Military Romance Collection

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Military Romance Collection Page 90

by E Cleveland

  I jump to my feet and walk over to his side. Throwing my arms around him, I know I’m probably making my old man uncomfortable. Big hugs were never our thing. He’s about to get even more uncomfortable though, as Cameron joins me in giving our elderly father a big bear hug.

  “Of course, I forgive you,” my brother whispers.

  “It’s water under the bridge, Dad,” I agree. I give him a squeeze and then let him go.

  Dad looks up at us, his two little boys are all grown up now. Both of us towering over him.

  “I love you boys, and I couldn’t be more proud of you both.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” I push down the growing lump in my throat, surprised by how much those words mean to me. How much I needed to hear them from him. “I love you too.” I answer.

  It’s incredible to think of my father being a young man with a dream to play music. It’s hard to imagine him forging a path that was never truly his. I’ve been uncertain about what I’m going to do after my own military career comes to a close. I might not have all the answers, but I know one thing, as long as I have the love and support of my family, I look from my big brother’s face to my father’s and smile, I can do anything.



  “So much for a quaint wedding,” I look around the ballroom at the crowd of ridiculously built guys dressed in tuxes and suits.

  “I think it’s nice that Cameron’s new teammates are here, it’s a show of solidarity, right” Holly’s beautiful blue eyes shine with happiness.

  I’m not sure about what exactly happened between her and her parents, but I’ve never seen her so relaxed. She has always been gorgeous, but tonight in her deep green dress and with new life breathed into her, she’s radiant. She looks like a princess from all of those fairy tales. If those princesses were innocent, sweet girls by day and wild vixens by night.

  “Of course, you’re right,” I take a page from my brother’s playbook about not arguing with your woman. I mean, sure Holly isn’t pregnant or my fiancée, but that doesn’t mean I can’t fix both of those things. I let my eyes travel over her milky skin, savoring her low-cut dress. It isn’t often I get to see her all dolled up, it’s not like there were a lot of opportunities to put on our Sunday finest in rehab. I might just need to start upping my game, taking her out to some high society events, or at least crashing them. If it means I get to see her looking like this, then it’s worth it.

  Not that I mind seeing her any way. In sweats, cuddled up to me on the couch. Naked, with my throbbing cock between her fat lips. I groan and stir in my seat, trying to adjust for the unexpected, immediate effect that image had on my body.

  God damn. I’m away from her for one night and I’m practically a horny teenager.

  She’s amazing.

  “How about we dance?” She looks at me in a way that could convince me anything she’s saying is worth doing. She could be asking me to run naked through an angry swarm of bees and I’d be stripping down without thought.

  Dancing isn’t the way I used to pick up the ladies. To say it’s not my strong suit is a tragic understatement. Yet, I find myself pulling out her chair and offering her my arm as we make our way to the dance floor together. I’m not here to pick up ladies, I’m here to make the love of my life happy. Who cares if I can’t dance? It’s not about that.

  The band is in the middle of playing another ‘oldie but goodie’ from God-knows-what era. I’m not certain, but I think any song that mentions ‘the twist’ is really more appropriate for a senior center’s annual New Year’s bash than a modern wedding. But what do I know?

  “I’m not sure you can handle my sweet moves, I mean, I’m not a professional dancer or anything, but you might find it hard to keep up,” I tease her.

  I lift my arms and try not to look like one of those inflatable tube-man balloons you see at car dealerships flailing about the discounted vehicles with my moves. From the look on Holly’s face, I’m pretty sure I’m failing. Hard.

  “Have you ever thought of doing Dancing with the Stars? I think they might just give it to you based on your audition alone,” she laughs. I love her laugh, the music of it lifts my heart.

  Thankfully, the song ends without me knocking Holly over or stepping on her white heels. We wait for the band to delve into the next song, but I stop in my tracks and stare at the stage as my father walks across it and whispers into the lead singer’s ear.

  What is he doing?

  Dad and the man talk, nodding their heads and clearly coming to some kind of agreement. Then, the band puts down their instruments and leaves my father front and center.

  I search the dance floor for Cameron. He’s standing a few feet away from the stage with his brand-new wife on his arm, giving our father the same perplexed stare that I can feel pasted on my own face.

  My father picks up one of the acoustic guitars the band left behind and makes his way to the mic. Now, this should be interesting. I can’t look away. I can’t blink. I don’t want to miss whatever this is that’s unfolding in front of my brother’s wedding reception.

  Dad leans into the mic too far and it sounds like thunder when he clears his throat. Ok, maybe I don’t want to watch this. It’s starting out like a train wreck. I search the room, pleading with my maker that no one is recording this on their phones. If my father is going to go down in flames, at least let him do it without it living forever on YouTube.

  “Ahem,” he clears his throat again, a look I’ve never seen is frozen on my father’s face. He looks afraid. “I, uh, well, I asked the band if I could play a song and they graciously agreed,” Dad holds up his hand to the retired band members sitting off to the side and the crowd claps uncertainly.

  “What’s he doing?” Holly whispers to me and I suddenly remember that she’s standing next to me. I’ve been so focused on what is unfolding on the stage that the room around me almost disappeared.

