natural sight
So Bigger Tree holds all sway
None have seen the light of day
Until Monkeys climbed so high
To touch the living breathing sky
And as they all began to rise
To reach their precious lofty prize
Each one became regular louts
Beating chests enraged shouts
Blinded by where they must go
They cannot see what others know
That Bigger Tree is well designed
With limbs to catch, hold and bind
Strange to see at each branch
Monkeys weave do a dance
So as to swing up to the next
Makes me feel quite perplexed
That they decide to have it so
The desire to move row on row
Knocking others off their perch
Leaving them in the lurch
It seems that you have no friends
Up there where Bigger Tree Ends
It’s monkey see and monkey do
But if the truth they really knew
Surely they'd choose to change
Wander across a wider range
And not remain so confined
Within borders of the mind
But Bigger Tree is so old
I wonder when it took hold
Why no one ever hacked at it
Gnawed at its bark bit by bit
Will these monkeys find a home
Far from where Bigger Tree's grown
Or will they live off its leaves
Which turns them all into thieves
And if a woodcutter came along
With an axe big and strong
To cut down that Bigger Tree
Would it set those monkeys free?
Or as it falls would they cling on
Never knowing what went wrong
And all plunge to their doom
Instead of escaping that hapless tomb
David Papa-Adams © 2012 all rights reserved
So remember folks Bigger Tree is just for Monkeys.
I have roamed rolling hills
Seen horizons crowned gold
Gazed at pearls on daffodils
That shone on distant yellow mills
I would watch the sun set
Never hope to feel regret
Have the moon grace my face
Watch starlight blossom in that place
I would touch heaven's gate
Rise above a mortal state
Become the universe and more
Drift where eagles glide and soar
I would cast aside worldly woes
The seed of anguish that oft grows
And all the darkness of the night
Shall be driven from my sight
I would ask you join with me
Build a world set others free
Live a dream that all should know
Find a home where love can grow
David Papa-Adams (C) all rights reserved 2014
Blind Date
So I said let’s set a date
I named the place a time not late
I wondered at what I might see
Could she have been sixty three?
So I thought I’d play the fool
She might think that’s rather cool
But then again she might know
The real me forgot to show
So here I’m waiting in a pose
For that lady with a rose
But a rose has thorns too
She spied me and ran to the loo
Then across the floor out the door
I’m sure this has happened before
Down the stairs out the back
Falling over a single clothes rack
And before I knew what's going on
The memory of her had already gone
So here I stand all in daze
Scratching my head feeling quite fazed
This means with the evening sunk
I'd better forget better get drunk
We passed like ships in the night
Then something creepy gave her a fright
So you see she’s the fastest one yet
Sadly my friends' one more to forget
The moral of this story is on a blind date
Make sure she’s blind before it’s too late
David Papa-Adams (C) 2002
All rights reserved
If Brave you be
And if someone says brave you be
You gave courage set men free
Held fear caged and tamed
Discarded pasts when they stained
That you chose to help the weak
The destitute who could not speak
And rose above jealous greed
Fought against pernicious deed
Drove away all hidden pains
That held many heavy chains
And if life deals a heavy blow
Hate and falsehood lay you low
Walk with your head held high
Question willingly every lie
Should time ever test your heart
Stand nobly, play your part
And if others say go to war
Ask them what it is all for
And should people lay you down
Place upon you a sordid crown
Be resolved to ignore
All the hate they adore
Cling with hope to the light
Never fear what's in the night
And if they make you seem a fool
Weather storms that are cruel
Rise above all ill contempt
Calm the torrent that's been sent
And if their malice wells inside
Forgive that unforgiving bride
These are curses of the blind
To burden what is an upright mind
And if their methods often burn
Showing that they never learn
And if their acts of brutal hate
Bring to you a wretched state
And whisperings reach your ear
Condemn you to an age of fear
They've no right to play the judge
To carry such a hateful grudge
And if your character they inspect
It is not theirs to correct
So remember that you're strong
Whatever evil does you wrong
They cannot take the heart of you
If the greater part remains true
For love will condemn you not
Forgives what is not forgot
Carries you through bitter trial
Walks with you every mile
Beware tales you've been told
And before time makes you old
Don't miss life but freely dream
Don't live by what might have been
And if by someone's tender grasp
Love takes your hand holds it fast
Then count yourself a king of men
That when put upon you rose again
David Papa-Adams © 2012 all rights reserved
Love Hope and Tears Page 5