand only gets me so far.”

  Corbin grimaced. “You could’ve kept that information to yourself.”

  Antonio waved his hand in front of him. “Shake my hand.”

  “I’ll shake your neck if you don’t stop fucking with me.” He glared at Antonio before something caught Corbin’s attention. He stilled, unmoving as he stared at the man toward the back of the club. The stranger was of average height and average looks. There was nothing about him that would make him stand out, but he was the one who gave Corbin that uneasy feeling. He was sure of it.

  “I feel it, too,” Antonio said.

  “Feel what?”

  It wasn’t easy to catch Corbin off guard, but the sound of Colton’s voice made him jerk as he spun to face the wolf. Corbin crinkled his nose before he sniffed at his mate. “You smell like you bathed in Lucian’s scent.”

  Antonio sniffed at Colton and frowned. “Seriously? You could have picked me to have sex with instead of Lucian. My balls are so blue they’re ready to shrivel up and fall off.”

  A fine blush spanned across Colton’s cheeks. “What were you two talking about?”

  “Having sex,” Antonio said.

  “With each other?” Colton crinkled his nose. “That’s a disturbing—”
r />   “No,” Corbin said. “With you.”

  When he turned his attention back to the stranger, the guy was gone. Corbin looked around, but he didn’t see him anywhere, and the uneasy feeling faded.

  Antonio moved in closer, sliding a hand around Colton’s waist. “Ready for round two?”

  Before Colton could answer him, Antonio captured their mate’s lips, pulling Colton to his body as he devoured him on the dance floor. Corbin couldn’t stop his hands from moving over Colton’s body. It had been too long since he’d had sex, and he feared his brain cells would start frying if he didn’t get his cock buried in the wolf’s ass.

  One minute they stood in the thick crowd, and the next, he and Antonio had Colton downstairs and in Corbin’s bedroom.

  “Lucian already wore me out,” Colton said as Antonio finally let him up for air.

  As soon as their lips parted, Corbin removed Colton’s shirt and tossed it aside. He saw the fang marks Lucian had left behind. The two had bounded on the deepest level, and Corbin wanted that, as well.

  He wanted to bind their souls, to make their mating a permanent thing, and from the way Antonio was attacking Colton’s pants, his brother wanted that, too.

  * * * *

  Ryoto exited the club and joined the other man on the sidewalk. “The triplets are inside.”

  “Are you sure?” Seamus asked. “Kingsley’ll have our asses if we fuck this up.”

  Ryoto glared at the demon. “Don’t fucking question me. I saw them, so yes, I’m sure.”

  It had been the Veneto brothers who’d had a hand in imprisoning the two. Ryoto had been planning his vengeance for decades, and now he stood outside their precious club, unsure if he should be pissed or glad that Corbin and Antonio hadn’t recognized him. How could they destroy his life and not remember who he was?

  The side of Seamus’s mouth curled into a wicked smile. “Then let the fun begin.”

  Chapter Six

  A shudder ran up Colton’s spine as Corbin and Antonio touched and kissed him. He started to tell them he wasn’t dealing with two men at a time, but he couldn’t get the words past his lips. Not when Corbin was consuming them.

  With two men playing with his body, Colton knew he was spouting unintelligible words, and he didn’t care. He’d had sex with Lucian not three hours ago, and now he was ready to bend over and ask one or both of these vampires to take him, to claim him as theirs.

  He wasn’t sure where all this need was coming from. Colton should’ve been satisfied after being with Lucian, but even though Lucian had been a great lover, Colton craved more.

  His body grew tight as his wolf slid closer to the surface, taking all this in, whimpering for one of the vampires to do something, anything to relieve the ache that started in his stomach and spanned outward.

  Colton stood perfectly still in the middle of the room as his mates stripped him naked. His cock jutted from between his legs, heavy and throbbing. God, why weren’t they moving fast enough? Why were they taking their time when Colton was already so close that he had to close his eyes and take in deep and steady breaths?

  Colton’s legs shook when Corbin lowered himself to his knees and took his cock between those plump, masterful lips. He palmed Colton’s sac and gave a slight tug as Antonio kissed along Colton’s bare shoulder, his hands cupping Colton’s ass.

  Air sucked between his teeth as he ground his molars, the sensations whipping through him like a storm. Colton hadn’t been sure about being with more than one man at a time, but he was quickly changing his mind. He was sandwiched between their hard bodies, or had been until Corbin decided he’d wanted to taste Colton.

  But Antonio was still at his back, his fingers probing closer and closer to Colton’s hole as his lips glided over Colton’s bare skin. He slid his hands through Corbin’s shoulder-length hair, tugging at the strands as the vampire brought him closer and closer to his release.

  He was already teetering on the edge when Antonio slid two wet fingers into his ass.

  Gritting his teeth, Colton came down Corbin’s throat, grunting out his pleasure as he punched his hips forward. Antonio kept his fingers buried deep in Colton’s ass, nipping at his neck as Corbin licked every last drop of cum from his dick.

  Colton was unstable on his feet as Antonio guided him toward the bed. “Do you know how gorgeous you are when you come?” Antonio whispered into his ear. “I want to see that look again.”