  “I couldn’t tell ya,” I answer with a shrug, never taking my eyes off of him.

  “As you all know, my son Cameron married his beautiful bride, Chelsea today. Your mother and I couldn’t be happier for you, Son. We couldn’t have dreamed of a better daughter-in-law to welcome into our family,” Dad looks down at my brother, smiling. “And God willing, perhaps we’ll add another soon enough.” My father gives me a little wink. Normally, I’d feel awkward with the public pressure. Tonight, I just return his relaxed smile. The old man and I haven’t agreed on much over the years, but this is one time we see eye-to-eye.

  “Aww, that’s sweet,” Holly rests her head on my shoulder softly and our fingers weave together as we listen.

  “So, I wanted to come up here and give you guys a gift from the heart. I haven’t sung publicly in over forty years, but I felt like this was the perfect special occasion to come out of hiding. This song is an old one, it’s called ‘Father and Son’ by the artist known as Cat Stevens. He’s since changed his name, but the meaning of this song never did. It’s actually for both of my boys. Cameron, Jake, this one is for you,” Dad looks down at the guitar in his hands and begins to strum the slow tune and the couples surge together on the dance floor.

  I pull Holly into me, she leans her head against my chest and closes her eyes with a smile as we move in lazy circles around the dance floor.

  I lean down and kiss Holly on her forehead, letting the moment wash over me. Letting myself feel it for once. Letting my emotions drown all the pain, the cynicism, the history. “Holly?” I murmur.

  Dad’s voice is rich and overflowing with emotions as he belts out the words that must speak to him like they were written for the sole purpose of him singing them.

  A lump grows in my throat as I listen to my father sing the lyrics. His passion bleeds into every line, like he can finally express the lessons he’s always wanted to teach us, but only through this song.

  “I love you,” my voice cracks and I pull her close.

  “I love you too,” she whispers.

  We dance, listening to my
father finally tell his sons the hopes and dreams he has for us. With the woman I never deserved dancing on the floor with me, I close my eyes, enjoying what feels like a dream. A dream that I never want to wake up from. This. Right here. This moment in time, it’s perfect.



  The band has taken over the music once again, and we’re back to swaying along to dated slow songs. Holly grinds her hips against mine, subtly at first, but when she looks up at me I can see from the twinkle in her eyes that she knows what she’s doing.

  “I was thinking,” she purrs at me and my cock throbs instinctively at the desire coating her words, “maybe you and I should get out of here.” Her painted lips twitch up into a coy smile.

  Fuck, good luck getting all the way back to the hotel when she looks at me like that. I might just have to throw open the back door of the car and bend her over the seat. Maybe I’ll just say the hell with privacy and fuck her out in the open, right on the hood.

  “I think I could be convinced to go,” I force my voice to remain nonchalant, despite how stiff she’s made my cock. She doesn’t need to know how with just a glance, she can reduce me to a hormonal teenaged boy all over again.

  Holly slides her pussy across me, grinding into me without shame. So much for keeping a poker face. Her eyes light up as she feels the hard ridge of my shaft rub against her. “If that’s how you’re gonna play it,” I grab her by the arm and lead her off the dance floor, “let’s go.” I’m not asking. Not that she’s protesting. Her heels are clip-clopping on the floor as she struggles to keep up with my pace.

  We walk out into the main hall and I look around at my options. I’m not taking her to the bathroom, it’s too busy. My eyes glide down the hall and stop. I wordlessly circle my hand around her small wrist and guide her into the empty room.

  The coat room is musty. The racks of unclaimed jackets surround us, reminding me of the forts I used to build with my brother as a child. It was incredible how long we could occupy ourselves with nothing but our imaginations and a blanket draped over a couple of chairs. It’s so warm in here, I feel like stripping off this suit and leaving it in a puddle on the floor. I walk Holly to the back of the room, giving us a little shelter from anyone who might happen to glance in when they pass by.

  I pull Holly into me so tight that you couldn’t slip a sheet of paper between us, her blue eyes grow wide as she realizes my intentions. “We can’t,” she whispers unconvincingly. Her body is telling me a different story, her nipples are hard against her thin dress and her breathing is quick and shallow.

  “Why not?” I smirk down at her.

  “What if we get caught? What will people say?” She looks equally nervous and turned on. Wasn’t she the one who once told me you can’t be scared and horny at the same time? I guess I need to give her a reason to forget her fear.

  “Fuck social graces,” I growl. “I’m going to take you right here, right now.”

  I feel her thighs squeeze together, and the scent of her desire floods my nostrils. I consider tearing her dress from her body, but my better sense kicks in and reminds me that she still needs to leave the coat room once I’m done with her. The thought of fucking her in such a risky, public place has me rock hard.

  Holly bites her bottom lip and looks up at me from under her heavy lashes. My cock throbs with need, begging me to push her to her knees and make her wrap her lips around me. I manage to pry my eyes away and check the room once more to make sure we’re still alone. Hidden behind two sprawling coatracks, we’re well concealed, despite the wide-open door. Pushing her back against the wall, I devour her mouth in a fiery kiss as I push her billowy skirt up her legs and over her hips.

