Love Hope and Tears

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Love Hope and Tears Page 1

by David Papa-Adams

pe and Tears


  David Papa-Adams 2014 © all rights reserved


  I would like to thank my good friends Lawrence Bolton, Adam Alexander Papa-Adams and Dan Thairs for their encouragement, support and belief. I would also like to say a huge thank you to all those that are willing to believe that anything is possible.

  Copyright 2014 (C) David Pap-Adams all rights reserved

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  Table of Contents

  1. An Angels Voice for Louise.

  2. A Love without Conditions for Charlene.

  3. Mr. Sheens Rib.

  4. Descending To The Pit.

  5. Island Home.

  6. Thank you Jesus.

  7. Conspiracy Theory or Bust.

  8. Bang Went the Drum.

  9. Love?

  10. Good To Go?

  11. What a Lump.

  12. Holocaust - Into the Dark

  13. Prey Regress.

  14. Shadows we shall be.

  15. Love will never die.

  16. Spirit Ties.

  17. My Distant Horizon.

  18. Hatism.

  19. To be Alone.

  20. Less and Less.

  21. Thunder.

  22. I did not know.

  23. Alexander The Average.

  24. Melville the friendly Leech.

  25. Bigger Tree.

  26. Drifting.

  27. Blind Date.

  28. If Brave you be.

  An Angels Voice for Louise

  I am there

  Don’t despair for I am there

  From every corner of your room

  From distant sun to distant moon

  When times of trouble come too soon

  I am there

  And in every cavern deep

  In dreams when little children sleep

  And all the secrets that you keep

  I am there

  And when ever you feel alone

  Or feel that you can’t turn home

  Thinking that you’re on your own

  I am there

  From covered mountains that touch the sky

  To places where only eagles fly

  To every question where you ask why?

  I am there

  And I don’t mean to trivialize

  And look upon you with selfish eyes

  Or come to you in some hidden guise

  When saying I am there

  And though stories mention me

  And I am beyond what mortal man can see

  And though you believe with difficulty

  I am there

  And in this world of material labels

  Where I am spoken of only in fables

  To believe in love is to believe in Angels

  So don’t despair Louise for I am there

  David Papa-Adams © 2008 All rights reserved

  A Love without Conditions

  For Charlene

  What is Love without Conditions

  It is floating without a hoist

  Watching parents of a new born baby rejoice

  It is a hope without an end

  A candles flame that will not descend

  It is a breath of sweet innocence

  It is a time that does not pass

  A moment of magic that will last

  It is all the positive energy in the world

  It is every truth that love can build

  It will keep you secure

  It is a love that will endure

  It is a faith that cannot be seen

  The fulfilment of every dream

  It is being interned whilst being free

  A tsunami of sweet liberty

  It is all the hot summers there have been

  the bluest sky you've ever seen

  It is the cure for every ill

  The ultimate adrenalin thrill

  It is all the wisdom that can be found

  It is a spell that will astound

  It is a heavenly belief

  It is loves great relief

  It is the acceptance of being fulfilled

  It is a beauty never to be concealed

  It is the stars that light up the night

  It makes the sun burn so bright

  It is a love freely given

  And not by expectations driven

  It is the being of your soul

  And in life it is the ultimate goal

  David Papa-Adams © 2008 All rights reserved

  Mr. Sheens Rib

  Mr. Sheens Rib

  At number forty-two

  Hanging by a jib

  Surely it can’t be true

  Is it sweet or sour?

  The loss of a good friend

  It's been almost an hour

  Since he came to an end

  I saw him run around

  In his little pen

  Seemed so safe and sound

  My tiny loving gem

  Now the pen’s empty

  Oh what can it mean?

  Did something tempt me?

  To eat my Mr. Sheen

  There's the great creator

  The one they call chef

  He was the instigator

  Now there’s nothing left

  So now I’m all alone

  As time passes by

  My stomach doesn’t moan

  But I’m left here to cry

  So if you’re ever tempted

  To have a pet so sweet

  Remember this story's fermented

  By a friend that became a treat

  David Papa-Adams © 2008 All rights reserved

  Descending to the Pit

  Whence began this end of days?

  Before life had such simple plays

  And people had forgiving ways

  And no one turned to wish you ill

  Hoping you'd eat some toxic pill

  Of destruction and despair

  Is that what people truly share?

  Remember when time to kill

  Was thankfully foreign still

  So was there such a place?

  Where man wore a friendly face

  Humanity had a sort of grace

  Now such thoughts are strange

  Like concerns for climate change?

  Or has Iran got the bomb?

  As if no others doing wrong

  And we’re all tied to little lives

  And if for love one often strives

  Why do many choose to hate?

  Have we descended to a state?

  Where devils move in disguise

  And hate seems on the rise

  In this world where alls insane

  Love would appear quite tame

  So are our Poles now reversed?

  As man seems eternally cursed

  Within cycles of pain and hurt

  It’s as if Loves strangely inert

  So why then call God out?

  If you hate what Gods about

  Blaming God, saying Gods not there

  Then blaming God, should God care

  When Judges call children to account

  A fearful rage all choose to mount

  It as if no one seeks the truth

  All react to impoverished youth

  And years of condemnat

  Leads to social deprivation

  Are you all so raging Proud?

  Not to lift that heavy shroud

  Men in cages need a mentor

  In a Human Recovery Centre

  So have we descended to the pit?

  Where everyone has an insanity fit

  And people talk of broken Britain

  As if her destinies already written

  Have we reached the final score?

  Where players can perform no more

  Weights carried on their shoulders

  Why heap on such heavy boulders

  Crying out that life’s a burden

  Pulling down the final curtain

  So is this it the end of days?

  A supernovas dieing rays

  Or will it end with a whimper?

  More suited to a listless thinker

  Myself I simply locked the door

  Rejected by those I knew before

  Though others say it's deserved

  'You did shout Love's the word'

  So are you not all responsible?

  That anyone good is made a fool

  As people find fault in others

  Instead of choosing to be lovers

  For no one really has a dark side

  Just shadows where memories hide

  And if love truly has no meaning

  Why are so many daydreaming

  So when did things get so bad?

  To make this world appear so sad

  That Vulnerables are locked away

  But it's not enough I hear you say

  So let's all prey on the weak

  Those with no words to speak

  Burn them all at the stake

  Dunk them in a freezing lake

  Blast them all to the moon

  Seal them in a padded room

  Applauding all shameful actions

  Being glad for their distractions

  And who cares about their lives?

  Self harmers with blunted knives

  Nor how desperate people be

  Because that’s not your reality

  And if Celebrities are divine

  Then this is the end of time

  So when the earth does shake

  People in their beds quake

  Others fight to set men free

  Tsunamis hurtle across the sea

  Some find naught to eat

  Fear seems to reign complete

  Each must make a stand

  Hold Loves open hand

  Or to you, is it calloused and raw?

  Something distasteful to ignore

  Then I’d be right after all

  Your Poles are reversed,

  And your thinking’s small.

  David Papa-Adams © 2010 All rights reserved

  Island home

  If I could I’d be alone

  On some Island home

  Far from hateful voices

  Hateful words,

  Hateful choices

  I’d lie in the shadows

  Of sun soaked hallows

  Staring out to sea

  No one would have at me

  As the years past by

  Others ask did he die

  In that world far outside

  That ignores its spirit guide

  Where people question not

  The lives they’ve got

  They’ve built some façade

  Some uncaring charade

  A cold marbled stone

  Claiming that’s my home

  They won't find me there

  In some cold cloth to wear

  For I’m in a better place

  Where hate has no face


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