  “You guys are out to drain me dry,” Colton panted.

  “In a good way.” Antonio smirked as he removed his fingers and turned Colton and then shoved him toward the bed.

  Colton landed with a bounce. The bed was soft as hell, and why was he thinking about that right now?

  Nerves. Both men converged on him, and Colton’s thoughts scattered. They looked at him with predatory eyes, as though he was the main course and they couldn’t wait to consume him.

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment?” Antonio stood next to the bed and undressed. His body was a lot firmer, more muscled than Lucian’s. Whereas Lucian had a flat, firm stomach, Antonio’s was ripped, showing off his six-pack and the sexy V of his midsection. His long, thick cock sprang free, and Colton’s mouth watered for a taste.

  He flipped to his hands and knees and crawled across the bed, lapping at the beads of pre-cum.

  “Yes,” Antonio moaned. He carded his fingers through Colton’s hair as he thrust his cock in and out of Colton’s mouth. “Take it all, love.”

  And Colton did. Every last inch. He buried his nose in the nest of curls between Antonio’s legs as he opened his throat and swallowed his mate to the root.

  “He’s so damn beautiful,” Corbin said from behind him. He skimmed his hands over Colton’s ass. “Let’s see how well he can talk while he sucks your cock and I fuck his gorgeous ass.”

  Colton nearly choked on Antonio’s cock. He pulled back and then looked over his shoulder, glaring at Corbin. “Stop talking trash and get on with it.”

  Needy much? Colton had turned into a complete slut, and he couldn’t have cared less. He wanted his mates to ravish his body, to send him into heaven as they took their pleasure from him. He wanted to roll around naked with these two sexy beasts as they made him come over and over again.

  Corbin slapped one of Colton’s ass cheeks. “Don’t rush me.”

  Ignoring Corbin’s playful grin, Colton turned back around and took Antonio back into his mouth, savoring his taste as he moaned, sending vibrations down the vampire’s length.

  Antonio hissed and thrust faster but then slowed, moving his cock in and out of Colton’s mouth at a leisurely pace. “Don’t want to come too soon.”

  Colton shuddered when Corbin raked his nails down his spine. The sensation sent waves of tiny electric fingers through his body, making goose bumps surface on his skin. He bowed his back and stuck his ass higher into the air, praying Corbin took the damn hint.

  When the tip of his cock touched Colton’s hole, Colton shuddered, sucking Antonio’s dick with a little more enthusiasm.

  “Fuck him already,” Antonio snarled. “The more he gets excited, the better he sucks dick.”

  “Good tidbit to know,” Corbin teased.

  Colton started to pull away so he could give Corbin an earful, but the vampire plunged his cock deep, leaving Colton breathless. For a moment he forgot all about Antonio. Colton had become one raw nerve as his mate thrust into him.

  Even if Colton had been apprehensive about being with more than one guy, they were triplets, and it felt as though the same man could be in more than one place at a time.

  Antonio tapped his cock against Colton’s lips. “Open up, love.”

  Colton swallowed Antonio as Corbin thrust hard and deep, gentleness out the window, and Colton loved the roughness. He did fear that Corbin would use his inhuman speed and turn the pleasurable experience into something painful, but he kept at a normal humanly pace.

  Antonio was first to explode with his orgasm. He c
ried out Colton’s name as his punched his hips faster, grabbing Colton’s hair as his seed washed down Colton’s throat.

  Before Colton knew what Antonio planned to do, the vampire dropped to his knees and sank his fangs into Colton’s neck, drawing deep drafts of blood as Corbin moved faster, his fingers digging into Colton’s hips.

  When Antonio pulled away, Corbin attacked, penetrating Colton’s jugular with his sharp teeth. It all became too much, too fast. Colton’s balls drew up tight as his orgasm swept him under. He shuddered and rocked as he felt Corbin’s cock pulsing deep inside him.

  Colton. Was. Done. He didn’t have the energy to do a damn thing except fall on the bed and close his eyes. He was wiped out from having so much sex, and his damn ass hurt. But there was no mistaking the bond he felt snap into place.

  Shifters didn’t know who their mate was until they had sex with them. Vampires knew right away. Colton had taken their word for it, and now he saw the Veneto brothers had been telling the truth.

  And if they hadn’t been? Would Colton have refused to ever have sex with them again? He wasn’t sure and, at the moment, didn’t care. Even his brain was too exhausted to contemplate the question. He just wanted to sleep.

  But the languid feeling he was basking in was short-lived because Lucian swung the door open and stepped into the room. Why on earth did Colton have an urge to cover himself and explain to Lucian what was going on? Even though one look at them said it all.

  “I don’t think he can handle another round,” Antonio said as he slipped onto the bed and began to pet Colton’s back. “We tuckered him out.”

  Lucian’s gaze landed on Colton, and why did the bastard look so smug? “That’s not why I’m here.” Lucian looked over his shoulder and then back at them, raw anger blazing in his eyes. “We need to get out of here fast.”

  Colton got up as Lucian zipped around the room and gathered their clothes, tossing them at Colton, Corbin, and Antonio.


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