  Holly moans into my mouth, opening her stance a little, allowing me to easily thrust my hand into her soaking panties where my fingers are instantly coated with her nectar. I slide my finger across her eager slit and plunge it inside her quivering pussy, feeling like I might explode as she grips her inside muscles against me. She’s so tight. All of my restraint disappears, and I unstrap my belt, pulling open my pants in a flurry. “Face the wall,” my voice is like gravel across my vocal chords.

  She looks uncertain as she peers over at the door, but I don’t have the patience for second-guessing now. Grabbing her hips firmly in my hands, I flip her in one effortless swoop, pushing her against the wall. She gasps loudly, but doesn’t refuse my advances, instead she pushes her hands against the wall like a criminal about to be patted down by an officer and wiggles her supple ass at me like a cat twitching its tail.

  “That’s my good girl, you’re loving this, aren’t you? Tell me what you want me to do to you,” I demand.

  “I want to feel you,” she begs me, but it’s not enough. After the way she was teasing me, testing me, it’s my turn.

  “Feel me what?” I wrap my hand up in her beautiful curls she did just for the wedding and yank her head back to me.

  “To feel you fuck me, hard,” her voice is strained with desire.

  Pulling my cock from my boxers, I hook my arm around her waist and pull her ass toward me until her back is flat like a tabletop and her eager pussy is waiting for my cock. Grabbing her thong, I twist it in my hand until the elastic and lace give way, exploding across my fist in a painful snap. “Ow! Hey, those were expensive!” She complains, looking over her shoulder back at me.

  “If you keep making a fuss, I’ll have to put them in your mouth,” I growl. Her eyes widen, but she arches her back and grinds her firm ass over my thick cock in approval. I grab a foil packet from my wallet and quickly rip it open with my teeth, my eyes never leaving her round ass. I roll the condom down to the base and sink myself inside her quivering pussy in one long thrust, filling her with my girth as she moans so loud that I’m certain anyone standing within ten feet of the door can hear her.

  I already dropped her snapped thong on the floor, so I can’t make good on my threat to stuff it in her mouth. Instead, I give her ass a sharp slap, and she bears down on my cock as I slide it inside her until my hips thrust against her shapely ass. She moans again, and I cover her mouth with my hand, not because I’m afraid of what people will say if we get caught, but because I’m not willing to have this moment stolen from me by some nosy intruder.

  This time, she grunts much quieter than before. Although her body is telling me what her restricted moaning can’t, she wants it hard. Holding each of her hips like a handle I pull almost all the way out and plunge into her core again and again.

  She twists her ass, pushing back against me every time I bottom out inside her, giving me the deepest access possible to her center. Reaching around her hips, I make quick work of finding her sensitive nub hidden in her mound. I move my finger in little circles, easily sliding with her natural lubricant dripping on my fingertip. Suddenly, she stops moving, her pussy clenches and trembles around my cock, milking it for my seed as she slaps her hand over her own mouth and stifles her growing cries. There’s no mistaking when this woman is cumming, if her body doesn’t tell you loud enough, her muffled screams will.

  My balls tighten as I slam my cock into her faster. With her muscles bearing down on me, she feels as tight as a virgin against my thick girth. A white wave of pure bliss flashes through my body as I cum. When the last tremors stop and I’ve emptied my seed, I lean over her, both of us gasping to catch our breaths.

  I stand up straight and carefully remove the condom, tying it off at the top. I look around the room and see a wastepaper basket and toss it in. Holly composes herself, smoothing her dress back down over her ass. Although, it’s a damned shame that she should cover it. Within a minute, we’re both squared away.

  “You ready to go back out?” I look down at her peaceful smile. If I didn’t know that she was sober, I’d think that she was buzzing pretty good right now. Her cheeks are flush and her eyes are twinkling like she’s just thrown back a couple of glasses of wine.

  “Do you think anyone heard us?” She whispers nervously.
/>   I shrug, “Fuck ‘em. I don’t care about what anyone in this world thinks, besides you,” I admit quietly. Holly’s smile spreads and her shoulders relax as the tension slides out of them.

  “Ok, I’m ready,” she laces her fingers in mine and we head out of the coat room with much less urgency than when we came in.

  Walking out the door, I realize that Holly’s torn thong is still on the floor by the back wall. A smile pulls at my lips as I imagine seeing the janitor’s reaction as he finds them. It’s either something he’s used to discovering after every wedding reception, or it’ll be his lucky day with a find like that. Either way, I don’t care.

  I lean down and softly kiss Holly on her forehead. Every day is my lucky day as long as I have this amazing woman by my side.



  “That was amazing,” Holly looks up at me coyly and I wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her in for a kiss.

  “You’re amazing,” I answer honestly.

  What did I ever do to deserve a woman so warm, so beautiful, and so fucking sexy? I’m not sure that I ever deserved this angel that dropped into my lap, but I’ll do whatever is within my power to keep her there.

  “Are you ready to head out? It’s been a long day,” she tilts her head and her long hair flows down her arm, “I’d kinda like to get back to the hotel room and maybe relax in the tub for a bit,” a sly smile spreads across her face.


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